Forms :: Dashboard - Calculations On Invisible Form

Apr 3, 2013

I have a dashboard that opens with my main form and it contains many textboxes with Dcounts, Dlookups and Dsums in it. I am hoping that I can put these textboxes on a separate form that is hidden unless a command button is clicked to make it visible.

I know how to do this, but my question is whether or not all of those queries will run whether or not the form is visible. Obviously if the Dsums etc.. are going to run anyway, then I won't bother.

Is there a better way to do this?

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Forms :: How To Invisible Some Records Of Form For Other Users

Feb 5, 2014

I have a database that it has 2 forms. Form 1 shows list of received letters Form 2 shows list of send letters Now database has been splitted and back end is on the shared drive and front end there is on each computer and myself and other users have read/write access to the shared drive and me and other users can see all the records. .Now I would like to add something like a check box field to the forms. When I tick the check box for each record other users cannot see that record on the form.

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Forms :: Make A Field On Form Invisible

Mar 24, 2015

I have a main form that has 2 subforms. I have a field on both forms that I have marked as "Visible="No". Both are text box controls and I have made sure that both the label and the text box itself are marked "Visible="No". In the first subform, it works correctly, while on the second one, it still displays.

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Forms :: Header Controls Invisible On Split Form

Oct 30, 2013

I've placed an unbound text control in the header of a Split Form. I also placed a label in header of a split form.But, neither is visible until I select a row on the split form datasheet.The Visible property is set to yes and the fore color is white and the background is transparent.

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Forms :: Make Column Invisible In Subform When Main Form Loads?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?

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Forms :: Continuous Form - How To Hide Spaces Left By Invisible Buttons Using VBA

Jun 23, 2014

I have a continuous form that has several buttons, i am hiding them depending on which buttons they press before hand.

Is there a way to hide the spaces left by the invisible buttons using vba? or is there a simpler way?

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Calculations On Main Form Do Not Reflect Calculations On Subform

Sep 28, 2015

I have solved the problems getting values on the subform. I have not in getting values on the subform.For instance, on the one titled phone use the formula in the tutorial is:


#Error results when the doc is put into a form mode.

Now when I input each value in the equation above separately.I still get no entry.

For " = sbfCustomerRoomUse" , I get #Error;
and for "= txtTotalPhoneUse", I get #Name.

CustomerRoomUse and txtTotalPhoneuse are from the subform that was dropped into the customer form in a previous step. It shows that explicitly when designed sbfCustomerRoomUse on the main that CustomerRoomUse come from a subform. This does not seem to need to be done with txtTotalPhoneuse, and I am not sure why. Neither one gives me a desired calculation result.

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Total Record In Each Query To Be Shown In Main Dashboard Form

May 23, 2013

I have a database with many Quires I want to create in the main form "welcome Form" many txt boxes cells

To show a total records in Each Quires

For Example I have the below list queries

Expired Employees PassportExpired Employees Work PermitExpired Employees VisasExpired Employees Insurance

In the "Welcome Forms" I will create a txt boxes Cells for Each one of those Queries to be Show only No "total Record in Each one". It is like a dashboard to monitor daily without opening the Report or Query...

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Forms :: Calculations In A Form

Jun 27, 2013

performing calculations in a form in an Access 2007 database.The form is used to generate invoices and sales receipts. At the bottom of the form there are 3 text boxes: "Sub-total" (Text128), "VAT" (Text130) and "Total" (Text132). Each text box is bound to the Control Sources "Sub-Total", "VAT" and "Total" respectively in a table called "Orders".

I would like the "VAT" text box to automatically calculate the VAT on an order and enter it into the VAT field in the table "Orders". To do this I have tried using the formula:


I would also like the "Total" text box to automatically calculate the total cost of the order and enter it into the Total field in the table "Orders". To do this I have tried using the formula:


I know that these calculations are correct as they work in an unbound text box however I cannot get this to work with bound text boxes.Is it actually possible to do this or do I need to use another method to perform these calculations?

