Forms :: Date Fields Change To Pound Signs

Mar 16, 2015

Just switched from Access 2000 to 2010 and now on many forms and reports where dates are displayed, you see ###### instead. I realize that widening the field fixes this but there are a lot of forms and reports in this database to go through and change all of them.Is there a setting somewhere to have the date fields display properly even if the text doesn't completely fit in the box?

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Forms :: Plus Signs In Calculated Controls / Fields

Jan 30, 2014

Why can't I ever get these to work properly? I want to use them to ignore null fields so that I won't get the punctuation but it isn't working.

Here is what I have but the commas still show up:

=IIf([Status]=1,(+[MailBoxOrPOBox]) & (+", "+([CompanyLocID].[Column](2))) & (+" ,"+([CompanyLocID].[Column](3))),"")

is there a better way than trying to use these + signs??

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Tables :: Pound Sign For Specific Items In Notes Field

Jul 11, 2013

I'm having an issue with pound signs in my table for specific items. I've create a DB that when you click a command button it opens a form and in the form it has a notes field. In the notes field once where i had data is now pound signs.

The DB is setup so when you click another command button to close out, it saves the record. It works 98% of the time but the i'm concern about the other 2% of the time.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting - Change Back Color Of Fields

Aug 1, 2013

I have a form in datasheet with the fields "Date In" and "Date out" among other.

I want to be able to Change the backcolour of the "Date In" to red, yellow, or green depending on the length of time elapsed between current date and date in. This works fine on the conditional formatting, but now I only want to apply this formatting IF the "Date Out" is empty.

Access 2007.

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Forms :: Date Change Based On Time

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form and I want the dates to be displayed based on predefined time. In this case, I want my form to show present date from present day's 7:00 AM to next day 7:00 AM.

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Forms :: Expression To Change Color Of Text According To Date?

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create an expression that will change the font to red if it is an overdue date. It will be on a form with the records showing.

My datebase is for entering, changing, and searching for information dealing with orientation dates, contacts, and associations. My data sheet holds the company name, employee name, date of orientation, due date (orientations are completed annually), contact employee, and status. I would like the date, when opening the form, to show red if it is past due. how to create an expresion to return the status as "Current" or "Overdue", as I am still unsure which method I want to use.

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Forms :: Change Font And Background Color Based On Date?

Mar 28, 2013

I would like to change the Font and background color based on dates.

-I have a text box (Training Event) on a form populated from a field (Training Dates) in a query.

- I need the font and/or the background in that text box to change to red when the date is 12 month past, yellow 11 months past, white 10 months past and green for 9 months past.

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Forms :: Date Field That Can Trigger Other Date Fields?

Oct 30, 2014

Working in MS Access 2010. Data must be entered and updated in Access only. Trying to figure out if it's even possible to auto populate dates in multiple fields in a form that are triggered when I enter ANY date in a primary date field on the form. I have close to half a dozen fields I'd like to do this for but here are a couple of the fields I'm working with:

Re Insp Date 90 Day Notice(Form field to be triggered and show a date 90 days prior to the trigger date)
Re Insp Date 60 Day Notice (Form field to be triggered and show a date 60 days prior to the trigger date)
Re Insp Date (Trigger date)

What I'd like to do is enter values in the "Re Insp Date" field (in the form) and have it trigger/auto-fill/auto-populate the "Re Insp Date 90 Day Notice" so that it shows the date 90 days prior to the "Re Insp Date" and the "Re Insp Date 60 Day Notice" so that it shows the date 60 days prior to the "Re Insp Date"........all this, and have it auto-update the queries and tables its linked to.

I've tried looking online and in instructional material to see if there is a formula, equation, macro, an expression or VBA coding that I can use to execute this but am having no luck.

The MAIN OBJECTIVE is to have the the linked query and table update automatically. Possible??

I have tried doing =([Re Insp Date])-90 but no dice...

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Forms :: Data Entry - How To Show Current Date That Doesn't Change The Next Day

Jun 27, 2013

I am extremely new to Access. I have my database up and running ok(ish) and would like to know if in my data entry form, I can have the "Date Entered in Database" box display the current date that does not change from day to day. I know you can use the "Now()" function but won't this just change everyday?

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Update A Record When A Certain User Signs In The Db

Dec 12, 2006

The Database is not split. Have 30 some users.
Here is what I am trying to do.

I have Mary, Sam and Bill logged into the database.

When Mary signs in she has no records to update, but when Sam and Bill logs in they have records to update.

How can I get a message just to Sam and Bill, but not to Mary?

I have a qry what records needs to be updated.

Just how would I go about this? I thought I had it when I use the "environ" but that just shows who is logged in. I am sure the form has something, but I haven't found out where.

Can you point me in the right direction?

