Forms :: Form Calculated Control Using Calculations From A Query

Dec 18, 2014

All I'm after is, to sum in all records "where" reconcileDate (on the sub=form) = today in both the credit and debit fields and minus one from the other. I have a simple form and sub-form. On the sub-form I have a query based calculation that returns the following..."if ReconcileDate (on sub-form) = today, then show Debit value in yndebit" textbox..Likewise with the credit box, and all works perfectly fine.

However, I can't seem to sum these two boxes. Because the circled textboxes are query based, I've used the query as the control source (and not the text boxes) and all I get is an #ERROR? when placed in the form footer. I've tried to do this using the textboxes as the control source, and still nothing. I've tried to add a calculated control on the form itself, and still #ERROR? or #NAME? despite knowing exactly how to reference subforms within forms (this I've become quite an expert at as I simply use query design to make sure I have the correct path and control)anyway.

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Forms :: Control Source From Calculated Query

Dec 5, 2013

I'm getting a Name(hash) error when I try to set up a control source to a calculated query.

I'd like to just be able to create a form and the write in the control source as it look neater (and it the right way to do it) then subforming a query for one text box.

I presently have tried in the expression build =[qryCallRunningAverage]![Average]

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Forms :: Refer To A Calculated Value In Unbound Control In A Form

Jul 19, 2015

In my DB i would like to make a form that displays different calculated values based on other forms and queries like income running cost etc., but i do not know how to refer in an unbound control to value of a control in another form. I get always #names? error. However it worked when loaded that form i refered to. Is there a way to do it without loading the refered form?

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Forms :: Calculated Control Value Appears But Disappears

Nov 7, 2013

I have a calculated control on a form that is summing other controls and then a subtotal on a subform. This is access 2007

The calculated control does not display the value until I enter a value other then the default in all of the source controls. If I hit the "refresh" button, the value appears in the calculated control for a moment, then disappears.

I have set the default of the source controls to be 0, so none are null.

the calc control value does not stay until I put a value in the subform and its subtotal thus has a value

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Forms :: Storing Calculated Control Of A Subform

Jul 5, 2015

Eventhough i know calculated control are for queries, I still need to store a calculated value of a sum. I have a form with customers, dates, locations. That form has a subform that contains the services done and materials used. This subform is in datasheet view. In the footer i have a control with =Sum([Price]).

So I need the value of this control to be stored in the table the main form is based on. I did an unbound control in the main form where the =Me!Subform.Form!.Textx will bring the value "over" Then for the on focus event the vba code Me.Total=Me.Textx stores the value. That is fine. The same works with a command button with the same vba code.

However i am asking if there is a more automatic way to get the value over without the unbound control/command button.

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Calculated Control On Form Won't Save

Oct 4, 2004

I am a first time user to access groups, so I am hoping for a
good experience.

I have a form which has a calculated control. But the calculation
shows on the form but is not storing in the record.

On the property sheet, the name is charge and the control source is
the calculation (=[source1]+[source2]...)

Why is it displaying but not storing? I do not know Visual Basic, so I would
like a solution that is simple if there is such a thing.

Thanks in advance,

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Use DLOOKUp And Trim In Calculated Control On A Form

May 22, 2013

I am trying to use DLOOKUp and Trim in a calculated control on a form - D look up works but when i add Left trim to trim a telephone number to just the prefix - it wont work

=DLookUp("[CSP]","[Csp_Codes]","[Data] = '" & [Forms]![Application_Frm]![CommsData_tbl subform].[Form]![Data] & "'") - Works OK
=DLookUp("[CSP]","[Csp_Codes]","[Data] = '" & [Forms]![Application_Frm]![CommsData_tbl subform].[Form]![Left](Trim([Data]),7) & "'") - appears to put square brackets around Left ??

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Calculations On Main Form Do Not Reflect Calculations On Subform

Sep 28, 2015

I have solved the problems getting values on the subform. I have not in getting values on the subform.For instance, on the one titled phone use the formula in the tutorial is:


#Error results when the doc is put into a form mode.

Now when I input each value in the equation above separately.I still get no entry.

For " = sbfCustomerRoomUse" , I get #Error;
and for "= txtTotalPhoneUse", I get #Name.

CustomerRoomUse and txtTotalPhoneuse are from the subform that was dropped into the customer form in a previous step. It shows that explicitly when designed sbfCustomerRoomUse on the main that CustomerRoomUse come from a subform. This does not seem to need to be done with txtTotalPhoneuse, and I am not sure why. Neither one gives me a desired calculation result.

