Forms :: Design Multiple Branch Inventory?

Aug 14, 2015

I wish to request if it is possible to design an inventory where multiple shops or branches can be accessed from the same place.


multiple shops can use the same program with a centralized database, such that every user can only access his or her report from anywhere they login from.

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Forms :: Inventory - Allow Users To Update Multiple Fields For Multiple Assets

Sep 25, 2014

I want to create a form that allows users to update multiple fields for multiple assets. Below is what I came up with:

Ideally, I'd like the subform to be filled in by having the user select multiple Assets from the S/N combobox field which would then auto-populate the "Type" field. Then they would fill out the appropriate fields they want edited in the top part of the form. They hit save and magic happens. This would also be nice because only assets they want edited would be displayed (easier on the eyes) and no distinguishing would be necessary. To do it this way, I know I would need to use a temp table but I wanna avoid using temp tables.

I know I can do this by adding a Yes/No field in the "Asset" table, setting the "Asset" table as the subform's recordsource, and then putting a checkbox in the subform and allowing them to check the assets that they want to edit (which would also allow me to sort it instantly so that checked Assets are at the top of the datasheet for easy viewing), but I would like to know if there's a way of accomplishing this without the use of checkboxes.

I know I could also use a listbox and that allows them to multi-select items, but I'm not sure if that allows me to group all selected items at the top of the listbox for easy viewing of selected items. Plus it would involve a lot of scrolling (there are over 2k assets).

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Help Please On Table Design For Simple Inventory DB

Feb 12, 2007

Hi, I was asked to help create a very simple Access DB for a small restaurant to help them keep track of inventory.

The only things that the owner wants to keep track of are:
1.Item Catalog
2.Date and Quantity of Item IN or OUT
3.Current # of Items

My problem here is that there are 5 Item categories, each with a relatively lost list of Items under each one.
2.Ice Cream
3.Kitchen Supplies

Will it be advisable for me to create an Item Catalog TABLE for each of the category instead of piling all the Items into just one Item Catalog TABLE?

The Designs I’m currently considering are:


TABLE SET 1 : Catalog of Items
Fields (ID, Name)
•TABLE Drinks
•TABLE Ice Cream
•TABLE Kitchen Supplies
•TABLE Grocery
TABLE SET 2 : Movement IN/OUT of Items
Fields (Movement ID, Name, Date, IN-Amount, OUT-Amount)
•TABLE Drinks
•TABLE Ice Cream
•TABLE Kitchen Supplies
•TABLE Grocery

TABLE 1: Catalog of Items
Fields (ID, Category, Name)

TABLE 2: Movement IN/OUT of Items
Fields (Movement ID, Name, Category, Date, IN-Amount, OUT-Amount)

I’m really more inclined to choice A because I just re-learned Access last month and will be creating my first serious database just now. I don’t want to choose a more complex table structure (choice B) that might cause problems with the DB later (as it will really be used to keep track of real-life inventory and might screw up their operations if it goes haywire). Is Design A viable? Or flawed?

Another question I have is with the structure of the Movement – IN/OUT table. Is this workable? My thought is just to let the user enter something like:

Drink [date] [IN] [OUT]
Coke [date] [2] [0]
Coke [date] [0] [1]

In the database, then compute current Quantity of the Item using a query (Sum[IN] – Sum[OUT]) . Will this work? I’m a bit apprehensive with this because I’m thinking I should have another TABLE that will store the actual inventory Quantity instead of the Quantity just being computed through query. But doing another TABLE for Quantity does complicate stuff a lot since it will have to determine which Quantity value gets added to or subtracted from based on many criteria. Will it be OK just to use the query to compute Quantity left?

Thank you so much for any help on this!

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Forms :: Design A Subform To Allow Multiple Records To Be Entered?

Mar 27, 2015

I am trying to design a subform to allow multiple records to be entered and then uploaded to a table. I've designed the subform but it is currently pulling all of the records from the table through and all I want is a blank subform for data entry.

I have tried putting a macro in the On Load and On Open events to get it to go to a new record but I keep getting error number 2046.

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Forms :: How To Design A Form That Can Pull Multiple Invoices Data

Apr 17, 2015

how to design a form that can pull multiple invoices data related to the same purchase order number?

