Forms :: DCount Function - Getting Count Of 3 Dates When There Is Only One

Nov 9, 2013

DCount function.

Me.ImprovementNotice5DayCount = DCount("[txtReferralReason]", "qryRTOFileReferralPopupCount", "[ComplianceTargetDate]-[DateNow]<=5")

I am not sure where I have gone wrong.

What I would like Dcount to count are those dates in the ComplianceTargetDate form control that are <=5 to the DateNow form control.

I get a count of 3 when there is only one. I may have the syntax of the Dcount wrong.

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DCount Or Count Function

Mar 17, 2008

HELP PLEASE!!! There are two fields in my form that need the following relationship:

1. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in my form, I need my "Number Field" to enter a "1"
2. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" for this record to enter "2" but "1" to remain on the first record.
3. If I enter 1001 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" to enter "1"
4. Continue this logic for all records without modifying the previous "Number Field" record.

I was told there was a way to accomplish this using DCount or Count function. Maybe there's an easier way??? Any help is greatly appreciated!! TX!

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Forms :: DCount Between Dates

Dec 4, 2014

I have a form with a text box "txtSdate" and a text box "txtEdat" and a text box "txttotal". I have a table that is called "Call Logs" and a field in it called "Date" which is shown as mm/dd/yyyy for each record.What i want to do is have "txttotal" display the # of records for the specific date range when the user enters it into "txtSdate" and "txtEdate".

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Forms :: Using DCount Function On Subform

May 31, 2015

My mainform is "CourseDays" and subform is "CoursesSubForm". The "CoursesSubForm" data source is a table "Courses" which contains a field "Subject".

I add a calculated field on the mainform to count the number of records in the subform. This is my code:


An error message results.

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Forms :: DCount Function With Combobox Criteria

Oct 7, 2014

I am working with MS Access 2003. I have a form (frmCalendar) with a textbox (tbDay) and a combobox (cmbLineName)

I want to count the number of records based on the criteria from cmbLineName, and show the result in tbDate. Inside the Control Source of tbDate I put in the following:

=DCount("[EncounterID]","tblEncounters","[LineName] = ' " & "Forms![frmCalendar]![cmbLineName] = " ' ")

The problem is that the result in tbDate is always 0; regardless of what is chosen in cmbLineName. I know that the record count should not be 0 for all criteria.

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Forms :: DCount Function In Subform - Total Number Of Records

Jun 14, 2015

I am trying to count the number of records in a subform where the text box (txtFinal) = RPR-RPR & RTN. The subform is called PartNumbers. The table name the subform is bound to is named Completed.

I tried using =DCount("[Part Number]","Completed","[Final] = 'RPR-RPR & RTN'"). That is counting the total number of records in the table, not the total number of records in the subform. How do I get it to count the total number of records in the subform?

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Forms :: How To Use Count Function In Navigation Form

Jun 1, 2014

I want to be able to use the Count function that will reside in the header of the main navigation form that will count the records in each navigation sub form (of which there are 6 sub forms)

Each sub form has the same primary key which is what I am doing the count on.

I have done this on another form with no subforms by creating a Textbox with this code: =Count([PCNumber])

I have tried to put this in the header of the main navigation form with various itterations, the last being: =Count([Form]![NavigationSubform].[PCNumber])

But what ever I do seems to come up with "Error" in the textbox.

For info, the form names are:

Main form :StockViewsForm

PCNumber being the PK I want to count.

Is this possible of do I need to specify the names of the actual forms that reside in the Navigation Sub Form ??

[URL] ....

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Forms :: Field To Show Count Of Records Between Dates

Apr 30, 2014

I'm creating a form to count the number of employees with birthdays between 2 dates. There are 2 unbound date fields; Start_Date and End_Date. I have an Employee table with DOB field. I've been stuck on how to get the field to return the correct number of employees that fall within the 2 dates.

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Forms :: Using COUNT Function On Subform Which Is Based On Query?

Nov 4, 2014

Doing a school project and need to add a count function to a sub form that is based on my query. The count function just needs to be displayed on the bottom of the sub form showing how many records are in the sub form.

When I do this, the function works all good.

When I add the function to a header or footer, so that it doesn't show a column and repeat itself each time.

