Forms :: Error In Calculated Field
Feb 18, 2015
I have a simple access database which up until now was working as it should. Then i made a Backup of the database Named it something different deleted certain data from the backup and when i went back into the original DB i now have #Name? where it used to calculate 2 fields.
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Jun 10, 2015
I use access 2010.
I am assuming by the error code, one can not use a calculated field to calculate another field.
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Nov 4, 2014
I have a several fields, calculated, that break apart a string of text at every open and closed parentheses. They work like they are supposed to with no errors. However, I want to use the result of this particular field in a combo box to populate another combo box with the other half of the string that will be split. The problem, I think, is that since the field is calculated, it will not allow me to select it in the combo box, saying that the field can't be edited.
So, I added the same field names to the table that the query was built on, however when I run the query, it says that there is a syntax error with a comma in the code. If I take out the table in the query, (not using the SQL side, just the query builder), it works again with no problem.The text I am breaking apart looks like this: 1.234(a)(1)(A)(2)(b)(i)(-a-)
I need this field to break the text up at the (1) mark, so the code I am using looks like this:
PrinSubChap1: IIf([Sub2] Is Null,[PrincipleNumber],Left([PrincipleNumber],InStr(InStr(1,[PrincipleNumber],"(")+3,[PrincipleNumber],")")-0))
The other fields I have do the exact same thing, written the same way, with adjustments made to the position (+3,0).I have stared at this for awhile and can't figure out why it is giving me an error and research on the web doesn't appear to cover my question.
This is the error message: Syntax error (comma) in query expression '[mytable].[IIf([Sub2] Is Null,[PrincipleNumber],Left([PrincipleNumber],InStr(InStr(1,[PrincipleNumber],"(")+3,[PrincipleNumber],")")-0))]
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Nov 16, 2006
I got a problem, I have a calculated field which is sometimes empty due to no information being put there. Here is what I have in the afterupdate code:
The Box123 is my textbox and the FUTURE DATE is the datasource field.
When the field is blank I get the following error message:
I get a Run-Time Error "2113";
and the message "The value you entered isn't valid for this field"
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Feb 4, 2013
I'm attempting to create a calculated field in a query called 'Test'. It's purpose is to determine if a certain field has a 'c' for closed and then returns the appropriate 3 months in a concatenated string. This previously worked when it was shorter. Now that I extended it for 2011 fields i'm getting an error that it is too long. I'm pasting the below code into the 'field' line of my query.
Test: IIf([DEC12_Status]="c",[OCT12_A] & " " & [NOV12_A] & " " & [DEC12_A]
,IIf([NOV12_Status]="c",[SEP12_A] & " " & [OCT12_A] & " " & [NOV12_A],
IIf([OCT12_Status]="c",[AUG12_A] & " " & [SEP12_A] & " " & [OCT12_A],
IIf([SEP12_Status]="c",[JUL12_A] & " " & [AUG12_A] & " " & [SEP12_A],
IIf([AUG12_Status]="c",[JUN12_A] & " " & [JUL12_A] & " " & [AUG12_A],
[Code] .....
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Jul 13, 2015
My form is a datasheet with 2 fields: "Product" and "Quantity". Obviously I can't add a calculated field in this type of form; however I would like the word " Total" to display in the "Quantity" field just under the last record. I would also like the sum of the "Quantity" field to display at the bottom of the "Quantity" field in the empty record below the last record.
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Sep 15, 2013
I am struggling with the DateDiff fuction in a calculated field. After some study, I have used several variations of:
to calculate the time (in weeks) until a due date starting from today's date.
It continually turns up a specific date in the late 18 and early 1900's. It does not give me the number in weeks which was what I was hoping for.
Earlier I used a very simple: =DateDiff("m",[Birthdate],Date()) to calculate the age from a date of birth perfectly with no problems.
I do not understand why the formula is not working. Does it have to do with format or the fact that I am working with a future date and how can I rectify this problem?
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Feb 8, 2014
I'm trying to sum a couple of columns from a subform datasheet and carry them onto the main form.
My main form, [frm_tours_details], holds subform [sbfTours] which is a datasheet.
On [sbfTours], I've got a couple calculated fields within the datasheet, one, called "txtStudentSum", which calculates number of people total ([students]+[adults]+[numfreeteachers]) and one, called "txtptotal", which calculates fee for the program based on the following formula:
=IIf([txtMonth]>=10 Or [txtMonth]<=4,([Students]+[Adults])*7,([Students]+[Adults])*8)
(The fee is $8/person in season, and $7/person out of season.)
