Forms :: Form Creating Credit Invoice

Dec 24, 2014

I have a form with a subform. The form shows an invoice and the subform the items to be invoiced. On this form I want to have a button that creates a credit of this full invoice.

My question is now how to add the existing invoice and details again to the same invoice table (query) and same details table (query).After clicking this button in the two tables should be the original invoice/details and its credit.

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Tables :: Creating Invoice System With Subform Within Main Form?

Nov 24, 2013

I'm trying to create an invoice system with a sub-form within the main form. The issue I'm having is that the data in the sub-form keeps getting overwritten each time a new record is created for the main form. So when I go back to edit an older record, the data in the sub-form is changed to whatever the latest record had in it. Is there a way to lock in the data in the sub-form so that it stays with it's own record?

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,,jsp,coldfusion)

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Creating An Invoice

Feb 18, 2006

I want to be able to produce invoices from my client database, and be able to have more than one item on an invoice. Probably best I attach the db. frmLayClientDetails is the main form with a sub form where I want to display a summary of that client's invoicing. A button on the form footer opens another form where I want to be able to insert multiple lines on one invoice, then a summary of the invoice is returned in the main form's subform. I am getting a message to the effect that I cannot add the detail on the invoice because there isn't a corresponding invoice number in the invoice table. So I'm not sure just where the invoice number is generated. I will also need a calculated field to sum the items on the invoice, but haven't got to looking at this yet.
Any help appreciated.

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Creating A Printable Invoice

Aug 21, 2004

I have a project for a movie rental company, and I need to be able to account for rentals. So, how do I create an invoice (form or report) that will show ALL rentals for a customer when they check out, AND print it? I have an invoice table, a customer table (customer ID used) and a movie list table, and that works for the form I've got, IF the customer only rents ONE movie, but what if they rent like seven? I'm not sure how to update the "invoice" table to reflect that, then get all of the information into a the required report for printing.
If more details are needed, respond and I'll post em, but I think that about covers it
thanks in advance for anyones help!

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Creating A Invoice Subtotal Totals Etc

Oct 24, 2007

i was wondering if there is any easy to follow information anywhere or examples with how to do..Specifically on creating an invoice??

The form would need customer details then a subform with the qty, price per unit, extended price then a section on the form which works out the subtotal adds it to freight charges
then gst and finally the total.These all automatically then being placed in there appropriate tables..i Managed to figure this out once before but i cant for the life of me figure it out again..I have spent weeks trying any clues???

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Automatically Creating Invoice For Customers Based On Set Parameters

May 8, 2013

I have a database that I will use for invoicing, but I would like it to automatically create an invoice for customers based on parameters set for that customer (e.g., monthly, biweekly, etc.). I have tables containing the customer information, the item they are being billing, the price, etc. I want to be able to have access automatically create the invoices and add them onto the invoice table each month.

Maybe there is a better way, but I thought that if I created a query for all people that are billed biweekly and all people that are billed monthly, that I could run the queries when applicable and then somehow write a macro that would go through the list of customers and add each of them to the Invoice table and add an autonumber. That way I could click run query, run macro, and then do my invoicing. I don't know if that is the way to go or not.

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General :: Creating Invoice Button - Action Query Cannot Be Used As Row Source

Nov 29, 2013

I've created a simple database, with tables, forms etc but I've got stuck when I've tried to insert a 'Button' onto the HOME page which when pressed will display an invoice and give you the option of emailing to client or printing.

I think I've gotten messed up in my relationships or the macros which I've copied from another access template.

on the home screen, I click 'new quote' then 'view quote' when the window pops up and then when it tries to generate the invoice I get the error

'an action query cannot be used as a row source'.

I've put a copy of the database in my dropbox...

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How To Combine Products Of Invoice Into Single Invoice

Oct 10, 2012

I am practising making relational databases as I haven't used them before.

The mock database I am creating is based around a cleaning company.

I am trying to make a form which will display all of the bookings a certain cleaner has in the future. I want it to be able to display a booking along with the services (Windows cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) the customer wants.

At the moment, it is displaying each service (Window cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) as separate result on the form and it is not combined. They both have the same booking_ID from the booking table. How can I combine them?

It is far easier to understand what I mean by looking at the database (Attached). Take a look at the form I have created and then click the > arrow at the bottom to see what I mean.


