Forms :: Get Part Value From Postcode To Create Cost

Mar 26, 2014

I have a form which has a number of fields and 2 of them are called [Postcode] and [Cost].

The cost field is defaulted to "£75.00"

What I am trying to is after the user enters the postcode it looks at the first and second value and if they enter a postcode in Scotland like below it changes the cost field accordingly.

The changes will only effect postcodes in Scotland if that makes sense as we have 2 different pricing areas for these

examples of some postcodes
AB1 1AU £125.00
EH1 1RT £85.00
G1 1AT £85.00
IV5 1ER £125.00
ML1 1RT £85.00
and so on

so any postcode containing the following would update

AB = 125
EH = 85
G = 85
IV = 125
ML = 85
DD = 85
FK = 125
etc etc

all other postcodes in the uk will show the default value of £75.00

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Query On Part Of A Postcode Field

Jul 7, 2005

Hello all!

I have a customer database and I basically want to find out their geographical distribution. To do this I need to run a query that gives me the sum of customers for each postcode, but this is dependent on only the first few characters of the postcodes (or prefix), eg BH3. The length of the prefix varies between 2 characters and 4 characters with one or two characters followed by one or two numbers.

What I don't want to happen for example is to have postcodes counted as BH1 when in fact they are BH13 or to have postcodes coutned as BH13 when they are actually BH1 3LV.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can do this? :confused:

Any help most gratefully received!


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General :: Extract Part Of Postcode Field

Feb 12, 2015

I have a table with about 29,000 postcode values

I want to extraxct the first part of the field (usually 3 or 4 characters)

How can I automate this?

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Queries :: How To Create Total Cost Field

Oct 27, 2014

I have a table called Price list, and in it I have two fields, one called Service and The other called cost. The services are listed and their matching prices are listed beside.

In another table called appointments, when making an appointment, I have linked the information so that I can choose from a dropdown from the price list table, under Service type.

I need to be able to create a receipt for the appointment. How can I do that in a query format?

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Forms :: Updating Cost Without Changing Previous Records

Apr 11, 2014

I have this estimate database for a construction company. In this database I calculate how much will a project cost. It's pretty much complete the only problem that I have is trying to figure out how to update the cost of a trade without affecting older records

Example let's say we have a painter that makes $15/hr in project A,B,C,D,E we decide to give him a raise so project F would have a new amount for painter. The problem with that is that it will affect record A-E

I don't want that my department wants to go back and view a history of records. Also take a look at my database it's my first time creating one ...

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Forms :: Summing Up In Continuous Form - Total Sell And Cost Value

Sep 8, 2014

I'm adding to a DB which has been working well for a while.

I have a continuous form which has a query behind it. The query takes two values: (For example)

[LineCost] and [LineQTY]

Inside the query, we use the expression TLC: [LineCost] * [LineQTY]

I need to sum this so a Sale with several lines gives me the total sell and cost value.

If you look at the sfrmEditQuote - you'll see the exact same method - working. sfrmEditSale is direct copy of this form, with some changes here and there. But can I get past the dreaded #error? Nope.

I've tried renaming the fields and text boxes, checking the query, but I keep getting #error on the sfrmEditSale form footer.

I have attached the DBs in old and new format.

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Tricky Question - Form Part Data Entry, Part Not

Dec 16, 2004

I have what I think is a difficult problem to overcome...

I am designing a form to create an invoice. The user will select a workstream and a date range in form frmInvByHrs. Within this I want two sub-forms, one is frmInvByHrsTsht and the other is frmInvByHrsBill. I want the first one to display all the staff and their hours done, and the second one to be in data entry mode where you can enter the hours you want to bill. Each sub-form is based on a separate query.

Is it possible to do this? ie. to have one sub-form in data entry mode, and the other not? It seems to me that the data entry mode is controlled by the MAIN form regardless of the sub-form settings!

If this is not possible, do you know how I can acheive this?



