Forms :: Dividing Lines In Form But Not Report

Aug 12, 2014

I have a form that I'm using as a subform as well as a subreport.

I would like to have dividing lines in the subform, but not the subreport.

Is there any way of doing this other than just creating a duplicate form with a different name?

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Forms :: Add Record Lines To Spreadsheet Form

Apr 25, 2013

I want to create an access spreadsheet form in which the user can add data, which will be - after being processed - added to a database table. The spreadsheet form is for this reason not directly linked to a database table.

In the spreadsheet that I actually have, I manage to copy paste data from an Excel spreadsheet. However, only the first row is pasted. Access doesn't add new record lines for the other rows of my spreadsheet.

How can I make Access add record lines in function of the data on that is pasted? Or if this is not possible, how can I add sufficient additional lines myself?

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Forms :: Duplicate Lines In Multiple Form And Query

Jul 8, 2015

The purpose of my database is to keep a record of training activities undertaken by staff. There is therefore a multiple form which displays, for a specified worker, the list of all the required activities. Each line has a button which opens another form to allow an activity to be started (together with start date and other info). The main tables are Worker, Activities, and a junction table Worker2Activities. On closing the second form and refreshing the first one, the started activity is correctly recorded, but on as many lines as there are staff on the course. To make matters worse, these also appear when i then select another worker (and if i create another worker, the number of lines goes up by one for all of them). The Worker2Activities table correctly show one new record created

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Forms :: Limiting Continues Form To Accept 7 Lines And Dating Them With Current Week?

Jul 29, 2013

Form info

1st Form Name: Mainform
Text to enter employee ID : empid

Sub form within Mainform: SFTimesheet (continues form)
text to enter: Timein, Break, Timeout

SFTimesheet shows and accept entries for each employee called using the text empid, on the mainform

I wanted the subform to show 7 days /lines starting from Sunday to Saturday of current week and dating the text "Timein" accordingly. When employee enteres an entry on the 7th Line, it should give them a new 7 lines for the new week to begin.

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Need To Make My Report Look Like An Excel With Lines In It!

Jun 15, 2006

Does anyone know how to make a report have lines in it like excel can do when you print out. My boss likes to read this data with lines seperating stuff. Thanks.

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How To Create A Report With Grid Lines?

Aug 22, 2006


In my first steps working with Access I feel unable to find out how can I create a report that shows the data (records from a Clients Table - Name, Phone, e-mail fields-) in a "spreadsheet like" format with gridlines. Can anyone help me on this?


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Reports :: How To Get Rid Of The Lines Appearing In A Report

Jul 13, 2013

how I get rid of the lines appearing in a report? I've set everything to transparent but the group header and subsequent records in the subreport all have separating lines.

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Modules & VBA :: Minimizing Empty Lines On A Report?

Jul 30, 2013

The overall goal is to hide a whole line of a report using "canshrink" on a series of boxes, some of which are numbers and some that aren't. Some will be blank when the data is loaded into the form and I want these to make the rest of the form adjust.

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.Label33.Value = "<1" Then
Me.Label34.Caption = "Nothing."
End If
End Sub

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Reports :: Inserting Blank Lines To Access Report

Jul 27, 2013

I have a specific form, paper version, that I'd like to reproduce in an Access report. This form, which has 34 blank lines in the paper version, is used when people need to borrow some Tools or Equipment on a short period of time.

My report is made up in Access, but, if a person signs for, lets say, three different piece of Equipment, once it is sent to the printer, it prints three lines, which are the equipement signed for and it leave a big empty space before it reach the page footer.

What I need is something that will fill that empty space with blank lines. I found the following on the Net which meets my needs up to a point. What I mean is once it print the last line, it keeps on printing the last line until it meets the total count of 34 lines.

Here what I found on the Net: (note that I have a =count(*) into the Group Header)

Option Compare Database 'Use database order for string comparisons
Option Explicit
Global TotCount As Integer
' Call the SetCount() function from the group header section's
' OnPrint property using the syntax: =SetCount(Report)

[Code] ....

