Forms :: Exporting Completed Form To PDF VBA

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form that a user fills out and the record is not uploaded to the database until the user hits the submit button. In other words, if the user closes the form without saving, the record is not inserted.

My end goal is to have the user click the button and have 3 things happen:

1) Record inserted into the database
2) A PDF of the record is saved to a per-identified directory
3) An outlook new message window opens with recipients pre-entered and the newly created PDF included as an attachment.

I can achieve steps 1 and 2 no problem. However, the way I get the PDF is by having the VBA simply print and the user selects the Adobe PDF. This does not let the VBA dictate the directory (or file name) and then makes me completely stumped for step 3.

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Forms :: Multiple Fields Completed From One Lookup Field

Jan 2, 2014

We have a form, which has a field linked to a "Recipients" table through a lookup. The field is bound to the recipient's name, but the lookup displays additional columns for user to identify the correct recipient in the case of duplicate names.

The "Payment" table's Recipient field only displays the recipient's name. So where duplicates occur, it's impossible to know which recipient is the correct one associated to a payment.

I would like to add an additional field to the "Payment" table called "RecipientIDNo". I need a way to auto-populate this field, based on the already existing Recipient field. Is this possible?

Why I just don't modify the recipient field on our payment form to be bound to the user ID number, there are two reasons.

(1) The field is linked to too many other reports and queries at this point. I believe it could cause an enormous amount of work to modify.
(2) the form likes to display whatever it is bound to. There may be a workaround for this, but I'm not aware of it and don't want the form displaying a number instead of a recipient name.

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Forms :: Create Partially Completed Datasheet On-the-fly For Data Entry

Dec 6, 2014

I have a primary school database. I'm trying to create a form that allows a teacher to select their class, then select a subject and then be presented with a data entry form in a table layout that lists only their student's names in one column and an empty column to input results for the selected subject.

To simplify my explanation to just three tables, lets say my tables are:
> Students....which stores student names plus a foreign key for their class
> Classes...which stores the class name
> Results...which stores all the results (fields are: ResultID (key), StudentID, SubjectID, Result, DateofResult)

I have no problems creating reports where the teacher selects their class from a combo box to generate a report based on a crosstab query. But this one has me stumped.

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Forms :: Update Database Column When Mandatory Fields Are Completed

May 11, 2013

I have a form with lots of combo boxes and text boxes. They are all linked to various MS Access tables and some of the fields are mandatory. I would like do an check to see if all the mandatory fields are not null i.e. are populated with a value and then run an update query for my master table in the database to flag the records as being complete if all the mandatory fields are populated.

If (IsEmpty(tab1.cmb_a)) Then do something

But I am just blank at the moment on how to proceed, especially on how I can do all the checks and then populate the database.

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Macro To Move Completed Order To Another Form

Aug 24, 2015

I have created an access database to track orders through out production. I have also created a form labeled "orders" with a subform where it has all the orders information, customer info and product info. Along with this there are 3 check boxes for each order they are labeled, "Routed", "Pressed" "Finished". I am looking for a macro for when I click the "finished" check box that order is moved to another form to reduce the amount of clutter on the orders form. Is there anyway to do this?

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Forms :: Auto-populate Current Date And Time When Other Fields Completed

Feb 24, 2015

I have a table called Neutron2015. I want the current date and time to complete when entries are made in two other fields. So I am looking for this date and time to populate in EXLStart when an entry is made in Processed By, and also the current date and time to appear in EXLEnd when an entry is made in Completed By with the bold word being the field names.

Is this possible, and how difficult is it?

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Textbox To Display Percent Of Steps Completed On A Form

Sep 17, 2014

I'm enrolling medical centers in a new multi-center database. There are a number of steps that must be completed before the center is enrolled in the project. I have a form that serves as a checklist. I want the textbox at the bottom of the form to display the percentage of steps completed. I guess you would have to count the number of fields on the form that are filled in, but I don't know how to do it.

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Forms :: Exporting PDF From A Form

Sep 19, 2013

I have a code that has been successfully working, until today. I have a form which I then export as a pdf to a specific folder. I cannot understand why it has suddenly started to throw up the "runtime error 2501 outputto action was cancelled". The line is stops at is

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "CLA Notice", acFormatPDF, varCombined

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Forms :: Exporting Form To Another Database?