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Forms :: Form Calculations With Errors

Jun 11, 2013

I am currently working on a form that calculates the sum of counts and charges for various categories. The form sums the number of items in each category, then the sum of the charges. Where I am stuck is trying to break out the "per unit" charge for each category. The calculation works fine (sum of charges/sum of items) when there is a number greater than 0, but if the count or charges are 0, the fields display errors. I attempted to compensate for this by setting the text box value on the form to iif(iserror(sum of charges/sum of items),0,(sum of charges/sum of items), but it still shows the error!. I could probably write nested iif statements to evaluate the values of each sum, but you would think this would be simpler. Here is a sample of the actual ControlSource field on one of the text boxes:

=IIf(IsError([SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer]),0,[SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer])

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Forms :: Form Calculated Control Using Calculations From A Query

Dec 18, 2014

All I'm after is, to sum in all records "where" reconcileDate (on the sub=form) = today in both the credit and debit fields and minus one from the other. I have a simple form and sub-form. On the sub-form I have a query based calculation that returns the following..."if ReconcileDate (on sub-form) = today, then show Debit value in yndebit" textbox..Likewise with the credit box, and all works perfectly fine.

However, I can't seem to sum these two boxes. Because the circled textboxes are query based, I've used the query as the control source (and not the text boxes) and all I get is an #ERROR? when placed in the form footer. I've tried to do this using the textboxes as the control source, and still nothing. I've tried to add a calculated control on the form itself, and still #ERROR? or #NAME? despite knowing exactly how to reference subforms within forms (this I've become quite an expert at as I simply use query design to make sure I have the correct path and control)anyway.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop For Labels Invisible / Not Invisible

Nov 8, 2013

I'm trying to get some labels and eventually text boxes to become visible on an input of a qty in a text box, but I can't get my syntax right.Here's what I have so far.

Private Sub More_qty_AfterUpdate()
Dim count As Integer
Dim pumplbl As String
For count = 1 To [More qty].Value
pumplbl = "pumplbl" & count
pumplbl.Visible = True

Next count

End Sub

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Forms :: Making Forms Invisible When Code Is Running

Jan 12, 2015

I'm opening forms to get data then closing using VB code.

Is there a way to stop the screen showing these forms as the code runs

something like Display refresh off then display refresh on.

Just to hide my workings.

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Jan 3, 2006

I have created an Access Dashboard for a SQL Database. This is secured user Access User Level Security and works fine.

I am now looking to add some data from other Secured Access Databases but these are secured using different Workgroup Files.

Is there a way to do this?

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How To Create A Dashboard With MS Access?

Feb 27, 2008


I would like to get pro month and marketing campaign the values of about 12 KPIs. This dashboard will be used by different countries/marks.
My KPIS do not have the same entries. For example :
- the customer satisfaction is calculated on the number of customers "satisfied", "unsatisfied", "acceptable",
- the percentage of corrected and on-time reports is based on the number of reports "total", "late", "with failures", "late and with failures",
- the availability of the is based on the number of hours... etc.

Do you have an idea of the way to proceed?

I created the following tables :
-Tbcampaign (ID_Campaign, Campaign name)
-TbRegion (ID_Region, Region Name)
-TbTime (ID_Time, Month, Year)
-TbFact (ID_KPI, ID_Campaign, ID_Region, ID_Time, Value)

... but how can I proceed with the KPIs?
Thanks a lot in advance!

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Form's Controls 'invisible'

Nov 8, 2006

I have few forms that look fine when in Design view, but which appear as plain grey screens when opened in Form view. These were working perfectly (i.e. visible in both views) until about half an hour ago.

The only things I have changed are some of the calculations behind certain fields.

Any thoughts?

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Forms :: Query Screen - Fields Suddenly Become Invisible

Mar 4, 2014

I have a query screen which worked. It has a header and some details. Now only the header shows up. No detail is visible. I look at the design all these fields are visible, but in reality they are not.

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Forms :: Subform Visible / Invisible Based On Control

Jun 18, 2015

I need to have a subform that shows up smack dab in the middle of my main screen when visible - which is what I want - but only based on a specific value of a control on the main form. Specifically, if a control's value is "See Spreadsheet", I want the subform visible front and center as it contains the link to the server location for that specific record. If the control's value is not "See Spreadsheet", I want the form to be invisible.

My code:

If Me.BudgetsFacultyAccountNumber = "SEE SPREADSHEET" Then
Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = True
Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = True
Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = False
Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = False
End If

The red lines result in an MS VBA error: "Compile error: Method or data member not found."

I've tried referencing that subform a hundred different ways, but I can't get it to work.

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Forms :: Option Button Link To Invisible Subform?

May 8, 2014

I have two option buttons, 1_optn and 2_optn. I have two subforms, 1_frm and 2_frm.

When clicking the little round dot (the option button) for 1_optn, I want the subform 1_frm to become visible. Likewise, when clicking 2_optn, I want the subform 2_frm to become visible. In the properties panel, both forms visibility is set to No.

