Forms :: Filter Data In A Subform

Jun 14, 2013

I have a subform in a form that displays all members of staffs Name and employee no. I am trying to find a way to search the subform on the main form it's on using textboxes to filter data, here is the code I have that searches the employee no.

Private Sub Command178_Click()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim sqlstr As String
Dim sqlstrwhat As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb


I do not get any errors and I haver used the same code structure for other subform filters but when I search for an existing employee no. the subform only displays a blank record with the employee no. 1?

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Forms :: How To Make Subform Filter Its Data From Date Entry Selection

Aug 17, 2014

In my main form, there is this date entry selection and a subform with data on it.

How can I make the subform filter its data from date entry selection?

I have already created a relationships for my tables

I created a query for this subform (should I need to?)

It does not refresh my subform or I do not know what to do?

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Forms :: Applying Quick Filter In Main Form Causes Data To Not Show In Subform?

Sep 3, 2013

I have a pretty simple form that includes subform. Subform's table is linked to main form's table with parent/child relation. Connecting fields are main table's ID field and corresponding field in child table. Subform is in datasheet view. This is pretty basic stuff so there should not be any problems, but every time I apply a quick filter in main form it causes data in subform become invisible. There is single row in subform, but all it's fields are empty.

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Subform Run From Query, Lose's Filter When Adding Data.

Mar 14, 2006

I have a form which is linked to a query. The main form which calls this form sets the filter for the query. This works fine and I can navigate all the filtered records.

The problem is when I go to add a new record the filter information goes away.

For backround this is DB for project information. The user clicks a button to view notes on the project. The notes are stored in a different table and the project_id is the common field which links the two together. I want this to function where the user can open the subform read the notes and add a new one if needed.

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Filter Subform-Data Member Not Found Error!?

May 18, 2006

Hi all, I’m trying to filter the records a subform shows based on the employee number (in a combo box) that the user selects in the main form. At the moment im getting the following message when I select an employee number in the combo box: “Compile error, method or data member not found”:confused:

Ive searched the forums on here and tried to make use of the information other people have posted but im still having trouble getting this to work

Below is the code I have on the combo box of the main form:

Private Sub Cbo_Emp_Filter_AfterUpdate()
Dim strSQl As String


End Sub

Ive also posted the database if any one is willing to have a look for me (ive removed irrelevant tables/forms/reports). Im using access 97



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Forms :: Filter SubForm Using Like?

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to apply a filter to a subform using the text filter Like "*text*" by setting up a dynamic SQL query for the subform, see code. The issue I have is that the SQL doesn't seem to apply to the form because it isn't filtering the form.

If Not IsNull(Me.ID) Then
pubRecCountPubs = 0
Dim strSQL, strSelectText, strWhereText, strOrderText, strFilterText, strAuthorText As String


I have this working fine in a 2010 database using the DoCmd.ApplyFilter method, but need to set up a similar database using 2003 and DoCmd.ApplyFilter doesn't work with subforms and I can't figure out why this code isn't working.

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Forms :: Filter Changes Subform Info

Jun 26, 2013

I have a CRM database which also handles billing for my company. I have an Order Form which displays info from the Orders table, and also various subforms from related tables (Order Details, Payments, Collection Notes). The Payments table has a One to One relationship to the Orders table and the two are linked by the Key Field Order ID.

Here is the problem, if I open the Order Form and navigate to any record the correct payment information is displayed. However if I use a Filter on the Order table the Payment information disappears and only a blank payment form displays - making it appear that a payment has not been made. If I remove the filter the payment information is still gone until I close the form and reopen it. Also, this does NOT happen to my other subforms (ie Order Details) - note that the other subforms are for tables with a One to Many relationship.I have tried basing the subform on the actual table Payments and also on a query of the payments table.

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Forms :: Adding Filter To A Subform

Feb 25, 2015

I am trying to apply a filter to a subform.I have three tables as follows:

ITEM (primary key Item ID) (AutoNumber)
CREATOR (Primary key Creator ID) (AutoNumber)
ITEM CREATOR (junction table) (primary key Item ID and Creator ID)

ITEM has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR.
CREATOR has a one to many relationship with ITEM CREATOR.

I have added a subform to the data entry form for ITEM. The fields in the subform are the fields in the ITEM CREATOR table, i.e. Item ID and Creator ID. The purpose of the subform is to link an Item to a Creator and populate the ITEM CREATOR table.These are the subform properties:

Record Source: Item Creator subform
Link Master Fields: Item ID
Link Child Fields: Item ID

The subform contains a combo box for Creator ID. These are the properties.

