Forms :: Getting Data From Query - Error 0 On Combobox

Apr 16, 2014

I have a small form with a combobox that gets its data from a query.

I added code to this database to forward to me info about forms and controls in case they generate errors. Occasionally I get an "error = 0" on this combobox.

Since there are no events attached to this combobox then what could be causing this error?

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Forms :: Error 13 When Setting Rowsource Of Combobox Using Union Query

Jan 18, 2014

I am trying to design an unbound combobox whose rowsource can be dynamically set based on a union query in order to search 1000's of names returning each name that contains a user defined string. The search does not start until the user defined string reaches 3 characters in length.

There are more details in the attachment but basically the vba code I used all saves OK in the vba editor but I get a runtime error 13 type mismatch when the code attempts to utilise the query to populate the rowsource of the combobox.

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Forms :: Combobox With Dates - Runtime Error 3464

Mar 15, 2015

Run into a bit of an issue with a combo box that has dates. When I click on a date I receive:

Run-time error '3464': 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression'

Am I receiving this because I have declared it a string when I should declare it something else?

My other question for whenever I get the first part fixed. Is there a way that instead of having all the possible dates to select from, that I could simply have three options available: Within a year, More than a year, and no date. (Once I click on one of those three options, I will filter records that have a date within the past year, over a year, or no date at all. How would I be able to achieve this?

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Error 3085 Using .column(1) In A Combobox's Query

Sep 10, 2005

Hi all,

I have a combobox on a form which retreives its data using an SQL statement (I used the query builder). In one of the columns shown in this combobox I filter the data by refering to a another combox on the same form.

the syntax is: >=forms!frmCursusGegevens!DatumCursusID.column(1)

Running the form and accessing the combobox issues error 3085, stating that a function is used that is unknown.
Removing the '.column(1)' part solves the problem, but ofcourse this is not what I want. It confirms though that the problem is with this .colomn(1) reference.

I'm sure the syntax is correct, because in a modules' direct window I'm capable to retreive the data by typing:


I've used the same procedure in many MS access projects using older versions of Access. In the current version 2003 it gives this problem...

Who can assist me here?

Thanks and regards!


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Forms :: Combobox - Error Evaluating Check Constraint In The Validation Rule

Sep 22, 2014

Error: Error evaluating check constraint in the validation rule

What does this mean?

I have used a combo box in the table to input into 2 fields - one restricted to numbers 1 to 5 and the other restricted to letters A to E

Message comes up when I try to change the view or press submit. Does it have anything to do with the field type?

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Forms :: ComboBox To Pop-up Form To Add Data

Nov 13, 2013

I'm working on a db that will track students for a summer camp. One of my fields in my student records (CamperInfo) is "School". Currently, the field is set up as a combobox in the CamperInfo Subform in the FamilyInfo form. I would like the combobox to be able to add schools if the school is not listed by a pop-up when the "add school" (or whatever) is selected.


Private Sub School_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_School_AfterUpdate
Dim strForm As String
If Me.School = "Schools" = True Then
strForm = "Schools"
DoCmd.OpenForm Me.School
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
End Sub

As you might have guessed, it doesn't work. no errors, it just doesn't do anything. I added the "Schools" data.

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Forms :: Populate Combobox With Data From 3 Tables

May 17, 2015

Is it possible to populate a single combobox with data from 3 different tables.

I have a table called observations (for observing deer), in that table is a field called Location, I have 3 other tables that list possible locations t_foodplots, t_stands and t_section.

I would like to have a combobox called location on my observations form that will allow me to select the proper location from one of those 3 tables, the choices would be something like this...

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Stand 1
Stand 2
Stand 3
Foodplot 1
Foodplot 2
Foodplot 3 etc....

The chosen value would be stored in the t_observations "location" field.

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Forms :: Display Data In Multicolumn Combobox

Jul 7, 2015

I have a main form and a several subforms. The main form displays potential customer data and 1 of the subforms displays the advertisement that prompted that customer to call. 1 of the Advertisements is newspaper ads and for that one we want to track which newspaper.

The subform has 3 pieces of data. The advertisement type, advertisement date and a hidden field for the customer ID to link those to the appropriate customer. There is also a requirement for a field for the advertisement source for newspaper ads.

Data Structure:
Customer Table
Customer demographic data as fields



sample data
1234 some st

1 google
2 Newspaper
3 Radio

Daily Press

I have a combo box that gets the advtype Then another combo box that gets the adv date the issue I'm having is I also need the source and If I put it in the combo box it only displays when that combobox has the focus otherwise only the date shows. If I try to use a textbox to display the data I can only get the firstcolumn in the combobox and not the column I want. If I use the same query the combobox uses but only having the source in the select criteria I get the same data for every record. Since there are multiple advertisements and a customer could reply to any of them or all of them.

