Forms :: Filtering Data Or Unmatched Data

Mar 17, 2014

I am totally new in Access VBA, plus I am trying to learn during my free time, I am able to create the following Unmatched query (using Wizard), but now I am trying to learn using VBA code

Curr CurrName
CAD Canadian Dollar
USD American Dollar
GBP British Pound
AUD Australian Dollar
EUR Euro

Year Curr
2013 CAD
2013 USD
2013 EUR
2014 USD
2014 GBP
2014 AUD

Now, what I am trying to Learn Filtering Data at Form Level

-Combo Box - Select Year (I am able to Learn using VBA code- Working Perfectly)
-ListBox1 - Show Currcode for selected year (I am able to learn using VBA code and working perfectly)
-ListBox2 - Would like to see Unmatched currcode from Table One (unable to figure-it-out how this will work in VBA)

ComboBox = 2013
ListBox1 = (CAD,USD,EUR)
ListBox2 = should show (GBP and AUD).

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Forms :: Filtering Data In Fields

Oct 1, 2014

I have a form with two fields in the header meant for filtering the form data - SelectAtty and SelectClient. The query under the form is restricted based on the values selected. I also have a "button" that if clicked should filter the records (probably unnecessary but I thought it would be clearer for the user). I'm seeing two issues. Sometimes when I select a value - it doesn't appear to apply it to the query at all. When I add msgbox statements to try to see what is happening, the problem goes away (weird right). Also I run into a "no current record" error when it requeries. Mostly this seems to happen when I have two events that fire in a row and both requery. The event procedures are below and you can see where I put my debugging msgbox statements.

1. No current record fires consistently on the filter image click and (I think) always when it requeries twice (like I changed the value and then clicked on the filter).

2. The fact that sometimes the selections are picked up in the query and sometimes aren't I have no good pattern for other than msgboxes seem to actually fix it - as if it forces access to look at the values and they they show up.

Private Sub FilterImage_Click()
MsgBox "filter: " & Form.CurrentRecord
MsgBox Form.RecordSource


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Forms :: Filtering Data Other Than Combo Boxes?

Mar 24, 2014

I am using master/child form for data entry for packings and the details for this packings (i.e. the products inside a packing is entered in subform and packing master is entered in main form ).

In the detail subform i use a productId field which has look up from 1000 products , so i want to filter that particular combo box based on different types from product master ( from which it choses the products).

How many ways are there to filter that combo box based on different types ( which i have in product master as type,design,material etc).One way of which is combo boxes on main form.


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Forms :: Filtering Data Field On Main Form?

Jan 22, 2014

Is it possible to use Filter option in my form without using Query Wizard? - So that the user would be able to edit and change the other field on the same form

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Query Set Up For Unmatched Data

Sep 22, 2005

I have two field columns

For example:

Field 1 Field 2
-------- --------
Blue Blue
Red Red
Yellow Black

I need to write a select query that will output any rows where field 1 and field do not match.

How can I write this? does anyone have any suggestions?


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Forms :: Filtering Data For Any Character That Begins With What The User Input

May 4, 2014

I am trying to filter data in a table using vba where I have a split form setup. My goal is to filter data where the user can input a character such as "a" for the "FirstName" field and have results from the table filtered with persons first name that starts with "a". Here is my code so far one of the text boxes.

Private Sub txtFirstName_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

If Me.Filter = "" Then
'Compares the values that begin with the input values in txtFirstName
'text box from the table field name FirstName
Me.Filter = FirstName & " LIKE '" & txtFirstName & "*'"

[Code] .....

I get a error in the else statement and please note that I am linking this form to an sql server so I can not delete or modify existing data in the table.

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Queries :: Creating A Query That Contains Unmatched Data

Apr 19, 2013

I am trying to create a query that matches two other querys and finds records that are in the primary, but not the secondary query. I have tried to use the query wizard for this, but it will not work for me the way I want.

If I have A,B,C,D in one query and only have A,B,D in the other I want to find C, so that I can format an email funtion in my database using that data.

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Problem Filtering Yes/no Data Data Type

Oct 2, 2006

I’m not an expert in Access and hope that someone can help me with my problem. I have about 20 fields of Yes/No data type.

