Forms :: Filter And Sort Using Custom Buttons

Sep 24, 2013

I am using Microsoft Access 2010. It provides great filtering and sorting options in the ribbon for any object. But what if I hide the ribbon and want to create custom buttons on the form to do the filtering and sorting job? There are some filter options available in macros but are not quite like the ribbon's own Filter button. When the Filter button is clicked from the Robbin, a filter menu pops-up under the active field, which doesn't happen when I try to do it using Macro functions like "Apply Filter" or "Set Filter" etc. I want to have that big "FILTER" button from the Ribbon on my form.

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Custom Control Acts Like Subform With Sort Buttons At Top?

Feb 27, 2012

Is there a custom control available that acts like a listbox or subform that has sort buttons at the top of each column?

Need more than 32k size too (Listbox limit). Access 2003

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Forms :: Custom Sort Order In Subform

Apr 28, 2015

I have a subform with year and month, subform shows result of a select query.

When I open query separately it show data as required order but when i show data in subform related to this query, data show in rearrange order.

How can I set order in subform as query result.

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Forms :: Buttons In Navigation Form To Filter Report Data

Sep 23, 2014

I want to create a navigation form, or any form for that matter that has an embedded report. The report has data arranged by ClientID. I would like to create buttons down the left side of my form (why I thought a navigation form could work) where I can put the client name on the buttons and when I click them the report will filter to only show that clients data. I have client tables and the report data linked in queries, but just need to know how to get started with these buttons acting as ID sorters.

For example:
ClientID: 1 = Client: ABC Corp

In my report ClientID 1's data is grouped along with all other client ID's.

In my form I'd like buttons down the left side with ABC Corp written on it (followed by buttons for the other clients) and then when I click the ABC Corp button only ABC Corp's data shows on the page from the embedded report...

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Forms :: Use Buttons On A Form To Change Sort Order On A Continuous Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to use buttons on a form to change the sort order on a continuous form. In the buttons click event I am using a public function (named Sort_1) to change the sort order. The first element of the event call is the name of a generic query (named Sort_1_Query1) and the query field to sort (LAST_NAME OR FRIST_NAME, depending on the button.)This is the Click Statement.


This is the Public Function
Public Function Sort_1(SortName As String, FieldName1 As String)
DoCmd.ApplyFilter SortName, FieldName1 & "between 'A' and 'Z'"
End Function

I think the problem is in the use of quotation marks or trying to pass the query field name to the Do Command or the use of an ampersand.

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Forms :: Possible To Sort Filter Column Without Subform Record Source Being A Query?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a form that shows multiple rows of linked/child records.The form in question is the "frmFilterNumberTypeView" form. When a particular filter is used (installed on an automobile), I would like to be able to click on the corresponding "Installed 1" button left of the filter number, so that by code, I can reduce the Qty on Hand by One, and insert the corresponding filter ID to the History table, along with the date/time the filter was used.

how to reduce the Qty on Hand, nor how to do the updates to the History table, I'll figure that out myself over the next week or two (hopefully it won't take that long). What I'm trying to figure out here is how I can associate the red "Installed 1" button with the filter to the right of whichever button I press.

how to sort the filter column on this same form. I'm fairly certain that this would be very easy to do if the subform in question was populated by means of a corresponding query, but I'm afraid that if I go that route that I'll spend another 20+ hours trying to figure out how to get the proper filter records to match the filter manufacturer, not to mention having to next figure out how to link the table so that if I modify any particular filter record, that I'll be able to have the associated table update accordingly.

Is it possible to sort the filter column without the subform record source being a query?

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Forms :: Form That Shows 100 Records At A Time - Filter / Sort Data Source Entirely

Oct 20, 2014

The recordsource is a query with over 6,000 records. The form currently lists the records in datasheet format with header and footer for things like buttons and filtering. The client wants to be able to go from page to page of the souce query, showing 100 records on the form at a time.

But at the same time, they should be able to filter or sort the data source in it's entirety. The person who created the form came up with what seems like an awful solution to the problem. It seems to use a random number generator to determine how many records to portray at a time. I see this in the code as well as in operation, because the number of records on page to page varies. It doesn't even start out at 100! Worse yet, using a sort on the page only sorts the records that are visible.

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Custom Navigation Buttons

May 24, 2007

Hello all,
I've looked at the examples of custom navigation buttons people have created. Some are better than others, but none of them are fully functional, in my opinion.

I like Stephen Leban's technique; manipulating a Parent's .Recordset from a SubForm. My goal is to create a set of instantly reusable custom navigation buttons.

However, even his code lacks Save and Delete buttons.