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Date Problem - Part Constant - Part Now()

Nov 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have refined my query from previous threads to involved a module function. This calculates more acurately no of working days between dates and takes into account a holidays table. (All credit to Arvin Meyer on the module:) )
However because the Leave Year starts at the 1 July and finishes 30 Jun I need to compose the date for any current year Year(Now())

Enclosed scrdmp shows my query design. I can easily get it to work as you see it, but obviously as each year rolls over, the year needs to change.

Have looked at many posts but can't find what I'm looking for. This one will get me over the hurdle.

Many thanks,

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Forms :: Combobox To Lookup Any Part Of Field

Jun 6, 2013

I am using a combobox to lookup contact names.

The rowsource is taken from a field in a contact table that contains the contact's First name and then Last name.
You could use the dropdown to pick the name or type the First name into the combobox.

The problem is that the combobox matches only the beginning part of the field as you type. So if you start typing the person's last name, the combobox would not display anything.

Is there an easy way to allow the combobox to lookup any part of the field that matches the text being typed?

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Forms :: Input Mask - Searching With Part Number

Nov 6, 2013

I want create a from with a "Part Number" text box .

After I enter a Part Number into the text box ,

other text box at below will automatic come out the detail about the Part Number I typed in .

Extra :

my part number is something like this : 00-00000-00 ,

how to convert to input mask ?

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Mar 6, 2006

I need to know how to be able to make my database accept only postcode format entries like RT24 6QP (english). Like a validation , it would only accept that format. How would i go about doing that.
Please explain to be in easy to understand contex as im no expert with access.


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Find Postcode

Jun 21, 2007

Hi, I am inputing addresses into a massive databse, through a form, does anyone know a way, that i can get it to do a search for the address based on the postcode, like how googlemaps does it or something?


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PostCode Lookup

Jul 4, 2007

I was wondering if anyone had any experience of integrating a product like QuickAddress (QAS) into an Access Database to aid the completion of address details. ThanksRussG

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Postcode Problems

Jul 8, 2005

Hi Guys,

I have searched the forum, and not really found the answer I`m looking for.
I used in my Database, a postcode field, which for 90% of the postcodes I input is is fine.

However, som of the postcodes dont conform to standard post codes.

I`ve found some info in this link,

but this didnt really help.

Most postcodes ( as set in the database properties ) confirm to thiis standard

SK01 1AA

Which if intered in this format works all OK.

However, some postcodes go in as fiollows

M01 1AA

Which leaves me a digit short, and messes up my search sections of the database, and the link to external map programs like M$ Mappoint.

Is there anyway that anyone knows of that will sort this out, and allow both entries withouht screwing up other programs.

This field is also a REQUIRED field, and must be a data field, or my external program links like M$ Map Point wont work.

THanks in advance guys.


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Postcode Validation

Mar 20, 2006

hello all
this thing is really bugging me im trying to come up with a post code validation and i have tried dozens, which should have worked really, but just havent so wondering if you guys knew any
examples of postcodes would be

BN41 8JH

theyre the only two types that are bound to be entered really

the first and second characters have to be a letters
the 3rd has to be a number
the 4th is sometimes a letter (not always present)
then theres a space
then there has to be a number

any suggestive codes would be great, as none of mine have worked its in access

nightmare lol

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Total Cost

Apr 3, 2007

Well at the moment i'm still in the design stages, but i made a database with test fields to see how it would work out best.

Basically i have to have a form with a drop down list for each type of computer componant and when selected the total price for all the items selected so far needs to show up at the bottom of the form.

Or when a button is pressed the price could be updated, that is fine too!

The way i was planning to do it was having an orders page, in which each field was a lookup to a difference table, one for each componant
Processor; ProcID, Proc name, Proc cost

Anyone have any ideas on the easiest way to load the total value for the items selected? Would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Total Cost Help

Dec 8, 2004

I need to create a report that shows profit/loss totals for a vehicle that I have listed in a table named "Vehicle Table". I have four columns: Cost, Shipping, Promotional expense, Repair, that I need to total and then subtract from the sales price to show the profit. Then, divide the profit by different percentages to show what I owe each salesman. I need to keep the different columns seperate and be able to increase the dollar amounts in each column as a new invoice is received for each vehicle.
For example, I have a $25.00 wash job in the "Repair column" and then I have to install a new set of tires for $450.00. The total in the "Repair Column" should now be $475.00. I can not make it add to the current balance in each of the certain columns. Would someone be so kind and help?