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Forms :: Calculations In A Form

Jun 27, 2013

performing calculations in a form in an Access 2007 database.The form is used to generate invoices and sales receipts. At the bottom of the form there are 3 text boxes: "Sub-total" (Text128), "VAT" (Text130) and "Total" (Text132). Each text box is bound to the Control Sources "Sub-Total", "VAT" and "Total" respectively in a table called "Orders".

I would like the "VAT" text box to automatically calculate the VAT on an order and enter it into the VAT field in the table "Orders". To do this I have tried using the formula:


I would also like the "Total" text box to automatically calculate the total cost of the order and enter it into the Total field in the table "Orders". To do this I have tried using the formula:


I know that these calculations are correct as they work in an unbound text box however I cannot get this to work with bound text boxes.Is it actually possible to do this or do I need to use another method to perform these calculations?

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Forms :: Form Calculations With Errors

Jun 11, 2013

I am currently working on a form that calculates the sum of counts and charges for various categories. The form sums the number of items in each category, then the sum of the charges. Where I am stuck is trying to break out the "per unit" charge for each category. The calculation works fine (sum of charges/sum of items) when there is a number greater than 0, but if the count or charges are 0, the fields display errors. I attempted to compensate for this by setting the text box value on the form to iif(iserror(sum of charges/sum of items),0,(sum of charges/sum of items), but it still shows the error!. I could probably write nested iif statements to evaluate the values of each sum, but you would think this would be simpler. Here is a sample of the actual ControlSource field on one of the text boxes:

=IIf(IsError([SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer]),0,[SumOfOracle_Qual_Dev_Charge]/[SumOfBaseline Qualified Developer])

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Forms :: Can A Query Be Used As Control Source For Text Box On A Form

Jun 7, 2013

Can a query be used as a control source for a text box on a form?

=[QueryLibrary]![Kit] is the control source do I need to change anything else?

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Forms :: Dashboard - Calculations On Invisible Form

Apr 3, 2013

I have a dashboard that opens with my main form and it contains many textboxes with Dcounts, Dlookups and Dsums in it. I am hoping that I can put these textboxes on a separate form that is hidden unless a command button is clicked to make it visible.

I know how to do this, but my question is whether or not all of those queries will run whether or not the form is visible. Obviously if the Dsums etc.. are going to run anyway, then I won't bother.

Is there a better way to do this?

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Forms :: Pull Calculated Values From Approximately 10 Forms Into Another Form

Mar 21, 2013

I need to pull the calculated values from approximately 10 forms into another form. This is a summary form that should have all the totals pulled from the other forms.e.g. Form A has a textbox that reflects the sum of the amount. This is the total balance of form A.Form B, Form C, etc. all have a total Balance.Now, i need to pull all these totals into a summary form

-Form A Total Balance: x
-Form B Total balance: y, and so forth.

How and what is the best method to approach?I have tried using Forms![Formname]![Total] to get the data. This necessitates the need to hide all these forms and I ended up with blank forms, etc.Even so, the total sometimes appear and sometimes it does not. so it is very unstable.

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Dcount Vs SQL(VBA) For A Calculated Control

Oct 7, 2005

Here is the SQL that A2K gives me for the query that has the actions I want it to perform. But I can't get it to give me a count of the number of records returned. I would love to use DCOUNT but I am having a tough time working it out. Also in the final soultion, the numbers 2 and 23 are fields that I have 2 = weekday and 23 = [weekday] + [tt] which are in a different table. If someone could help me out with the DCOUNT formula, I would be forever appreciative.

SELECT DISTINCTROW noweekend.noweekday, noweekend.dayid
FROM noweekend
GROUP BY noweekend.noweekday, noweekend.dayid
HAVING (((noweekend.noweekday)=1) AND ((noweekend.dayid)>=2 And (noweekend.dayid)<23)) OR (((noweekend.noweekday)=7) AND ((noweekend.dayid)>=2 And (noweekend.dayid)<23));

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Dlookup In Calculated Control

Apr 24, 2007


I am trying to create a calculated field in a query which uses another value in the query to lookup a table. I get an error running the query :

"Microsoft Access can't find the name 'Indcat' you entered in the expression."

The expression I am using is as follows:

Expr1: DLookUp("[Class]","Class","([Indcat] = [Clind]) AND ([2007] Between [From] AND [To])")

Indcat and 2007 are valid field names in the query.

I used this Dlookup in a form and it worked fine (with Form! etc references to Indcat and 2007)


Tony Randell

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Storing A Calculated Control.??

