Forms :: Foreign Key In A Form

Jun 19, 2013

I basically have an Issue's table and a Customer Table relationship set-up.

I want to information to be viewed in the Customer table however I can only see 1 Issue where as a Customer may have 2 or 3 Issues.

I have come up with inserting the whole table into the form however I don't like this look.

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Forms :: Auto Complete Form Field With Foreign Key

May 24, 2014

I am trying to auto populate a form from a table containing CustomerID, CustomerName and PCCID_FK

Now in the form I want to auto populate the field cmbPCC when I update the cmbCustomer

using dlookup I've managed to show it manually
=DLookUp("PCCID_FK","tblCustomer","CustomerName='T est'")

It gives the ID of PCCID_FK which is what I want. how do it I modify the expression to replace the TEST part with a value in a combo box.

or is there a better way of accomplishing this.

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Forms :: Showing Transaction History In A Form With Foreign Key Values

Aug 8, 2015

I have 7 fields in a listbox (1st is the ID, hidden) from the single table. 3 of these fields are foreign keys. How do I get them to display their related values instead of the foreign key value?

Background:I'm purpose-building my db to essentially track individually cataloged items, somewhat like a library system would. I have four main tables: tblMediaItems, tblUsers, tblTransactions, and tblLocations. Users wills be spending 90% of their time on the Details form for the particular media item record they're viewing.

I'm trying to show an item's transaction history on the main form. I added a listbox (because I liked that compact presentation style) and got the desired fields to show up from tblTransactions. I figured out how to accomplish this for a single column combo box with the wizard, but so far I don't see how I would do this with multiple fields in a listbox.

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Linked Forms- Foreign Key Update

Apr 30, 2006


i need help regarding linked forms..

i have a combo box in a form, where one has to select a country for example UK is chosen, then there is a button that when clicked it opens in a pop-up form and displays all the information related to UK.

so there are two tables : Country (CountryNo : primary key) linked to CountryInfo (CountryNo: foreign key) linked with a one- to -many relationship.

my problem is when you have to add new records to the form CountryInfo, how can i make the foreign key update automatically? thus when adding data to CountryInfo, the CountryNo must be the same to the CountryNo in the CountryTable..

any help will be appreciated thanks a lot.

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Forms :: Fill Text Boxes For Same Foreign Key?

Dec 16, 2013

i have build a small project using access 2003 and vba code one of the forms contains sub form the main form contain the main data about school and in sub form populate different > textboxes for details about classes my problem is how to fill these text boxes in this sub >form for different grades depending on id of main form and how can i change the values and >moveing first or next buttons these are simple picture

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Forms :: Find Count Of Records That Use A Particular Foreign Key

Feb 7, 2014

I wish to be able to count how many times a primary key is being used in another table. In other words:

I have a Game table that lists a set of games by catalogue number, CatalogueNo. I need to create a way to find out how many times that key has been used in a GameCopy table. In the GameCopy table I create a number of stock items (StockNo) using the CatalogueNo from the Game table.

If I can in some way create a query that simple lists each CatalogueNo with its total number of copies that will suffice. I know it is most likely very simple but I just do not know how to implement it within Access without using VBA.

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Forms :: Unable To Filter Text In Foreign Key Fields

Mar 8, 2014

In a nutshell, I have a form where the 'Record Source' is a table titled 't_02_0_Assets'. I have several fields in the table that have foreign key references that utilize the Lookup Combo Box display control to allow users to select from a drop down list in the form.

The issue I am having is that I can't filter the text in the foreign key fields (only the ID's ).

My attempted solution was to create a control on the form (text box) and bind it to each of the foreign key ID's using the DLookUp function and then reference this control in the filter code.

My question is... how do I reference this DLookUp textbox in my filter VbCode?

I have attached a '.jpg' image of various aspects of the form including the filter code on the 'On Change' event.

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Forms :: Select Recordset ID For Inclusion As Foreign Key In Table

Jun 17, 2014

Trying to use a form based on a table to choose a recordset of values, and pick the ID of that recordset to include in another table as a foreign key.

I am not sure how to even search for what I'm trying to do, though I've tried all the variants I can think of anyway.

The idea being that there are a set of values that are associated with each other, and generally found in conjunction with another set of data. So Table 1 contains data such as this, though this is greatly simplified from the numerics that are actually stored in these fields:

FooID Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 etc, etc...
1 x y z
2 d y z
3 x y q
4 x r P

This data is then associated with the information in table 2, and rather than repeat fields 1-whatever in table 2 I want to use the FooID in table 2 to store the link to all of the subsequent field data. Normalization as I understand it in other words.

I cannot figure out how to pull the table 1 data into a datasheet form and allow someone to choose one of the lines of data, store the FooID into an unbound text box, or some other method, and then run an update query on table 2 to update a field with the FooID for the 12-72 records that are in that table.

Would this make more sense as a combo box in a single form? I've been trying to do this with a datasheet, but I think I'm too limited in appending a check box to an individual recordset this way, or at least I've not managed to get it to work so far anyway.

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Forms :: Applying Filter To Subform - Values Stored As Foreign Key

Mar 25, 2013

I am having a problem with a filter that i am trying to apply to a subform.

