Forms :: Error On 2nd Combo When Adding A Duplicate Record?

Jun 7, 2015

error message I am getting when I click on my Duplicate Record button (created through the wizard).

I have two combo boxes on the main form that populates data when the user makes a selection from the combo box. First combo box populates project data and the second combo box populates equipment data. The form is working well with the two combo boxes populating the data into the main table.

Now I would like to add a duplicate record button to copy a record and paste the data as a new record. So, I added a duplicate record button using the wizard and I am receiving the following AfterUpdate error.

Run-time error 3020: Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit.

This is the code I am using to copy and paste a duplicate record:

Private Sub InputForm_DupRec_Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_InputForm_DupRec_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPasteAppend
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_InputForm_DupRec_Click

It seems to be duplicating the data from the first combo box, but not the second one where it errors out.

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Forms :: Adding Duplicate Record To A Number Of Employees At Same Time

May 8, 2014

Currently if an employee attends a mandatory training session the details are entered individually into in a single table which contains all the employees' attendances to training, this is achieved via a bound form.

Works Fine.

My question is, if the training is carried out by a number of employees can this attendance be recorded on one form and assigned to each of the employees who attended?

Using Access 2003

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Forms :: Runtime Error When Adding A New Record From A Subform?

May 12, 2014

I have a main form with several subforms in tabs. From one of the subforms I list linked records to the main form (Clients) within that subform (Bank account details). I list the records and have a button to add new records.

Where the Client has one or more records in the subform the add button works perfectly.

When the subform has no records the add new records button produces the following error "Run-time error '2498' An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments"

The add button has

Private Sub Command52_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddClientBankDetailsFrm", acNormal, , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me!ClientId
End Sub

the "AddClientBankDetailsFrm" popup form has

Private Sub Form_Load()
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) = False Then
MsgBox "Form was opened with ClientID = " & Me.OpenArgs
Me!ClientId = Me.OpenArgs
MsgBox "No ClientID was passed."
End If
End Sub

ClientId is the primary key of the main form and the secondary key in the new record.

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Adding New Record With Table That Has Duplicate Records

Jan 26, 2005

My situation:

I have a table with duplicate ids. When I have a forum popup another form, the forms are linked by ids. This works great except for one problem. There are duplicate ids. So if I pop up a form then it will go to the first record that that id exist. This is not good if you are going to add another record. Therefore, I need to create a unique variable for a record. The autonumber would be a great variable but it seems I cannot use it to filter. Unless someone can show me how. Is there another way to create a unique variable automatically for a new record?

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Duplicate Record Error

Dec 21, 2006

I'm trying to make a simple DB that we can enter our time for working on projects.

So far I have a Form with the employees name and the date in it. Then below that is a subform with the project number, name, client name, and hours.

I want to use this whole "sheet" for one days worth of work for 1 employee. New sheets will be used for each day.

When I try to make a new sheet I get an error that it cant change the table because it would be creating a duplicate entry.

How do I solve this?

Also, should it be difficult to be doing what I'm trying to do?

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Duplicate Record Error

Aug 17, 2005

hi everyone,

i have a form that i'm trying to create a button to duplicate the record. i'm using the control wizard which produces the following code:

Private Sub DuplicateRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_DuplicateRecord_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_DuplicateRecord_Click

End Sub

When i try to execute the code via a comand button, i get an error and the duplicate record operation does not occur. one thing i noticed is that i have a lot of lookup fields (i.e. FK's to lookup tables one-to-many relationships) in underlying table being populated by the form. i've created combo boxes on the form to populate the FK's in the underlying table. the error that occurs when trying to use the above code produces a "paste errors" table and in that paste errors table instead of the bound column values from the combo boxes (i.e. PK values from the lookup tables) it shows the display values from the combo boxes. i'm not sure if this has do with anything, but i couldn't figure out why it was doing this.

does anyone have any ideas how i could get this duplicate record procedure to work?

many thanks for any help or suggestions.

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Error Making Duplicate Record

Apr 9, 2014

I am having an issue with one person having trouble getting an error when trying to duplicate a record.

The subform is set up with a button to duplicate a record. This allows most of the data that stays the same to be copied to a new records and then minor changes can be made to update the record for the new month. Since there are memo fields, in these records, this saves a lot of retyping. One person who is using the database gets the following error when clicking on the duplicate record button.

