Forms :: DCount From Two Tables

Dec 7, 2014

In my form, i would like to sum and dispay the values of datas from two different tables.

Table1: MasterTable1
Table2: MasterTable2

I use the below code for one table and its working.

Text15 = DCount("[client]", "[MasterTable1]", "[Confirmed]=Yes and [Assigned]=No")

But i want to sum the same criteria from MAstertable1 & Mastertable2 and display the data.

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Tables :: DCount - Calculate ID For Month And Year From Another Table

Sep 25, 2014

I have a table that displays the year and month and another field that I want to calculate how many id have that month and year from another table.

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Forms :: DCount In Forms To Avoid Duplicate Record

May 31, 2014

How can I prevent duplicate records from being added from a form, the dcount in the text field property, trigged before update is where this should be used is what I know but having trouble with the syntax.

I've got the table tblInvnetoryDetail with InvID(AutoNumber), and SerialNumber. The form text field is txtSerialNumber. I've managed this far with the expression

DCount([InvID],"tblinventoryDetail","[txtSerialNumber]=&"'") but this did not work.

How can I get the expression to avoid duplicates.

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Dcount In Forms For Entries Only..

Aug 4, 2005

Hi All,

basically i'm new to access, i am not a programmer and have been asked (told) to do an access (a few) for our office,

OK what I have is a very very simple database, we add in the post that we post out every day. I have two fields called Postage Paid and Stamp Required. I have used a Dcount to count how many have Postage Paid and how many require a stamp (Stamp Required).

What I want is to add the totals for the day that i enter them, i don't need to store that data, just to tally up the totals for the day i enter them...

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Forms :: DCount Between Dates

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form with a text box "txtSdate" and a text box "txtEdat" and a text box "txttotal". I have a table that is called "Call Logs" and a field in it called "Date" which is shown as mm/dd/yyyy for each record.What i want to do is have "txttotal" display the # of records for the specific date range when the user enters it into "txtSdate" and "txtEdate".

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Forms :: DCount Non-Blank Cells

Apr 12, 2013

I think I read somewhere that DCount will not count blank cells, but when I try to do it - it counts everything.

Here is my formula:
=DCount("[E-Mail]","Detail","Not IsNull([E-Mail])" & " AND [Primary] = [Products]![Product Code]")

Basically, I want to count the number of email addresses in the E-Mail column of my Detail table IF the Primary column (also in the Detail table) equals the product code on my form AND if there is something in the E-Mail column for that line. When I did the above formula - and I've done a bunch of different variations - it keeps counting all lines that match the product code.

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Forms :: Using DCount Function On Subform

May 31, 2015

My mainform is "CourseDays" and subform is "CoursesSubForm". The "CoursesSubForm" data source is a table "Courses" which contains a field "Subject".

I add a calculated field on the mainform to count the number of records in the subform. This is my code:


An error message results.

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Forms :: DCount Function - Getting Count Of 3 Dates When There Is Only One

Nov 9, 2013

DCount function.

Me.ImprovementNotice5DayCount = DCount("[txtReferralReason]", "qryRTOFileReferralPopupCount", "[ComplianceTargetDate]-[DateNow]<=5")

I am not sure where I have gone wrong.

What I would like Dcount to count are those dates in the ComplianceTargetDate form control that are <=5 to the DateNow form control.

I get a count of 3 when there is only one. I may have the syntax of the Dcount wrong.

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Forms :: DCount Function With Combobox Criteria

Oct 7, 2014

I am working with MS Access 2003. I have a form (frmCalendar) with a textbox (tbDay) and a combobox (cmbLineName)

I want to count the number of records based on the criteria from cmbLineName, and show the result in tbDate. Inside the Control Source of tbDate I put in the following:

=DCount("[EncounterID]","tblEncounters","[LineName] = ' " & "Forms![frmCalendar]![cmbLineName] = " ' ")

The problem is that the result in tbDate is always 0; regardless of what is chosen in cmbLineName. I know that the record count should not be 0 for all criteria.

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Forms :: Using Dcount With Combo Box And Date Range?

Jun 13, 2014

I would like to have a text box display the number of records for a selected title that fall within a selected date range. Been looking around for a while and have this so far;

=DCount("Discussion_Title","Discussions","[Discussion_Title]='" & [cboType] & "' And [Discussion_Date] = Between ([txtStartDate] And [txtEndDate])'")

I get an #Error message. I just threw that together because it describes what I want, but I know there are syntax problems.

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Forms :: DCount In Textbox On Form Greater Than 5 Criteria

Mar 14, 2013

I have a textbox on a form. I am using

Code: =DCount("*","suspend_time_lapse",[Days from Target to Planned End dates]>5)

as the text box source. I get name? or error no matter what i do.

I want to count all records in the [suspend_time_lapse] table where [Days from Target to Planned End dates] is greater than 5.

