Forms :: Datasheet In Navigation Taking Multiple Refreshes Before Updating

Apr 7, 2014

I have a Navigation form which contains a subform and on that subform is a datasheet.

Navigation Form -> Navigation Subform -> MyForm -> MyDatasheet

I have been having a hard time getting the datasheet to update - I've tried several methods (refresh, requery, repaint, etc). Even pressing the "Refresh All" button on access takes 1 or 2 refreshes before my data is updated.

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Forms :: Navigation Form In Datasheet View

Nov 21, 2014

I've created a Navigation Form and one of my tabs brings up another form bla bla but what I want is to bring this form up in datasheet there a setting for this or due I have to create a query to get the look that I want?...

The Form that I attached to the tab when opening it up by itself (out of the Nav form) comes up in a datasheet type format,and when I open it up in design view it changes from the datasheet type format to texts boxes stacked on top of each other. This is also how it opens up in the Nav form...

Does it have to do with how the form I'm putting in the nav form was created? wise...

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Forms :: Updating Navigation Subform From Another Form

Feb 12, 2014

I'm using Access 2010 and need to update a sub form in a form that is within a navigation form. So it goes:

Navigation Form > Main Form > Subform

How do I do this? I've attached the following to a click event of a cmd button but I just can't get it to work:

Forms!frmMain.NavigationSubform.Form.frmJobHeadSub Form.Requery

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Forms :: Updating Subform In Datasheet / Continuous View?

May 1, 2014

I m having a subform in datasheet view. whn i use a join query as the record source for the sub form, i am not able to add or update any record in the datasheet. Is there anyway to use a linked query as record source of the datasheet with editable property.

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Forms :: Sales Invoice - Updating Many Records In Datasheet Subform

Jul 4, 2013

I am trying to build a sales invoice for a pharmacy that contains a sub form in a datasheet view. The main form contains only the invoice number and date while the sub form contains the drug code, drug name, Qty., Available Qty. and Updated Qty.

Presently, I can only code the update to takes place on each line of the datasheet. I want the update to take place at the end when I must have finished inputting all drugs bought with same invoice number.

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Forms :: Datasheet Subform Not Updating From Main Form Add Record?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a navigation tab with 6 sections, of the 6, 5 of them are self-made split view with a form view on top and datasheet on bottom and upon adding records through a command button on form view I would like the datasheets to update.

On other forms it would (I believe) update to the bottom of the datasheet, now on the ones I've been banging my head against it either replaces the top record or doesn't show up unless I switch tabs and switch back. From my searches I assume this is in need of a requery...

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Forms :: How To Create Navigation Forms With Multiple Levels

Sep 20, 2014

I want create combination of navigation forms, navigation forms with two horizontal level and vertical level that link to navigation buttons in second level of horizontal navigation.

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Datasheet Navigation Events?

Sep 27, 2005

Ii there such a thing as events fired by Navigation?
I have a Form displaying records in a Datasheet which has a Navigation
control and I need to be able to detect when the User selects various parts of this control.

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Forms :: Not Able To Disable Navigation Button When Login Navigation Form

Nov 15, 2014

I am not able to disable NavigationButton when i login navigation form using login form. I am using MS access 2007 - 2010.i am using below code but getting error.

Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationButton13.enable = False

Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

Any other method to disable NavigationButton.

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Navigation Pane Not Automatically Updating

Feb 4, 2014

Using A2010, for some reason, whenever I created a new Access Object and save it, the Navigation Pane doesn't automatically update to list the new object. Same thing for if I delete an object. This only started happening about halfway into the process of creating this database. For now, I've been compacting and repairing the database to "refresh" the file and then the Navigation pane updates.

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Taking 1 Field From Multiple Records And Merging Into One Comma-delimited File

Oct 24, 2007


Stupid question, but I have Access 97 database with ssn in each record.
I need to create a comma-delimted text file with these ssns.

When I use the export text file with a query that lists each record's ssn, it does not produce comma-delimited file.



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Forms :: Updating Multiple Records On A Screen?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a screen with multiple records from a database. At the top of the screen I have a button that lets the user change the mode between read only and edit modes. The current mode is displayed near the button. When the user decides to update a record or records he goes into the edit mode and starts changing the records. The user may change any number of records on the screen. When editing is finished he presses a button called save and close gets feedback and leaves the screen. Now in this process how do I keep track of the records that are changed on the screen . Plus he can hit the page down key and go to the next page and make changes there also. Is it possible to stop the hitting of the page down key. What indicators can I use to spot the records changed?

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Tables With One Form?

Jun 11, 2013

I have data that needs to be entered. It is the same data across 3 tables but only for the first three columns, then it is different. I can create a form for one of these but not for all three.

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Text Boxes Under One Event

Mar 16, 2015

How to trigger the below VBA Code under one Change() Event once a selection is made from the only combobox on my form.

Private Sub cbxAssociate_Change()
Me.txtFIRJuly14.Value = DAvg("FIR_Perc", "tblFIRStats", "[Associate]= '" & Nz([cbxAssociate]) & "'AND [Month] = 'Jul-14'")
Me.txtFIRAugust14.Value = DAvg("FIR_Perc", "tblFIRStats", "[Associate]= '" & Nz([cbxAssociate]) & "'AND [Month] = 'Aug-14'")
Me.txtFIRSeptember14.Value = DAvg("FIR_Perc", "tblFIRStats", "[Associate]= '" & Nz([cbxAssociate]) & "'AND [Month] = 'Sep-14'")

[Code] .....