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UK Postcode Field Validation

Nov 1, 2006


I have a postcode field on a form that allows 8 characters. e.g. ST10 8BY including the space in the middle.
The only validation I have been able to use thus far is the above but I would like to know how to validate two letters (AA) then between 1 and 2 numbers (11) etc.

Is there any code/built in functions that allows this. I know there is an input mask but if I use that, I can set the poscode format up like ST10 8BY but it thinks that the rule has been broken if the postcode was changed to S10 8BY by removing the T. This is also a valid postcode.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Postcode Web Database Lookup...

Dec 3, 2006

hi guys,

Just been asked this and not sure if it is possible...

they do not want to pay loads of money to the royal mail for their postcode/address data. but they want a faster way (like typing postcode and address options popup) of entering addresses. There are tons of websites that can be used to find addresses with a postcode, i was wondering if it was possible to somehow link the database to lookup address from a website...?

anyone got any ideas?

thanks, james

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Still Having Problems With Postcode Query

Jul 8, 2005

Am trying to query a customer database to find a how many instances of each postcode exist to determine geographic distribution. Only interested in the first part of the postcode so the following code was suggested:

SELECT Count(owners.Field8) AS Total, Left$([Field8], Len([Field8])-3) AS Code
FROM owners;

However it returned a message saying "you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'Left$([Field8], Len([Field8])-3)' as part of an aggregate funtion.

What does this mean? :confused:

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Postcode Ranges Question

Jul 27, 2005

Hi all,

I am relatively new to access and need some help.

I have table with ranges of postcodes (NL) and regions. For instance

Amsterdam 1000-1119
Haarlem 2000-2099

And i have a records of schools:

SchoolA 1050
SchoolB 2050

I want to query the data base and lookup in wich regio a school is based.

Where do I begin?

Thanx in advanced


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Postcode Count Query

Jun 5, 2006

Hi All,
Can anyone help me count postcode instances. I have a query that looks at my customers table (tbl_Customer_Details) post code field (PostCode), at the moment I have got it to strip out the right side of the postcode leaving me the left district side eg. HG12 8EN becomes HG12. I would then like to count how many times each postcode instance occurs so I can create a report on the result so I can track which district the customers are coming from. I hope this explains the problem. Any help would be mich appreciated.

SELECT tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode, Left([Postcode],4) AS Code
FROM tbl_Customer_Details
GROUP BY tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode;

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Postcode Validation

Jul 10, 2015

I've tried to steal an SQL Postcode validator (This is for UK postcodes) and add it to an AfterUpdate event on a field in MS Access. It doesn't work, obviously,The VBA code is:

Private Sub Postal_Code_AfterUpdate()
Dim CHECK_Code As Integer
Dim LResponse As Integer
If InStr("[A-Z][0-9] [0-9][A-Z][A-Z]", Postal_Code) = 0 Then
CHECK_Code = 0


Also, how would I put the Check_Code value into the Message box to see what it's bringing back?

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Total Cost Displayed

Jan 28, 2008


I have a order system which allows customers to place items on. When an item is selected and a quantity has been entered and add button is selected, this adds the item into a listbox with all the details.
Each item that is selected a quantity is selected, this would then work out a total price and this total would be displayd within the list box too.
i want to add all the totals up for that order and have it displayed within a text box.

for example:

product ID, Name, quantiy, item price, totalcost
P0001 Top 5 1.00 5.00
P0002 Top 4 2.00 8.00
P0003 Top 3 1.00 3.00

i then have a text box where i want to display the overall total for these items within. hope this helps. im really stuck on this one!!!

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Tracking Share Of Cost

Nov 8, 2006

Hello fellow developers.

I need a query to help me track share of cost for clients. Anyone have any ideas? This is what I am working with. sorry it didn't paste very well. My problem is that my query keeps subtracking the share of cost and I want it to stop subtracking the share of cost once the share of cost has been met. HOpe that makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help in this matter. Angelflower.


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