Forms :: Format Painter On Controls With Associated Label
Aug 18, 2014
In previous versions of Access, certainly up to 2003, if you used the Format Painter to copy the format of a control to another, if those controls had associated labels then the format - and more importantly positioning of the label relative to the control - were also copied over. So for example if you had a column of controls on a form, you could format the first control and align its label correctly etc, and then use the format painter to quickly make it consistent down the column.
Access 2010 doesn't seem to do this. If I use format painter on a control, the format of the control gets altered correctly, but the associated label does not move and its format does not change.
This is difficult where you have several controls and you want to position the label associated with each consistently.
Which option in property window is responsible for group lining up of some controls vertically? how to ungroup them to allow resize one individually. I could not also find option in menu for removing pre-formatting of those controls.
The first part of the request is to capitalise all the below fields, when they appear on my report in addition to removing any <null> values. I can't seem to get them both in the format area
my fields are
Title Fname Sname Address1 Address2 Address3 Town Postal
I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".
So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-
I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.
But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?
I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.
datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.
I want to display a message on a label superimposed on top of all objects if certain conditions are met when selecting a record in a listbox. The label is normally invisible and only made visible when the condition is met. The label stays visinble for 2 seconds using the timer event.
All that I cannot do is display the label on top of the listbox, it always sits under it.
I'm curious whether it's possible to display the label for a combo within the box itself, i.e. it would say something like "Enter Name" until the user clicked on it and opened the dropdown?
I found this which is really old and I couldn't get it to work.URL....
I created a number of graphs on forms that graph GamesSold vs RDate. If a game has no sales, there won't be any data. Is there a way I can add a label that will automatically display "Game is not yet released" and make it dependant upon the graph having data, and invisible if it does?
I have an access form of locations to manage (that are labelled Loc-01, Loc-02, Loc-03) and I'd like a label that automatically shows which record is currently open (rather than a text box). Is this possible? Or if that's not possible, I don't want the textbox to be editable in the form.
I have several forms that each has a dozen or more checkboxes, true/false. I want to be able to change the background color of the label of each checkbox depending on if the checkbox is true or false. I have used the following code which works great:
If Me.A = True Then Me.lblA.BackColor = vbYellow Me.lblA.BackStyle = 1 Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbRed Else Me.lblA.BackColor = vbWhite Me.lblA.ForeColor = vbBlack End If
Me.A refers to T/F checkbox A and Me.lblA refers to its label. This is repeated for each of the checkbox controls. If the control is [B], then its label is lblB. I have used this in the form OnCurrent event and the checkbox control OnUpdate event. I was wondering if I could use the tag property to this, saving me writing countless lines of code and having the OnCurrent event of each of the forms so long and cumbersome. And I do know that I can use conditional formatting to do this, but I would prefer not to use that method. Is there any way to do this using the tag property and not so many lines of code?
Using Access 2010. I have a form on which I've placed a simple label. I try to set the label border color to black but it shows grey. I can set the border color to #000000 and it's grey. I set it to #000001 and it shows black as expected.
I'm thinking it has something to do with the themes, but shouldn't an exact color code show as expected? As a new member (<10 posts) I can't post an actual link, but here's the text of the location: [URL] ....
So I have a bound form with the following onload code:
Code: 'Add the percent completed to lblPercentCompleted by calling the function Dim Completed As Double
This works fine and set the caption and color of a label on this form.On this form I have several (now only a few, but in the end probably 40 controls or so) which will get updated by the user. When any of these controls are updated, I want the label lblpercentCompleted to get updated with the propper caption and color, however I am having trouble doing this.
I have an afterupdate event on each control with the same code as the onload code, however the message box below appears but the label does not update.
Code: Private Sub TransferDieCutsOn_AfterUpdate() MsgBox "Updating Label" 'Add the percent completed to lblPercentCompleted by calling the function Dim Completed As Double
We can delete the label, and then re-'attach' it, but there seems to be no visible property that retains this information - in either the label or the control (only done the detailed comparison for text box so far.
The reason for this is to be able to export enough data to recreate an Access form in html, and I need a label value if it exists. (And for most controls, of course, it does!)
I have a Menu form that has 5 cmdbuttons that opens the same main forms but with 5 different filters. I want a label or text box to change to the name of the filter. I am using VBA to open the form. I can't code a form that's not open yet. Is there any way to accomplished the above?
I want to use a tab form where the user can click add, search, and edit records all from 3 tabs. The problem is I only want to be able to add data on one form, edit data on another, and just read only on the search. This seems to cause a dilemma, how can I specifiy them to add, edit, and read only on one form using tabs?
I am making a database that will be used by multiple people on a network, and they have different resoloutions on their own computers. when the database is loaded on their respective computers, the form controls are all off.
On the computer i designed them on, the forms fit perfectly on screen, as do the controls, i would like to know if there is some vba code i could incorporate into the form open event, or module code that i can use in order to dynamically re-seize the forms and all of the controls to suit different resoloutions?
I have inserted a bar chart onto a form using a totals query. The query is grouped by days on stock, eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc. which is therefore the labels on the x-axis.
The chart displays the correct data, however, the chart automatically displays the categories on the x-axis in alphabetical order... '0-30', '120-180', '30-60' etc.. Is there anyway to adjust this order to be eg. '0-30', '30-60', '60-90' etc?
How do I move combo box label into the form header area while leaving the actual field title in the detail area in a subform so they looked stacked like the other items??
I am creating a form and I have some fields I don't want people being able to change so I selected to disable them in the datasheet but now the labels have a strange double text, it looks different than all the other labels and is driving me nuts. when I enable it the font on the label goes back to what the others are but once I change it to disabled it goes funky again. how do I fix this?
When I amend a combobox I want a label to adjust to reflect the current cbox input.
I have used the event change and done on change me.label = me.cbox.value and that works however the cbox has 2 columns. The unique category id and the category. So at moment if i choose the first option from cbox i get 1 appear in label as opposed to clematis for example.
What code to use to select the second column from cbox value.