The command or action 'Copy' isn't available now.

It makes a new blank record but won't copy over the information. You can go to the record and copy each field individually and paste it into the new record, but this is not very practical.

I have not been able to duplicate the error and no one else using the database is having this happen.

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Eliminate Duplicate Record In Combo Box.

Sep 15, 2006

Hi all,

This is an intersting question that my friend ask me... hope someone can help to solve it.

In a combo box i use to list out all the company in a table that with the duplicate of the company is allowed. Do someone have a good idea to filter the combo box when detect a duplicate data and just showing one of each company only? or can i create a query with just listing one of each company from the table with all those duplicate company data?

Thank you.


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Duplicate Data Error While Saving An Edited Record

Jan 8, 2005

Having a problem when saving a record that has been edited and contains a duplicate field. Here is what I'm doing.

I have an existing record that is being viewed by the user. I have an edit button on the form that is displaying the record. When the user clicks the edit button I do the following

'User clicked on edit customer record

Private Sub CustEditRec_Click()

'Store current customer key in string so we can cross

'check if user has changed the key during edit

EditCustKey = Me.txtCustomerKey

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

'Set customer record test string so we can determine

'what the user is doing

CustomerRecStat = "edit"

' Go unlock the customer data fields for editing



'Go Unlock the customer editing buttons


'Lock the add, delete, edit buttons

CustAddRec.Enabled = False

CustEditRec.Enabled = False

CustDelRec.Enabled = False

'Go Disable the customer navagation buttons


txtCustomerKey.Visible = True

txtCustomerKey.Locked = False

txtCustomerKey.Enabled = True

'Set focus on the customer key


'disable & hide the customer key combobox

cmboCustomerKey.Locked = True

cmboCustomerKey.Enabled = False

cmboCustomerKey.Visible = False


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CustEditRec_Click

End Sub

The field which duplicate entries are not allowed in the table is txtCustomerKey. Now remember we are just editing a record NOT ADDING A NEW ONE.

When the user finished making the changes to the record we use the same procedure to save the changes as we when the user is adding a new it is.

'User clicked save customer record

Private Sub CustSaveRec_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_CustSaveRec_Click


'Update the table data fields with the data contained on the form

CustomerKey = Me.txtCustomerKey

CustomerCompany = Me.TxtCompanyName

CustomerFirst = Me.txtCustomerFirst

CustomerLast = Me.txtCustomerLast

CustomerAddress = Me.txtCustomerAddress

CustomerCity = Me.txtCustomerCity

CustomerProvince = Me.txtCustomerProvince

CustomerPostal = Me.txtCustomerPostal

CustomerCountry = Me.txtCustomerCountry

CustomerPhone = Me.txtCustomerPhone

CustomerFax = Me.txtCustomerFax

CustomerEmail = Me.txtCustomerEmail

CustomerWeb = Me.txtCustomerWeb

CustomerNotes = Me.txtCustomerNotes

'Save the record

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70





'Enable and unlock the customer key field

txtCustomerKey.Visible = True

txtCustomerKey.Locked = False

txtCustomerKey.Enabled = True

'Hide & disable the customer keycombo box

cmboCustomerKey.Locked = True

cmboCustomerKey.Enabled = False

cmboCustomerKey.Visible = False

'Set focus on the customer key field


'Lock the customer fields


'Enable the navigation buttons


'Lock the customer adding buttons


'Clear the record testing status

CustomerRecStat = ""



Exit Sub


'If the error generated was by a duplicate value.

'This can only be caused by the customer key as this

'is the only field which does not allow duplicate values.

'so warn the user of this duplicate value error and set

'the focus on the customer key field

If Err.Number = 3022 Then

'if user is editing a record

If CustomerRecStat = "edit" Then

'And the entered customer key has not changed

If Me.txtCustomerKey = EditCustKey Then

'Return to saving the record as the key is

'not really a duplicate

GoTo SaveCustomerRecord

End If

End If

Select Case MsgBox("This Customer ID was already located in the database. Click OK to enter a new Customer ID or Cancel to stop adding this record?", vbExclamation + vbOKCancel + vbDefaultButton1, "Duplicate Customer ID")

Case vbOK


Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

Case vbCancel

'Go simulate undo record click


Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

End Select

End If

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CustSaveRec_Click

End Sub

The problem is when the user is editing a record. The database assumes the txtCustomerKey is a duplicate in the table. However we are not adding a new record so the duplicate error is false. Its just that the txtCustomerKey is the same as the record being edited. Its not DUPLICATED its the SAME.....