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Forms :: Displaying Data Based On ComboBox Selection

Jan 20, 2014

I'm building a new db for tracking tests/results, using Access 2007.

On this issue, I'm working with 2 tables, Sample and Equipment.

On a form to enter sample info, I have a combo box to select a piece of equipment.

When the equipment is selected, I need to have a sub-form populate with several fields of data from the equipment table, based on the equipment selected.

I'm not trying to save the equipment data again, I just need to display it, based on the equipment the user selects. This is just a kind of second check to remind the user what the equipment he's selected will do.

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Queries :: Update Data In Combobox Using Query

Jul 24, 2014

I have been spending all my today to fill a combobox dynamically, but have not been able yet.

I have a combobox and a pass-through query in access, which is working fine and fill the details into the combobox via data source. Now what I am planning to do is to update the combobox source as soon as value in a text box changes.

Here is the code I am using, but it is not working:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim qDef As QueryDef
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_data")
qDef.SQL = "SELECT Initial + ' (' + Name + ')' uws FROM EM.dbo.UW" _
& " WHERE lob = '" & addSingleQuotation(Me.CMB_LOB.Value) & "'"

Me.cmbUM.RowSource = qDef.SQL

I also used Recordset, but did not work:

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("get_data")
Me.cmbUM.RowSource = rs!uws

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Forms :: How To Link Combobox Between Form And Subform To Only Show Selected Filtered Data

Apr 1, 2013

I have a suppliers table and a products table. Two forms, Stock form with combobox to list Suppliers and a sub form with combobox that lists Products.I want to select a supplier from the Stock form and then the combobox in the subform to only list products directly sold by the Supplier.Have dabbled in SQL as follows:

SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName
FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID
WHERE ((Stocksubform.SupplierID=Stock.SupplierID))
ORDER BY Products.ProductName;

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Forms :: Limiting Combobox With Query

Oct 16, 2014

I'm trying to filter the options in a combo box based on two criteria. The first criterion is another combo box on the same form, for a cascading combo effect. This criterion works fine, no problems at all. The second criterion is a query. So the combo box should display only those values that match both the upstream combobox AND the results of the query. What's really frustrating is that this combobox works just fine in my development dbase. It only stops working when I move it into my active dbase. Anyway, here's the SQL for the combobox rowsource:

FROM (Shapes INNER JOIN (qrySignsInInventory INNER JOIN Size2 ON qrySignsInInventory.SizeID = Size2.SizeID) ON Shapes.ShapeID = Size2.ShapeID) INNER JOIN Signs ON Shapes.ShapeID = Signs.ShapeID
WHERE (((Size2.SizeID)=[qrySignsInInventory].[SizeID]) AND ((Size2.ShapeID)=(SELECT Signs.ShapeID FROM Signs WHERE Signs.SignID = [Forms]![frmUsedDropdown]![cmbSignID])));

I've hilighted the criterion that isn't working. Also, I'm not getting any errors or anything, it's just that the results aren't being filtered. I've triple-checked the references for the active dbase, and I've checked the results of the query. Everything should be working.

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Forms :: ComboBox Populated By Query Not Showing Values

May 9, 2013

I have a form for data entry that have multiple comboboxes. I am trying to get one combobox to base its "list" on an entry from a previous combobox. The first combobox is based on a QuantityType table and has four options.

The next combobox is based on a ProductDesign table and will have close to fifty options. I want to limit the ProductDesign combobox based on the QuantityType selection which will give the QuantityTypeID. This will refer to the QuantityTypeID linked to the ProductDesign table.I have created a query that looks like this:

SELECT Product_Design.Product
FROM Product_Design, Quantity_Type
WHERE Product_Design.QuantityTypeID = Quantity_Type.QuantityTypeID
AND Quantity_Type.QuantityType = [Forms]![Product]![Qty_Type];

This Query works and if I simply run the query I get the needed information from it.What I would like to do with this query is to populate the ProductDesign combobox with this data.I have tried putting the query in the RowSource field but I get an empty combobox without the data. The strange this is that the combobox must be getting something from the query because the length of the combo box varies based on my QuantityType selection. I.E. if I select "Single" in the QuantityType, the ProductDesign dropdown shows three empty places for data whereas if I select "Multiple" in the QuantityType I see that there is ten empty places for data.getting the combo box to actually show each option?

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Forms :: Setting Combobox Rowsource To Be A Recordset Instead Of Query?

Jul 15, 2015

I have a Product form that shows the details of each of the Products in my Product table. I also have a "Pick a product" combobox (who's rowsource is being fed by the same Products Query that feeds the form). This allows you to go straight to a particular product by selecting its name. So far, so simple.