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Forms :: DCount Function In Subform - Total Number Of Records

Jun 14, 2015

I am trying to count the number of records in a subform where the text box (txtFinal) = RPR-RPR & RTN. The subform is called PartNumbers. The table name the subform is bound to is named Completed.

I tried using =DCount("[Part Number]","Completed","[Final] = 'RPR-RPR & RTN'"). That is counting the total number of records in the table, not the total number of records in the subform. How do I get it to count the total number of records in the subform?

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Forms :: DCount / 2x Criteria - Counting Family Members Under 16 Years

Jan 13, 2014

Using MS Access 2000

I'm building a customer management database. Part of which is a table to record details of all members of the main customers family or the household compliment.

I'm currently using a DCount to work out how many people on the table are related to my client, to work out the size of the family.....

=DCount("MemberID","tblHHMembers","CustID = [CustID]")+1

Could I also then count the members of the household that are under 16 years old by looking at the DoB from the same household members table?

I realise that I'd need to ask access to calculate age at the same time as working out if they're under 16 and then count them if they have the same Customer ID - which might need a little more than this single function!

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Forms :: Finding Duplicates - DCount Not Providing Expected Results

Mar 8, 2013

I've been working on trying to get this code to work as expected for days. I'm trying to find duplicates (I can't use primary keys or indexes alone to weed out duplicates due to the structure of the tables involved) in a subform as a user enters data. As soon as a project number is added, the code is supposed to count the number of records that contain that particular project number as well as a category number (there can be multiples of the same project numbers as long as their category numbers are different). This is the code I am using in the "Before Update" event of the field in the subform:

Private Sub ProjectID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strCriteria As String
Dim RecCount As Integer
strCriteria = "([ProjectID] = " & Me.ProjectID & ") AND ([CatID] = " & Me.CatID & ")"
RecCount = DCount("[ProjHrsID]", "tblProjHrs", strCriteria)

[Code] .....

What could I be doing wrong? Nothing about this code seems to work properly - even the Undo and Cancel=True is a problem (I get the "No current record" error).

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DCount Help

Feb 18, 2006

Was wondering if someone could possibly help me with a DCount problem i'm having.

I have a form with a subform, displaying bookings that customer has made. What i want to be able to do, is when a booking is created for a customer in this subform, after the time period chosen is selected, i want a DCount to run, go to a table of regular bookings, count up how many bookings in it have the date of booking, that same as the date just put into the subform, AND the time period of booking the same as just put into the subform. There can only be 1 result at max due to its setup, and from there it should be fine, but i cannot get it to work. The field names are as follow:

Date for Booking
Time Period

Date For
Time Period

If this doesn't make any sense i can try and explain better.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks very much in advance

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Aug 8, 2006

I have only been using access for about 3 weeks now, and its kicking my butt pretty hard.

Im making a query that does all kinds of math junk in it. I want to be able to find the number of occurrences of x in another column in the table.

For a better example, lets say I have a column named "SP" in the "compiled" table, the values of this column range from 1 to 5, in about 200 entries. So there is another column in the compiled table called "SPX", which has the same value range. So if I am looking at the one entry in the table, I want to take its value in the "SPX" column, and see how many times it shows up in the "SP" column.

I have been trying to get dcount to do this, but I cant seem to get it to work... Must have tried a dozen ways now.

Any help would be awesome, thank you.

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Mar 26, 2007

My main table is called NEWcompiled, I have fields named "faction", "SPeffect", and "Launcher_ID". I am trying to use Dcount in a query to count up how many entries have a value in "faction" and "SPeffect" that are equal, and a value of "yes" in "Launcher_ID".

Currently my code looks like this:
DCount("Faction","NEWcompiled","Faction = '" & [SPEffect] & "'" And "Launcher_ID = yes")

This indeed counts how many entries have equal values for "faction" and "SPeffect", but then it seems to add that to sum of all the entries that have a yes for "Launcher_id".

Any help would be great, thank you for your time.

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DCount Help

Feb 26, 2008

dear all,

i have the problem when using dcount in my query,anyone can help me?this is the situation.

Table 1:



Table 2:

Begin End

20080206 20080208
20080200 200802116

i want to make the query,and i want to add field "sumactive" using the dcount function refer to Table 1,anyone can help me?i want to count how many record "num" in table 1,between field "begin" and field "end" in table 2

Begin End sumactive

20080206 20080208 1
20080200 20080216 2




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Feb 28, 2006

Im trying to count the number of records in a table that contain certain crieria, I think I should be using the DCount function and have looked for help on it, but I dont understand it. im unsure if I should be counting the records on the form or the table.

This is my Criteria, Table Name = Armour_Selection, Field name = ExerciseName, I want it to tell me how many records there are with ExerciseName = ?

Could some help please?

