Forms :: Editing A Record - Combo Boxes Do Not Populate?

May 30, 2013

I have a data entry form that is also used for editing exsisting records, upon the opening of a record the form populates with all the data of the record apart from what is previously selected in combo boxes, so I need to find a way to re-populate those comboboxes?

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Two Combo Boxes Populate A Text Box

Jun 26, 2014

I need to populate a text box with data from a single cell contained in a table.Im hoping to use two combo boxes that when selected will select the cell. The combo boxes select data sources from the same table. One combo the row the second the column. One combo is already in use and populates several fields in the form. In the same form I'd like to place the second combo and beneath it have a text box that will populate with that cell detail.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Select Record For Editing?

Jun 13, 2013

I have a form that uses a combo box to select the record to edit which then opens the edit form... I keep getting a type mismatch error. The bound column is a text column and I'm wondering if that is the problem because this works perfectly everywhere else in the database. The primary key is the SKU of the product which is alphanumeric which is why I have it set to text...

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Forms :: Auto Populate Text Boxes Based On Value From Combo Box

May 16, 2013

I have a form called frmPO based on a table called tblPO One of the fields in tblPO is linked to the field idAddress in the table tblAddresses

The following fields exist in both tblAddresses and tblPO

The form contains controls for these fields on tblPO. I would like to give the user the choice to either enter a shipping address manually, or selecting a preregistered address from tblAdresses. For this I would like a combo box showing the values of idAddress. I f a user selects a preregistered shipping address, I would like the form to fill the rest of the fields based on the value of this control.

My understanding is that I should set a BeforeUpdate event to set the values of the different controls, unfortunately my command of VBA amounts to 0.

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Forms :: Saving / Editing A Record Using A Form With Combo Box

Jun 24, 2014

I have a form that I need to use to add new clients to a table in my database, lets call it tblClients. On this form I have a combo box which, when selected, will drop down with the first and last names of all clients in tblClients, as well as their Client ID. Once you select a client from the drop down menu, it populates all of the fields in the form with that clients info (Client ID, fname, lname, address, phone number, etc. etc.).

I need two other things on this form: one button that will save or modify whatever current record is currently pulled up, and one button that will start the process for entering a new client, so basically it would blank out all of the fields and fill the Client ID field with the current number +1.

As of right now I have the form made and the combo box works, in that I have 3 dummy clients in the tblClients and when I select each client from the combo box it will populate the fields on the form with the info. I'm using some simple VBA on the combo box such as

Me.FirstName = Me.cboBox.Column(1)

and that seems to all work, but the problem is trying to save/modify data to tblClients. The only record in the actual table that gets modified seems to be the first record. For example, if I pull up client with ID #3 and change his address or phone number, what happens when I click to save the changes it takes client ID #3 record, overrides it with client ID #1, and then client ID #3 is the same as client ID #1 except with the old information. I'm not quite sure why this is happening.

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Editing Combo Boxes

Jul 27, 2005

Is there a way to edit combo boxes? I'm trying to add a null value to a combo box.

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Forms :: How To Have Information Populate All Fields For Editing

Dec 20, 2013

I have attached a portion of my database. if you go into the form called frmtest, select a branch from the very top drop down, select a detail and click the Edit to have the information populate all the fields for editing. The Cost and Quantity fields work but my combo box fields don't properly work. The top combo box populates but when the record is updated it doesn't save the id. The second combo box doesn't even put the data in the data box.The main table where IDs and fields are is the BRANCH_EXP table, it's a linking table which links tables with many to many realationships.

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Forms :: Select Record In Combo Box And Populate Textbox

Sep 19, 2014

I am looking to have a combobox on a unbound form to select a product code (this i can do). However I want a textbox to auto populate with the description as well - both in the same table tblproducts - product_id, pcode, pdesc....

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Cascading Combo Boxes - 1st One Works - 2nd Won't Populate

Jul 16, 2014

I'm using three combo boxes - The second (cbosubSkillList) is limited by value selected in the first (cboSkillList). The third (cboSubSkillList2) to be limited by value selected in the second. The third will not populate - If I comment out the code, It WILL populate will all values, but will not populate with code active. All names, properties, etc. with combo boxes, tables, field names parallel - Why am I not populating the third box?

Private Sub cboSkillList_AfterUpdate()
With Me![cboSubSkillList]
If IsNull(Me!cboSkillList) Then


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Editing By Combo Selection Not Record?