I've since added a couple of combobox filters which use different columns ("Product Type" and "Collection") to allow the user to get down to a more manageable recordset to then work with.

Of course, because the "Pick a Product" combobox is being fed by the Products Query, the combobox can end up showing products that are not contained in a filtered recordset. This is... sub-optimal.

Is there a way of telling the "Pick a Product" combobox to use the products listed in the recordset as its rowsource rather than the product query? So that it only lists the products the user has filtered down to?

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Forms :: Combobox Autopopulate - Query Parameter Is Not Popping Up

Oct 22, 2013

My database has comboboxes to autopopulate fields. These comboboxes have parametered queries for row sources so that the user doesn't have to go through a long list of IDs and to make the database more efficient in case it has to hold hundreds of records. They work the first time round but not after, when the comboboxes are clicked for a second time the query parameter is not popping up.

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Forms :: Refer To Combobox On Subform Within Navigation Form In Query Parameters

Jun 6, 2013

There is a command button on my form that calls a filtered query. I'm filtering the query based on a combo box within the form using


It works beautifully until I put the form as a subform in the Navigation Form I'm using. When I execute it from within the Navigation form, it errors out looking for [Forms]![frmAssignDwgs]![Combo15].

Is there another syntax I can use so this will still work from within the Navigation Form? Or another way to approach this functionality?

frmNavigation is the main navigation form
frmAssignDwgToPkgs is the subform that holds Combo15

I found another thread (which I can't link to since I'm new) and tried various arrangements of the following to no avail.

[Forms]![frmNavigation]![NavigationSubform] .[Forms]![frmAssignDwgToPkgs]![Combo15]

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Register A Student To Multiple Classes (forms, Combobox, Checkbox, Listbox, Query)

Oct 7, 2005

Hello everyone,

I tried to post this yesterday but it didn't go through for some reasons.

I've attached my database that contains student, classes, and couple other tables. I also created couples of forms and I wanted to register a single student to multiple classes at once.

For example: There're 3 classes (Math, English, History) on 1/3/2006. Student A wants to register 2 classes, Math and English. I should be able to check those two and submit and I'm done.

Currently, I have to select Math and assigns to student A, then select English. That's not good at all. What if there're 10 classes in one day and a student just want to register 8 classes? I have to do eight times.

It'd be great if you could help me. Thank you in advance.

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Forms :: Combobox On Navigation Form Header - Query Table To Show Right Info

Mar 24, 2013

I created a navigation form on which I put a form call [frmAnimal Setup].

I then placed one combo box on the Navigation frm Header. I have bound it to its source and it actually queries the tbl and show the right info. However when I select one, it will not let me.

In addition, [frmanimal setup] will not allow me to select a breed although it does query the tbl and shows the right information.

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Queries :: Query Error When Data Changes In Crosstab Source Query

Aug 12, 2014

I have a database which among other things records how jobs are received i.e.: Telephone, Email, Mail, Facsimile or Web.For each client I want to identify the percentages of each method of receipt against the total of jobs received and during different time periods.I have created a make table query for all jobs received between variable dates for a client entry of the name of the client and the start and finish dates are required to run the query.

I have a crosstab query set up to count each method of receipt and a final query to work out the percentages using the total from the crosstab query fields divided by the total of all methods.I have a macro set up to replace the table with new data when I want the stats for a different client between new dates, therefore the different methods of receipt may vary for the less active clients i.e.: they may only have telephone and email .

My problem is if I choose a client where we have not received a job by a particular method (say web or facsimile), the last query working out the percentages has fixed names to cover each method but naturally produces an error when it cannot find a corresponding method of receipt. I have experimented with NZ() without success.My question is can I either have preset standard names of the column field in a crosstab query? Alternatively in the query calculating the percentages, can I include code to ignore a non-existent field in the crosstab query.

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Forms :: Error Occurred While Sending Data To OLE Server

May 12, 2013

I want to make a bar chart in form with X-axis: [WEEK], Y-axis: [TTL NO] and each bar separated by [FINAL CHECK] liked below which [WEEK] linked to filter in form to choose required period.However, error occurrs and 2 error message boxes as below.

1. The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '[Forms].[Menu].[FM_WK]' as a valid field name or express.
2. An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object).

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Forms :: Data Types Match And In Order But Getting Syntax Error

May 9, 2015

The Data Types match and they are in order. I get a syntax error.

PHP Code:
      strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblHour (Hours, WorkDate, SickDay, SickDte) VALUES (" _
   Me.AbsenceHrsID & ",#" & Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#,True,#" _
   Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#)"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError 

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Forms :: Error (Method Or Data Member Not Found) On Requery

Sep 19, 2014

I have a form (frmTimecardsDataEntry3*) that needs to requery combo boxes to narrow down the selections offered in the dropdown of each combo box.