Apr 16, 2014

I'm trying to export a form to another database. I've tried both simply copy/paste and using the export function. In both cases the form is copied to the other database, but my buttons go missing. Is there a way to move the form to another database and keep it intact?

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Forms :: Exporting To Excel Via Navigation Form

Mar 15, 2013

I have decided to move away from Switchboard in Access 2010, to what I find to be more user-friendly; the Navigation Forms.

However, when I attempt to export any of the data from my navigation forms, the result is a blank Excel sheet. I can easily go into the forms themselves on the left navigation panel and export from there, but when myself or a user attempts to do this from the navigation forms themselves; well, the blank Excel sheet is the result.

How do you create a work-around, so that it is possible to export to Excel from these navigation forms?

I am fairly new to Access 2010.

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Forms :: 2010 - Exporting To Excel Via Navigation Form (blank Reports)

Jun 13, 2013

I have decided to move away from Switchboard in Access 2010, to what I find to be more user-friendly; the Navigation Forms.

However, when I attempt to export any of the data from my navigation forms, the result is a blank Excel sheet. I can easily go into the forms themselves on the left navigation panel and export from there, but when myself or a user attempts to do this from the navigation forms themselves; well, the blank Excel sheet is the result.

How do you create a work-around, so that it is possible to export to Excel from these navigation forms?

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Filtering Completed Orders

Apr 15, 2005


is there away to filter rows when certain values in three different tables are the same. e.g. it is a stock control db - so when goods orded = goods in = goods taken - can this then be filtered automatically to hide rows and avoids congestion on the user interface (form)?



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Counting Jobs Completed By A Vendor.

Jul 5, 2006

I would like a textbox in my vendor form to display the number of times that the vender’s name appears in a jobs-completed table during a particular calendar year. I’m not sure where to start. I have tried building a query as follows:

SELECT Count(tblCompletedJobs.Job#) AS CountOfJobs
FROM tblCompletedJobs
HAVING (((tblCompletedJobs.DateOfEngagement)>=#1/1/2006#));

Any suggestions appreciated!

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Query To Find Ee's With Training Not Completed

Jan 28, 2008

I am working with a training database. I am a fresh newbie to access (more of an excel user).

I need to find employee's who have never completed a certain training (DPW Medication Training), which is mandatory.

I have the following tables:
Employee data TBL - Contains active ee's names
CompletedTrainings - Contains all trainings completed by individual
Events - name of all the trainings, including mandatory trainings

I have the following queries:
DPW Med Training - Lists all who have completed the training
DPW-Med-Last - Lists when each employee last had the training
Med_01 - Lists those who have had the training, but need it renewed

Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Get File Completed Posting Info?

Jul 25, 2014

I have some code that checks if a file exists, its file size, creation date and date modified. The code works fine..however..

I need to import the file it is checking and that file can sometimes take up to 30 minutes to complete its posting. In fact I used the code to check it the other day and the code showed that it exists, its creation/modifed date and also its file size - however, the file size was what it was at that moment I ran the code. If I immediately re-run the code, the file size changes - obviously due to the fact that the file is still posting (and growing due to the date being posted to it). Also note that the (completed) file size will vary each day the file is posted

So, what I would like to know is, is their a way to check to see if a file has completed posting? Something akin to .filecreated like .filecompleted (yes or no) type thing?

Here is the code:

Public Sub sub_chk_files2()
Dim obj_fs As Object
Dim obj_folder As Object
Dim obj_files As Object
Dim obj_f1 As Object
Dim db As DAO.Database

[Code] ...

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Queries :: Append Completed Courses To Another Table

Nov 30, 2013

I have created an append query to update completed courses to a previous education table.

INSERT INTO Education ( ID, [Qualification Name], [Level], [Date Achieved] )
SELECT Courses.ID, Courses.CourseName, Courses.CourseLevel, Courses.CertRecvDate
FROM Courses
WHERE (((Courses.CertRecvDate) Is Not Null) AND ((Courses.CourseCompleted)=True));

The theory here is if CourseCompleted checkbox is check and there is a value in CertRecvDate, the qualification has been achieved and therefore should be added to the previous education table (which will be used later for CV's etc)

The problem I face is I only want it to add any particular course once to the previous education table and not every time the query is executed. I am thinking I need to pass the CourseID field aswell to the education table and somehow check to see if that has been already added .

I have attached a screenshot showing the structure of the two tables.