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DCount Or Count

Sep 26, 2006

DCount or Count either one doesn't work with my form

So I have this queries already that counts

SELECT Count([Work Request].[Work Request #]) AS [Count of ALL WR]
FROM [Work Request]
ORDER BY Count([Work Request].[Work Request #]);

when I try to copy this on my control source it doesn't do anything
i tried
=DCount("[Work Request #]"," [WRs_All]")
and it doesn't work

i also tried
=Count(WRs_All![Work Request #])

and it still doesn't work
need a lil help pls

oh also I used bound

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Dcount Function

Oct 20, 2005

I am using a Dcount function in an unbound textbox to count the number of records in a query.

I have noticed that it takes some time to process the calculation. Often I need to click in the text box to see the result.

Is there any other way I can do this, perhaps via code? This is what I am writing:


BLN is the field
SAADATA is the query name


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Troubleshooting DCount Function

Jun 20, 2005

I would like to insert a DCount function in an unbound textbox in a form to count all records in a query. My current code in the textbox is: '=DCount("*","Query1")'. The Query 'Query1' depends on two parameters, which has to be entered before opening the query. The result is '#Error', if 'Query1' is open or not.
Thanks for your help.

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DCOUNT Function With IN Statement

Aug 12, 2011

I have a report where I use numerous DCOUNT functions, and it works fine. But now I need another report which has multiple conditions, and I can't seem to find examples anywhere to get my syntax right. For this example, the field 1 ENJOY in table CONGSITEALL needs to pull out the number of entries for the answer Yes, Definitely, and Most of the Time. I have tried putting the quotes, etc into diffeent places but I just can't seem to find the right combination.

=DCount("[1 ENJOY]","CONGSITEALL","[1 ENJOY] IN ('''Yes, Definitely','Most Of The Time'")

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Using DCount To Count Fields On Query

Jan 3, 2005

Good day:



I have a query with these fields: DIVISION, DEPARTMENT.

The DIVISION fields are populated with undergrad or grad. The DEPARTMENT fields are populated with ENGINEERING.

I wish to count the occurances of undergrad engineering and count the occurances of grad engineering and return the values in separate text boxes.

Any ideas on how to count occurances of TWO fields?

Thanking in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: DCount Function Counting 0s As 1s

Sep 24, 2013

In my database when an item is currently being loaned the item's loaned field will have a 1 to indicate this. When the item is returned the value is 0. Only so many items are available and when I use the DCount function it is counting the 0s as 1s.

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Reports :: DCount - Give Count Of Each Attending Equaling Yes Only

Oct 3, 2013

I have this query:

ID Attending Trauma RN Date
1 A No Yes 1/1/12
1 A Yes No 2/1/12
1 B No Yes 1/1/12
1 A Yes No 3/1/12
1 B No Yes 6/1/12

I merged this query into a report to give the count of each attending equaling yes only. I am using this:

=DCount("*","qryMainJan-Jun13","[PeripartumHysterectomy] ='Yes' And [Text30] = ID")

The goal is to show each attending on a separate page with count on text box

The issue I am having is I can't show the correct total in one page for each attending. for example I am showing attending A twice for trauma with total 1 for each page. I need to show attending A with total 2.

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Queries :: Count Dates Between Dates In Two Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have two tables with dates. Between (!) every two following dates in table1, I want to know the number of dates in table2. How do I write an SQL query for this? The tables I have are up to a few hundred records in table 1 and a few thousand records in table2. So to prevent that this takes hours I need a fast query.

To explain the query I need, for example:


So the answer of the query would be 2,0,4.

Between 01/01/2014 and 15/01/2014 in table 1 there are 2 dates in table2 (01/01/2014 is not included between the dates)
Between 15/01/2014 and 17/01/2014 in table 1 there are 0 dates in table 2
Between 17/01/2014 and 30/01/2014 in table 1 there are 4 dates in table 2

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Modules & VBA :: Fix Type Mismatch Error With Dcount Function?

Dec 3, 2013

I ahve declared custCount as an integer and id as a string that comes from the user form (id = me.CustID) and trying to count the number of matching records in the recordset (rst) using the following:

custCount = DCount("[customerId]", rst, "[customerId] like '" & id & "'")

I'm getting a type mismatch error on the DCount statement?