I have tried creating a Macro and the best I've gotten is using the OpenForm function but that opens up the forms in a new window. I'd set the Macro to the OnClick event for a combo box (as I couldn't get the option button to work) so when "1" is clicked, the form would pop up. But they have to be in the same form. No pop ups. It also has to be an option button, not a combo box or list box.It also has to be a Macro. No Event Procedure coding unfortunately.

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Open Invisible Form On Load

Mar 23, 2005

How do you open an invisible form when the database opens. In the database's startup options I have the database open a form, however, for some reason I can't set it to an invisible state.

My users run macros in their programs (not forms) the sole purpose of the form is to track which users are logged in the database or not. Therefore, when the form opens/closes, a user-table updated.

I don't want the users to be able to see this form, but I have no way to keep it hidden. More importantly because no other forms are being used or opened on load... I can't open the form hidden. Does anyone know anyway around this?

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How To Make Zero Invisible In Form With Dataview

Jul 4, 2005

I have a form display project hours and also caculation of total for each project.

A user can spend time on multiple projects each day, I would like all zero invisiable. I had tried to set all default values to null (nothing) instead of zero. It causes problem in caculation of total.

I remember in Excel, it can make zero not to display, can we do this on an Access Form?

(Something I also want to know if this is possible. This is a time sheet, is anyway we can do on the form that projects (records) can be displayed horizonatally (on the top) while the dates can be displayed vertically (on the left), ,more like a transposed. But it would not change the struture of database (just display) so the date remains a field and projects are records.)

Thank you for help. Happy July 4th

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Modules & VBA :: Splash Screen / Dashboard Progress Bar

Jul 9, 2014

I want a progress bar in a form that will increase from bottom to top . The data will from Access table. The bar will start from 0 to Maxvalue. The Maxvalue will be calculated as below:

Total number of batches in the table/ No. of working days between 14072014 and 31112014 / 2

So the above calculation will define the range of a progress indicator.

And now we have to show the % percentage that means how many batches have been scanned for today. For this the following calculations will be used:

Count total batches where scandate=today and scannedby<>null

Now this will show the percentage in the bar that means hopw much work has been completed.

The progress bar should move from bottom to top when % increases.

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Dashboard With Data From Last 7 Days?

Dec 16, 2014

I have Access table tblupdate that stores following fields:


Now I want to create a dashboard that will show data of last 7 days from todays dates in 3 charts :

1st chart with Red colour (That means if todays date is greater than TargetDate)

2nd Chart with Green Colour (That means if todays date is less than target date)

3rd chart with AMber colour that means if todays date is equal to Date field.

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Forms :: Visible / Invisible Control Based On User Access?

Dec 2, 2014

My company has a new database that we will use to track PTO (paid time off/vacation), including the submission/approval process. Not everyone should have access to the approval dashboard as that should be restricted to only managers. Everyone will have the same basic form so that they can see their PTO history, hours remaining to be used, etc.

What I want to do is have a button on the form that is visible only if the person is a manager. The button will open the PTO approval form. How can I make a button visible/invisible based on user access levels?

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Making Data Visible Or Invisible In A Form?

Feb 16, 2007

My question is how can I make data in a form visible or invisible just by a button. In other words, if I have a group of buttons, based on the button selected I would want certain data to appear.

I know that this is possible, I have seen it done but just cannot find out how to do it or what this is called to look it up in Helps.


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Setting Some Text As Visible Or Invisible In A Tabular Form Wrt Boolean Field

May 3, 2006

Hi there,

I know there have been a good number of questions about visibility in forms already but I couldn't find a solution to my problem (or maybe I just didn't get it).

Basically, I have a tabular form (more than one record displayed at once) and one the field is of the Yes/No type. For each record, I'd like to have a text box that displays 'pending', set as visible if the field value is 'Yes' and set as invisible if the field value is 'No'.
The table is as follows:
id : auto-number
Flag: Yes/No [Yes]

If I use the following code on the Flag button:
Private Sub Flag_AfterUpdate()
Me.pending2.Visible = Me.Flag.Value
End Sub

all the 'pending' text boxes appear and disappear together (instead of just the relevant one).
I thought of using another text box, with the same data source ('Flag') but which would set itself to visible or invisible wrt to its own value but I couldn't find a way to do it.

Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance !
and many thanks already for the forum and the contributions - it's been extremely helpful, esp. for a beginner.

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