Any help anyone? Sorry for the long post but I'm a strong believer in the more information the better when trying to solve a problem....



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Modules & VBA :: Error Message On Creating Duplicate Record

Jul 25, 2013

I need to be able to produce an error on a form where the user attempts to create a new user that already exists. The error needs to be produced when the save button is clicked.

See below for the existing code on my save button which exists in form, 'frmAddEditUser':

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
If IsNull(cboManagerID) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select a manager", vbExclamation, "Details Missing!"

[Code] ....

Currently, if I attempt to create a user with the same Payroll ID as an existing user, my 'User details saved' message box is displayed and to the user it looks like a new record has saved successfully which isn't the case.

I need a message box to appear displaying something like "Payroll ID n already exists" where n is the 'PayrollID' of the duplicate record. (Is it possible to combine a value from a certain control and ones own custom text?)

Note: PayrollID is a combination of letters and numbers, i.e. two letters, followed by 5 numbers, e.g. JD12345.

For reference, the table/field and and control are called, '[tblUser].[PayrollID]' and 'txtPayrollID' (on 'frmAddEditUser') respectively; it is from this field and control that I want the error to be produced if the user is entering the same values which are existing in 'tblUser'.

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Error Message When Adding New Record

Sep 12, 2005


I get an error message when I add a new record to my database. It occurs when I open my form and use the [arrowright*]-button and when I use the switchboard button to add a new record using a form.

An error message is displayed, but when I dismiss the error (click OK), then everything seems to be normal and the record is added normally with the entered info. It is a bit annoying, though.

Since I have the dutch version, I'll try to translate the message:
"You can not add/append a value to this object

* The object possibly is a control-element in a read-only form
* The object is part of a form that is opened in the design view
* The value is too large for this field"

The error occurs right after I have typed the first character into a field on the form. The form consists of a few subforms. And I don't think any of the by access suggested errors have anything to do with this...

Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance,

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Adding A Record For A Combo Box

Mar 4, 2005

I have two related tables - one is study information and one is person information. For each study, a person is assigned. On my form, I have a combo box to choose a person to add to a study. This works fine when the person exists already. To add a new person, I have an "add" command button that brings up a form to add a new person to the table. Problem is when I close the form, I'd have to find the person in the combo box to add them to the study. Is there a way to add a "person record" to the person table and when I return to the study form, have that new person already associated with the study? I don't allow users to edit the person info from the study form (the same person may be associated with different studies). Any ideas to help? Thank you.

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Adding A Record From A Combo Box

Jan 15, 2005

I'd like to create a combo box that is not limited to the list of records from a table, but allows the user to add to the table by typing into the combo box. I believe I write this code in the "after Update" event, but I'm not sure of the syntax. Can someone help?

The combo box is simply displaying the records from another the code would add a record.

Thanks much!

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Adding A Record Through Combo Box

Mar 13, 2013

I would like to add a value that i choose from a combo box to a table by clicking a button after selecting it from the combo box, and i do not know how to do it?

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Modules & VBA :: Error 3259 When Adding A Record With Attachment?

Aug 25, 2013

I want to add a record with attachment to a table in an access (2013) database.

If I ignore the attachment error everything works as it should, but as soon as I add the code for the attachment I receive error code 3259.


Private Sub add_tune()
Dim dbtune As DAO.Database
Dim rst_tune As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst_tune_in As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs_child As DAO.Recordset
Set dbtune = CurrentDb


Since I have a dutch office version the error text (ongeldig veld gegevenstype) is in dutch, translated it means something like a data type mismatch.

t_first_bars is a field in the table tbl_tune . The field type is attachment.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Combo Box After Adding A New Record

Mar 12, 2015

I have lots of combo boxes in my forms that are mostly limit to list as I want the people entering the data to actually add the full details of a client or supplier or whatever instead of just typing the information in over and over again. if the person/client/supplier is not in that list I have a button that will pop up a form so they can add a full new record but I need it so when they add the new record it will show up in the combo box in the intial form once it has been saved and closed without having to also close that initial form and reopen it or manually refreshing it.

right now I am using an if statement on the save button on my popup form that looks at what form is open and if that form is open then it refreshes that form after the save and closes which works fine but adding this to every form and combo box combination is very tedious, so I thought I would ask here, what is the best way to update combo boxes after and new record has been added via another popup form?

