Forms :: Full Path To Images Are Stored As JPG In ClientTable Not As OLE

Sep 27, 2013

I have several text boxes which I can populate using the DLookup.I have images I want to display for individual records.I use a search (textbox) to input client name and this populates all other textboxes. I am trying to get the relevant image to display also using this search box. I have also disabled record selectors just tidy up the form. I have tried coding the image control on the AfterUpdate event of the search box. Full path to images are stored as JPG in my ClientTable not as OLE.

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Modules & VBA :: Get File Full Path

Jan 12, 2015

Im trying to programmatically (without any user intervention) retrieve the long path name for a given file. It seems to me this should be a rather easy thing to achieve using Access VBA. Ive tried using various FileSystemObject methods with no luck. Ive Googled many variants of VBA get full path without any meaningful hits. provide the first string as a parameter to some object and have it magically return the second string.


Stint 2: C:Program Files (x86)Common Filesmicrosoft sharedVBAVBA7

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Thumbnail Images To Full View Image?

Dec 14, 2006

My database contains an embedded thumbnail image, one per record, and I would like to be able to click something on the form of that record to open the full-size image in a picture-viewer of my choosing.

Can someone give me some direction?


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Using Images Stored In Local Folder In Report

Apr 25, 2005

Hi All;

Any advice would be much appreciated….

I have a db of products which drives an ASP website, and includes links to images, which I have now stored locally (with the image path amended to point to the local images folder) along with the images folder containing all the images.

What I now need to do, is produce Access reports using these images, this I initially assumed would be a simple task, but hasn’t in practice worked out that simple!!

So, I now have local folder containing the images, and the products table with an Image field that stores the local path to the image – How can I now get the record and corresponding image to appear in my report? I’ve tried using an OLE field for the images, but this means updating each record manually (unless there is any way of updating the OLE field from the existing image path field??)

Am I missing something totally obvious here?

Thanks in anticipation!

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Problem Displaying JPEG Images Stored In Access DB

Aug 12, 2005

It may seem a really silly question but is there any restrictions as to the file types that can be stored in an Access DB.

I havent used Access in a while, but have been asked by a friend to create a simple DB holding info about cars he is selling, he only wants to hold thumbnail images of the cars so I can either link or embed the pics! However if I try to link or embed a jpeg image nothing appears in the bound object frame except for the image title i.e. bmw325i.jpg if I do exactly the same with a bitmap image the pic is displayed???

The only other difference I have noticed is that in table view of the relevant table a bitmap appears as Bitmap Image whereas a JPEG appears as Package????

Any ideas

Thanks in advance


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Modules & VBA :: Search And Pull Data From Db Stored In A Shared Path

Dec 30, 2014

I have two different database files. One is 2010 ".accdb" format where I have created a form and the inputs to the form is getting saved as records to an access.mdb file in a shared path.Now if the users want to edit the existing record I should allow them to search their previously submitted record with a unique ID number.

I know it is possible when we have both the form and table in the same db. But I want to know whether it is possible to search with a unique ID and pull the data from different db in a shared path using a command button?

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How To Get Dynamic Location Stored In Path Variable For Transfer Text

Jul 16, 2012

I have used Transfer text cmd to export query to text in MS access. This works fine. path= "D:/test/"DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed,"Query1",path,False But i need to change the path dyanmically as my wish when i run this query. Like i may save my txt in desktop or C: or D:. I dont want to hard code path as above.

Is there any way to achieve this? If i get the dyanmic location stored in path variable i can achieve it. But i dont know how to achieve this.

Actually i was confused
Docmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery,query1

Above query prompts me for selecting location. But transferText doesn't? why?

As this application is stored on server. If i give a static path, its exporting in Server D:/test/ But i need this to be stored in my local. This can be done only if it prompts box for user to select the location.