It is a data entry form. I.e. Dataentry is set to yes.

The ClientName combo box has an after update event which requeries the matter combo box, so that the MatterName combo box dropdown only shows the matters relating to that client. This works just fine.

The MatterName combo box has an after update event which requeries the Rate combo box so that in the Rate combo box dropdown only the hourly charge rates relating to that matter are shown. That works too. So far so good.

I then tried adding another after update event to the MatterName combo box, so that another combo box, Application, was requeried too, so with the Private Sub it looked like:


But this resulted in the error in the title to this post and the debugger highlighted in red the word Requery in the phrase Application.Requery.

I thought maybe Access does not allow two requeries resulting from one after update event, so instead I took Application.Requery out and placed it as an after update event in another combo box which did not have any other after update events to run.

However, this resulted in the same error.So the error appears to have something to do with trying to requery the Application combo box but I cannot see what is causing the error.

The Application combo box SQL is:

SELECT Applications.ApplicationID, [ApplicationDate] & " " & [ApplicationName] AS ApplicationDisplay, Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName, Applications.MatterName
FROM Applications
WHERE (((Applications.MatterName)=[Forms]![frmTimecardsDataEntry3*]![MatterName]))
ORDER BY Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName;

This is the same arrangement of SQL that I am using on the other requeried combo boxes that work. When I take the WHERE statement out of the Application SQL and run it the query returns all of the applications.

I am not sure what the error code is trying to tell me about the attempt to requery the Application combo box.

I have a yes/no box in the form and when the firm is first opened it has a small square dot in it, but as soon as any data is entered in the form the dot clears and leaves the usual empty tick box that you would expect to see.

Also, another possible symptom is that I had another version of this form previously working quite well except that when I did several data entries all at once, so I had several forms filled in with different data (before refreshing and thus entering the data in the table), when I scrolled between the forms I kept losing the MatterName data when I scrolled back, and then when I re-entered the ClientName data the correct MatterName data returned without me having to use the dropdown to select it.

I have had an earlier simpler version of this form working for some time, with ClientName requerying MatterName and MatterName requerying Rate, and I am using the same SQL structures in the new form but getting the error in the title to this post and the other isues just described.

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Forms :: Entering Data Into Table - Syntax Error With Access 2013

May 20, 2013

I am pretty new to access and trying to create a form to enter data into a table. I keep getting a syntax error. Below is the part of code where I keep getting the syntax.

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INFO [Tb1 - Information]([Zone], [Controller], [Controller Type], [Panel], [CB #], [Controller Unit], [IP Address], [Modbus Address], [Sub Address/ HTC#], [PP Location], [Opp Priority],[ Startup Priority]) " & _
" VALUES('" & Me.Txtehtzone & "', '" & _
Me.Txtctrler & "','" & _
Me.TxtCB & "','" & _

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Error Message When No Data Found In Query?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a search query that searches for different results based on 3 criterior. I have set up a form so that the user can input the text into the form and then once the Submit button (that i created) is clicked the query table will be shown.

My question is:

Is it possible to have an error message box appear when i click submit and no data is returned by the search query?

I'm hoping for the message box to say "No corresponding records to your search criteria. Do you want to try again?"

Then the options given in the message box are Yes (where they should be taken back to the search form) and No (Where they are taken to another form).

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Modules & VBA :: Data Type Mismatch Error When Running Sql Query

Jan 16, 2014

I have vba code that creates the following SQL:

SELECT SubscheduleID, EventID, WeekOrder, DayID, StartTime, EndTime, Priority, CanJoin, PatientTitle, PatientNickname, IncludesPatient, IncludesAftercare, Letter1
FROM [qryScheduleCombinedDetails]
WHERE (SubscheduleID = 1 AND IncludesPatient = -1 AND DuringAftercare <> "AC only" AND (WeekOrder = "All" OR WeekOrder = 3 OR (WeekOrder = 1 AND Letter1 = "XYZ")) AND DayID = 2 AND StartTime <= #8:00:00 AM# AND EndTime >= #8:30:00 AM#);

When I try to run it, I get a "data type mismatch" error. When I put the same code into a query, I get the same error. However, it will run if I delete either condition from within the (WeekOrder = 1 AND Letter1 = "XYZ") pairing. I can't figure why it can run with either of those, but not both together.

WeekOrder is defined as String. Letter1 is calculated as Cstr(Nz(IIf(Letter,"XYZ","ABC"))) within [qryScheduleCombinedDetails], because I wanted to make sure that it would be recognized as a string.

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