I have a button on the form that when clicked should filter the subform (which is in datasheet view) to the criteria i set.

This criteria will eventually run from a combo box but I wanted to just get the filter working first.

I put the following code into the onclick event of the button:

Items.Form.Filter = "Items.Form.[Master Category] = 2"
Items.Form.FilterOn = True

I chose the criteria 2 for the filter just as a test as I knew there are some records with that value in the master category field.

The problem is when ever i click the button to apply the filter it clears all the data as if it has not found any records with that value.

Is my syntax and method OK? Why its filtering everything out?

The only other thing to consider is that the field I am filtering on was set up using a lookup wizard linked to a table so the values stored are a foreign key (hence the value being 2 rather than something descriptive).

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Forms :: Primary Key As Multiple Foreign Keys In Single Table

Mar 26, 2013

I'm developing a simple sporting records db. I have a 'Competitor' table listing competitors as follows: CompetitorPK, Name, Division, Club. I have a 'Contest' table listing contests as follows: ContestPK, Competitor1_FK, Competitor2_FK, Winner_FK, Score etc. My question is have I modelled tables correctly i.e. CompetitorPK will appear in three columns of Contest table. How do I define this relationship? What alternative is there to what I have done.I intend to use forms to populate both tables (independantly obviously).

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Forms :: Populating Form2 Foreign Key Control With Primary Key From Form1

Sep 11, 2014

I am trying to get the Primary Key value from one form to auto-populate the foreign key value of a second form

I have tried the following code in both the second form's Load Event and the Foreign Key Control Got Focus Event but nothing doing...

Me.[NHS Number] = Forms![frm_Patient_Data_Entry]![NHS Number]

I am new to VBA so not sure of the referencing technique but have looked at the MVPS Form 'referencing' sheet to no avail.

I keep getting an error message (2450) MS Access cannot find the referenced form "frm_Patient_Data_Entry"

I have checked spelling throughout countless times so there must be something wrong with my referencing I guess.

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Basic Query Form, Foreign Key Field

Oct 18, 2006

hello.. i have 2 tables



At the moment i have 2 forms.. one customer form based on the customer table and one booking form based on the booking table.

at the moment, my user enters a customer record using the customer form.. they then save and close the customer form..

they then open the booking form.. and in the customer id field they enter the customers id.. this way, they successfully register that customer to that booking..

what i want to do is allow the user to enter the customer details and the booking details in one form..

i assume i would have to create a third form based on a query..

if i include all the fields from both tables in this query.. and then make a form based on this query, how can i make the following 2 things happen..?

1. when the third form is opened and customer details are entered... a new customer record will be added to the customer table (with a new customerid)..

2. this id will then need to be auto placed into the foreign key customer id field in the booking table.

do you get me?

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Forms :: How Data Is Passed Using Foreign Keys - Cannot Display Proper Information

Jan 25, 2015

I'm trying to understand how data is passed using foreign keys.

I'm using Allen Browne's 'Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences' at: [URL] ....

I've also downloaded his sample DB, RelationBasics, to use as a guide.

Attached is my version of the Student / Sport DB as described on the webpage.

I use 2010 at home (saved as 2003 version) and 2003 at work (JPNSE OS). Both result in the same thing.

The problem I'm having is I cannot get the actual sports to display in the combo-box, only the Sport_ID number.

I've tried building both forms with and without actual data in the TBL_Student & TBL_Sports tables, but no mater what the result is the same.

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One Primary Key + Multiple Foreign Creating Form With Option

May 4, 2006

I need some help creating a simple datebase to store my documents and other knowledge objects. There are two types of

knowledge objects I need to store: Documents and Questions/Answers. For this reason I have created three tables: Index,

Question, and Document.

The problems I am encountering is that the ID field in the Index Table is the Primary and relates to the ID field in the

other two tables. So basically when I am entering information it can either be a question or document. I want to create a

for so that when its a question that I am entering it records the information in the question table and when its a document

I am entering it records the information in the document table.

I'm a beginner at using access and don't know VB or SQL. Any help would be appreciated.

Table Structure

Index Table
ID (Primary Key)

Question Table
ID (Foreign Key)

Document Table
ID (Foreign Key)

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Foreign Key

Apr 3, 2008

Ive got problem with defining foreign key
i explain what table ive and what i want
between my Student ,Session there is many to many relation that student session connect them together

student: Format student session: Format
Student ID Autonumber Student ID Autonumber
student name Session ID Autonumber
student address
student dob.....

Session: format

Session ID Autonumber
dance days
dance time
no of student

the student id is primery key and session id is primery key ,student session is compound key of this 2 but it wont work it keep saying u can only have one auto number in one table #

what should i do ?

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What Is A Foreign Key ?

Mar 19, 2007

Hi all,
my question is what is a foreign key and how is it used ?

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Foreign Key

Jun 8, 2007

Hey all, i'm new here! I've spent hours upon hours trying to solve this problem, but it's got me nowhere, so I think it's time to ask for help! I'm not exactly an Access beginner (I generally know what i'm doing) but this has me stumped!