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Forms :: Invoice Sub Total Calculation

Aug 10, 2014

Is this possible? In my invoice form I have 3 different tax rates. I have put a calculation in each of the Control Sources to calculate the invoice sub total:

=[Invoice Sub Total]*0.13 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.05 =[Invoice Sub Total]*0.09975

I don't always use all the tax rates. I would like to be able to go back into a tax rate field I don't need and delete it.

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Invoice Form

Jan 18, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.....

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Invoice Form

Nov 23, 2007

hi all .. i'm new here , I'm not familier with the access so i found it's better to ask the profi. pplz and here i come to u
i'm better in Excel
here is the steps of what i try to do and i already attached a simple example
this invoice form will include the sales throught the month . so it's monthly
and here is what i try to do
1-a form to Enter in it the
Coustmer name | project |product descp. |measure|uni.price|total
2-i may have more than 1 item in the same invoice.
3-invoice serial no. to be like yyyymm######
i don't know is that able cause when i tried to make an invoice it make on a WEB Page and saved it in some place , i thought i can be in the program it self , and i attached also the form of how the invoice could be ,
anyhelp ??

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Invoice Form

Mar 6, 2006

Since I posted my system last time I have started my system again because it was seriously messed up. I have now come to a point, like last time where I have a problem with the total on my Invoice/Order form and also i dont know how to use all the data from a 'created order' and make it into a report invoice to print off. Any help appriciated.:)

My system:
Gamez New System (

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All I Want Is An Invoice Form

Jan 15, 2005

OK OK I know this should be simple but as a self taught db person I cannot manage the simplest of forms. The problem is I cannot get my customer address to automatically fill in the spaces once I type or select customer from cbo box.

I am totally frustrated as this has taken 6 months of trying to work this out I have copied the Northwind invoice but that does not link in with my tables. I have studied Virginia Anderson The Complete Reference until some of the pages have fallen out, same for Access Inside Out. But none actually tell me step by step how to create an invoice form. Maybe I am thicker than two short planks!!!!!

The next problem is even if I forget the address part and just want to record the customer I put in the plant ordered details but I think I have missed out something as no details appear.

Could someone please look at db attached. Orders table will eventually be deleted as I did not have the foresight to look into future and this covers 2004 only. Once I get a form and table working correctly I will copy this info over. Itemsale table is something I copied from MYOB trying to link something up by using the exact structure of MYOB. Need to work on this further as I need to export info to MYOB.

ANY HELP (incluing psychiatric) would be appreciated.

Could some one help me attach file, it is too big even though compressed

Regards Brocky

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Receipts/Credit Control

Jan 7, 2006


I am currently building a database which holds information on insurance policies. Each policy holder has the option of paying their annual policy either monthly, quarterly or annually.

At this stage I won't get too in depth, but I have built a table (TblReciepts) which the User enters each receipt as they arrive.

I would like to be able to match off each receipt against the outstanding balance on a realted policy, in this instance the policyholder should give their policyno as a reference in the receipt so that is where the relationship should be.

Can anyone suggest the most effective method of allocating a recipt to the outstanding balance in the table (TBLPolicy)


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Checking Credit Limit

Apr 5, 2005

Hi, I'm trying to do up a database for a furniture company.
I used Northwinds as a guide and made a similar Orders form.

However, I need another functionality which Northwinds do not seem to have. I want to check whether the currect Order would cause the customer to exceed his credit limit.

For this, I made a query to find the amount any single customer owes to date and the amount that he can still borrow(creditlimit-amountowed+amountpaid). I then made a button which launchs this query.

The problem is I want when i click this button, the query prompts me for CustomerID, which i have to key in again. Then, it launchs the datasheet showing me the credit he would have remaining if this order went through.

It would be better if I do not need to key in his ID again, since it is already on the form when i keyed in the Order.
Further, it would be much better if I could get the button to display APPROVED/REJECT(postive/negative balance) and also display the amount of the remaining credit.

Sorry for the long description. Thanks for reading and please let me know if I missed out any crucial details.

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Credit Code Get No Return ?

Oct 1, 2006

Can some one help me with this code, I get no return, ???

. Private Sub cust_credit_score_1_AfterUpdate()

If [Forms]![Customer Form]![cust_credit_reply_1] = " [Bad Credit]"Then
[Forms]![Customer Form]![cust_credit_score_1] = 5

ElseIf [Form]![Customer Form]![cust_credit_reply_1] = "[PoorCredit]"Then
[Forms]![Customer Form]![cust_credit_score_1] = 10
[Forms]![Customer Form]![cust_credit_score_1] = 15
End If

End Sub

Thank You For Your Help

Johnny C.

