Forms :: Display Records Of Table On The Form

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to display a table records on the form with this code:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String

On Error GoTo Err_cmd_vimport_Click
'defining the form recordset

[Code] ...

MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_vimport_Click
End Sub

however i could not be able get any results in the form as if the debugging is not showing an error.

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Forms :: Display Records In Form

Sep 7, 2014

I am putting together a database in access 2013.

I need to put in a form which basically lists all the clients names, with a button next door to each name, allowing them to edit their details. Is this possible.

Basically when loading the form, all client names are displayed in alphabetical order. Clicking on the edit button next door to the client, displays the client details in another form for easy editing. How can I do this .

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Forms :: How To Display Records On A Form Based On Listbox

Jun 5, 2014

I designed a simple form that has a listbox and a subform. I am using Northwind database for testing.

I would like to be able to display on a subform only records based on a value of a list box.

I created a listbox using a wizard and selected an option 'find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my list box'. This kind of works but it does not display all records matching criteria.

Attached print screen 1 shows my table and there are six records for 'Las Vegas' but my sub-form displays only three for Karen Toh (print screen 2) and all records for John Edwards are missing. I am not really sure how to fix this problem.

Ideally I would like to take this a step further and do another list box with Last Name and then filter data even further down so for example if I select Last Vegas and Edwards then the form would show me only matching records.

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Forms :: Display Subform Records On Main Form As Text

Jun 28, 2014

I have a form with a subform in it. The Subform relates to a junction table.

For each record on the main form, there may be more than one record on the subform. The Subform only has one field on it (a combobox).

What I want to be able to do is have a text box on the main form that shows a concatenated list of all of the records on the subform.

For example, if I have 2 subform records, 'Yellow' and 'Blue', I want a textbox on the main form record to show 'Yellow, Blue'.

I have tried so many things I have found online (over about 5 hours, including a module called ConcatRelated) and absolutely nothing works!

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Forms :: Filtering Records Which Form Will Initially Display From Header File

May 30, 2015

I have a header/detail form working well. I use a Dsum to update a TOTAL field in the header - based on all the detail records for that Header.

However, I want to 'filter' or condition the records which the form will initially display from the Header file. I have a conditioning field (Invoice date) in the header which should 'block' it from display on the form. I may also desire to SORT the selected Headers record into a different sequence before display...

Looks like any "filtering" I try on the header table makes it difficult to go back and update the TOTAL in the Header?

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Forms :: Form To Display Information From Junction Table?

Feb 3, 2014

I've established a many to many relationship using a junction table.

So I have 3 tables (A for "materials", B for "batches", and J for "junction")

Form A is linked to table A, and contains a subtable linked to a query from table J. This allows me to input materials into table A and then list all of the batches it may be used in that are in table B. I successfully got this to input all the batches and materials combinations in table J.

Now on form B, which is linked to table B, displays the batch information, with the subtable J.

My problem, is that only the materials primary key is showing, not the other information that should be linked from table A.

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Forms :: Filter Data From The Table To Display In Form

Apr 3, 2014

I use Me.Filter & Me.Filteron to filter the data from the table to display in the form, i used this in On Open event & This is working fine.

But in the filtered form when the user right click and filter some value and unfilter the search (in the bottom of the form next to search (Navigation Button) ) then this shows all the data from the table i.e its not taking the on open filter condition.

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Forms :: Display Field From Separate Table In A Form To Use As Reference

Mar 25, 2014

In my form (source tblJobs) i input a contract number from tblContracts. but i would also like it to show the contract address when the contract number is entered. Both fields belong to tblContracts but i only wish to enter the contract number, the address will just be used as a reference as it isnt something i would have to enter again.

So for example

112 - Main Road

If i enter 122 in my ContractNo field i would like it to show the contract address for that specific contract.

Can i do this? If So how?

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Forms :: Display Field List For The Table Associated With Form - Access 2010

May 21, 2013

I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.

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Forms :: Subform Won't Display All Records

Apr 3, 2013

I have a form that shows data from tables tbl_AgencyInfo, and a subform showing data from tables tbl_CourseInfo & tbl_StudentInfo. Each agency can have mutliple students and multiple courses, so that is why it is set up this way.