I've been following online directions I found to put a text box in the form footer which then sums each of these calculated fields ("txtStudentSum" & "txtptotal"), and then reference these text boxes from my main form.
However, the main form text boxes just come up as #Name? or #Error when I try to reference these boxes on the subform. Or, sometimes, the one calculating total students will show the total of ALL students, adults in the database, not just those for this particular record-but only, it seems, if I have the subform open separately first, then load the main form. I also tried putting the whole original calculations into text boxes on the main form, but they will only reflect either the current record selected in the subform, or they will only show the first record, regardless of what you've selected, depending on which way I tried.
I've attached a copy of the database ... click on the tab 'tours', then click on, say, tour #6 (since this one is multiple programs and needs to calculate) to open the tour details form.
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May 31, 2013
I have a main form with several with four subforms. On the main form I have a bound text box [ShiftTotal] I have on each subform a unbound text box that sums a field [ExtTaxIn]. I am working with just one subform till I can get it to work correctly. The code I am using on the after update event is as follows.
Private Sub TxtSoldQty_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Me.ExtTaxIn = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.TaxIn)
Me.ExtPrice = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.Price)
Me.InvSold = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.UnitOfSale)
Forms!frmShiftMain!TxtShiftTotal = Forms!frmShiftMain!TxtRunningTotal
This sort of works but the [ShiftTotal] on the main form is always one table row behind. I think this is because of the order the event fires.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a form with three fields named 'quantity' (numberfield), 'service' (combo box) and 'amount' (calculated field with controlsource =[service].[Column](2)*[quantity].
I try to sum the amount field in the formfooter with =Sum([service].[Column](2)*[quantity]) but I receive an error.
Somehow it does not get the value for [service].[Column](2)
How can I do this?
The table for the form is called customer_detail
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Nov 9, 2014
I've got a subform (simple table view) inside a main form, the subform (sfrmRecipes) just has an IngID field (which stores ingredient ID's) and a percentage field
I've added a few calculated fields to this subform, to assist users in making decisions, however each of these fields needs a sum total
So far my percentage field (which is an actual stored field in tblRecipes) is the only one with a functioning sum
for some reason the two calculated fields (which are both plain numbers, no text) do not give me a sum total option, i am only able to use the count function on them
Why calculated fields dont sum up and if there is an easy way to get it working (tried creating my own text field in the footer and manually typing SUM(fieldname), but it does not work).
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Jan 14, 2015
My form has a button that has a calculated field on it (a dcount(...)). When the button is clicked, a couple of conditions are checked and if all is ok, it runs the vba code. If the tests fail, it returns to the form without running the code. All works correctly, except that the dcount number has disappeared. I finally figured out that it is now hidden behind the button. How do I bring it forward again programmatically?
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Apr 13, 2013
A textbox on a form concatenates 2 strings. I want to insert that resulting string into a table .how can i do that ?
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Apr 6, 2013
I have a form that is displayed continuously and there is a text field in it (Text12).In the footer of this form I would like to add a textbox that is the sum of all Text12's on the form.I tried =Sum([Text12]) in the textboxes control source but that is just displaying an error when I run the form.
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Oct 16, 2014
I have an unbound calculated field [Txt1] that I would like to show the result as currency. The fields in the calculation are:
[CR] number, currency
[Commission1] general number, two decimal places
[Commission2] general number, two decimal places
The calculation is: CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
If I just set the field to currency it works fine. But I want the field to show the following:
"Some Text" & " " & Format(Calculation, "Currency")
When I tried to include the format it to currency I get type mismatch, run time error 13.
So I thought that perhaps I should try the following just to see where my error starts and I get the same error message when I use:
Dim Val1 As String
Val1 = CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
Txt1 = Format(Val1, "Currency")
Everything I have read says the formula is:
Format([Calculation], "Currency")
Is correct. So why won't it work for me?
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Sep 18, 2014
We have a recent issue on client PC. After application running for a while, all the sudden the calculated field on the form not showing the details, though there is data on the control. After restart the PC, the calculated field display correctly. We guess this may be due to the theme we use.
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Aug 21, 2013
I have a subform embedded in a main form, the subform has a field (text box) that is doing automatic calculation so no manual entries are needed from the user. I have tried to pass automatically the final result to a text box in the main form, but all events are not working (afterupdate, On change, On Dirty), etc.
I have a button to do the above mentioned in the main form, but I don’t want to use that button, I want to do all the process from the subform.