In studying this problem, I noticed something about the built-in navigation buttons that nobody seems to have addressed, even those who claim their button set mimics "exactly" the built-in buttons. None do.

And that is that when clicking the "New" button (built-in), the New and Next buttons are disabled. This is fine and expected.

Then, when any field on the form is changed (form made Dirty?), the built-in New and Next are instantly enabled.

Does anyone understand how this is being done?

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Combo Box - Custom Sort Order

May 22, 2014

I have a combo box with the following entries:


I want the list sorted so that "Other" is at the bottom. Everything else is alphabetical ascending. Is this possible?

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Import Custom .ocx File For Pretty Buttons

May 23, 2007

Hi! I'm working in Access 2007, and am having difficulty figuring out how to do the following.

I purchased some pretty .ocx buttons that I want to use in my db. I can't figure out how to import them for use. No, I don't want to just copy and paste them in. Any ideas? I hate the ugly, unprofessional looking command buttons in Access. Thank you!


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Modules & VBA :: Custom Record Navigation Buttons

Jul 11, 2014

To briefly explain my database; it is a bespoke referral management system within a hospital. Each record on the database contains patient demographic information, as well as information on their referral (i.e. date of referral, date of assessment, date of commencing treatment, discharge date etc.) Therefore, the same patient will appear multiple times in the database, with each separate record corresponding to a unique referral pathway.

The database forms are split to show patient information at the top, with referral information shown in a subform. I am trying to add navigation buttons to the subform that will allow the user to scroll through the referrals corresponding to the patient currently displayed on the main form.

Each patient has a uniquely identifiable number associated with them, and so it seems straightforward enough in my mind to have a button that will search for the record in the database where the patient's number matches the patient number of the current record, and where the referral date is minimum (for "First Referral"), maximum but less than current (for "Previous Referral"), minimum but greater than current (for "Next Referral"), and maximum (for "Last Referral").

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Create 3 Custom Caption Buttons For A Message Box?

Nov 18, 2013

Is it possible to create 3 custom caption buttons for a message box?

I know I could do this as a form, but would like to know if it can be done in vba using msgbox...

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Exporting Data With A Custom Sort Order

Jun 7, 2007


I have a Form which contains a datasheet and I have some code which allows users to custom sort this datasheet. Another table based on this datasheet is then exported as a csv file.
However, the data is obviously not exported in the same order as the datasheet and it is quite critical for the application to be a sucess that it is exported in the custom order chosen by the user.

I have done some re-search, searching groups, forums etc and found the solution of having a 'sort column' in the table the datasheet relates to, I can then use this in the query that exports the data. My only problem with this is I had to manually fill in this sort column in the datasheet, once I had decided upon my final sort order. Is there anyway to fill this column automatically based on a row's position in a datasheet?

Many thanks in advance

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Reports :: Custom Sort Report By Combobox?

Apr 23, 2014

I was wondering is this was possible in access. I've read material on grouping and sorting, but haven't been able to pin down what I need.

I have a combobox field that has 14 entries, beginning with 01 as the first two characters. What I'd like to do is change the order in which everything is displayed on the report.

For instance, show 07 at the top, then 09-13 below that, and so on...

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Forms :: Applying Sort And Filter In Form Results In Design Changes To Form

Dec 27, 2014

When I'm applying a sort and filter in a form, Access is updating the Filter and Order By properties of the form, so that it is possible to re-use in conjunction with Filter on Load and Order By on Load properties. However, a consequence of this is that when the form is closed, it prompts the user whether they want to save the design of the form. I want to circumvent this as I don't want to re-use the sort and filter and I don't want to be prompted to save the design of the form.

Although I can circumvent this by closing the form using a method that doesn't prompt for saving, the additional complication here is that the form in question is in the Navigation subform of a Navigation Control. Hence when I click on a another Navigation button, it (not me) closes my current form and hence prompts me whether I want to save the design of the form (if I have been sorting and/or filtering). I can't see how to circumvent this and the prompting is resulting in unacceptable usability.

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Filter Buttons

Aug 5, 2005

Please help!!
I have a form with a "filter by form" button generated by a macro and it works fine. Now I need a button so that the user will not have to use the funnel button in the toolbar to apply the filter. When I tried to place an apply filter button in the form, both buttons become greyed out and the only way is to click the funnel in the toolbar. Any help!!


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Sort AND Filter

Aug 4, 2005

I have some very simple code on a button on a form to sorts my data by company name. But as some of my data is for friends, I want to be able to add a line in that looks at the "Category" field and only includes those that are a "business". Can I do this.....?? So some sort of filter.