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Credit Card Processing

Apr 18, 2005

Does anyone know of any software or have any code that would allow to process credit cards.

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Forms :: Populating Invoice From Underlying Table?

Jun 14, 2015

As simple as it sounds. I have set up a table with a list of items and the costs. I then created a form with a list comprising 10 combo boxes. I want to be able to select one record from the underlying table per combobox on the form.

I am able to do this but the records in the underlying table keeps switching to the primary key field as I go along using the combobox.

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Forms :: Creating Hot-keys On A Form

Sep 5, 2013

I have a tab control on a form, and I want to use "Hotkeys' to get from one page to another (or more specifically, to toggle the visibility of the pages).

So, I set up the tab control with the pages I want hidden set with visible=No. Then I enable the Form.KeyPreview, so that the form will get a chance to look at all the key presses.

Lastly I have a Form.KeyDown handler, that looks like this:

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
MsgBox "Key pressed (1): Shift value is " & Format(Shift)
' Detect Hot-keys for the pages in the MultiPage wizard, and make them Visible or not visible
' P/D/X/S/R/H/C
If Shift = acAltMask + acShiftMask Then

[Code] ....

This is early on in the design iteration - more will happen with the pages, but this is an easy way of reviewing various aspects of a project.

So what happens?

I put a breakpoint at the first If statement, and sure enough, it picks up the Ctrl key or the Alt key, whenever they are pressed. (I need to use the mouse to clear the msgbox, naturally!) When I press both of them (Ctrl/Alt) I get the required value of 6, but I never seem to get to the second msgbox. In addition, if I comment out the first message box, I also never seem to get to the second msgbox (ie the point where the combination has been detected.

KeyDown obviously has to fire for each component of a HotKey combination, and the Shift parameter has been shown to be cumulative. The only thing I can think of is that somehow I need to turn off keypress processing somewhere else (Used to be possible to use Cancel to do this, I seem to recall).

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Forms :: No Info When Creating Form

Jan 24, 2014

I'm quite new to using Access 2007 and I'm trying to create a form from different tables which have relationships. I've used the form wizard and added all the fields I need from the different tables, however, when I click form view it only shows the title and nothing else. When I'm in design view everything is showing..

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Forms :: Creating Mixes On A Form

Sep 16, 2013

I have a form that displays the quantity of plants that we are growing by genus, (marigolds, impatiens, petunias). each genus has many different varieties that can be used to make up the mix. I need to have some type of worksheet where we can put in the total qty and calculate the quantity of each variety by putting in percentages for each variety, much the same as you could do with a spreadsheet. The results of that worksheet then needs to be saved to a table for future use. Being fairly new to Access I'm not really sure what format to use. Is there a way to display the results of a query in datasheet view minipulate the numbers and update to my table?

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Calculate Debit And Credit - Sum Separately

May 5, 2013

I have debit & credit column. Which I use this in the report -->

debit = 1 , credit = 2

Now, i would like to have the total sum of it. according to the debit & credit separately instead of the whole total sum.

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Forms :: Creating Form To Update Table

Apr 23, 2015

I've got two tables - one that works like a cypher and one with all my records.

I have 2 queries. One that is a simple query that extracts data that is not so user-friendly and puts it into a user-friendly format. The Other query is for any records that the first query excludes because the new combination of data (lets just call it a code) is not in the cypher table, but needs to be added.

How do a create a form that will show the records in the 'excluded records' query and allow me to select from a drop-down list a specific set of categories to update the cypher table ?

Example :

Record Table: Cypher Table:

Ford Focus = Sedan
Ford F-150 = Truck
Ford Freestyle = Wagon
Ford Escape = SUV

Now a new model comes in, a Ford Edge which is an SUV but is not in my cypher table.

I have the query to pull in the excluded Ford Edge, but I want a form to show "Ford Edge" in the first column and be able to select from a drop-down list "SUV", and either automatically update my cypher table or require me to press a button to update the table (whichever is easier).

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Forms :: Creating Form With Two Option Buttons?

Apr 10, 2015

I am doing a worksheet for college and have been asked to create option groups on a form, but I cannot work out how to do this.

The screenshot shows what I have to do but I cannot get the option group wizard to open.

When creating my form based on the design in the screenshot I dragged the Rate field onto the design view sheet but it has only one option button connected to it, I need to add another one that will be connected to the same field and am not sure how to do it. I did try adding another option button from the control bar but I am not sure if is connected to the same field with the correct yes/no properties.

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