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Subform - Datasheet Creating/updating Records

Jul 6, 2007

I was wondering if what I'm trying to do in Access XP and 2003 is possible. I've looked at countless templates and samples and havn't seen anything like what I want to do to be able to construct it. I've tried manipulating queries, relationships different table joins but to no avail. I'm only a beginner in VBA and know little SQL, I would be truly gratefull if someone can please shed some light on the below.

I've been creating a preventitive fleet maintenance database in access and want to make some changes that will make the database more flexible.

What I have is a main form which has the following main fields from the tblWorkOrder; WorkOrderID, FleetID, StartDate, FinishDate, Odometer, and ServiceTypeID.

Within this I have a subform in datasheet view (tblServiceItems, fields; ServiceItemID, ServiceDescription, ServiceCompleted(checkbox)) and this lists all the service items that belong to the ServiceTypeID in the main form.

I have another table called tblServiceDetails and this has the fields WorkOrderID, ServiceItemID which join the above two tables.

My problem is that I can't get the subform to list all the records that are in the table tblServiceItems, it only shows each record if you go through and select it manually. What I want it to do is to show like a listbox and allow me to go through the list and check of those service items once they have been completed. On top of this I want all those service items for that service type to be recorded against that workorder (regardless of completed or not) so then when I create a report on a WorkOrder It will list all the service items showing the checkbox's of which services have been done.

I've tried to do this with a listbox, but It doesn't show the checkbox, only yes or no. I've also tried using the tblServiceItems as the subform but this only updated the table and didn't create a record in the table tblServiceDetails matching it with the workorder.

Any idea's please...

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Query That Refreshes Automatically

Dec 11, 2007

I have a database where students use a Form to sign in for computer help. I would like to have a queue displayed on another screen that shows the students what position they are in for help. How would I go about doing that? I thought that having a query on a seperate screen (with no keyboard lol) would be a good way of displaying the student's order, provided I can get a query screen to update automatically or refresh say every 30 seconds. Is this possible, or am I way off base?

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Forms :: Updating Field On Multiple Records Selected In Continuous Form?

Jun 12, 2013

I have a form listing tasks to which I make personnel assignments with a multi-value list field type. It takes some time to select from 15-25 employees on the list for each task, especially considering that small groups of employees will be assigned to the same selection of tasks.

What I want to do is select multiple records with the mouse, then click a command button opening a form in dialog mode with the selection list. The user then clicks to make his selections and clicks ok, which then updates the multi-select field for the selected records.

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Forms :: Taking Out Certain Value From Table?

Aug 16, 2014

I am using ms access for entry of data of AC technicians. All Technicians can gain bonus amount in % if they work well and bonus % is dynamic for each technician. Suppose, Technician Mr.Jhon work for $300 or above so his bonus % is 5 and if he done work of $800 or above then bonus % is 9 and son on. But this % rule is not same for each Technician(based on experience company decided the %).

So How can i get % figure while entering data of specific Technician suppose I am entering Data for Mr.Jhon and i enter work done $600 (which is greater than $300) so the value 5 should be appear in next of my form column.

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Updating Main Form When Deleting Record From Subform Datasheet

Dec 21, 2006

Hi, I have a problem I don't know how to solve it. I have a subform in datasheet view, linked to the main form. There is a running total on the main form based on a dsum on a field of the subform.
When I delete a row on the subform datasheet, the main form calculation is not automatically updated. I had to create a "update" button to do the refresh.
Is there a "on record delete" event available for a datasheet sub form?
Thank you for any help.

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Taking Data From Forms Every Month

Nov 21, 2005

I have a database set up with charts which plot information about support for "quality" purposes.
I have reports that work out the percentages but i would like to be able to take the percentage figure (say on the 1st of each month) and add it to a graph which will then be able to show the figures from the last 12 months so i can see how well the support is performing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Forms :: Text Box Taking Value From Wrong Column?

Oct 1, 2013

I have a text box that is displaying a value from a table where the display control for the field in the table is a two row combo box. The text box on my form (I'm droping the text box on the form and manually changing the control source) is displaying the second column of the combobox where as I want the first column. If I drag the combobox from the field list onto the form it does show the expected first column (now if i change this to a text box in properties it shows the second column as well). Is there a way to change the text box to view the first column?

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Forms :: Taking Data From Form And Placing Into Table

Nov 20, 2013

I have a form that I am inputting data into. I have been able to Clear the form. I have created an edit script and it brings the data from the table to populate the form. When I try to change the data in the form and run a VBA update to push the data down to the table I am having no luck. I can add/Delete recordswith no problems but I can't edit them and put them back in the table. I am novice and just learning the formats and scripting.

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Code For When Press A Button It Refreshes And Clears Out Certain Text Boxes In Form

Dec 16, 2011

Is there a code for when I press a button it refreshes and clears out certain text boxes in my form?

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Forms :: Display Number Of Events Taking Place Today

Dec 17, 2013

I'm creating a database for a music store which also does music lessons. In the header I wish to display the number of lessons that are taking place each day, the number will be dynamic as the number of lessons vary from day to day. I obviously have a table with all the lessons that have already taken place, as well as lessons that are taking place in the future.

I've attached the header (isn't the final version) as an example.

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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Filter Table By Multiple Values In Datasheet View?

Nov 1, 2011

Back in A2003, I could filter a table by the In() function with the table open in datasheet view. A2007 doesn't seem to want me to be able to do that. How do I filter a table by multiple values while in datasheet view to be able to delete some records.

Background: I get a datasheet in every month that, due to marketing to the same customers in different month, the YTD file I get has duplicate accounts. I have to delete one of the records, but the criteria for deletion aren't something I can query for. This is why I need it open in datasheet view.

My alternative is to make a table out of the duplicate entries, delete those from the original table, then append the cleaned accounts.

tHow do I filter a table in datasheet view?

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