Jan 3, 2006

if i have formula in a text box can that calculation be stored in a table???


sales total

sales tax

grand total

where grand total = sales tax+sales total

if the control is bounded to a field in a table once the formula is entered doesnt it loose the connection with the field???

right now when i enter a formula in a control it will no longer store it in the table but it will only show the result in the actual form..???

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Calculated Control Into Table

Jan 31, 2006

Is there a way to get a calculated Control of a form to end up in the underlying table?

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Input Mask On Calculated Control?

Nov 2, 2005

Is it possible to use an input mask on a calculated control? I have a field which will return "Home Phone:" [HomePhone] and I'd like it to actually display the phone number as (000) 000-0000. Is there a way to do this? Thank you!

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Forms :: Using Calculated Fields On A Form?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a form where the record source is a table.The form has about 5 calculated fields on it. The screen flickers quite badly and at the bottom says calculating. Sometimes the database locks up.

To stop this flickering i created a query so that the calculations are done in the query. Then i linked the form to the query instead of the table. Am i doing this correctly as i didn't think the table would show any new data that i entered into the form but it does seem to work. Is it because i am only using one table.

I am using Access 2003.

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Reports :: Calculated Control In Report Footer

Mar 23, 2014

I have a report and in the footer I have added a text box (Textbox136) to work out the average percentage of the field [Percentage], which works fine.

For the value in textbox136 I want to output a grade and want to use an IIF function in the control source, something like:


But it won't work.

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Forms :: Calculated Field On Main Form

May 31, 2013

I have a main form with several with four subforms. On the main form I have a bound text box [ShiftTotal] I have on each subform a unbound text box that sums a field [ExtTaxIn]. I am working with just one subform till I can get it to work correctly. The code I am using on the after update event is as follows.


Private Sub TxtSoldQty_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo HandleError
Me.ExtTaxIn = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.TaxIn)
Me.ExtPrice = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.Price)
Me.InvSold = (Me.TxtSoldQty * Me.UnitOfSale)
Forms!frmShiftMain!TxtShiftTotal = Forms!frmShiftMain!TxtRunningTotal


This sort of works but the [ShiftTotal] on the main form is always one table row behind. I think this is because of the order the event fires.

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Forms :: Sum Of Calculated Field In Form Footer

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with three fields named 'quantity' (numberfield), 'service' (combo box) and 'amount' (calculated field with controlsource =[service].[Column](2)*[quantity].

I try to sum the amount field in the formfooter with =Sum([service].[Column](2)*[quantity]) but I receive an error.

Somehow it does not get the value for [service].[Column](2)

How can I do this?

The table for the form is called customer_detail

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Forms :: Cannot Use Calculated Value Declared As Public In Form

Jan 27, 2014

I wrote a program in Access 2003 and it works perfectly on my computer but when I run it in another one , there is a problem.

The problem is : on a form Ioad I calculate a value and I declared it as public. I need to use this value in my form but it does not recognize it. As if public statement does not work.

Is this from the Windows?

Again, it works on my computer but I have a problem elsewhere.

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Save Data From A Calculated Control To A Field In A Table

Sep 14, 2006

i have a total in an invoice with is a tabulated form with totals in the detail footer I want to post the calculated total (control) to a table. How ia this done.

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Forms :: Calculated Controls Based On Weekday In Form

Sep 18, 2013

Here is the basic info:

Table has Checkbox column
BusinessDate column (mm/dd/yyyy format)
OrderTotal column (in dollars)
There are others but these are the relevant ones

In the header of the form I have a calculated control box with the following control:


Which works just fine. The user is presented with a list of all the orders from this table in the form. They check the checkboxes and the control in the header shows the total of the records checked. I need to make 7 of these calculated controls, one for each day of the week. Is this possible? This way the user can see the order totals for each day of the week they have selected.

I tried:

but it still sums up the whole week as the expression holds true.I do not know VB, and I'm sure there is a really neat and easy way to do it in there. I just don't know how.

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Forms :: Updating Calculated Dates From A Form To A Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have a table which is used to store info regarding medicines dispensed. I also have a corresponding Form to enter data. The fields in Table are

ID- number
Dispensed Date- date with dd/mm/yyyy format
Dispensed Type- text
Quantity- no. of days
Next Collection Date- date with dd/mm/yyyy format

The Form also contains same fields but it has a calculated field for ( Next Collection Date) where i calculate date using Dateadd function. Also the form has a Datasheet view. So records are added when I press Tab or Enter at last field.

Now the problem is the calculated dates arent getting updated in the table. And this is a huge problem as i have to run a query later where i will put a criteria on Next Collection Date.

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