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Text In Memo Field Is Being Replaced With # Signs

Mar 10, 2006


I have been searching and searching and cannot find any info on this specific problem.

I have a subform that users go into and enter data into the fields. Intermittenly, when a user closes out and then goes back in, the data in one of the fields (always the same field) is missing and has been replaced with ########.

Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated!!



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Deleted Dollar Signs From Database - How To Put Them Back

Jul 1, 2014

I accidentally (really don't know how I did it) deleted the dollar signs from the entire database that I use daily. I did not set this database up, and don't really know how to much more than enter the data, and do basic stuff. How can I put the dollar signs back on all the forms/queries/reports that I use daily?

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Problem With Date & Time Fields In Forms

Oct 11, 2006


Im having a problem adding the date and time to a new record using a form. The 1st method i used was by inserting the default value set to Date() & Time() functions, this worked fine for over a year, but now on some computers on the network the following error pops up "function is not available in expressions in table-level validation expression".

The 2nd method I tried was to add a macro with 'setvalue' commands to the After Update event of one of the first field's that was entered, this entered the same information into the Time & Date field once the first field was updated. This now brings up the macro fault screen and the 'Halt' button has to be pressed to clear the error.

This only happens on the older computers that access the database, the new computers don't bring up any errors.

Can anyone help me with this problem??!


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Forms :: Filling Multiple Date Fields In The Form With First Value

Mar 3, 2015

I have a table where I use 3 date fields in, all with different views.

Field 1: Date as dd/mm/yyyy
Field 2: Quarter: q (shows the same date, but then as quarter of the year.
Field 3: Year: YYYY

Now I have a form that fills all of my fields, but is there a simple way () to populate the other two fields Quarter and Year from the value I entered in Date?
So if I change Field "Date", Fields "Quarter" and "Year" updates as well.

Maybe I don't need to do it in the form, but in the table?

I'm not that good with VB- scripts, and I'm not sure If it is possible to auto populate the table field Quarter and Year directly in the table itself.

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Forms :: Calculated Fields - Formatting Box As Date / Time

Jan 13, 2014

In my form I have a calculated field that works out the time elapsed for a job, worked out as the QTY/RUN RATE which gives me the time in hours. However I couldn't format the box as a date/time, as it is a calculation and the times may go over 24 Hours which results in the date/time giving me something like 31/12/1899 16:00 for example.

I've got around this now and I've formatted the results as HH:NN:SS using a public function in a module, but the problem is this is now stored as a text field. I've tried setting this to a number field but the formatting doesn't carry over. I've tried setting a custom format in the table as HH:NN:SS but then all I get is just a bunch of 0's, no calculation results.

So how to format this as a number field properly?

Also for any extra information:

- I know you're not supposed to store calculated results, but this is slightly different, the calculated field is a standalone text box and the bound field is a formatted text box.
- The reason I have to store the calculated results is because my boss wants to eventually see a chart of the total hours of jobs each day, hence why I'm asking if this can be done as a number field.

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Forms :: Using VBA To Populate Date / Time Fields On Subform

Jan 10, 2015

I have a form that contains a subform. On the main form, there are 3 fields: [IncidentNumber], [OpenDate] and [OpenTime]. The subform, [CtrlLog Detail] , contains the log entry details for each incident number. Every incident number can have many log entries. Two of the fields on the subform are [EntryDate] and [EntryTime]. The fields work correctly and the forms are fine.The issue Im having is when a new incident number is created the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] and [EntryDate], [EntryTime] MUST be equal because of some filter queries for statistics. Right now the user must physically type in the date/times in these 4 fields when they create a new incident number, which means I'm having lots of data entry errors.

Using default value on either [EntryDate] or [EntryTime] on the subform doesnt work because it doesnt create a primary key for the underlying table and the subform will not allow any other entry (due to some other linked values) until that PK is created. The forms are based on tables linked by [Activity_ID] as the primary key. I want to create some VBA code to see that if the Incident number is a new number (meaning the user must type in the new incident number creating the primary key for [Activity_ID]), that access will automatically populate the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields to match the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] fields on the main form. The user will manually populate the [OpenDate], [OpenTime].

If the number is an existing number (and the user is simply adding a log entry to the incident number) then I want [EntryDate], on the subform to default to the system date/time ([EntryTime] should remain blank for user entry) while keeping [OpenDate], [OpenTime] unchanged. When the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields are populated on creation of a new incident number, I want the PK for the underlying table ([Log_ID]) to be generated.

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Forms :: Search And Filter Data Between Two Date Fields

Jul 29, 2013

I have a form in access where i need to select a record between two different dates. For example i have a "valid_from" and "valid_to" field. I have an unbound text box with short date format and calendar control inserted for users to select a date. This is named "drpdate".