My subform will only display one record at a time, however, even though there are multiple students/coursess that relate to the agency. I am thinking something is off with my relationships but I'm not totally sure. In previous databases I have linked my tables together in a central table, but that table in this case does not seem to be populating.

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Forms :: Subform Not Display All Records

Oct 22, 2013

I have one table containing all neccessary detail of members of varius soceity

I create a query to find name of all society(ies) for one person

When i create a form to the that query it show all record in form view,datasheet view but when i insert this form as sub form in other form it shows only first record.

main form and subform not connected each other as main form linked with table and subform with query

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Access Forms To Display Records

Oct 16, 2015

I have a form on access, that displays data for the customer and products that he has purchased. I want to set it up in such a way that if I click on the customer it shows all the products he has purchased. And if i click on the products, it goes to the product information page(form).

I currently have a form in which I have put in two text boxes that have the product and customer fields as data source. The form displays records from a query that is used to filter the customer's purchased products sorted ascending.

The form is working partly correct. It displays only one product from the customer that is in ascending order but not all. If I add more text boxes, it displays the same first product repeatedly.How can I set it up as to display all the products that the customer bought for each customer?

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Forms :: Deleting Records On The Table Through Form

Oct 12, 2014

I have a form linked to a table and in my form there is a listbox reflecting the records in my table. Evereytime I tick a record in the list box the information on its corresponding columns appears on the text field.

So far I am able to add, modify and save record to my table using this form but I am having a problem on deleting a record which I selected on the listbox. I created a delete command button but it is not working. Please see attached database.

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Forms :: Access Records Of A Table In A Form?

Aug 13, 2013

access 2013. I am working on a project which I should design a form as program.

in that form I want to make a field with expression builder to retrieve some data which satisfy a condition (that condition is based on some input form who work with the program) I want to access records one by one and check if they satisfy the condition but i do not known how can I do this?

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Forms :: Display Records As Columns Instead Of Rows

Sep 12, 2013

I think the answer to this question is going to be a flat 'No', but here we go.

I want to have something like a datasheet, except with with records shown as columns instead or rows.

For clarity, a datasheet displays records as rows, like this:

field 1 field 2
record 1 record 1
record 2 record 2

I'm wanting to present the data the other way around, like this:

field 1 record 1 record 2
field 2 record 1 record 2

Just to complicate matters, the number of records to be displayed is variable, so it should add more columns as required.

About the only option I can think of is to create a subform with fields stacked in a column without labels, and try to dynamically stack the forms as needed, hooking them up to the correct data on the fly.

Alternately, I wondered if I could dynamically generate a recordset with each record containing the field value of multiple records. I can see myself getting into trouble trying to update data this way however.

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Forms :: If No Records In A Subform Display A Label?

Feb 27, 2014

I have a form with 3 subforms on it based on individual queries.

If there is no data to display the subforms are blank.

I want to display a Label on the subform saying that there is no data to display?

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Forms :: Display Records Then Add Longitudinal Data

Jun 18, 2015

I have a student database and I want to update class manually as the students graduate each year. In my form I want to search the name of the student and retrieve records from last update from a query I have created. To find the record, I search from a combo box with a code:

Me.Recordset.FindLast "StudentID = " & Me.SName

The fields i want displayed for that are LUpdate, LClass and LStatus.

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Forms :: Table Updated But New Records Not Showing In Form

Jul 15, 2014

When I add new records to the form and close the form, the tables are updated with the new records, but the new records don't show in the form (navigation).

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Forms :: Inserting Multiple Records From Form Into Table?

Jun 18, 2014

I have a tabular form with many rows of records. Users add some additional information and now I would like to insert it into a new table.

I tried to use below code and it works but it inserts only first row out of many. So I just wonder how to amend it to insert all data?

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [PO Lines - Table] ([SKU], [SKU Description], [Barcode], [Qty], [Unit Price], [PO Number], [Range])" & _
" VALUES ('" & Me.SKU & "','" & Me.SKU_Description & "',''" & Me.Barcode & "''," & Me.Qty & "," & Me.Unit_Price & ",'" & Me.PONumber & "','" & Me.Range & "')"

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Forms :: 2 Records Added To Table After Form Is Submitted

Dec 20, 2013

I have a form that has a few combo boxes that I use as drop down lists that the user can choose from. After the form is completed, the user clicks "Submit" and the query/table is updated. However, 2 records are added instead of 1. The first record leaves the first field blank and every other field completed. The second record has every field filled out with the same info as the first. In other words, the first of the 2 records is unnecessary. How do I eliminate this from happening?