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General :: Count Number Of Records Based On Certain Criteria Using DCount

Jun 5, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to complete based on several queries. I am trying to count the number of records based on certain criteria and using the following DCount.

=DCount("[Calculated time]","IPG1","[Calculated Time] <= 0.04" And [Ship-to party] In ("SN00207PJZ","SN09162XXX","SN09324XXX"))

I want to count the number of IPG1 records that are under .04 and have the Ship-to party of the ones listed. I have tried everything that I can think of to get it to work but can's seem to get it to. I figure it's something easy but I don't see it.

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Queries :: DCount Function Returns Correct Result But Datatype Is Text

Feb 4, 2015

I am using the dcount function as the example I display below. The problem is that it returns the correct result (i.e. 59) but the data type is text (59 is on the left side) . I need this to be number.

=DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

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Forms :: Need To Count Number Of Records In Table Between Dates In Another Table

Mar 6, 2013

I have created a booking system for a set of resources for schools. Most schools have a membership which entitles them to 2 free sets. I have a booking form with a membership subform (membership table), and a booking details subform (kitloan table).

Once a school is selected on the main form, the membership subform shows the most recent record for that school based on schoolID.I want to display the number of sets they have already had within their membership period (can start at any time of the year, and lasts for 1 year) on the membership subform, so we know how many free ones they have left.

I therefore need to count the number of KitBkID (ID of the booking) in the Kitloan table where SchoolID = the SchoolID displayed on the membership subform, and the DateOut (booking date on kitloan table) is between the DateJoined and DateRenewal displayed on the membership subform (from membership table).

I can do this with a query which works when run and provided with the parameters SchoolID, DateJoined, and DateRenewal.

SELECT Count(Kitloan.KitBkID) AS CountOfKitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID
GROUP BY Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
HAVING (((Kitloan.SchoolID)=[Me].[SCHOOLID]) AND ((Kitloan.DateOut) Between [Me].[DateJoined] And [Me].[DateRenewal]));

What I can't do is get it to run on the form and take those values from the form.From the searching I've done, I'm thinking a DCount should be the way to go, but I cannot get the criteria right. I created a query (KitloanCountQry) so that criteria could come from both the kitloan and membership tables.

SELECT Kitloan.KitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Membership.DateJoined, Membership.SCHOOLID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID;

I have put the DCount as the control source for a textbox on the Membership subform (but have tried it in VBA too):
This works but obviously gives me the total for all bookings.


Although I have to admit to getting lost in the syntax. This produces #Error.

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Count Between 2 Dates

Nov 28, 2006

I have 2 dates. How do i count the number of days between the two dates?

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Count Between 2 Dates

Nov 19, 2004

I know this is a simple question.
Using the design view in access, what is the setting to get the total number of records between 2 dates?

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Count Of Dates

Dec 7, 2004


I am trying to count the dates in the datebase, if date given in the textfield and the date in the table are equal.

sql="select dateField,Count(dateField) from Exam WHERE dateField="+dateField+"";


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Count Dates

Dec 9, 2004


sql1="select dateField,Count(dateField) as CountOfdateField from Exam GROUP BY dateField";

String d2=rst1.getString("dateField");
else if(!(d2.equals(dateField))){
else if((c>=3)&&(d2.equals(dateField))){


I am trying to execute the above part of code. But I am getting required output. Can u suggest me the changes in the code.


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Between Dates Function

Nov 21, 2005

I have a form with two text boxes. One, named txtDOB returns that age of a person. The other control is simply named txtmsg.

I would like to add a code to the OnChange event that provides a message based on the range of dates entered in the txtDOB control.

Example. If I type in the txtDOB the date 12/31/1937, I get in the txtmsg the following text: FRA 65. This is the code that I am using:

If Me!txtDOB <= "12/31/1937" Then
Me!txtmsg = "FRA 65"

I now would like to add a between And function that returns a message if the date I enter the txtDOB is in a specific range. I need something like this but obviously this code does not work:

If Me!txtDOB Between "01/02/1938" And "01/01/1939" Then
Me!txtFRA = "FRA 65+2"
End If

Thanks for the help.

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