Also, from the subform I was able to do click on the button on the main form (programmatically), however MS Access is too quick and the value extracted from the subform is always empty (zero); Acees is finishing before the calculation is done.
I am using MS Access 2010.
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Apr 3, 2014
I have a "Main" form called frmProjects that sports multiple tabs. One of those tabs is labelled "Milestones", into which I inserted a datasheet subform called frmSubMilestones. The table that feeds the subform is tblMilestones. I established the parent / child relationship between frmProject and frmSubMilestones, and everything is working just fine...
To summarize: frmProject as main form -> Milestones Tab on main form -> frmSubMilestones as datasheet subform on the Milestones Tab (there are other tabs that are not subforms).
I have been asked, for each milestone in the frmSubMilestones subform's datasheet, to capture the number of days spent by employees on a monthly basis. The Milestones table and the PersonDays table have a primary key and a foreign key that are similar.
To summarize: frmSubMilestones as subform -> txtAggregatePersonDays as calculated Textbox fetching data from tblPersonDays -> OnClick event -> FormLoad of frmPersonDays as datasheet PopUp form.
DoCmd.FormLoad is supplied with the usual parameters to make the PopUp form appear, filtered on the currently highlighted milestone. Everything works fine so far... well almost.
Problem 1: When I introduce new rows in the frmPersonsDays datasheet, everything seems fine at the surface, BUT the primary key of the calling form (i.e. frmSubMilestones) does not appear in the tblPersonDays table; this is normal because there is no form-based parent / child relationship between the two forms. As one might expect, I am trying, from frmPersonDays, to get the primary key value from the "parent" frmSubMilestones using the Forms collection. No dice. I surfed and surfed, tried the bang and the dot operators, drank scotch, but nothing worked. I had to add foreing keys manually in tblPersonDays to further my tests. I can't figure out how to reach any control on the calling form, which is a subform.
Problem 2: The calculated txtAggregatePersonDays on the frmSubMilestones works wonders for existing data in tblPersonDays. However, when I introduce new rows in the PopUp form, I also realized that the calculated Textbox in frmSubMilestones is not updated when I close the frmPersonDays PopUp. I have to close the PopUp form and move the cursor in the Main form (frmProjects) to refresh its associated milestones.
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Apr 24, 2013
I have created a form that is based on a table.
The fields in the form are currently pull downs or manual enrty fields (all based on the columns of the table... "Bound" I think you call it).
I also have fields that I manually brought into my form as text boxes that I am using to populate a series of numbers. I have named them P1, P2, P3 etc. They are unbound fields.
I have a field that I am totalling the unbound fields. It is a column in my table. At one point the control source name was the table coulmn name.
I have changed the control source to read =[p1]+[p2]+[p3]+ etc.
The total does show up in the field on my form
HOWEVER.... When I save the data the total number does not get brought into the table. All of the other fields do.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have a project at hand and it's been a predecessor of mine and client has asked me to do some work on it and extend functionality - but I have not really delved into Access before and I have had to worked my way through to this final snag :/
The Main Form has one sub form. This sub form allows the user to add multiple order items i.e. qty, stock, description from records within the system - fairly straight forward.At the last column of each row is the sub total of those particular items i.e.
Qty Unit | Item ID | Total
2 | 1234 | 80.00
1 | 43526 | 20.00
> | |
So the total is a function of =[Qty Unit] * [Unit Price].Then in the Footer of this SubForm is the Sub Total
=SUM([Qty Unit] * [Unit Price])
All fine and well..... However, the additional functionality kicks in.
Lets add the additional customer_id from the Main Form. Each Item bought is dependent on the customer_id i.e. they get special prices depending on who they are.So a New table is made which has the Item ID and SpecialPriceID (of a table to define as a specialPrice) and the Price linked to this Item and Special Price category. So say that there are two groups of users "wholesale" and "nonwholesale" these would be SP_1 and SP_2 and each client is defined either one of these, and each stock item has a Price for each SP_1 and SP_2. Hopefully I've explained myself there.
Back to the SubForm. So now the Total needs to calculated differently with needed the external customer_id from the Main Form.
Function CalculateSpecialPrice(ItemID As String, CustomerID As String, Unit As Integer)
Dim SPSelect As String
SPSelect = "SELECT Price FROM [Items_SpecialPrices] WHERE"
SPSelect = SPSelect & " ItemID = '" & ItemID
SPSelect = SPSelect & "' AND SpecialPriceID = (SELECT SpecialPriceID FROM Customers WHERE customer_id = " & CustomerID & ") "
its the sub total I just keep on getting #Error on. I have even watched (using alerts) that the correct return variable is the same as the individual rows. This is the equation I used for the SubTotal within the footer.
