Forms :: Filtering From Touch Buttons

Sep 21, 2013

I'm using ms access 2013.i have a project where i need to create a touch screen problem is that i have a textbox and a list box.the list box has all my track and i'm filtering from the textbox.when i use my keyboard the filter works fine from the textbox.but when using the touch screen buttons even though letters appear on my textbox, the filter does not to make my textbox filter work from the on screen touch buttons?

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Forms :: Filtering Subform With Toggle Buttons

Sep 25, 2014

I have a tab control at the bottom of my main form, and some of the tab pages contain subforms. On one of the subforms I have created a filter to divide the content into "complete" and "incomplete." I have also added a toggle button option group to the subform to toggle the filter (one button for "complete" and one for "incomplete"). I'm using a macro to apply the filter, but it isn't working. The filter does work properly if I use the "Toggle Filter" button on the Ribbon, but I want to create something a little more user friendly.

I have :

Main form: Search_by_name
Subform: Action_Items
Underlying table: tbl_Action_Items
Subform control: sfctlActionItems
Toggle button option group: tgl_Complete_Incomplete

Here's the macro as it stands right now:

If [tgl_Complete_Incomplete]=-1 Then
Filter Name
Where Condition =(([tbl_Action_Items].[Completed])=True)
Control Name [Forms]![Search_by_name]![sfctlActionItems].[Form]![tgl_Complete_Incomplete]
Command RemoveFilterSort
End If

I get the error message "The 'ApplyFilter' action requires a valid control name that corresponds to a subform or subreport."

If I remove the content of the Control Name field and open the subform independently (i.e. not as a subform), everything works fine.

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Forms :: Personalized Keypad For Touch Screen Data Entry?

Jun 19, 2015

I have the following code on the keypad form. The number from 1 to 9 work fine but now creating the code form the decimal (.) and backspace.

I'm running on Access 2007..

Private Function TypeAlphaNum(strKey As String) As String
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelStart = Nz(Len(Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name)), 0)
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).SelLength = 0
Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value = Me.Controls(Screen.ActiveControl.Name).Value & strKey


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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Data By 3 Fields Via Command Buttons

Jun 24, 2015

I'm trying to make a form to filter a table and open a data entry form with the filtered data ready for editing. I've got it working when filtering a 1 field but I'd like to filter the data by 3 fields and i can't get it right. the code I'm trying to use is :

DoCmd.OpenForm "Main", , , "[Admin District]='Corby'" And "[AgeRange]='31 - 50'" And "[Gender]='Male'"

it works fine when just filtering one field like this:-

DoCmd.OpenForm "Entry75+", , , "Ward='Beddington South'"

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How Do You Ix A Broken Database When You Can't Touch The Back End?

May 17, 2006

I have been asked to take a database created last year and re-design it to make it more user-friendly.
Not a problem, I thought when asked but I am running into a little problem...(the database designer)
In my opinion, to make a system more user-friendly there is a necessity to access the code and tables in order to gain a reasonable knowledge of the way in which it has been constructed. Unfortunately, although I am allowed to LOOK at the front end, I am not allowed any further access to coding or back end information.
At present middle management are siding with the database designer as they feel that from a security standpoint, access needs controlling (I can agree with this to an extent)
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can talk the management round or any suggestions for a way through this issue?
(Oh, and I'm not allowed to build them a new database and substitute it...I already asked)



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Round Buttons Or Oval Buttons Instead Of The Normal Square Buttons

May 30, 2005

Hello everybody,

I’m new here and I have a question for you..

Is it possible to place round buttons or oval buttons on your forms instead of the normal square ones?



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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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New Buttons On Forms

Apr 7, 2006

I'm a bit tired of the buttons I have been using both default MS and my custom ones. I'd like to find some more interesting versions that I can use and have been searching on google etc but the options are limited. Does anyone have any favourite links I can follow?

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Forms :: Different Set Of Buttons?

Nov 21, 2014

I've made a form with buttons i.e. Age, medical etc. At the moment they're all on one page. Is there a way to introduce like a drop down list where they select 'medical' and it will only show all the buttons related to medical (Obviously I will specify which ones these are)

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Filtering Sub Forms?

