Forms :: Finding Record-count In Subform?

Aug 24, 2013

I need to check the recordcount in a subform of a navigation frame form in VBA. What is the proper syntax. I have tried multiple things but cant seem to get it. I would rather not use dcount.

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Forms :: Display Record Count From Subform In Tab

Jul 1, 2014

I have a form that contains a number of tabs, each tab then contains a subform. The basic gist is that there are clients and each client chart needs to be audited to make sure that the every clients chart has all of the correct information in it. So if for example, each client needs an initial treatment plan, there would be a tab called Initial Treatment Plan that would contain a subform (continuous form) displaying all of the clients that are missing this information.

I would like to display the number of records that are being displayed in each subform in the tab next to the name to make it easier for the auditor to know how many which tabs have content to be updated. For example, if there are 10 clients that are missing their initial treatment plan, the tab would read "Initial Treatment Plan (10)".

I was able to get a total number of rows in datasheet view, but I don't know if there is a way to have that field as a hidden field in continuous form view that can have its value displayed in the tab.

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Finding Record On Main Form From Subform

Sep 12, 2006


I have tried everywhere for a solution to this:mad: Any help is much appreciated.

I have a main form with a subform. The subform shows related records using a match criteria. Each record that shows in the subform also has a unique ID. This unique ID is also shown on the main form record (although not used to link the main and sub forms).

I would like to be able to click on a command button on each of the records in the subform and goto the Main form record. I can't find any threads that deal with this though - sorry!

Hope it makes sense


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Forms :: Signature Field - Finding Out Who Entered Each Record

Jul 1, 2013

I'm looking for a way, when entering form, to force a field to accept a value, rhs;jjc;cjs. then every record will automatically contain the accepted value time you go to a new record. That would only be for newly added record. It would stay this way tell exit forum and the next time is open. It starts the same way.

It's my way of finding out who entered each record.

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Button Enable For Subform Record Count

Sep 9, 2005

I have a parent form containing a subform (Datasheet view). The parent form also has a button that I only want enabled when there are records showing in the subform.

Were the records contained in a listbox (as opposed to a subform) - I could simply check the recordcount property but short of running SQL to count the number of records in the underlying table - how can I do this?
Any ideas please?

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Subform Record Count Warning Message

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to show a Message box to an operator when a certain number of records have been reached in a subform e.g when 36 records have been entered I want a message to appear telling the operator that a certain report can then be raised. Whether this is possible

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Forms :: Highlight Unbound Subform Record That Matches Other Subform Record

Jan 22, 2014

I have two unbound unlinked subforms residing on a 3rd unbound main form. When I enter the current record on Subform1 I would like the matching record(s) on Subform2 to be highlighted or otherwise formatted. I can get this to work for only the first record on subform2 due to the way I have my code setup on Subform1:

Private Sub Accounting_Unit_Enter()
'find where AUs match. only works for first Subform2 record
If Me.[Accounting Unit] = Forms!MainForm.[Subform2]!AccountingUnit Then
msgbox "Match"
End If
End Sub

My thought was that I needed to reference the Recordset of Subform2 and search for all AccountingUnits that match the current AccountingUnit of Subform1,

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Finding The Highest Of A Count Query

Oct 25, 2005


I am using this sql query : -

SELECT Monthly_below_report.Device
FROM Monthly_below_report
GROUP BY Monthly_below_report.Device, Monthly_below_report.[FS-ID]
HAVING (((Monthly_below_report.[FS-ID])=780));

The problem is this currently pulls out 5 records (all devices found and the amount of times they appear).

How can i get it to pull out JUST the highest count.

I.E :-
that query above will pull out

How can i get it just to display 15.


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Forms :: Count Multiple Values In Subform

Feb 4, 2014

I have a form and subform. I need to -

1) show the number of records in the subform on the main form
2) count the number of records in the subform where a value [Public] is True
3) count the number of records in the subform where another value [Analyst] is True.

I can achieve the first two by using the following VBA on the Main form current event -


Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngCount As Long


when i try to get number 3 done I get the same value as for [Public] (using lngCount for both...not surprising really!)

how i can get a count done for [Analyst] = True in the same event?

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Forms :: Count Number Of Records In A Subform

Dec 9, 2013

I have a main form [frmZone] and a sub form (single form) [fromZoneSub] linked master/child by [ZoneID]

If there are, say, 5 related sub form records I'm trying to get a label [LabelCount] on the sub form to say "1 of 5" and as you click through the sub form for the label to change "2 of 5", then "3 of 5" etc....basically letting the user know how many records there are and as they click to the next record know which record they're on.

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Forms :: Record Count Last Visible Record Only?

Dec 16, 2014

I can use the following to return the last record count of the subform records, but I want the last record count of the VISIBLE records only.

So if records 1-15 are visible then it returns 15

If records 34-49 are visible then it returns 49


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Forms :: Using COUNT Function On Subform Which Is Based On Query?