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Tracking And Receiving Inventory In Multiple Locations?

Jun 16, 2012

The company I work for has inventory at our physical location (our shop) and we also have inventory on trucks. I need to track the inventory in the shop and trucks so that when items get below a certain preset level I can run a report to find out how many of each part I need in each location. Create purchase orders and receive the inventory to whichever location I need it at. I would like to at some point be able to track where the parts are going.

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Inventory Forms By Date

May 25, 2005

I would like to know in Acess how to create a Form
Let's say to lookup Products you sold by date in like a month period on a form
To select the items from the list and have it display by that date.

Mike Van Der STad

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Forms :: Unbound Form To Make Inventory Entries?

Oct 10, 2014

I'm trying to use an unbound form to enter single inventory items to my database. As part of the function of this form, I'd like to check new items against the current inventory, and perform the function you can see in the error handling code(Which works fine). Currently, when I try to run this I get an error on the syntax of the 'FROM' clause.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub btnCommit_Click()
'On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim SQL As String
SQL = " INSERT INTO [InventoryDetail]" & _


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Forms :: Using Form To Update Location Change Of Inventory?

Dec 2, 2013

I have an inventory of equipment that is assigned to different locations. When repair is needed, the equipment is brought in and swapped with a loaner. How can I update on a form the location change from "A" to "Shop" that will show up on the related equipment table? I have "Location" in the table, but don't know if I need something to the effect of "NewLocation" to assist in showing the equipment swap.

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Forms :: Inventory Of Domain Assets - Search Button

Jun 24, 2015

I am currently the administrator of a fairly large network and am trying to keep inventory of all my domain assets. I would like to be able to search for these assets by a number of different ways such as computer name, location name (ie: CEO office, accounts receiveable, or human resources), slot number on my switches (I would like to know whats connected to where), and also what switch it is located on. Right now I am using a combo box to populate these fields but would like to implement a search function instead to be able to search with whatever information I have.

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Forms :: Stock Inventory - Opening Form And Passing Data

Jan 9, 2014

I have a form that displays a stock inventory, one of the fields I use is called [ItemCode].

On the Stock_Inventory form I have 10 command buttons that open other forms to display additional product information.

These were previously sub_forms that sat in a tabbed control box within the Stock_Inventory Form but as it now takes a while for the form to load (lots of queries running each time you search for a product) users are getting slightly frustrated.

So, what I decided to do, was move each subform from the tabbed control into a new form and open that form when it is needed by the user.

OK, when I open Stock_Inventory and search for a product [ItemCode = "ABC123"] and then want to see the Sales_History, I have to open my new form, Stock_Inventory_Sales_History, within this form are two sub-forms, each subform has a field called [ItemCode].

However, when Stock_Inventory_Sales_History opens it asks me to input the parameter [ItemCode] twice, I presume this is because the Stock_Inventory_Sales_History does not have a record source and that the subforms need [ItemCode="ABC123"] to run each query and return the data.

I need to pass the [ItemCode] from the Stock_Inventory form to each of the 2 Subforms that are on the Stock_Inventory_Sales_History form automatically.

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Forms :: Filter Down To Specific Categories In Inventory - Scroll Bar In Continuous Form

Sep 9, 2014

I've got a continuous form that displays my massive 3,000+ inventory, with the option to filter down to specific categories. Some categories have 5 items, others have hundreds. The design I have used makes it look really tacky once I filter down to one of the categories that has 5 items, because there is no scroll bar.

What I've tried using is:

If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount < 10 Then
Me.Scrollbars = 2 'vertical only
Me.Scrollbars = 2
End If

But it still doesn't display correctly (nobar.png). This is probably my biggest headache right now, and every "solution" I've found, doesn't work.

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Forms :: Track Workload Document Inventory - Prepopulating A Form Field

Jun 7, 2013

I have a Db to track workload document inventory.

I have a data entry form that updates a table - the table tracks workload inventories.

Beg Bal Inventory, plus Received, Minus Processed, equals the End Inventory

Users data enter these document counts every day, click a SAVE button and those counts are saved on the table.

The next day the user wants to open the form for that day's document count for data entry, and wants the End Inventory result from yesterday's record to appear automatically prepopulated in the beginning balance data entry field on the form.