Control Source: Creator ID
Row Source: Item Creator Subform query
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 9

When a user clicks on the combo box drop-down, the first 9 fields in the CREATOR table are displayed. The purpose of this is to give the user more information when linking ITEM to CREATOR, so that the correct Creator ID is chosen and the Item is linked to the correct Creator. Two of these fields are Creator Surname and Corporate Creator.

The issue is that CREATOR now contains over 2500 records. When trying to link an Item to a Creator the drop-down list that appears when the Creator ID combo box is clicked is very long and the user is potentially faced with a long time spent scrolling the list. I would like to filter the drop-down list by Creator Surname so that the user enters a surname and only the Creator IDs for the Creators that have that surname appear in the list.

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Forms :: Using Combobox To Filter A Subform

Jan 14, 2014

I do review SQL sometimes to check what's going on. Access has been a steep learning curve, but my understanding of queries and relationships improved a lot recently.Some of the finer points of forms are just giving me frustration. My form related knowledge probably lags behind my data/table/relationship/query related knowledge. Its probably simple, but as you know these things are not too intuitive at first.

I have a query which (built on another query and some tables in turn) delivers exactly the data I want. I want that data to come up in my form (or datasheet subform actually) BUT, I want to be able to filter for PERSON.ID. I want the user to be able to use a combo-box to do that filtering.

OK then, main form, with unbound combo-box at the top. I assume it should be unbound because I don't want any data edited based on selections which are supposed to cause temporary filtering only (correct me if I'm wrong). For the Row Source I've used a qryWholeName. This query creates a WholeName for each person, and includes their PERSON.ID as well.

[URL]....I cannot see the example DB they have attached in the thread. Finally, my database is likely to be accessed by several people at once. Different users will want to be selecting and filtering for different people simultaneously.

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Forms :: Applying A Filter To A Subform?

Jun 22, 2014

Was trying to use a button to apply a filter from a form to a subform

the subform (frmLogOverview_Subform) has a field call AttendedBy_FK and I wish to filter this from the main form (frmCallOverview)

how can I do it ?

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Forms :: Hold Filter On Subform

Jul 30, 2014

I'm trying to make it so I could filter a subform from the main form and it will hold those results and allow them to be edited in the subform without it refiltering it. I want it to still be able to update the table by whats edited in the subform, but I don't want it to "disappear" from the subform when the filtered "matching" criteria is changed on a record.

How could I go about accomplishing this?

Here is my code for the filter of my subform:

Private Sub Form_Load()
strFilter = "[Rep Number] = " & "RepNumberField" & _
" AND " & "[UserName] = " & "UserNameField" & ""
RepReassignmentSubform.Form.Filter = strFilter
RepReassignmentSubform.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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Forms :: Requery Subform After Filter

Dec 10, 2013

I have a main form (Frm ViewModel) with a subform (Frm class_attributes) in datasheet-mode based on a Query.Frm ViewModel has two controls, a ComboBox Select Model (presents you with a list of data models ) and a ComboBox Select Class (presents you with a list of Classes selected from a class-table, based on the model-id derived from the Select Model ComboBox). The subform Frm class_attrbutes shows you all class attribute combinations based on the model-id derived from the Select Model ComboBox.After the initial selection of the classes and attributes, the subform Frm class_attribute can be filtered on class by the Select Class ComboBox.

As long as I just switch between models through the Select Model ComboBox, it all works fine. The subform Frm class_attributes is updated (Requery) correctly.The problems start when I filter the subform Frm class_attributes, either through VBA OR by using the GUI filter possibilities of the sub form itself.

Private Sub select_class_AfterUpdate()
[Forms]![Frm ViewModel]![Frm class_attributes].[Form].Filter = "class.object_name ='" & [Forms]![Frm ViewModel]![class_name] & "'"
[Forms]![Frm ViewModel]![Frm class_attributes].[Form].FilterOn = True

The filter works fine, but once youve used it:
- The filter stays active, even when turned off, so when you Requery the subform it reutrns results with the original filter.
- The filter is removed, but now the subform after requery keeps showing the selection of classes & attributes for the model_id where the filter was first set.

I tried all possible combinations of FilterOn = False and .Requery but it doesnt solve it. I tried reassigning the RecordSource but since the underlying SQL is extensive (a few joins) Access seems to have a problem with this

[Forms]![Frm ViewModel TST]![Frm class_attributes].RecordSource = "SELECT [class.hierarchy],
[class.object_name], [class.technical_name], [class.definition], [parent_class.object_name]
AS ParentClassName, [parent_class.level], [A.AttributeName], [A.AttributeTechnicalName],
[A.AttributeDefinition], [A.AttributeType], [A.AttributeTypeDescription] FROM [parent_class]

[Code] .....