I submitted an attach file (blank_lines.gif) to show you what I end up with.

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Reports :: Growing Table Boxes / Lines In Report?

Oct 23, 2013

in my report I have table made from 25 fields (5x5) and they all have the Can Grow Option turned on.

However the lines and boxes separating the fields do not grow with my fields and I get plenty of intersections and over lapping.

Is there a way to make boxes and lines grow with the text box?

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Missing Lines & Pics When Publishing Access Report In MS Word

Sep 24, 2003

Hi all,

It's my 1st posting! Need help on how to get Unbound OLE objects (i.e. lines, pics, et.) reflected when publishing my Access report into MS Word. So far, only the data are exported. Appreciate your help.

System Info: Intel Celeron 700MHz, W98SE, MS Access 2002

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Reports :: Printing Lines Vertical And Horizontal In A Report Like Table In Word Document

Sep 12, 2013

I need to replicate an existing report that has a number of 3 columns across the page and has 35-40 rows down the's like a table in Word or a spreadsheet in Excel. I need to print the column and row lines.

Is there a simple way to include these in the report other than me drawing each and every line?

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SQl Query For Dividing A Field

Jul 13, 2006

I have to write a SQL statement which can divide Field1 and put the result sets in another field.In plain English I want to say, In Field1 if there is a Comma, put the letters between 2 commas, in field 2, If there is another comma put it in Field3
Field1 is an adress field and has values like 19 Stoney Gardens, Livingston, West Lothian
I want this address to be divided. I am new and am stuck now.
What is the best way to write a SQL query for this.
Many thanks

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Dividing Creates An #Error...

Aug 29, 2007


I am trying to do a simple division. But I am getting an #Error when Access query tries to divide 0 by 0. Here is my example:

fldOne = 0
fldTwo = 0

fldCalc: IIf(([fldOne]/[fldTwo])=0,0,([fldOne]/[fldTwo]))
result = #Error


fldCalc: IIf(([fldOne]+[fldTwo])=0,0,([fldOne]/[fldTwo]))
result = 0

If I change the IIF to [0]+[0] (plus) then it works. So I think I am trying to find out how to divide two fields that both contain zeros? (...I think!)

Any help appreciated!


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Dividing Rows Into Groups By Hours

Aug 28, 2006

Not sure whether this would be easier in a query than in VBA.. but I'm new to this:9

I've got a guest list for a big party, and one of the fields "Arrival" is a DATE/TIME field where it says when the guest entered the premises.
What I want for reporting purposes is to divide guests into nine "arrivalgroups", a number field I've added to the table in casu.

The groups look like:
117-18(or <16:00 AND >=18:00)
etc. all the way up to 9, last group being 01:00-02:00

That is, if the guest arrived between 20 and 21, the table field "arrivalgroup" would be set to 4.

Any easy way to do this?

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Reports :: Hidden Count Box For Dividing A Set Of Values

Aug 11, 2015

I am trying to get my report to divided numbers that are there. I get this data from subreports, then want it divided by the appropriate number. Example:

this would equal 48, but I want it to be divided by 3, not by 6. Or say the next report would have:


which would equal 45 and this would be divided by 5, not by 6.I was wondering is there a way by creating a hidden box that would check each value to see what it would be divided by. Example: iff(report.hasdata, control +=1)

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Queries :: Dividing By Calculated Total Sum Of Two Query Columns

Oct 30, 2013

I currently have a query that pulls selected data from a table. There can be multiple rows of data, and two columns include dollar amounts and quantities. I have a total line going at the bottom so I can see the Grant Total of all the rows (for dollar amounts and quantity).

Is it possible to add a column to this query that will calculate the expression:..?

=Grand Total of Dollar Amts for selected data/Grand Total of Quantity for selected data

I tried to use a query in a query, but must have done something wrong because it just said circular reference.