Ok, basically my DB has several tables.

Staff (main table)

The problem is - i'm trying to set it up so the fields "qualificationName" and "institutionName" in the staff table extract the data from the fields with the same names in the qualifications/institutions tables.

I've tried linking the fields together as foreign keys, but when I go to set referential integrity, I get the error "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table"

staffID in each table is linked properly, but that's as far as it will let me go!

Any help would be really appreciated!

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Foreign Key

Apr 2, 2008

i am new to access 2003 ,i would like to know how do i tell access which attribute is foreign key of another primery key ,for example
if i have two table
i want to have student id as foriegn key in order how would i do that ?

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Need To Allow Foreign Key Duplicates

Nov 28, 2005


i have a form with a sub-form on it. each has is bound to a table. the main form's table has a one to many relationship with the sub-form table, and the sub-form table has the PK of the main table as a FK.

every time i try to add a second record to the sub form, it gives me an error saying i cant have duplicate foreign keys.

i cant figure out what to do. i am using access 2003 and microsoft sql server version 8. i need to enable duplicate foreign keys so that each record of the main table can have more than one record in the sub table.

Please help!

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Foreign Keys

Aug 25, 2006


While designing a database, I came up with 3 different foreign keys in one table. I am afraid this is not right!

Is it possible to have this number of FK in one table or does that suggest a design flaw?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Foreign Key And Primary Key

Apr 12, 2008

it wuld be helpful if any of u can tell me how to link tables to query using primary key and foreign key or web page where i can solve my problem.

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Foreign Key Fields

Oct 23, 2004

I have a table with Client info, I then have child tables with info on what workshops the client has attended or if the client recieved services. The idea is to use "ClientName" as the primary key in the main "Client Info" Table and then use this same field as the Foreign key in the smaller child tables. Everything seems to work out except if I want to "Enfore Referential Integrity" in the relationship. When I try to do that I get this error message:

Relationships must be on the same number of fields with the same data types

Is this going to screw me up later?


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How To Inseart Foreign Key

Apr 28, 2007

i am creating a database and i had created two tables one is holidays and second is departure date.. in the holidays table the primary key is holiday code.
and in the departure date table the primary key is Departure Key and there is also field is Holiday Code. now i had create two tables and then i had insert both the table in one but the problem is this when i am changing the primary key's data of holidays table but the rest field is not changing.. i think its need to assign foreign key but i don't know how to do that can u plz tell me how to insert the foreign key.

i doing my assignment and i am stuck here plz reply me soon so that i can move further..

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Append To Foreign Key?

Aug 28, 2006

I have three tables as below, linked by a many-to-many relationship.

Contact Table
ContactID (PK-Autonumber)
Contact details...

Mailing Table
MailID (PK-Autonumber)
ContactID (FK)
NewsletterID (FK)

Newsletter Table

My Problem: I have acquired 200 customers in one month, and I have to MANUALLY assign each bulk mailing recipient. This will not do. I've experimented with Queries to do the work for me, but keep tripping over a foreign key violation.

My Question: How can I create many records in the Mailing table with a constant Newsletter ID and whichever contacts my Select query returns? How do I populate the SECOND foreign key (the constant Newsletter ID) so I don't get the key violation?

I thought about doing a Make Table Query based on my Select Query, then an Update query to create the second foreign key, then an Append query with all the values in place. Is there an easier way?

I feel like this should be really easy, but two weeks of tinkering have gotten me nowhere. A nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

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Foreign Key/Primary Key

Jun 6, 2005

Hi All, Me Again :eek:

I have another issue that has stumped me:

On the mainform [frm1930Census] I have a couple of subforms [sbf1930CenHeader & sbf1930CenDep]

The primary key [FTMID] has passed from the mainform to the 1st subform [sbf1930CenHeader] correctly. Using the one to many relationship attached by the [FTMID] field.

The problem is the primary key [1930CenHdrID] from the subform[sbf1930CenHeader] should then travel to [sbf1930CenDep] which it does not. The relationship between the two subforms are one to many focusing on the [1930CenHdrID] field/

I am using the following code:

Private Sub Ctl1930CenHdrID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.1930CenHdrID = Forms![frm1930Census]![sbf1930CenHeader].[Form]![1930CenHdrID]
End Sub

Any help will be most appreciated.


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Simple Foreign Key Problem

Apr 16, 2006

Hi, I'm trying to create a basic database to track customers and to log conversatons/activity with the company.

I've two tables. One to hold the company info (e.g. comp_id, comp_name, comp_address, etc. etc.) and another to hold the conversations/history (e.g. hist_id, hist_date, hist_detail and comp_id which is the foreign key).

The problem I'm having (and it's probably basic) is that I've created two forms. One to display the companies and one to show the history of a particular company. I've added a button on the companies form which opens the history form (based on the selected record) where the two comp_id's match however, if I try to add a new conversation/history the comp_id foreign key isn't updated with the current comp_id and therefore isn't shown the next time I view the history of that company.

The tables are joined on the comp_ids as a one to many relationship.

Apologies if I haven't explained very well. Still finding my way with access.

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