StudentID- Tex
Science – Yes/No
Math – Yes/No
Biology – Yes/No
Chemistry – Yes/No
Economics – Yes/No

I would like to create a parameter query (without using form combo box) where when I run the query, it would prompt me for the subject name. Let say I keyed in Science, it would list out all the StudentsID who took up Science only (with a Yes) and the other subjects.

Pls help.


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Update Tables With Missing Data Without Using Unmatched Query?

Aug 13, 2013

I have an access database with several linked tables (linked to MySQL database) and several local tables. The theory is that if there's ever a connection issue, the device connected to the computer will continue logging data to the local tables. Once a connection is re-established, the linked tables should be updated with all the missing records which appear on the local tables.

I found several possibilities which I outlined below, but I've been asked to investigate whether there's a built in function in access that does this for you and use the other options as a last resort. Does access have any program feature that updates one table with missing data from another table, or will I have to write VBA code to do that? Options I've discovered:

1) Write unmatched query and insert missing data into table.

2) Create a linked table on MySQL that will link to the local tables on access, then compare the records there.The boss isn't happy with those options because he wants to keep the amount of code we add to a minimum. Ultimately, we hope that a program feature that does this is built in to access. If not, I have no problem adding code to do this instead.

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Filtering Data

May 14, 2007

Hello i am an engineer working on an access program and i have hit a little snag.
I know i am missing one small little code but i can not seem to figure it out.

I am trying to view everything in one category but one item. It is about 20 different dealers and i want all of them but one. I know if i want to view only one i type "dealer" but what do i type is i want to view all of them but one?:confused:

Thanks Deathwing

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Filtering CrossTab Data

May 22, 2006


I have set up a query and a Crosstab Query based on that Query. This works fine, but I am trying to filter the data in the crosstab query to only include the account info for the account the user is viewing.

My crosstab looks something like this :

Account # Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4

I can static a criteria in the base query (Criteria Account = "1") and it works, but I need the criteria in the query to change based on the record the user is viewing on a specific form. I tried to reference the form ; Forms![formname].[account] but the crosstab query will not run that way. Is there a way through code to change the criteria in a query for a specific field ?? Or do I need to create a recordset and use SQL statements ?

Any thoughts ??


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Filtering CrossTab Data

May 22, 2006


I have set up a query and a Crosstab Query based on that Query. This works fine, but I am trying to filter the data in the crosstab query to only include the account info for the account the user is viewing.

My crosstab looks something like this :

Account # Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4

I can static a criteria in the base query (Criteria Account = "1") and it works, but I need the criteria in the query to change based on the record the user is viewing on a specific form. I tried to reference the form ; Forms![formname].[account] but the crosstab query will not run that way. Is there a way through code to change the criteria in a query for a specific field ?? Or do I need to create a recordset and use SQL statements ?

Any thoughts ??


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Filtering W/ Another Tables Data

Jan 30, 2008

Is there a way to have data stored in a table and reference it in unlinked queries and tables to use for filtration?

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Filtering Data On A Report?

Apr 29, 2014

In the production report that I made, I want to achieve 2 things.

1) I want the report to filter automatically to display only the current month's invoice. As you can see, all of the invoices are displayed from 2012-2014.

2) I also want to be able to filter the report based on the invoice number. I want this to be achieved by clicking the invoice button on the top part of the report.

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Filtering Out Data For Combobox

Jan 2, 2014

I'll start with explaining what my goal is.. I have a table with workorders, it has a column "date planned" so I can give all the work orders a date when to be executed.

On the other hand I also have a table with the ID of every technician and the dates when their vacation starts and ends, so 3 columns, 1 text, 2 dates.

To link the 2 I use a table "schedule" where I have 4 columns, "ID", "WO", "TechID". WO refers to the workorder nummer that can be found in the schedule table.

My end goal is to have a form with a subform "schedule" where I can see all the workorders in dataview, when I select a workorder in the table I want to fill up a combobox with all the technicians available, so that means that all the ones on vacation on the planned date of that WO are not included in the combobox..

I tried making a select query, but I have no clue how to make a "select ... where (date) is not between ... and ..."

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Help Sorting And Filtering Data For A Report.