I have a bunch of other filters also in the same form. Now my issue is that i have not been able to figure out how to put in a SQL statement which would give me the data which is between the "Valid_from" and "valid_to" fields based on the date selected in the unbound text box.

If the selected date does not meet the criteria, then it needs to be give the results from another table (which i have already done).

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Forms :: Option Button And Date Fields To Pass Parameter

Oct 4, 2014

I have a form with option group (two option buttons) and date fields (to select a date range). The form should pull/pass parameters from the query. There's a form button that generates a report based on the query.

Issue: I can't figure it out how to link option buttons and date range to the query so when the button is clicked it generates the report with chosen criteria. The form is for the user to enter parameters.

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Forms :: Change Button Color After Data Change

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to change the button color on a subform if a related form data changes.Main form is products with a continuous subform with serial numbers of products i.e, serial number, location, price and a button to add addtional issues if there are any for this particular serial number (this will open up another form related to the serial number so I can add an issues if there are any).The reason I would like the button to be a different color is so I can quickly see if there are any additional notes been added to the serial number. Just in case you may ask why not add the field to the continuos form is that the issues and be quite lengthy and there may be lots of serial numbers on the form

2346 location warehouse price 29.99 (button - green)
2347 location shop price 29.99 (button - red)

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Forms :: Date Ranges - Using Child / Master Fields For Creating Filter

Oct 7, 2013

I have a form which I am using child/master fields to create a filter (see attached pic)

For the date ranges I need these to be

>= Start Date and <= Actual Finish Date

How can I set the criteria for these two fields, so that when someone picks a date it knows it's from or before the date entered.

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Forms :: Auto-populate Current Date And Time When Other Fields Completed

Feb 24, 2015

I have a table called Neutron2015. I want the current date and time to complete when entries are made in two other fields. So I am looking for this date and time to populate in EXLStart when an entry is made in Processed By, and also the current date and time to appear in EXLEnd when an entry is made in Completed By with the bold word being the field names.

Is this possible, and how difficult is it?

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Modules & VBA :: Date Field To AutoPopulate Other Date Fields To Future Date

Oct 24, 2013

I'm trying to get my "IncidentDate" field to autopopulate two other date fields to a few days from the "IncidentDate". The other two date fields are "ContainDueDate" and "RootDueDate". I'm trying to accomplish this on my "Test CAP Form"

I tried using the following in the BeforeUpdate of "ContainDueDate" and received a complier error: expected =

Code : DateAdd(d,2,[IncidentDate])

so I removed the parenthesis and nothing happened

Code : DateAdd d,2,[IncidentDate]

I even tried redoing it in the AfterUpdate of "IncidentDate" and nothing happened either

Code : DateAdd d,2,[ContainDueDate]

I'm not sure if I'm even using the right function to get what I want.

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Change Query Based On Form Fields

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to come up with a simple way for users to query the database and pull back entries relating to the (potentially vague) data they input.

I know how to run a query based upon data input in a form ("=[Forms]![FormName]![FieldName]"), and I know I can do this several times in one query.

However, if one of the fields is blank, the query doesn't return anything.

Is there a way to use only one query, but still allow the user to leave search criteria blank? The only thing I can think of is by using a very convoluted VB script and creating a query for each possible combination of criteria.

It's not an error-checking issue, either, as entering info into all of the fields isn't required.

For reference, the searchable fields are:
Agent Name, Beginning Date, Ending Date (intended for a date range), Request Type, and District Name.

A user could then search for any requests made by an Agent; any requests by an agent within a date range; any requests made by anyone in a date range; ad nauseum.

There are quite a few combinations, there, and I'd rather not create a query for each one (or code the VB conditionals to choose the right one).

I hope I'm clear in what I'm trying to accomplish :o

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: IIF Statement That Would Change Value To Multiple Fields

Oct 15, 2013

I have a problem that I can't seem to solve in SQL for my access 2010 query.

Let's say I have a the price of and for every year.

In the tables I have A building number, a building type, and electricity and water predictions for this year and many upcoming years (up to 40 years)

I need to apply a change to any building with the building type BRT to show only 10 percent of the electricity and water for ALL years (up to year 2052). So building 5 would show 8.5, 5.4, 9.5, 7.4, and so on.

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Change Data Type For Multiple Fields At Once?

Mar 11, 2014

I imported a big table from excel with many columns. Access when I brought it in determined that they should be "text" format. I don't want to sit and change each field to a "number-double". Is there a way to quickly change data type for multiple fields at once?

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How To Change Date Format?

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I'm newbie.

I did create LANDesk Date Control in the form but the date format shown MMDDYYYY.

I want change the date format to

& how do I link the LANDesk Date Control into tables as database?

p/s - can I change font color date of "Sat" & "Sun" to red color instead? Please guide.


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