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Modules & VBA :: Make Certain Fields Required To Be Completed Before Exiting?

Jun 28, 2013

How do you make certain fields "required" to be completed before exiting?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Record Based On Related Records Completed

Dec 4, 2014

I have 2 tables, one is like a main table, containing all of the main data, such as a Job Number, Customer, Quantity, etc. I have a second, related, table that acts a breakdown of information. There may be several related records to one main record, it entirely depends on the nature of the job.

What I'd like to do is run a function that looks at a main record, checks if all the related records COMPLETED field is ticked and then tick a field in the main record. I only want it to do this for records where all of the related records are COMPLETED.

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Reports :: Generate A Report For Items In Previous Sentence Not Completed To Keep Track Of Workload

Jul 29, 2013

I'm completely new to Microsoft Access. This project was thrown my way. I have an accounting database to track payables, receivables, financials, and deliquencies/collections. Is there a way to generate a report for any of the items in the previous sentence that haven't been completed to keep track of workload.

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Forms :: Naming File Exporting To Spreadsheet

May 10, 2014

I am exporting a single record to a spreadsheet. The code I have works fine. The problem is I want to have the spreadsheet contain the information that is in one of the forms textboxes, in this case a dogs name.

I have created a query to get the dogs name which works but I dont know how to get that query to run and then be put in the file name.

The code that I have is below

Private Sub btn_ExportDog_Click()
Dim strday As String 'The date
Dim sDest As String 'Where the file will be copied to
Dim sSource As String 'The name of the file to be copied
Dim strDogName As String 'The name of the dog that is geting exported
Dim strBackUp As String
strBackUp = "c:GPandDetectionDogTrainingLogBackUp"


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Forms :: Make Folder Upon Exporting Query To Excel?

Aug 12, 2014

All, using access 2010. I am using this code to make a folder upon exporting a query to excel:

sPath = "C:Directorymainfolder" & Format(Date, "yyyy mm dd") & "folder"
MkDir sPath

It works however I need a space between the date and the folder. But when I use "", it tells me path doesn't exist. get a space in the name when creating the folder.

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Exporting A Form To A Report

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form that pulls a number of records from a number of different tables. I want to see basically the same information in a report. Is it possible to export the set up to a report so I don't have to build a report from scratch?



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Exporting A Sub Form To Word

Nov 28, 2005

Hello Access People,

I am sure this has been answered but i can not find it after searching all day.

I have a main form called "Main Form", then a sub form call "DPriority Assessment" on the main form i use this to filter the results, of only the data for one report shows and the results follow all works this far.

I am using a button to export the results from my sub form in to a word document, the data is copy over ok, but the page setup keeps changing from A4 to Letter, and the page changes from Landscape back to portrait, i have checked my printer setting and the setting in both word and access all looks fine.

I am not sure if some kind of code is need but i am not sure were or how to go about this. If anybody has any ideas i would be grate full or examples would be better.

Kind Regards

Alastair Lane

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Form Exporting To Word

Apr 2, 2006

hey guys

i really need some help with this... i have a form that contains 2 subforms that relate to different tables in my db

is it possible to get the information entered into the form and suvbforms exported to a Word doc? if so, can someone give me the steps involved or some pointers please? im not talking about exporting reports, it needs to be the form and sub-forms


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Exporting Data To Excel Form

Sep 18, 2012

When equipment is returned to our company the details are put into an access database, then the same details are filled into a excel sheet to be printed and handed around for other depments to fill in by hand then sign. I have been asked to see if it is possible to alter the database so that the appropriate parts of the excel sheet could be filled in automatically. You can see an example below, its only the sales section that comes from the database the rest is filled in by hand.

Is it possible to setup a query that would ask for say the RER number and serial number to find the correct record then export the data to fill in the right cells; or is it easier for me to try and recreate the excell sheet as an access report and have it filled in that way.

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Exporting Data From Access Form To Excel

Nov 7, 2007

Hi folks.

I'm new member this site.I have a problem my access project and I have request help you.

My problem. My project has two table and two form .Order (Main Table&Main Form) and Order_Subform (Sub Table&Sub Form) When i click 'Send to Excel' button in Order form it's sending data to Excel file Order.xls but it's only sending one line in order_subform to Excel Order.xls. it is not sending other line. I hope, could I able to explain my concern

Kind Regards.

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