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Best Way To Design For Multiple Values?

Sep 24, 2007


I am experiencing some confusion in setting up a many-to-many relational database, and I would greatly appreciate any assistance that anyone may have to offer.

Currently, I have two tables: one which is a last of organizations provided services, and the second table is a list of counties in the state. While many organizations only focus their services on one county, some offer services in multiple counties. The desired end product is a website in which users can search for available service organizations based on the county they have selected.

In Access, what is the best way to link each individual entry in the organizations table to the appropriate counties in which they offer services? For example, I will need to say Organization1 offers services in County1, County2, County43, and Organization 2 offers services in County2 and County62. When a user selects County2, it should return both Organization1 and Organization2… and so on.

What is a more efficient way to store this information than just having multiple columns?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Table Design - Multiple Fields

Dec 29, 2005

I'm hoping someone can help me with this one. I have a database that tracks seminars and registrations. I need to revise it as they want to allow an individual to add in up to 10 more additional people on their registration.

The simple way would be to do the following (you'll see my 10 additional fields in here), but I don't think this is the 'RIGHT' way:

Registration_Number - Autonumber - PK
Seminar_Name - Lookup (goes to Tbl_Seminars)
First_Name - Text
Last_Name - Text
Business_Name - Text
Years_in_Business - Number
Address - Text
City - Text
State - Text
Zip - Text
Phone - Text
E_Mail - Text
Questions - Memo
Additional_Registrant1 - Text
Additional_Registrant2 - Text
Additional_Registrant3 - Text
Additional_Registrant4 - Text
Additional_Registrant5 - Text
Additional_Registrant6 - Text
Additional_Registrant7 - Text
Additional_Registrant8 - Text
Additional_Registrant9 - Text
Additional_Registrant10 - Text

What I 'think' is required is an Additional_Registrants table, but I'm not sure how to do this so that when someone fills out a registration form, the 10 additional registrants go into this table and the database knows that these 10 belong to record X and so forth.

Does this make sense?

Any ideas or thoughts on this on?

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Design Process - Applying Multiple Discounts

Mar 6, 2006

Hey, i'm working on creating a database.
it's involves a customer booking a ticket for a flight.
i have three tables, customer, booking and flight.

anyways, i'm having trouble applying the price the customer needs to pay

say there's an attribute on table Flight -> flightprice.

when a customer makes a booking, discounts are applied to the price.

discounts include:
1. Special seasonal discount, (eg from Sept to November) - 4%
2. Member discount - 6%
3. frequent flyer discount - 5%
4. other discount - 4%

the thing is that these discounts are stackable. ie, applied together.
(eg a person eligible for member discount and frequent flyer discount will get 11% discount total)

i know that if only one of the discount rates apply,
then i'd be able to create a new table called Discounts
and have a one to many relationship with the Booking table.

but i'm not sure how i need to bypass this when several discount rates can be applied at once to a single booking.

also on another note.

how can i make the seasonal booking only be applied if the date of the booking lies in between the promotion season?

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Forms :: Cannot Alter Forms In Design View

Dec 9, 2013

I can no longer alter my forms in design view when I save them nothing happens i have to press no and then access shuts down. I have a feeling this is something to do with the VBA editor that i have been playing with, but don't understand VBA. It is not all forms. I have a split Database.

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Queries :: Crosstab Design Is Slow When Opening And Saving In Design Mode?

Oct 6, 2014

I have had to use my first crosstab queries.

I now understand that when opening and saving crosstab queries Access (2010) runs that query to ascertain the column names. Unless you hard-code them. Running the query takes at least 20 minutes.
I have hard-coded where I can, but one report takes arbitrary dates so I can't hard-code them.

I believe that turning off AutoCorrect might make a difference to whether the query runs - but I don't want to turn it off.

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Best Forms To Design

Apr 14, 2006

I have some tables that are set up as follows (these are not the actual names of the tables and fields, I'm using generic names so that I don't get a bunch of questions about the setup to begin with; I believe they are set up in the best possible way):

Table1 has a one to many relationship with Table2
Table1 has a one to many relationship with Table3
Table2 has a many to many relationship with Table3

Fields for Table1

Fields for Table2

Fields for Table3

Fields for Table4

Can anyone offer some advice on the best way to set up some forms for data entry with these tables? I think having Table1 be the recordsource for a parent form, having Table2 be the recordsource for one subform, and having Table3 be the recordsource of another subform would work for the one to many relationship between Table1 and Table2 and the one to many relationship between Table 1 and Table3. But I can't figure out how to then include the many to many relationship between Table2 and Table3.