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Vertical Lines On Forms

Feb 10, 2005

Rather than manually draw vertical lines on my forms, I'm looking for a way to generate vertical lines using VBA code. Has anyone done this?


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Forms :: How To Prevent Multiple Lines In Field

Apr 13, 2015

Ive had a recurring problem with one of my databases

ive got a form with a subtable on it, the subtable is very important as much of the DB's data is entered in there.

every once and a while one of the users will be doing data entry and on a certain field (a short text field if that makes any difference) theyll push enter instead of tab, to move on to the next field, enter creates a new line instead of moving to the next field, when a new line is created the user will either assume the field is blank and retype the data or ignore it entirely and move on

the trouble is one of my queries completely fails to work when there are multiple lines in this field (comes with a data type mismatch error)

is there a way to prevent the field from being able to contain multiple lines (like a property setting or some VB code?)

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Ruler Lines On Form

Sep 5, 2005

can you get automatic ruler lines to display on a report after each record is displayed?

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Forms :: How To Break Update Statement Into Multiple Lines

Mar 7, 2014

I am unable to break the UPDATE statement into multiple lines and now I am getting "Syntax Error in UPDATE statement"

Following is the multiple line Update Statement

Dim strsql As String
strsql = "Update tblcurr" & _
"SET tblCurr.Currencyname =" & _
"[forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurname]" & _
"WHERE (((tblCurr.Currencycode)=" & _
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql

Following is the one liner Update statement which, works perfectly

strsql = "UPDATE tblCurr SET tblCurr.Currencyname = [forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurname] WHERE (((tblCurr.Currencycode)=[forms]![updatecurrency]![txtcurcode]));

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Forms :: Add And Delete Lines From Table Directly On Subform

Dec 6, 2013

I have a bound subform that lists all of the relationships from my unbound txtJobNum control and I can add and delete lines from the table directly on the subform. What I really need is to NOT update the table unless I click on my save command button.

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Forms :: Multi-Select Listbox Will Not Clear Selected Lines

Apr 7, 2013

I have a multi select listbox that I rebuild as I index thru some products in another listbox. This listbox then gives me the ingredients I can use. Works well, but the ghost selections in the listbox stay hilighted even after the rebuild.

I can select and de-select at will if there are actual items in the list box, but the ghosts remain.

Here is the code to clear the listbox

Dim _
ctlSource As Control, _
varSelected As Variant, _
intListCount As Integer
Set ctlSource = Forms.frm_select_UPC_LoinGrade!lstBox_ColdStorage
For intListCount = 0 To ctlSource.ListCount
ctlSource.Selected(intListCount) = False
Next intListCount

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Loosing Lines On Main Form After Navigating To Another Tab

Sep 11, 2006

I have a main form that displays four lines of data. I have a tab control with 3 tabs. The form displays perfectly until I navigate to one of the other tabs and back to the main tab. It appears to scroll down a couple of lines and I loose the top line of data.

Any idea what is happening or how to stop it?


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Multiple Lines In Order Form From Single Database

Feb 28, 2005

I have 2 databases Product, with 3 entries ProdID, ProdName and UnitCost.
2nd database Order has Order ID, ProdName, UnitCost, Quantity, SaleDate and Total.
I want to create a form to input data into the Order databse that allows me to enter several rows using the data from the product table by selecting ProdName(Product) from list and UnitCost(Product) being inserted into each row automatically as a new ProdName is selected.
Can anyone hsuggest how best to do this.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Blank Lines In Table Even Though Form Is Unbound

Jun 24, 2013

I have created a forum that all fields are unbound. On completing it is written to the table using a RunSQL command. This writes to the table with no problem but when it does so it is creating another entry with zero content. This is the save steps with open new form

Private Sub SaveRecordAddNew_Click()
Call PreSaveCheck
If Me.saveCheck = False Then
Exit Sub
Call WriteToTable

[Code] .....

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