I tried making the sub-form a bound form by manually linking the masterfield to the Select Class ComboBox..I played around with the On-Focus and OnCurrent-events

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Forms :: How To Keep Subform Filter Property From Turning On

Dec 23, 2013

This doesn't happen on all my other Frm/subfrms that I have. Only this one and I can't figure out why.

I have a main form with a datasheet subform and a detail subform on it. The detail subform works fine until I filter on the datasheet.

Both forms use the same view.

But, when I filter on the datasheet form, the filter on the bottom of the 2nd subform turns on and I can't unfilter it. I can't figure out what it's trying to filter. If I can figure out how this is happening, I can prevent it and then the subform will just reflect the record selected from the datasheet. This doesn't happen with any other datasheet/detail form that I have.

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Forms :: Filter Subform From Main Form

Jun 27, 2013

All using 2010. I need to filter a subform from the main form.

sfrmMedCInfo.Form.Filter = "[SSNum]= '" & cboSSN & "'"
sfrmMedCInfo.Form.FilterOn = True

It's throwing an error: Variable not defined pointing to sfmMedCInfo. why do I need to declare the subform and how?

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Forms :: How To Apply A Filter On Subform From Combo Box

Jun 17, 2013

I am trying to filter a subform based in a combobox. What im doing wrong, is it the Sintax? This is what i have so far..

Private Sub Buscar_Click ()
Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = Me.CombNomes.Value
Me.subfrmBANCO.Form.Recordsource = "[Nome]=""&strFilter&"""
End Sub

'subfrmBanco is a subform based on a table called "BANCO"'
'[Nome] is the field in BANCO that im trying to filter on
'CombNomes is the combobox im using as filter parameter

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Forms :: Filter A Popup Form With Subform?

Jul 29, 2015

I have a continuous Form [Letter Log - All] with "LetterNo" field as the primary key. What i want to do is click the "LetterNo" and a filtered pop up form with subform should appear based on what has been clicked. But i don't have luck doing that. The name of the main form is "LetterLog" and its subform control name is "LetterLogSub"

here is what i did.


Private Sub LetterNo_Click()
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLogSub", acNormal, , "LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog <-- this one works but without the subform
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, , "Forms!LetterLog!LeteterLogSub.Form.LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNo", "me.LetterLogSub.Form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormReadOnly, acDialog
DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNoFilter", "Forms!LetterLog!LetterLogSub.form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
End Sub

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Forms :: Filter Subform By Updating Combo Box

Dec 14, 2014

I have a table contains 5/6 column. now i need to filter the table on a form randomly.

Suppose I have 6 different combo box for 6 column. Now on the sub form the control shows the whole table. i this case i have clicked the 3rd combo box, then it will show the whole column in its list. if i select any one of it the table will show the common values below. then i will click the second combobox which will populate the present data shown into the subform table after the first filter.

After that i wish to filter the fifth column where the fifth combobox will populate the data after the second filtering.

By all means the active data into the column will ony populate into the combobox.

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Forms :: Filter Subform By Combo Box Dates

May 28, 2013

Currently I have a main form w/ subform. In the main form, a user selects a bond's serial number from a combo box and the subform displays the bond's returns for the months owned along with a start date (each month has its own start date). So if I enter bond ABC in combo box, the subform will display "13-01-01, 4%" for January, "13-02-01, 8%% for February..etc.

So if we owned a bond from January to March, it will display the three months' returns. I want to add two combo boxes: begin and end date so that I can filter the subform to only show a particular set of months' returns.

I have three tables right now: Cusips, which lists each bond's serial number, CusipStartPK, which lists the monthly returns for each serial number, and ParameterDates, which is a list of four start dates--ie 13-01-01 for January, 13-02-01 for Feb, etc.

I've tried parameter queries and vba codes from other threads but I can't get this to work.

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Forms :: Filter Subform By Months Using Combobox?

Aug 18, 2015

I made a subform based of a query that I put in a main form. The subform contains a date field, where a full date is inserted (example 24.12.2015.). What I am doing is making a form where the subform would be filtered by a combobox by months. This may be wrong (correct me if it is), but for values in the combobox I placed number from 1 to 12 (as months). This combobox would then only show records from that month. I used a Change function in VBA on the combobox but I keep getting an error.

This is the VBA on the combobox where I change the record source of the subform. I probably made the WHERE part wrong but dont know how to fix it.

Combobox name is cboMonth.
Field where the full date is, is DateOut.
Subform is called subCustomer.