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Forms :: Duplicate Records In Combo Box

Mar 10, 2015

I have an issue with duplicate records showing in a combo box. I have checked "Yes" for unique values and they still show. I only have one field showing in the drop down and don't care about the other fields for that specific selection.

How to remove these duplicates from showing?

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Forms :: Go To Record If Duplicate?

Mar 13, 2014

On my form I've got an afterupdate event that checks if the information entered already exists and this works absolutely fine. However what I would like is the option to go to the existing record if one is found, but I can't get it to work.

This is my code currently;

Private Sub Job_No_AfterUpdate()
If DCount("*", "PACKING", "[Job No>]='" & Me.[Job No] & "'") > 0 Then
If MsgBox("Job Number already exists! Go to record?", vbYesNo, "DST PLANNER") = vbYes Then
Dim rs As Object


The check for the Job Number works fine but when I click Yes on the message box, the form stays on the current record instead of moving to the existing record.

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Forms :: DCount In Forms To Avoid Duplicate Record

May 31, 2014

How can I prevent duplicate records from being added from a form, the dcount in the text field property, trigged before update is where this should be used is what I know but having trouble with the syntax.

I've got the table tblInvnetoryDetail with InvID(AutoNumber), and SerialNumber. The form text field is txtSerialNumber. I've managed this far with the expression

DCount([InvID],"tblinventoryDetail","[txtSerialNumber]=&"'") but this did not work.

How can I get the expression to avoid duplicates.

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Forms :: Close Particular Field And Duplicate Record?

Nov 24, 2014

Access 2010 - I would like to close particular field and duplicate record.

Duplicate record is working file. I do not know to close the particular field.

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cmdDuplicate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDuplicate_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Duplicate Record Button To Allow Records To Be Copied

Feb 12, 2015

I have a form with a duplicate record button to allow records to be copied. I used this code (I think from Allen Browne), but it only copies the last record in the recordset?

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any changes
Me.Dirty = False
End If
If Me.NewRecord Then 'Check there is a record.
MsgBox "Select a record to duplicate"

[Code] .....

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Forms :: How To Input A Duplicate Record With Exception Of 1 Field

Jan 2, 2014

I would like to know what the best way to input a duplicate record is with the exception of 1 field that is used to correspond with the proper parent of the record?

Here is an example of the problem, We receive a letter with pertinent information that corresponds to 30 of our facilities. I would need to enter this 30 times so that when the users of this information run their reports for their facility I can ensure that the letter would be referenced.

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Forms :: Access Form - Close Field And Duplicate Record

Nov 25, 2014

Access form fields (ID, Name,File_Ref,Mobile,Email, Closed (yes/No)

If Click My Command button at the same auto tick the current record closed filed and duplicate record.

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Forms :: Creating Duplicate Record With Specific Fields Blank

Jul 21, 2014

I'm working on a form with almost a hundred various fields (it's what my employer needs). He wants to be able to create new records with much of the same information as the old ones by clicking on a button that will copy the information to a new record, then clear certain specific fields (or some process that will safely create the same result). I don't need specifics on how to write the same line of code for each and every field I wish to clear.

Say I have a form with 5 fields: part_number, part_owner, procedure, file_name, and date.

How could I copy the record to keep the fields part_owner and procedure the same, but clear part_number, file_name, and date?

All of the fields are from the same table (no, it's not normalized...).

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Forms :: Duplicate Record Created Each Time In Customer Relationship

Sep 14, 2014

I am creating an access database for recording calls and follow ups for a company

relevant tables

ID from customers and customer_id from card_call have a one to many with all records of card_call

Although its more elaborate than this, lets get down to the problem

I created a form with a subform that should basically allow selection of customer and based on this, the creation of records in card_call as per customer selected. form and subform are linked by customer_id

Everything is working except a peculiar issue where if i select a customer_id it shows all relevant records + an additional record (usually 1 or 2) that just changes the customer_id for that record.


customer_ID = 2 (combobox bound to column1 and showing name/column2)

call_ID | Customer_ID
1 | 2
2 | 2
3| 2

changing customer_id to 4 will change to
1 | 4
(new) |

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