Private Sub Command43_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command43_Click

Me.OrderBy = "CompanyName"
Me.OrderByOn = True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command43_Click
End Sub

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Advanced Sort/filter

May 4, 2005

I am using a handheld scanner to scan in barcodes. However the part numbers contain more data than I need. Is there a way to get ride of the extra data I scan in in Access.

Say I have part ABCD- 7G675 .. I only need 7g675 to be in the field. Is there a way to do this besides a find replace, that would take way to long.

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Filter Form With Option Buttons

Oct 4, 2005

Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone can help me with this.

I have a form based on a query that has 16 options for values in one of the fields. I wanted to put an option button for each value on a form that would allow the user to view the records based on which option buttons were selected and have the form update accordingly.

The way I've gone about it is to have some code in the after_update event thingimy of each option button that updates a boolean value in a table that's linked to the underlying query the form is based on - but this just seems a long way to go about this... plus it's not working...

I've searched the archives for clues on this but haven't come up with anything. So I just wondered, is there a better way than what I'm doing. I'm not after somebody to do this for me, just point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,


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Reports :: Filter Between 4 Conditions - Setup Buttons

Dec 12, 2013

I recently took over a DB that is based on switchboard form upon opening. Haven't done anythng with switchboards, my question is.

On my report that I have open up I would like to filter between 4 conditions. Would it be best to setup buttons in the report after it is run, or have something in the swithboard code that will filter before it gets to the report? I have looked at the code for the switchboard and it looks "greek" to me.

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Modules & VBA :: Xml To Create A Ribbon For Sort And Filter

Dec 27, 2013

I use the following xml to create a ribbon for Sort and Filter


<customUI xmlns="">
<ribbon startFromScratch="true">
<tab idMso="TabCreate" visible="false" />
<tab id="dbSearchtab" label="Sort and Filter" visible="true">
<group id="SearchScreenSort" label="Sort and Filter">


The first problem is that this ribbon appears in forms where it is not included.The second problem is that in addition to the "File and Filter" tab, there appears a "File" tab Whe you click on it is goes backstage allowing you to Print and Exit.

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Modules & VBA :: Sort / Filter Dropdown Being Disabled?

May 2, 2015

I'm using a dropdown that has the months of the year in it. The user selects a month and the form is then filtered by a date if its the first of whatever month is selected. It works fine but when the filter is applied I cant select the little arrow on the column headings and select the boxes (Select All, Blank, ETC...). It doesn't work on any column, just the apply text filter works but I cant select anything.

It works fine when I clear out the filters on the form. I tried to use vba to set the menusetting property to true and that didn't work either.

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General :: Wizard Not Working When Adding Filter Buttons

Jun 19, 2012

I seem to be having a problem with access 2007

When I use the filter by form, filter by selection, and toggle filter buttons located on the ribbon, they work normally on my form, in the usual way.

However when I use the button wizard to add the various available filter buttons to my form, it adds the buttons with the correct graphics on - but in form view clicking on the buttons does not actually do anything.

I've tried running compact and repair but still the same.

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Filter/ Sort Query To Eliminate Duplicate Fields

Apr 6, 2006

Basically i have a mortgage application system which im running a query on to see which applications have been completed in the last week or period up to now ie. last week, last month, last 3 months.

basically each application or CaseID has one or more applicants. The majority of them have two applicants. A few have one.

Problem is when i run this query which shows me: - CaseID, CLIENTNAME, LENDER, PRODUCT, MORTGAGE RATE, LOAN AMOUNT -

it brings up these fields but i only want one occurence of each CaseID????

CaseID Forenames Surnames PRODUCT RATEDateCompletedLoan required
2821Sipho Dube 711 16.69 20/01/2004 £63k
2909Hobbly Chise 726 15.69 31/01/2002 £164k

Get the picture? Both Sipho and Nothando are applicants on the same mortgage but i only want to show one name. Anybody know how to help me out???

Ive taken up this existing system, so i think there's possibly a normalisation problem thats causing this. But i need a quick fix for now rather than redesign the whole system.

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Modules & VBA :: Sort Ascending And Descending And Filter Continuous Form

Mar 6, 2015

I'm trying to sort and filter a continuous form. Sort ascending and filters works perfectly fine. But my descending button doesn't work. I basically have a combo box which contains a field list. Then two buttons (asc. and desc.), then a text box for filter, a button to filter, and another button to reset filter. Here's my code:

Private Sub cmdAscending_Click()
If IsNull(Me.cboField) Then
MsgBox "Please choose a field.", vbOKOnly, "No field to sort."
Me.OrderBy = Me.cboField
Me.OrderByOn = True

[Code] ....

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