Oct 22, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am having a little trouble using a 'canned' Access database. Using the built in Asset Tracking database, I am trying to get specific information on the Assets report. The Assets report generally shows all assets, I've made a new report to show the data sorted by the phone extension number, also the room number (which is how our inventory is tracked).

This works well, except, I want to be able to view one extension/room at a time. To do this, I added a button on the 'Enter/View Emplyees' form to preview the report, and created a macro to get this info. However, it only shows whatever data is highlighted in the emplyees sub-form. How can I get all of the data assigned to each extension to appear on the report?

Tried to upload the file, but it's too large. Can email if requested.


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Tables :: Filtering Data To New Table

May 30, 2014

How best to go about designing a new table that shows any records matching a specific user name field from a parent table (without changing any records in the parent table).

For example: Any record in the column "user name" matching "Craig" in the parent table should be displayed in the new table.

I also would like for the new table to update automatically anytime a new record meeting the user name criteria ("Craig" for example) is added to the parent table.

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Filtering A Dropdown Selection Data Field?

Mar 1, 2005

I'm trying to filter my table so that i can make it a query. The data in the Facility is linked to another table with FacName and FacID. When i try to filter the data to create the query from the table, it says type mismatch. It's really bothersome....btw is there another way to create a filtered query?

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Queries :: Filtering Data Between Two Dates On Listbox

Feb 4, 2014

I've filtered a listbox query between two dates selected by a user through an unbound text, however the listbox only changes after you click it. I've requeried it after someone updates the 2 unbound date textboxes, yet it still doesn't work.

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Filtering Data With Date And Check Boxes

Aug 25, 2014

I am new in MS Access programming and is trying to create a search form for all records based on selected dates and check box. I was able to filter the records by dates but can't find ways to filter the records that meet the dates to be filtered again based on the selected check box/s. Basically what I wanted to is display all the records within the selected dates and check box/s.

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General :: Date Format In Table - Filtering Data

Jan 19, 2014

I have a table having column as date, format as mm/dd/yyyy and i update the column as now() using VBA.

However some places the date is in mm/dd/yyyy and in some mm/dd/yyyy nn:mm:ss are appearing which is making the filtering of the data ambiuge.

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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Data By 3 Fields Via Command Buttons

Jun 24, 2015

I'm trying to make a form to filter a table and open a data entry form with the filtered data ready for editing. I've got it working when filtering a 1 field but I'd like to filter the data by 3 fields and i can't get it right. the code I'm trying to use is :

DoCmd.OpenForm "Main", , , "[Admin District]='Corby'" And "[AgeRange]='31 - 50'" And "[Gender]='Male'"

it works fine when just filtering one field like this:-

DoCmd.OpenForm "Entry75+", , , "Ward='Beddington South'"

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Modules & VBA :: Data Filtering By Form / Subform Using Same Record Set

Feb 26, 2015

I have a form and subform where i have table data in the subform and 03 Combo box in the main form header. I need to do some filtering using combox box1 and out of that filtered records i need to do one more filtering using combobox2. then again another filtering by Combobox3. ( same way we are doing in Excel)

Subform is running on a query where i have following fields;


by Combo box 1 i need to filter Voyage
by Combo box 2 i need to filter POL ( out of the data filtered by above )
by combo box 3 i need to filter POD ( out of the data filtered by both above )

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Queries :: Filtering Data - Results Need To Be In Specific Order

May 21, 2013

I'm taking my first database class and I'm working on a hospital project in which I need to determine which pair (one doctor and one nurse) has a decremental performance as weeks go on.

I have an "r" and "s" queries.

These are the fields:


I would like to find what pair had a "Good" result in week 1, "Average" in week 2, and "Bad" in week 3. My problem is that the results need to be in this specific order.

The professor told us to use a formula and I got the solution after building 6 queries that involved union, difference, and cartesian.

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Filtering And Exporting Data To Excel For Pivot Tables

Jul 15, 2015

I have an Access database with millions of records.I am only interested in a subset of records (250,000+) that I would like to analyze in an Excel pivot-table. My issue is; how do I best export this information to Excel.I've tried filtering and exporting, but all records are exported. I've tried copy and paste but only 65K are allowed. Is there a better way to do this, perhaps linking the Access database?

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Forms :: Create Data Entry Form To Input Data For Field

Mar 5, 2015

I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)

I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.

I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.

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