Dec 13, 2006


I am trying to update prices changes for products in my inventory database, and am stumped.

I select a vendor, which then populates the product name from which I can then select the product I want to update. From here, it populates what the current prices are. I then can type the new price into the next box, but what happens is that it doesn't change that Product it changes the 1st record.

Can anyone help!

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Modules & VBA :: Query Results To Populate Combo Boxes

Sep 24, 2013

My company is finally using my accounts package (alongside our original package until we can be certain there are no bugs).

Anyway just adding nice to have features at the moment.

I've got a form that has 5 combo boxes where the user can select 5 customers. Then a button so they can graph the amount of money generated by each customer and compare them.

I've just made a query to return the top 5 highest grossing customers.

What I what to do now it feed the query results into the combobox values when I press a new button on my form.

How do I go about this?

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Queries :: Auto-Populate Cascading Combo Boxes

Dec 18, 2013

I am working on a database where law clerks input the tasks that they accomplish each day. They use a form called "TaskDetails" to input all of the information related to their daily tasks via combo boxes. The problem I have is: often times the clerks work on the same task more than once and I would like them to be able to continue tasks already in progress - using notes to indicate what particular portion they completed that day.

In order to do this I would like to have a combo box that is based on a query of all of the tasks the clerks have completed. When they select a Task Name from the combo box, I would like all other combo boxes on the page to auto-populate based on the selection.The query that my combo box is based on includes all relevant fields.

When I click on the "Task Name" combo box I am presented with all of the records related to tasks. The fields/columns are divisionofwork, subcategory, workassignedby. I have combo boxes for all of these fields on the same page, bound to the table of tasks. Ideally, a clerk makes a selection from the "Task Name" combo box, and the subsequent 3 combo boxes will reference their relevant column in this selection and auto-populate.

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Forms :: Database With 3 Tables - Linking Combo Boxes And Text Boxes

Jul 29, 2015

I currently have 3 tables within a database with student details of three different classes. I need to create a user form that has a dropdown box which I can select a student from one of these tables with a number of text boxes below which brings up all the students details, then once the student has been selected and the correct details are shown then I need to create a button which allows me to move that student from one table to another.

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Forms :: Changing Multiple Text Boxes To Combo Boxes?

Mar 14, 2014

there is a way to convert multiple text boxes to combo boxes all at once, rather than right clicking on them one at a time, and selecting Change to.

I have a form with about 50 fields and most of them need to be converted to combo boxes. I'd always done it manually one at a time up to this point, but I'm trying to build up my learning and look for smarter ways to do things.

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Forms :: Search Form Using Both Combo Boxes And Check Boxes

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to make a search option in my form header. Right now I have two unbound combo boxes (CboAccountsfilter and cboCourseName) that I can use to filter my records. Currently, I can use the drop down for CboAccountsfilter and a list of accounts will appear. When I select one, the corresponding Course Names will appear in cboCourseName. This works fine...Code below. I would like to take the filtering a step farther and add checkboxes to filter the data. I my form, there currently exist several check boxes (yes/no)...(Priority, Rep Top Target, Manager Top Target, ect). I would like to have the option to use a check box to filter. I.E if I had a checkbox in my header called PriorityFilter, if checked it would only bring up those records that met the two combo boxes criteria and was a priority.

Below is the code I have so doesnt have anything for the checkbox because I am at a lost of how to get started.

Private Sub CboAccountsfilter_Change()
End Sub


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Forms :: Editing Record Details Not Allowed

Sep 28, 2014

I have had a form working for ages. It has a main form and eight subforms at the bottom of the form. The main form can be edited in all fields.

I have taken a copy, modified the form added new fields to the main source table and updated the query that feeds the form.

Now (in the copy environment) it won't allow me to edit any of the fields. All of the form control properties are the same as the working model (in the live environment) I can run the query by itself and all is OK

There is obviously some little control that I have inadvertently changed and can't see it.

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Forms :: Goto Record For Editing When Click In Subform

Jul 12, 2014

I have a form and subform. The subform is connected to the form and display all BandID's associated with that record. What i want is the ability to click on a record in the subform so that it automatically set's that record in the form for editing.

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Forms :: Message Prompt When Editing Already Entered Record

Apr 22, 2013

But how do I have a message box pop up that warns the user he is about to edit an already entered record?

Is there a setting for this in the form design. Or do I need VBA, in which case what form event would I tie the msg box too?