=SUM(CalculateSpecialPrice([Item ID], [Form]![FormName]![CustomerID], [Qty Unit]))
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Jan 21, 2015
I have a database to track temporary decertification's. I have the expiration and max dates calculated out from the original dates at the top of each box. The temp expiration date is calculated by adding 267 days from the first date . When we enter an extension, the new expiration date is 30 days from the extension date. My question is, how can I make the expiration date update when a new extension is put in.
For ex.
Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1:
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 31 Aug 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015
how can I make the expiration date update to go 30 days from what is in the extens field 1, 2, and 3 (respectively) instead of 267 days from the original date?
So I want it to look like this after updating a field
Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1: 30 Aug 2015
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 29 Sep 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015
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Apr 12, 2006
My query contains two calculated fields [TaxSavings1] and [TaxSavings2], which are based on some currency and number-type fields in one of my underlying tables.
I just created another field in my query which looks like: [TaxSavings1]+[TaxSavings2]. Instead of adding the two fields, it actually lumps the two numbers together. For example, if [TaxSavings1] =135 and [TaxSavings2]=30.25, it will give me: 13530.25. I need it just to simply add, i.e. answer of 165.25.
Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks in advance.
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Feb 22, 2008
I am using Access 2003. I have a form that shows many calculated columms (some using =Dlookup(), other using =ufMyFunctions() stored in Modules). I update only 2 columns and the the form is set up as a ContinuousForm.
No problem, everything displays when I open it. Also in the form is a call (found in Modules) to function that updates a column on that table. Basiclly when opening the form it could do some updates. As I said everything works great when I open the form.
What I have noticed is that when I open the form using the following:
stDocName = "frmIPMVPCosts"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmIPMVPCosts", acSaveYes
all the columns display #ERROR, except the bound columns, which display correctly. The reason I do this method is on a change of value for some of the columns used in the calculated columns on the form, I need to force an update automatically. Instead of waiting on the user to open and close the form, I do it on a CLOSE event in another form that updated some columns used in the calculated columns. That way the reports can up to date also.
This is a single user system for now. Any ideas why the calculated columns are not visible? Is there some setting I have to do? I use this method on other forms that have no calculated columns and it all works.
Thanking you in advance for any help.
Cheers, Boris
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Sep 14, 2006
I have a form with loads of calculated textboxes (using expressions).
Some of these also rely on other textboxes that are being calculated when the form loads.
If I load it once, some of the textboxes display #Error! but most don't.
On closing it and reloading it a second time, the textboxes that displayed #Error! the first time now display a correct value and some other textboxes display #Error! instead.
Occasionally, every control works perfectly.
Is this something to do with when the calculation on each control is run and that if the dependent calculations don't finish quickly enough?
If so, is there a way round it?
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Feb 22, 2008
I am using Access 2003. I have a form that shows many calculated columms (some using =Dlookup(), other using =ufMyFunctions() stored in Modules). I update only 2 columns and the the form is set up as a ContinuousForm.
No problem, everything displays when I open it. Also in the form is a call (found in Modules) to function that updates a column on that table. Basiclly when opening the form it could do some updates. As I said everything works great when I open the form.
What I have noticed is that when I open the form using the following:
stDocName = "frmIPMVPCosts"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmIPMVPCosts", acSaveYes
all the columns display #ERROR, except the bound columns, which display correctly. The reason I do this method is on a change of value for some of the columns used in the calculated columns on the form, I need to force an update automatically. Instead of waiting on the user to open and close the form, I do it on a CLOSE event in another form that updated some columns used in the calculated columns. That way the reports can up to date also.
This is a single user system for now. Any ideas why the calculated columns are not visible? Is there some setting I have to do? I use this method on other forms that have no calculated columns and it all works.
Thanking you in advance for any help.
Cheers, Boris
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Jun 13, 2015
I have a form for rentals where I have fields for car details and for client details. I have a list box for clients so that when I enter the Client Id I automatically get all the records filled out on the form, from the clients table...
This works but the problem is that sometimes I have a new client who rents a car that is not on the database so I insert the client details manually on the rentals form without filling in the client ID as this client does not exist on the database.
The problem comes when I want to save the form it wont allow me to leave the client ID field blank... I imagine this is because of the relationship...
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