Relationship: Customer ID is the primary key in Customer and is a foreign key in order table.
I need to create a Form with contains all the customer info from the customer table, as a drop down list. Once the customer is selected, all their orders should appear in a subform. At the minute I can get a form to work which shows all the orders but you have to go to the next record so see the order. For example it will say John smith and one order. The next record will be John smith again and their second order in the sub from.
I have used access in the past and I am fine with creating everything apart from the drop down. I am just a bit lost with the structure.
I have built a form that holds details of training records. What I want is when a drop down is selected in the main form, that it will populate some of the fields in the subform. I have this working at the moment, that for example, when a certain course is selected, that their modules will appear in the subform. Where my problem arises is that I have a relationship between two tables that I want to appear on the subform, so that details can be filled in on the subform against the list of modules that automatically appear.
I want to append/populate all data from one table to subform?
It is possible?
I managed to populate data from one table to another but my relations between form and subform isn't good, because record that is supposed to be filled as the "link master fields" is left blank.
Is there a function that will populate a field with drop down menu based on two criteria?I want the the fields with first and last name to populate with drop down lists based on the employee code I have inputted in the form and job title from a query.
Path: looks at employee code from form > looks at specific job title from query > pulls out all first names in one field and all last names in another field with the same job title in drop down list from query
Employee Code: 100
Returns all employees' first names in first field with same job title:
Prince Tina Greg
Returns all employees' last names in second field of form with same job title:
Fey William Jones
Here's what the query looks like in datasheet view:
Code: Location # First Name Last Name Job Title Employee Code 1 John Smith Technician 100 2 Jane Doe Manager 100 2 Greg Jones Engineer 100 1 Prince William Engineer 100 1 Tina Fey Engineer 100
I've been trying to get dlookup to work, but no luck. Here's one of my formula:
The first is linked to a separate table that only contains employee codes because query I am working with has duplicates due to multiple records.The second is trying to link both the table and query together to populate only first to include the second criteria, job title, to refine it more.
I have made a database. I have gotten to the point where I use a form to get the information. I am trying to get the information to auto populate fields after using 3 drop menus. They are department name, shop and shift. All of the information comes out of tbl department name, tbl shop and tbl shift.
I also have a table with department name, shop, shift, line, employee total, shift leader total, ratio of shift leaders per line and total employees off. I am trying to figure out once use the 3 drop down how can I Auto populate the remaining fields. Also I am trying to figure out where and how to put in the code.
Is there a quick and easy (or not so easy) way to use Microsoft Outlook Address Book to populate a drop down combo box? I am creating a form that needs to pull in Business Process Owners, all of which would be in our corporate address book.
I have 3 inputs based on which i'll fetch records from table in a subform for the given input criteria. Please let me know how to populate subform programmatically?
I tried source object property and form.recordsource property. It gives me some error or the other. let me know the right syntax to do the above mentioned.
The main form has fields for Record ID, Position, and Revision. The subform has fields for ID, Position, and Revision. There is also a field for "task". I have over 15 positions and 495 tasks. Each position has a set number (around 15 or so) tasks associated with that position.
I have the Position in the main form and the subform linked so when I select a position on the main form, the subform loads the same position. The question field (drop down) is "fed" from a query which contains all positions and all tasks. What I want the subform to do is when I select a position the drop down ONLY displays the tasks associated with that position.
I tried using an event procedure "On Click" and "After Update" to no avail. The embedded macro was:
Apply Filter Where condition= [tbl_Detail Cost Information]![Position]=[qry_attempt 1]![Position].
I also tried the reverse Where condition =[qry_attempt 1]![Position]=[tbl_Detail Cost Information]![Position]
The result is a fully loaded (all tasks) drop down.
I have a form where a different form opens up when a user clicks a certain button. What I’m trying to do is assign a field value from form1's subform to a field on form2 and it’s telling me "Run-time error ‘-2147352567 (80020009)’, You can’t assign a value to this object." I'm new to VBA, but think I'm on the right track. Could someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong.
The code I'm using is: Me.txtStoreNo = [Forms]![frmCDRData4REF]![sfrmCDRData4REF].Form!txtStoreNo
I have an unbound combobox on a form that is used to filter the records of a subform based on who they have been assigned to. The combo box is based off of a query to the personnel table and utilizes a UNION querry to add the option "**ALL**" with a id number "111111" as the first option in the combo box.
In other words: the combo box has a list of names to choose from and the word "ALL" at the top as the first selection. The idea is that when "**ALL**" is selected, the subform should display all records regardless of who they have been assigned to. I'm trying to accomplish this with VBA. I've started developing the code to try to impliment this, however currently when "**ALL**" is selected, I'm getting a datatype missmatch that seems to be caused by my use of recordset.
I've got an access front-end database running on Access Runtime on a Terminal Server with a back-end on a data server both of which are hosted by a remote company and accessed via Terminal Services. All is well and the database is working fine but because this is a cloud system I need a way that I can easily delve into the tables on the back-end without copying it down locally from the cloud each time (I've set up an "administrator" option so that this would be available to limited users). I've got the front-end forms working as I'd like but I have quite a few tables and I'd like to avoid creating a separate form for every table. I've been able to populate a combobox on my form with the list of linked tables and I'd like that when I choose a particular table from this list that the whole table is then visible within a subform below in case I need to manually intervene with the data for any reason.
I have a continuous subform with an unbound Concat textbox and would like to populate another field for each record with the results with a main form button onClick event.