Apr 9, 2005

I would like to be able to apply more than one filter to a subform. It seems no matter how I try I can only have one filter affecting the records in my subform. I have had zero luck getting the child / master link on the form to return a satisfactory result in the subform as soon as i try to apply a second master / child filter. It seems the filters I'm trying to apply aren't 'stacking' and I seem to be getting either one or the other judging from the reports that are being listed in my sub form.

My data table consists of a few details concerning offices. Namely what Region the office is in, how many staff at particular grades, the office location / address contact details, and wether or not they reside in a 'strategic zone'. I've used check boxes on my data table to indicate wether an office is inside a strategic zone or outside a strategic zone.

My combo box is currently working great, it filters out all the records and only shows the offices that match the value in the 'Region' field in the subform. I just can't figure out how to get additional filters to work at the same time.

Ideally I would like to have the combo box which is working great, then a couple more conditions that the user can select to apply additional filter, especially the 'inside strategic zone' check box and the 'outside strategic zone' check box. I would also dearly like to have another combo box that will let users select 'Clusters' that an office may belong to and filter out those records that don't match.

I can use the right click on a field in my form and 'apply filter by selection' and of course that works great! Filtering all the way down until I'm left with a very short list that matches the same value of many filtered fields I've right clicked upon. But ewwww...that is not what anyone wants to have to rely on to give them data on the screen that conforms with the filter criteria they wish to apply.

Secondly, (sorry almost done!) how can I show the number of records that have a particular Yes/No check box ticked. Was thinking along the lines of having a couple of text boxes that count all the 'inside strategic zone' check boxes that are ticked and the same for 'outside strategic zone' How can I do this?

As I'm sure you will have picked up on, I am just setting out on my Access Database Learning curve, I have very limited experience but I am hoping to develop my own skills over the next few years. I have been humbled by the knowledge of the patrons here and warmed by the goodwill shown to helping the novices like myself who come here asking for your assistance.

Thanks for reading and cheers to you all.

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Control Buttons In Forms

Jul 26, 2005

I want to put three buttons on a form to filter records (Filter by form), a clear form button and one that applies the filter (Apply Filter) similar to those on the toolbar. The wizard for control buttons in the toolbox isn't helpinjg much. Any ideas?


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Using Cmd Buttons To Open Sub-forms

Oct 10, 2005

I am working on a database to hold the data regarding our company vehicles. I have a table for the details of the vehicle (i.e Registration, VehicleType, Drivername etc) and a number of tables for different types of equipment (AccessEquipment, LiftingEquipment, StandardEquipment and others).

I have a form that runs on a query with the criteria to search for the registration number. I have also set up forms to show each type of equipment to use as sub-forms. I would like to have on this main form a number of command buttons that would open the specific sub-form on the main form.

How can I do this? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated?

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Buttons In Forms Go To Debugger.

Nov 2, 2006

Whenever i make a button on a form to do something like go to the next record or open a form, i get a message saying "invalid procedure call or argument" when i press ok the VB debugger open and gives me this code

Private Sub Command17_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command17_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command17_Click

End Sub

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Forms :: Buttons Not Working?

Sep 4, 2013

I recently upgraded to Access 2007 from 2003. The upgrade was in June and went smoothly. I added a couple of drop down boxes to my form in August and that seemed to have gone fine as well. Suddenly, at least two weeks later, my form buttons are not working. I added the pathway to my database to the list of trusted locations. Everything I have read says this should work. This did not make a difference. I am able to edit forms, run queries and reports, and can add new records by entering data directly into tables but am not able to add new records, view details, close forms, or exit using my buttons/forms.

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Forms :: How To Use Option Buttons

Apr 22, 2015

how to use option buttons? I've looked around, but I cant find any site, thread, etc, etc on how to fully use them. I have 3 option buttons, there "Retired" "Current" and "Not Stocking" I want them to be tied the the list box named "lstItems" that gets its info from a qryItems.

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Forms :: Switchboard Will Not Allow More Than 8 Buttons On It

Jul 22, 2014

I'm trying to create a switchboard through which one can access data entry forms. Now there are about 13 of such forms but I've put only 3 here for simplicity. The idea is to have a button (on the main switchboard) represent each category but I understand the switchboard will not allow more than 8 buttons on it? I guess that by the end of the day, I will probably have two secondary switchboards for these 13 buttons. I created the main & secondary switchboards (the second is called "This is the Look I want"). A button called "TheOtherBoard", on the main switchboard, should take me to "This is the Look I want".