Nov 4, 2014

Doing a school project and need to add a count function to a sub form that is based on my query. The count function just needs to be displayed on the bottom of the sub form showing how many records are in the sub form.

When I do this, the function works all good.

When I add the function to a header or footer, so that it doesn't show a column and repeat itself each time.

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Forms :: Selecting Record In Parent Subform From Child Continuous Subform

Jan 26, 2014

I have two subforms on a main form. Both use similar queries and nearly the same set of records and PK. The first subform is for data entry and the 2nd subform is a continuous form that lists the entries in order that are made from the 1st Subform. (for entering in vacation days and appointments)

The continuous form cannot be edited, it is to be a list for viewing the information only.

I have an edit button next to each record on the continuous form. When the button is clicked, I want it to take the 1st subform to that specific record as well (same PK), so the information can be edited there.

I cannot figure out how to get the 1st subform to go to the record on the continuous form when the button next to that record is clicked on the continuous form.

I tried the DoCmdSearch for record and just keep getting object is not open errors.

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Continuous Forms Record Count

Nov 13, 2006

I've only recently gotten to know about continuous forms and their use a bit. So for example, I used a maximum number of pre-defined (6) visits. I need to change that still, but during the development of the sales forms I already ran into a problem.

At first I was planning to have a certain maximum number of items to have on a form and create an invoice from that. But of course that would limit the number of items on one invoice which isn't good. So, now I have a continous form which adds a line containing productname, price, nr of that item etc. anytime needed.

In the previous design idea it would have been easy to calculate the total amount of money at the end of the list since the list was predefined. So I could just say invoiceamount = itemID1amount + itemID2amount + itemID3amout etc.
With the "new" design however that is impossible to do since the number of objects is unknown. So how do I create a piece of code which does that? In the continous form I have a SaleID which keeps track of which items belong to a certain Sale and a TotalItemsID autonumber which keeps track of the number of lines (items) which belong to that specific Sale.

So I need to count the total number of TotalItemsID's within a certain SaleID and then have a piece of code which creates a sum of that counted list of items.

I'm new at this, I've found the function Dcount() should be used to accomplish this, but the rest, as of yet, remains a mistery to me.

How to do this?

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Forms :: Requery 2nd Subform When Different Record Highlighted On First Subform

Sep 3, 2013

I have two sub forms on a main form.Subform 1 displays information which comes from a query, filtered using two combo boxes on the same form.The active record on the data sheet has two field values output to hidden text boxes on the form.

These text boxes then provide the values used for the query displayed on the 2nd sub form.When I highlight a new record in subform 1, the text box values change, but the values in sub form 2 do no.Which would be the best method to use to get this to requery?

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Finding The Subform????

Sep 1, 2006

Here's a real stumper... I have a form with a subform based on the account number in the main form. This form has been running without a hitch for maybe two years! Now, while updating an unrelated form in the same database, I test the new additions. I get an error message that the main form cannot find the subform, and it goes on to display a blank white box instead! Here's what I have already tried:

1. Checked the name of the subform. It's correct, just like it's been for 2 years.
2. Running compact/repair in case of corruption
3. Deleting, then re-placing the subform on the Main Form.

One other wierdism - after getting the white box where the subform belongs, and after being told that the [subform name] can't be found, I can right-click on the white box, select the "Form" option, and the subform appears! To me, that means that the "can't find" error message is a misnomer, but I'm at a loss as to where to look from here.

I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has seen this behavior of a form "not finding" its subform, yet it can be forced to display it with a popup menu? Also, any experiences with this or any related information would be appreciated.


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Forms :: Main Form Jumps Back To 1st Record When Moving To Next Record In Subform?

Mar 24, 2015

When I add a record in the subform and then move to the next record whilst still in the subform, the main form jumps back to its first record? I then have to move back to the right record in the main form to update the next record in the subform.

I want to move to the next record in the subform without affecting the main form.

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Forms :: Select Record From Combobox List And Have Record Populate In Subform

Sep 16, 2013

I would like to select a record from my combobox dropdown list and have that record populate in my subform. Currently, I am only able to select the 1st record at the top of the dropdown list to appear in my subform. But I would like to select any record from the dropdown list and have it populate my subform.