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Path To Linked Images Breaks When Close Database

Jan 16, 2015

I have a report in Access 2010. The report contains some images in the main report area and in sub reports. I have The queries that feed the report and subreport contains the name of the pictures that are loaded into its image controls. I added the following code to my form in order to control what image is displayed for each record. Id like the form to work even if the database is moved as long as the subfolder and photos are moved along with it (thus using relative path).

Private Sub Report_(Current)
Dim ImagePath As String
Dim ImagePathInt As String
Dim ImagePathPlanV As String


The problem seems to be that the routine doesn't seem to initially recognize the path. I have a blank photo in the folder containing all the images called NO PHOTO.jpg. If I open the report in design view and browse to this image in the picture parameter of any one of the image controls and run the report, then everything works perfectly even if I close and reopen the report. The report shows the right pictures even in the subreports.

The problem is when I close the database and reopen it, then the link is lost again, forcing me to do the process of browsing for the NO PHOTO image again. I already try to do an open form procedure to automatically reset the picture property, but although it resets the picture to the picture I set (I verify this by setting a different picture instead of the NO PHOTO) it does not make things work correctly as it does when I manually browse for it in design view. I also try to run the code above under the Report (Open) instead of the Report (Current) but that didn't work either.

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Reports :: Adding Images To A Report - Only File Path Displaying

Oct 15, 2014

I have to add 2 company logos and a phone graphic to a report.

I can only seem to add one logo and if i try to copy and paste a graphic it just displays the file path.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Full File Path And File Name?

Oct 28, 2014

I'm having another one of those days but I'm getting a file path and file name from a dialogbox and forgotten when the VBA property is to return the full file path and file name.

This code works fine for return the filename only:


Private Sub TEST()
Dim f As Object
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
f.AllowMultiSelect = True
If f.Show Then
For I = 1 To f.SelectedItems.Count
MsgBox Filename(f.SelectedItems(I))
End If
End Sub

Instead of using 'Filename' what else can I use to return what I need?

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Save Reports To Defined Path In Path Field

May 26, 2014

Till now I managed to publish and save all in C:Reports. What I'm trying to do is Save to path specified in Path. DB attached.

Private Sub PrintAll_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Subform Full Of Check Boxes

Jun 20, 2013

I need to make a form that lists 120 checkboxes and then adds an associated value to get a total.I have a table with Description field (i.e. aspirin) and a Points field (i.e.2). I need to make a subform that shows 120 checkboxes and when the user checks the boxes the associated points are totaled.

I have tried using a default value for each checkbox which works except I can't get the subform to add a new record when I move to the next mainform to make a form where I can see all 120 items and give the use a choice to check 1 or all of them and get a total?

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Getting All Forms/queries/tables To Show Up Full Screen

Jul 5, 2007

Is there a place I can insert a snippet of code to have all the forms come up full screen. Some users think it is annoying that they dont always come up maximized. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Forms :: Application Running In Full Version But Not In Runtime?

Apr 11, 2014

I have a small database application which is split in fe and be. Its running fine and i have been making changes to the front end regularly and replacing the file on server successfully with no problems, But today i edited some forms and reports and afterwards i ran it on a client in access runtime produced the on click event error ( which is on log in form which is a startup form ). Its working fine in full version of access even on the server but couldn't log in because the clicking on login button display the error. See attached image.

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General :: Previewing Forms Full Frame While Designing?

Oct 17, 2014

Is there a way to preview a form you are designing to see how it will look when it's full frame?

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Forms :: How To Make A Form Show NOT Full Screen

Jan 7, 2014

See my 2 attachments. I put the Pop-Up property on the form. that worked but still not what I want.

On the HATT attachment do you see how it opens in the middle of the screen? And the other opens at the top right, (and has that tab at the top right that says frmMain)?

how do i made the airwatch open in the middle? like the other screenshot?

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Forms :: Full Info For All Property Options Of Any Form Control

Jun 26, 2015

How to set all controls in the form I would like to get complete information about all property options.

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Forms :: Field Doesn't Show Full Length Of Record

Dec 4, 2013

My form which is based on a table carrying same name doesn't append the full length of the text to one of the fields.