1) I don't like the way the Main switchboard looks and decided to create the secondary switchboard with the look I prefer but it duplicates anything I do. How can I fix this?

2) when I double click on the main switchboard, the secondary board (with colourful buttons) opens. Should be the ugly one first!

3) Also, since I manually added the buttons & stuff, I think I'll need to link them with the forms.

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Please Help! - Filtering Combos On Forms

Nov 22, 2004

I've asked this question before, but no one's answered it yet. How do I create a form where I can enter many records for projects (from tblProjects) and associated workstreams (from tblWorkstreams), so that I can select a project from a combo and then pick a workstream from a filtered list?

With help from Colm, I've been able to set up the combo's and get the filter to work, but unfortunately, the Project combo (cboProjectSelect) filters the cboWorkstreamSelect for ALL records! This means that only one project can be selected for ALL records.

The way it's been set up so far, is there is a query which lists Workstream, WorkstreamID and ProjectID, and the criteria for ProjectID in that query is: [forms]![frmTshtEntry]![frmTshtProj]![cboProjectSelect]. The cboWorkstreamSelect combo is then based on this query.

I am really stuck on this, and any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Forms :: Filtering A List Box?

Jun 15, 2013

I have a list box which gets it's data from a query. I would like to filter this query to show only those rows matching a value displayed on the form.

The form displays data from a table and has a text box named PIDLocal.

The query returns a list of PID values and some text SELECT PID, Country, RefCode FROM Query1 The PIDs are integers.

I want the list box to contain only those rows where PID = PIDLocal.

I have tried setting the criteria in the row source query to PID = [Forms]![Show_Details]![PIDLocal], but nothing is returned. If I 'hard-code' a value (eg PID=247) I get the desired result.

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Forms :: Filtering On Combo Box Value

Jul 2, 2013

I have a form that is bound to Table1 and I am using the value from a Combo box to filter the records. The Combo Box is populated with values from a different table.

The SetFilter macro is triggered using the AfterUpdate event. When the macro fires, Access asks for a parameter, so I know it's not getting what it needs to complete the macro action. When I provide a value, the macro works fine and returns the appropriate subset of records. I think the problem might be in the WHERE clause of the SetFilter statement; here is what I have.

[ComboBox value on Form]=[Table1]![Field]

Could it possibly be anything to do with using a different table to source the Combo box?

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Putting Command Buttons On Forms

Aug 4, 2005

I ma going to sound a complete idiot with this question, but I have been working on a database for some time now, successfully putting buttons on forms with the wizard, jumping from form to form, form to report, basically the button wizard used to work now it doesn't and I don't think I have done anything stupid. (I hope). The wizard was brilliant, I'm lost without it. How do you restore it?

Thanks in advance guys. :confused:

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Removing The Navigation Buttons On The Forms.

Aug 30, 2006

Sorry if this is too trivial to be posted as a new thread, I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to do this but have failed miserably.

I want to remove the set of command buttons at the bottom of the forms, (the navigation buttons to move the next record etc.) as i want to create my own. And also when I have got two or more subforms this looks too cluttered.

Can anyone help me?


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Executing Command Buttons On Other Forms

Sep 20, 2004


I have a Visible form and an Invisible (visible=false) form open at the same time. Is it possible to use a button on the visible form to execute the code behind a button in the invisible form. The subroutine on the invisible form is Public. I tried DoCmd.RunCommand and a macro with RunCode but... nada...

(There is a valid reason for this approach but i will spare you the boring explanation. I can think of a work around where I can bypass this need, but this way is cleaner (there are cases where the invisible form is visible and used directly, the form has data which is sent to a report to create a label). I have done everything else with VBA code but for some reason can't get this to work, so now i am obsessed)

Thanks, this forum is really a gem!

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Rollover Buttons In Access Forms

Sep 1, 2005

Quick question - is it possible to put rollover buttons on Access forms? I have two images, one Button Up and one Button Over and would like to support the end-user in making choices.



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