I have a form that contains a subform. On the main form, there are 3 fields: [IncidentNumber], [OpenDate] and [OpenTime]. The subform, [CtrlLog Detail] , contains the log entry details for each incident number. Every incident number can have many log entries. Two of the fields on the subform are [EntryDate] and [EntryTime]. The fields work correctly and the forms are fine.The issue Im having is when a new incident number is created the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] and [EntryDate], [EntryTime] MUST be equal because of some filter queries for statistics. Right now the user must physically type in the date/times in these 4 fields when they create a new incident number, which means I'm having lots of data entry errors.
Using default value on either [EntryDate] or [EntryTime] on the subform doesnt work because it doesnt create a primary key for the underlying table and the subform will not allow any other entry (due to some other linked values) until that PK is created. The forms are based on tables linked by [Activity_ID] as the primary key. I want to create some VBA code to see that if the Incident number is a new number (meaning the user must type in the new incident number creating the primary key for [Activity_ID]), that access will automatically populate the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields to match the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] fields on the main form. The user will manually populate the [OpenDate], [OpenTime].
If the number is an existing number (and the user is simply adding a log entry to the incident number) then I want [EntryDate], on the subform to default to the system date/time ([EntryTime] should remain blank for user entry) while keeping [OpenDate], [OpenTime] unchanged. When the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields are populated on creation of a new incident number, I want the PK for the underlying table ([Log_ID]) to be generated.
I have made my first form and I did not to bad (?). I am thinking there is a faster way to enter data into my drop down box. I have set the tabs in the order I like but I have to tab to the next dropbox, then double click to open the box, then double click on my choice then double click on the next one. Is there a quicker way to go through 25 dropboxs?
I've got a Parent form (frmProspectDetails) with a subform linked (fsubProspectSkill).
This form is for users to enter general information on a prospect (names, position, height, weight, etc) on the parent form and skill levels on the subform.
Currently the subform is set so the user has to manually select the specific skill set for the prospects position, and then enter a value for each skill level(1-99).
I'm trying to get the subform to auto populate with a specific skill set based on the position selected in the parent form, so the user only needs to input the skill level without selecting each specific skill.
This data is then stored in a table (tblProspectSkill)
To add, I've created a form (frmPosition) that lists the specific skills set for each position.
I'm not sure how to get this subform (fsubProspectSkill) to auto populate with the specified skill set from frmPosition.
I am trying to do the following. I understand how to create relationships.However, when I create a field with a drop down selection (in this example Phone Number and Email) once that list item is selected I would like the column to the right to populate that information.So when Phone # is selected, the field to the right will populate a number for this individual.
I have a tabbed form from which the user can select a contact's record from a subform on the first tab, click a edit command button, and the unbound text boxes on the top of that tab populate. The user can then click the second tab with employment history which has blank unbound text boxes and another subform which is linked by the contact id to the first tab.
The user can select a record in the second tab, click a command button and the text boxes populate no problem. The problem comes when the user changes the contact on the first tab, and then tries to edit a record on the second tab. Then I get a run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)' saying the value you entered isn't valid for this field. Why it would work the first time by not the second?
I have a form called frm002_PAF_MonitoringMAIN and on this form I have a subform called frm002_PAF_Monitoring. The subform has a button to another form for contact details called Contact_Details. The Contact_Details form opens with the details of the person who I have selected on frm002_PAF_Monitoring. There are some fields on frm002_PAF_Monitoring that I would like to be populated on Contact_Details when opened, like FirstName and LastName. How can I do it?I have tried on afterupdate event on Contact_Details below but those don't work:
DLookup function. (this is for a stamp collection database).
On my form ("InventoryInput") I have a text box called "Catalog" for a numeric entry and a text combo box for selecting a "Country" in drop down list.
I want to query a table called "CatNameList" to get the "StampName" of the item (based on the entries of Catalog and Country) and populate that name in the text box. The fields in this table are called "StampName", "CatNumb" & "CName" respectively.
I have successfully placed the following expression in the control source of that textbox and able to populate the StampName I need based solely on the catalog number alone.
That express is : =DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "CatNumb = Form![Catalog]")
So it will populate the "StampName" data to match the "Catalog" number entry just fine.
However, I need to add a second layer to incorporate the Country.
Example : There is a catalog "1" for "USA", and a catalog "1" for "Canada" but both have different "StampName".
I have been attempting to get that second piece added with no success. Here is the expression I have been trying to get to work :
Right now, the text box is just blank with the above expression. I thought it may be because there was no match found, but I have triple checked to ensure I have the spelling correct on the country name in both places.
Basically, I just need the dlookup to take the "catalog" and "country" off the form and match it to the "CatNameList" table fields of "CatNumb" and "CName" to give me "StampName" field back on the form.
I have a simple data entry form with drop down facilities on 2 fields. One of these fields incorporates a drop down list from a table but there are occasions when I wish to make a free text entry for the single record, but do not wish to add it to the drop down list.
I have tried to achieve this with a Combo Box but without success, although I am sure that I have read that it is possible.
Is it possible to populate a single combobox with data from 3 different tables.
I have a table called observations (for observing deer), in that table is a field called Location, I have 3 other tables that list possible locations t_foodplots, t_stands and t_section.
I would like to have a combobox called location on my observations form that will allow me to select the proper location from one of those 3 tables, the choices would be something like this...
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Stand 1 Stand 2 Stand 3 Foodplot 1 Foodplot 2 Foodplot 3 etc....
The chosen value would be stored in the t_observations "location" field.
I need to pull data from a master project list to auto update other forms. When someone enters a project number I need it to pull the data for that project into another form so they dont need to keep typing details in. The other forms are trackers for our processes to complete the projects.
Let me know what you think...would a subform pull the info automatically somehow?