Data Entry set to "Yes"

Submit button:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "Insert Into qryEarlyPoints(empName,dateOfOccurrence,leaveEarly,early6Mins) VALUES('" & Me.txtEmpNameInf & "','" & Me.txtDateInf & "','" & Me.cmbEarlyPoints & "','" & Me.cmbArriveEarly & "')"
Application.SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", 0

Exit Sub
End Sub

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Forms :: Add Multiple Records At Once To A Child Table From A Form?

Apr 16, 2015

I have an unbound new contact data entry form that adds records to many different tables. I have no problems adding one record to a child table at a time, but one of the things we are collecting is a list of online networks a person belongs to, and I want to be able to stick a "check all that apply box" on my form and have it add multiple records to the child table. Here's the basic set up, I have a parent table with the main contact information with a primary key field "IID", a lookup table with "Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter..." etc in it with a primary key field "online_id", and a bridge table to link the two which should have multiple entries for IID, one for each online_id. I want to use a listbox (or something like it) that the user can select multiple online networks and then have records added to the bridge table. I can figure out how to add the listbox on the form, what I can't figure out is how to get the values out of the listbox. T

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Forms :: Unretrieved Records From Table Via Query Form

Sep 11, 2013

I have a form that has the following fields: Ticket Date From, Ticket Date To, Pawnshop, Property Category, Item Description, Make, and Serial Number.

The purpose of this form is to allow an unexperienced user of Access to query a database. Thus far, when I specify the query to include dates from/to, pawnshop, property category (eg, jewelry), and item description (ring) the records retrieved are the correct number. None of these fields contain null values. However, the Make field has some null values and the Serial Number field has an extensive number of null values.

My problem is that I have noticed because the Make field has some null values a few number of records aren't retrieved after my query (even if I leave the Make field blank). This problem is much worse with the Serial Number field. For instance, I ran a basic query via my form specifying the dates and property category-jewelry and got back 229 records but when I verified this with a separate query I got 960 records, which is the correct number.

My criteria from my querry are as follows:

Between [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[TicketDateFrom] And [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[TicketDateTo]
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm]![Pawnshop] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[PropertyDescription] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[Make] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[SerialNumber] & "*"

The bottom two I've had to remove because the correct number of records were not being retrieved. I suspect that the null values in the Make and Serial Number fields are the root of the problem. to make these queries all work together!!

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Forms :: Display All Records Based On Single Date

Oct 7, 2014

Is there a way to make a form that will display all records based on a single date, at the same time, in the same format each and every time?I have a table which has the following fields:

ID (Autonumber, PK)
Deallocate (yes/no)

Now, I would quite like to keep the form in a style similar to all the others I have, not least as I have to cater for users of all age and abilities, so keeping things as simple. I have attached an image - each row to represent a record basically, I would like the form to open and show the same layout on each day (I would place the textboxes etc in route groups); a null value would not be allowed for at least one field in each record, I could force the records to populate the form in the same way each day?

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Display # Of Records From Query On A Form

Jan 19, 2006

I have a query that querys another query for check boxes that are checked. I would like to display in a text box on a form the # of records that the query found to be checked. I have looked all day and have found nothing that I have enough knowledge to use. I need to know how and how to apply this. If you have other suggestions to do this, I am game! :)

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Display Multiple Records On A Form

May 2, 2005

:rolleyes: Hmm how should I put it? I want like to create a form so I can show 8 to 10 records at a time on a single page (instead of using continuous form); so when I press the next button, the next set of 8 records will be show on the next page.

Is it possible to do that with Access?



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Display All Records For One Business In One Form?

Sep 27, 2005

Hi dont know how im gonna explain this but here goes,

I have a table of businesses and each business has vacancies and consultancy time under it through related tables, so i have


I want to be able to display all the Vacancies for one company in a form and all the consultancy in one form, i know i could do it though querys but i have 600 companies and that would be ridiculous.

Is there any way i can do it by selecting a business and been able to see all records for that business.

Thanks for your help

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