I don't know where the mistake is occurring or indeed I don't know if the error is in the table or in the form.

The form is showing full length of the text but when I look it in the table, it has just one or two bits of the full length.

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Modules & VBA :: Updating All SQL Stored Within All Forms

Mar 4, 2014

How would I update all SQL stored within all forms to change its syntax?I am returning all the row-sources for all the comboboxes on all forms in an Access db. Most work fine but some have syntax errors, for example double quotes instead of single. Is there any way of finding these stored SQL statements and updating them on mass, as I am doing it manually at the moment!

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Images In Continous Forms

May 21, 2006

I would like to be able to create a continous form that different type of inage depending on values set in a given field. I have found that if I put an image field in my table and use this idea it works ok. The problem I am getting is to change the image based on the value in the given field. To make this easier to expalin. record one is a yes or no value record two is an image value that could be image one or image 2. I tried storing the images in a seperate table. Could someone help with making this work with vb code.

Thanks Paul

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Linked Images For Forms

Jun 15, 2006

Hi all...

Does it make a big differance in the size of your database if you have all the images in the forms and reports linked instead of embedded? I have about 15 reports all with graphics and and about 7 forms with graphics also... Just wondering if it would make a big difference if after I split the database and create a folder with the current graphics and just link them all.. Or would that be a waste of time...?


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Images Ok In Forms But Not In Reports

Apr 11, 2015

I have an INVENTORY database for work that I created. It got up to about 1 GB in file size and it stopped letting me add images (about 5000 so far; 10000 more need to be added). I was loading them (attachments) directly into the database. Obviously that was the wrong thing to do.

So I went back into the database to delete the images / attachments columns in my tables as well as change my many forms and tons of reports to reflect the table's text field for the link on my hard drive to each image (using the control source via property sheet to view each image in both forms and reports). After about 800 links, the images do show up on the forms okay, but now only sporadically show up in reports; in any view mode and with printing. This is very frustrating.

Is this a MS glitch? A memory issue? How can this be fixed? I really do not want to break my database into many smaller databases; it's just not not logical.Image type makes no difference whether it shows up or not; 99% jpg though.

PS - the other downfall I seem to be having is that the image quality = very poor viewing on screen and very bad printing; though when I used the attachments for the images = crystal clear viewing and printing.

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Forms :: Open Form To Show Full Details When Double Click On Subform

Jun 16, 2015

I have a subform 2SiteList (Datasheet View) with the field SiteName... i also have another form SiteDetails.

if possible i would like to be able to double click on a SiteName on the subform and have the SiteDetails form to open to show the full details.

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How To Display OLE Images In Forms From Tables

Jun 15, 2005

I've got a form about personal attendance list (table: ATTENDANCE) where I need show their photos (these OLE images are save in another table PERSONAL)

How I can show photos in the attendance form ?

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Forms :: Database Images Into Form?

Jun 10, 2013

how to display images from a database in the form. The form looks approximately like Customerdetail from Northwind Access example database. Images in database I have stored as OLE object images. But how to link images with the form? Is it enough to give in properties control element source images column name? It seems like it is not.

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Forms :: Applying Filter To Subform - Values Stored As Foreign Key

Mar 25, 2013

I am having a problem with a filter that i am trying to apply to a subform.

I have a button on the form that when clicked should filter the subform (which is in datasheet view) to the criteria i set.

This criteria will eventually run from a combo box but I wanted to just get the filter working first.

I put the following code into the onclick event of the button:

Items.Form.Filter = "Items.Form.[Master Category] = 2"
Items.Form.FilterOn = True

I chose the criteria 2 for the filter just as a test as I knew there are some records with that value in the master category field.

The problem is when ever i click the button to apply the filter it clears all the data as if it has not found any records with that value.

Is my syntax and method OK? Why its filtering everything out?

The only other thing to consider is that the field I am filtering on was set up using a lookup wizard linked to a table so the values stored are a foreign key (hence the value being 2 rather than something descriptive).

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