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Apr 3, 2006

I've looked at numerous threads on this site and still can't get a dcount to work.

I want the database to check if there is a valid reference number entered before opening a form.

There is a table called 'staff' with a 'payroll number' field in it. This table contains all staff.

I then want the user to enter a payroll number and retrieve the corresponding record. However, if there is no match then the user has entered the number incorrectly.

I've done:

int2=dcount("[payroll number]","staff",forms!control,payroll) and then an:

if int2=0 then msgbox
end if
exit sub

However, I either now get a message when the number is correct, or it's exitting the sub every time.

Any corrections please?

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May 3, 2006


Can anyone see what I have done incorrctly as this does not work!

Thanks in advance.....

=DCount("[call type]","qryISAHistoryCount","[Label] = 'Call'" And "[User] = 'Craig'")

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Jan 5, 2005

are there any restrictions for using Dcount?
i used DCount once in a report, and it works fine. but in another
report it returns an error.. another question.. can i use DCount on calculated
fields in a query?

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Question On DCount

Sep 23, 2005

What I want is for DCount to see how many times a a Box# appears in a table, if it is 0 it puts a message up that the box does not exist.

This is what I have as the code

If DCount("[tblLockbox]![LockboxNo]", "[tblLockbox]", "[tblLockbox]![LockboxNo]=" & Me.[txtGLockbox]) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Lockbox not Found! Please try again.", vbCritical
End If

tblLockbox is the table that contains all the lockbox numbers and the names they relate too.

LockboxNo is the field that holds the Box#. I have the field set as a Text because no calculations are done with these values.

txtGLockbox: is the field on the form where they enter the Box#

The problem is I keep getting a data type mismatch in criteria expression.
I thought DCount took a count and returned a value, so it shouldn't matter what data type the field in question is.

We are using it in another area where the field in question is a number.

I hope this makes sense.


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Stuck In DCount Again

Jun 15, 2007

I've been back thru this DCount function, here in the forum and elsewhere. I have posted about this function before and even went back to my old post. Looks like I still need some help.

Here's the premise:
My database has a query that tracks Payments made to Students who are on the Federal Work-Study program. We have 4 categories of work: On-Campus; Off-Campus Community Service; Off-Campus Family Literacy; College Support Services.

Of all payments made to students in the year for Federal Work-Study, there are some payments in each category. On the Report, based on the query "FISAP Detail Query", programmed to show every disbursement(payment), I'd like a count of each type in the Report Footer .

I have a control on the report that I'd like to use to count the number of students paid for Community Service.

=DCount("[StudentID]","FISAP Detail Query","[Community Service Amount]>0")
and I've tried
=DCount("[StudentID]","FISAP Detail Query","[Community Service Amount]>'0'")

Count the number of students listed in the FISAP Detail Query who have a [Comunity Service Amount} greater than zero. Sum totals of disbursements for the year for each student are displayed in the Detail section of the report as a single record. So how many of these records have Commuity Service disbursements; that's what I'd like to know.

The formula returns #Error.

Anybody have any advice for fixing this? It must be some syntax or trying to use the wrong function to do the job.

Any help will be very much appreciated


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Getting Dcount Error

Jan 18, 2008


I am trying to count the number of records in the query result and for some reason, it's not coming up with a number. This comes up "1E+0.."

not sure what's really going on, but this started happening after i converted all my data from excel. However, records come up when i actually go run the query and not from the form.

here's my formula from the form:
=DCount("[Queue]","qryODFData","[Queue]= 'NBCT'")

I'm sure some of you have ran into these problems after data conversion.

Does anyone know what it could be?

Thank you

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DCount Wierdness

Aug 8, 2006

Ok, I admit that I know just enough about Access to be dangerous, so maybe I'm going about this the wrong way... I'm trying to set up what seemed like a relatively simple Query, but for whatever reason it's just not behaving in the way I thought it would.

We're attempting to set up a database to track sales of product, as work orders, then take that data and reorganize it through Queries for use in our payroll system.

I have the tables, queries and forms set up to enter in our work orders just fine, and there are no issues there. The problem comes when I attempt to re-query that information for use in the payroll side. Here's where I sit at the moment:

I've built a query which pulls data from the [Work Orders] table, using criteria which filters out data one employee at a time, for certain invoice dates, for only certain status codes - the ones which are payable on this payroll week. Then, I built a form, [Payroll1] and added a few fields in it which *should* pull from [Payroll1]![ProductSold] field, and count the number of instances of, say, "Digital" product, tally that number using the DCount function, and display that number on the form, for later data manipulation. It all looked good, until I actually ran the form and instead, recieved an "#Error" in my newly created field, instead of the tally of "Digital" that I expected. Am I using the function DCount wrong, or is there some other relationship that I'm not understanding here?

Thanks in advance!
~Lana F Call

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