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Forms :: Command Button To Populate Unbound Text Boxes From Subform Only Works Once

May 22, 2015

I have a tabbed form from which the user can select a contact's record from a subform on the first tab, click a edit command button, and the unbound text boxes on the top of that tab populate. The user can then click the second tab with employment history which has blank unbound text boxes and another subform which is linked by the contact id to the first tab.

The user can select a record in the second tab, click a command button and the text boxes populate no problem. The problem comes when the user changes the contact on the first tab, and then tries to edit a record on the second tab. Then I get a run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)' saying the value you entered isn't valid for this field. Why it would work the first time by not the second?

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2 Combo Boxes To Add New Record

Sep 19, 2006

i have 2 combo boxes on a form and a button to add a new record in a table. i am trying to add code so that if either of the boxes is 'null' that an error message displays and the code ends so that a partial record isnt entered into the table. i think the solution is adding a line somewhere to my code but im not sure where. Here is the code i have for just one of the boxes to get it working correctly:

Private Sub Command31_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command31_Click
If IsNull(Me.Combo14) Then
MsgBox ("invalid selection made")
End If

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command31_Click

End Sub

This code gives me the error message, ive tried putting in end sub/exit sub before and after the 'end if' but each time the record is added to the table.
Can someone tell me how to end the procedure after the if statement if its condition is true?

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Forms :: Select Record From Combobox List And Have Record Populate In Subform

Sep 16, 2013

I would like to select a record from my combobox dropdown list and have that record populate in my subform. Currently, I am only able to select the 1st record at the top of the dropdown list to appear in my subform. But I would like to select any record from the dropdown list and have it populate my subform.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Populate Text Box

Dec 10, 2014

I am newish to background coding in access 2010. I have a call log with a form which is where the information on the caller/area is entered. There's a combo box that needs to populate a textbox with 3 different things, depending on whats selected. I'm using If,Then, Else.

The first selection needs to just have the textbox say something. I have that figured out with:

If Me.CboSource = "..." Then
Me.Title = "..." (cboSource = combo, of course, and Title is the textbox.)

Next is where I'm fuzzy....The second selection needs to have the textbox populate with a dropdown list of choices from another table. No matter what I do, nothing is working. My latest attempt is:

ElseIf Me.CboSource = "External" Then
Me.Title = [tablename].[name]

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What's The Best Way To Add A Record To A Normalized Database Utilizing Combo Boxes?

Jan 30, 2006

I have four tables with unique records as shown below. I'd like to add a record for a new item to the database by selecting the values from combo boxes for Supplier, Item and Unit. If the values do not exist the user would then type in a new value. SuppliersItemCode and Cost would always be new values. What's the best way to go about this? I am unsure how to add a record to a normalized database where you sometimes have to use / reference existing unique values in multiple tables via foreign keys for the new record.

The logic of the form would be:

1. Select existing or add new Supplier.
2. Select existing or add new Item.
3. Select existing or add new Unit.
4. Enter new SuppliersItemCode
5. Enter Cost

SupplierID (primary key)
Supplier (indexed unique)

ItemID (primary)
Item (indexed unique)

UnitID (primary key)
Unit (indexed unique

SuppliersItemCostCode (primary key)
ItemID (foreign key)
UnitID (foreign key)
SupplierID (foreign key)

Any advice or assistance is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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Forms :: Lookup Table To Populate Combo Box?

Sep 2, 2014

I'm using a lookup table to populated a combo box on my form. I use a provided list of input strings (hundreds) in my combo box and the list is provided in all caps. How can I convert these provided words (strings) to first cap from either the quarry level or form level.

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Forms :: Combo Box / Text Box Auto-Populate

Oct 14, 2013

I have 5 combo boxes that all cascade into the next, and then when the last combo box is updated from the drop down list, it auto-populates a text box. My issue is that I have a second text box that needs to be auto-populated from the same data table based on what has been entered into the 5 combo boxes and the first text box. I've tried creating parameters and setting a lookuprecord macro in my main table and then using a returnvars RunDataMacro on the actual form, but it says, "Invalid list or query reference 'BillingDataQuery'." I'm not sure if it's because I'm not setting that RunDataMacro on the wrong combo box, or if I've written it incorrectly...

I did this same technique (based on directions in a post from this forum) on another combo box that populates five text boxes and it works just fine, but I don't know how to get this to work based on what's populated in 5 combo boxes to auto-populate the last text box.

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