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Table Design For Forms?

Jun 29, 2015

I have several standard tables and all is well. However the final one I have came to do I'm a bit unsure about.

I have a "Jobs_Type" table as a way to clarify certain information about the "Jobs".

All this needs to be is a few combo boxes and check boxes I believe, neither of which I have used.

Ultimately I want the user to be entering data for that job on one form. Then select the type and enter any other information. Based on the "Jobs_Type" Information, the reports may be different also.

Am I thinking this is more difficult than it actually is? I was wondering if there's anything I should consider at the stage I'm at, or just continue until I get to form design.

- Some things I am unsure about:

*I would like to use sub menus, SO, the user picks a "PROJECT" then under that project they may select "BATCH 1" or batch 2..3.. whatever they wish.

*The choice in "PROJECT" Should determine the sub menu. Some jobs may not be split into batches at all, or it may have a totally new format of delivery. The system needs to be flexible.

*What is the primary key? All my other tables are using auto numbers, BUT here I'm confused.

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Design Theory...using Web Pages As Forms!

Jul 10, 2006

Here at work we have access 97. My idea is to present to my boss a new way to go about the database. I tell him we need a copy of access 2003 and I use the pages function in it to make html files for people to load on thier machine for the database. This should allow me to have the much needed user friendlyness of access 2003 and all its features without the whole company buying office 2003 for every computer (although they should...)

As far as this working...Whats your opinion about it? Would this way of running a database work well? I am not to bad at html so thats not an issue either.

If you know of any related threads, you can post the link also.


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Unable To Design Forms & Reports

Aug 14, 2005


I can do anything(design/edit/add new) to my table & queries but unable to redesign/edit my existing forms & reports, i wonder why?. My Database attributes is not "read only".

pls help.

thank a lot.


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Access Forms Design View

Aug 28, 2007

(Forms) How do I insert a Page below the Detail Bar?

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Forms :: Allow Edits In Design Mode

Jan 9, 2015

I have a form which was locked down (ie Allow additions, allow edit and allow deletions were all set to no) on the Form property. I want to change this to allow edits so in design mode I changed the Allow Edits property to Yes.

I then went to Form view and was able to update fields on the form. When I exited the form it asked me if I wanted to save the changes so I clicked yes.

On going back into the form I can no longer update the fields I could before. Going into design mode I can see that Allow edits on the form property is set to no again.

What is happening here. There is nothing in the on load or other events to set this to no, besides this shouldn't change the form property should it?

I know I can get around it my setting the property in the form itself but why is the property getting reset in the first place.

Access 2010.

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DATASHEET --- Allow Design Changes: Design View Only DOES NOT WORK

May 18, 2007

I have a sub form in DataSheet view and I would like to lock the design so that the User should not change the layout

Even when I set the property of the Datasheet “Allow Design Changes: Design View Only” users are able to unhide the hidden columns and they can also change the size of the column by dragging the column end line

Does any one know how to lock the design of datasheet ( I am using this sub form datasheet for data entry but do not want users to change the layout)


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Forms :: Database Design - How To Display A Field

Jun 12, 2014

I have a small access 2010 system. The database design was not good (replication of data all over the place) so I have been tidying up the design but have hit a few problems.I am using a form which contains amongst other things a customer name. The customer name used to be part of the enquiry table, and was picked up directly from there. I have replaced this with the key to the customer table.The only way I have managed to pick the customer name up is to change the control from a text box to either a list box or a combo box. I then have to set column count to 2 set the widths to 0 and 3 to hide the 1st one (the ID) and then set the bound column to 2 to show the customer description.

This is fine up to a point BUT the format controls on the list/combo are different from the text box so I can't replicate the back style and back colour (I had transparent and no colour respectively); the back style has disappeared and how to make the back color as "no colour".Also I end up with 2 little up and down arrows (for the list box) or ma bigger arrow for the combo.

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