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Forms :: How To Set Recordset Or Count To Determine Existing Record In Table

Dec 28, 2014

I am very new to VBA and I have been self-learning VBA from two month and have been assigned to new project Work Authorization & Lock Out Tag Out.I have table called tblWA & tblLOTO.Basically most of the LOTO/s are associated with WA #, following example

WA # in tblWA
Associated LOTO/s in tblLOTOs

However, both tables are in relationship right now..I have form called WA Switch Board where I have Datasheet View form with all WA records, fields are WA#, WAStatus, WAIssuedDate, IssuedBy, CompletionDate and etc but I have dropdown with with WAStatus with (In Field Today, On-Hold, In Approval, Cancelled, Close).Now from the main switch board when authorized people try to change the status of permit to Closed I want recordset or count to loop through tblLOTO and give me a message box if associated LOTO/s status not equal to Close.In other word, if the associated LOTO/s are not close then the selected WA # in WA Switch Board cant close.Here is the code I have been playing with no success

Private Sub PermitStatus_AfterUpdate()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb


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Forms :: Saving New Record When Moving To Another Record In Same Subform

Jan 17, 2014

I have a subform with records of call details (date, time, subject) - the date and time are autogenerated and subject is a text field. After entering text in the subject field and then clicking on the close button in the main form, or clicking anywhere else in the main form, the record is saved to the table. However, if I enter text in the subject field and then move up to view previous records (within the subform) and then click the close button in the main form the record is not saved in the table. How can I either save the record before allowing the user to move to another record within the subform or before exiting the subform set the focus to the new record so that it will be saved on exit?

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Queries :: Using Count And MIN Together To Retrieve Only MIN Record With Count

Aug 16, 2015

I have a table that has 5M+ accounting line entries. Below is an example of one accounting journal in the table.


The journal ID above was an accounting entry, debit $16,797 and credit $-16,797. because it was entered as a reversing journal in the system, the table has captured the Journal ID with 2 dates. For my purpose i only want the one date (MIN) date, the total amount of the journal (either the debit or credit amount 16,797) and the total number of lines the journal ID has so in this instance I want the count to be 2 and not 4.

Right now this is what i get

CB001 0002888269 AUD 0 4 4/07/2014

This is the output i would like

CB0010002888269323 AUD16797 2 4/07/2014

Im thinking with the total sum because theres debits and credits is there a way to do the absolute value of the journal MONY_A then divide by 2?

current SQL
SELECT [One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I, [One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C, Count([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I) AS CountOfJRNL_I, Min([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_D) AS MinOfJRNL_D, [One Year Data Lines].BUSN_UNIT_I, Sum([One Year Data Lines].MONY_A) AS SumOfMONY_A
FROM [One Year Data Lines]
GROUP BY [One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I, [One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C, [One Year Data Lines].BUSN_UNIT_I
HAVING ((([One Year Data Lines].JRNL_I)="0002888269") AND (([One Year Data Lines].CNCY_C)="aud"));

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Finding A New Record

Feb 24, 2005


I apologise if this is really basic - I am learning as i go along. I have designed a database. Most of the info is stored in the clientinfotbl. On the main form, I would have provided an option for users to search for a record based on its ID number and then pull up various forms accordingly. I am using the "find and replace" option to do this. My first question is, is there a better way? This feels a bit clunky!

Second question is, once I have entered a new record in the "newclientfrm" and go back to the mainfrm and search for that record, it cannot be found (once I have closed db and gone back in, it can then find it). Is there a way round this?

Any help would be hugely appreciated :)

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Finding A Record

Feb 5, 2007

Hi guys, need a bit of help with my Database. I have a Table with has ever player to play for my football club (1700 records in total), now i have another table called games (which has a record for every season played for each player, and is linked to the first table using the relationships and a field called ID. Make sense so far?

Well i then use a query to combine and calculate totals of certain fields and then i can use the query to show every single statistic possible on ASP pages. But when viewing my query in Access only 1699 records show up. So my thinkin is that either two records are identical (which is impossible because every p;layer has an ID and they cant be duplicates) OR a player has ZERO games in all years (in other words the player has no records related to it in the second table called games).

My question is, instead of searching 1700 records manually to find which one is there any way i can find which player would have NO records from the related table joint to it?

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Finding The Most Recent Record

Jul 16, 2005

I have a database with many tables, but only two are relevant to my question.

tblPersonnel holds (amongst other fields) UniqueStaffNo (primary key), Name, Dept, FirstAider (Yes/No).

tblCourses holds details of all courses attended by staff and is linked to tblPersonnel by the UniqueStaffNo. Fields in this table include the CourseTitle and CourseDate (short date format).

I can easily identify who is a First Aider by selecting on tblPersonnel.FirstAider and I can identify which of the thousands of course records are First Aid related by looking at tbl.CourseTitle.

My question is - how can I produce a list of all current first aiders showing ONLY their most recent first aid course (latest CourseDate) so that I can calculate when they need to renew their certificate?

Any help more than gratefully received. Thanks.

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Finding A Record To Add Data To A Field

Nov 27, 2006

Hi ,

I have developed a very basic contact DB to record enquiries coming into my business. The last field on the DB is for comments, so that anyone entering the DB can see the latest conversation we have had with a particular customer. What I want to do is create a means whereby I can find a customer within the DB and then be able to add the contents of our last conversation into the Comments field. Would there be any way of doing this via a switchboard???
I am a very inexperienced Access user so the simpler the answer the better. Many thanks in anticipation

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