Private Sub cboMonth_Change()
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT qryCustomers.SID, qryCustomers.KID, qryCustomers.MMT, " _
& "qryCustomers.Owner, qryCustomers.User, qryCustomers.Policy, " _
& "qryCustomers.DateOut " _
& "FROM qryCustomers " _
& "WHERE Month([DateOut]) LIKE '*" & Me.cboMonth.Text & "*'"
Me.subCustomer.Form.RecordSource = SQL
End Sub

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Forms :: Filter Subform Based On Text Box

May 23, 2013

I have researched but couldn't find any working filter criteria for subform criteria.i have used the code, searching the web but still no luck.I have attached the picture and sample northwind database (accdb). I just want to filter customers in Orders navigation using text criteria.

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Forms :: Disable Subform Filter If Combo Box Is Empty

Sep 21, 2014

I have a form called frmSearch with an option group called grpSearch ,a combobox called comboNyaba and subform called subform_CasesSearch has a checkbox called CaseClosed

The combobox filter the subform based on option group choice and value in textbox called NyID ... it works fine except that if the combobox is empty it give me error the code in main form i put it on Load and on current

Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me.subform_CasesSearch.Form
If Me.grpSearch.Value = 1 Then
.Filter = "NyID = " & Me.ComboNyaba


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Forms :: Apply Filter To A Datasheet Subform Using Combo Box

Dec 9, 2013

I am trying to apply a filter to a datasheet subform using a combo box.

This is the code I have used on the "after update" event:

[Ordering - Price list items].Form.Filter = "[Secondary Category]=" & Combo72.Column(1)
[Ordering - Price list items].Form.FilterOn = True

When I run the query i get the following error:

Runtime error 3021:
No current record

I am not sure why it isn't working as this is how I have set up other combo box filters and it worked fine.

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Forms :: Applying Filter To Subform - Values Stored As Foreign Key

Mar 25, 2013

I am having a problem with a filter that i am trying to apply to a subform.

I have a button on the form that when clicked should filter the subform (which is in datasheet view) to the criteria i set.

This criteria will eventually run from a combo box but I wanted to just get the filter working first.

I put the following code into the onclick event of the button:

Items.Form.Filter = "Items.Form.[Master Category] = 2"
Items.Form.FilterOn = True

I chose the criteria 2 for the filter just as a test as I knew there are some records with that value in the master category field.

The problem is when ever i click the button to apply the filter it clears all the data as if it has not found any records with that value.

Is my syntax and method OK? Why its filtering everything out?

The only other thing to consider is that the field I am filtering on was set up using a lookup wizard linked to a table so the values stored are a foreign key (hence the value being 2 rather than something descriptive).

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Forms :: Linked Table - Filter By SubForm Date Field

May 10, 2013

I have a form that is based on a linked table of students eligible to complete a online survey. Within that form, I have a sub form (based on another linked table) of students who have completed the form and at what date and time.

Only about 1 in 10 eligible students complete the form.

I'd like to filter by students who have completed the form, and sort by date submitted.

So I have the main form called "students" and the subform with the date submitted is called "New - BasicInfo subform" and they are linked by student ID. The date submitted field in the subform is formatted like "5/6/2013 3:07:32 PM".

I've tried adding this to me "filter" field in the STudents form properties:

Between [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![05/06/2013] AND [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![10/01/2013]

No luck, I get syntax error missing operator.

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Forms :: Multi-Select List Boxes To Filter Subform

Oct 6, 2014

I have 7 multi-select list boxes, which I want the user to be able to select multiple items and have it filter a subform by what is selected. The subform will not be visible.

Here is the code I tried for filtering my subform (which is throwing an error when I call it).

Private Function MasterSearch()
On Error GoTo Error_MasterSearch

Dim StrgSQL As String
Dim WhereClause As String
StrgSQL = "SELECT * FROM MasterTbl"

[Code] ...

The above code was to test just 1 of the 7 listboxes. When I call it on click for the command button, it throws an error about the "Call MasterSearch".

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Forms :: Dynamic Search - Subform Filter With Multiple Text Box

Oct 27, 2013

I wanted to build a dynamic search form using text box instead of the common combo box type.

I found an example that used the combo box and the searching portion of the code is as followed:

If Nz(Me.txtID, "") > "" Then
If Len(Nz(strFilter)) > 0 Then strFilter = strFilter & " And "
strFilter = strFilter & "CategoryID = '" & Me.txtID & "'"
bFilter = True
End If

How to insert (Like "*" & Me.txtID & "*") into the code to make the dynamic search using text box possible.

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