Forms :: Getting Information To Show Up In Box

Jun 20, 2013

I am creating a new form and right now I only have 3 controls: Employee name, Employee ID, and Hire date.

How can I type in an Employee's Name and when I hit enter I get the info in the other boxes to show up?So what I am wanting is to be able to type in a name and hit enter and have all the other boxes populate in the form?

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Forms :: Subform To Show Latest Information

Sep 14, 2014

I created a vehicle database that includes a sevice subform to track service history. The main form is bound to the vehicle table that tracks the vehicles we have. (Vehicle_ID). The service history has its own table that stores its history and is link to the vehicles table. I created a report that shows my vehicle and its last history item. When i click on it, it will bring up the vehicle form where you can add information. Is there a way to create the form, so when i enter the latest information and i click on it, it will bring up my main form, and in my subform svc history, display the lastest information.

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Forms :: Pictures Show After Information In A Field

Jun 29, 2014

My idea is to have a field in my table that have ratings for example - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. How can i make one star.jpg image to appear when I've entered rating 1, two stars to appear when I've entered rating 2, 3 stars for rating 3 and etc.... Is that even possible? If it isn't is there any other way i can make this?

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Only Show The Report If There Is Information

Jan 18, 2006

I have a form with a list box that shows a number of reports that are ultimatly built from queries.
Depending on what information I have put in, some of the reports will not show any information, which is fine. Is there a why that I can tell the report to open only if there is information present or maybe change the colour of the name of the report in the list box.
This sounds a bit complicated but hopefully I have explained enough for someone to help, thanks in advance.

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General :: Get Some Information To Show Up In Chronological Order?

Jul 17, 2015

how to get some information to show up in chronological order.

For example,
It is showing up like this..

Week 1
Week 10
Week 2
Week 20
Week 3
Week 4
and so on

I want it like week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 10
week 20

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Modules & VBA :: Save Input Into Array And Show This Information

Nov 23, 2013

I want to save input into an Array, and then show this information.To enter data I am using a textBox. After "Enter" it should save info into the Array.If textBox is empty, it should show information. I would like to use a textbox too, that shows all the Array after pressing Enter.

textbox on the Form: txtInput, txtOutput..I have the following code, but I am not able to get it work:


Option Compare Database
Public Sub Form_Load()
Dim Data(10) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer


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Forms :: Relating Information Between Main Form And Navigation Forms

Apr 11, 2013

New to the navigation form: I need several forms in the navigation form to all relate to the same client ID field. I have this information on the main form but the form with in the navigation form will not pick it up.

I have tried =[Forms]![Frm Client Information Navigation Panel]![ClientID] But just cant get it to pick up that information...

I would like to have something like the master link fields and, child link fields but when I add a form to the navigation form this option in not available.

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Forms :: Getting Information On A Form?

Sep 25, 2013

I have 2 tables

Main table called Site Details

and another table called expense codes

On the form I want to use a combo to look at the expense Number 52, 53, 54 ect

the in the next field to show the description of the code it relates to

How do I do this?

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Forms :: Look Up Information In Backend Table?

Aug 2, 2013

Is there a way to set up a keyword search within a form and use it to look up information in a backend table?

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Forms :: Saving Information In Subform?

Dec 3, 2013

I have a subform and I want to save the username to the bound table in this subform.

I've tried creating a textbox (CompBy) and then setting the default value to = Environ("UserName") but this doesn't work.

I've tried placing the following in the afterupdate event of the subform:
Me.CompBy = Environ("username")
But this doesn't work either.

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Forms :: Combo Box And Listing All Information

Oct 7, 2013

Our software was purchased with a volume license, so I want to make a combo box with all of our volume license purchases and when the person selects the volume license number all of the PCs that have software purchased with that volume license are displayed.Below is my code

Private Sub cboVolumeLicensing_AfterUpdate()
'Moves to Volume Licensing field and
'finds records where "Volume Licensing" matches whatever is selected in the combo box
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!cboVolumeLicensing
'Set value of combo box equal to an empty string
End Sub

The Query is Volume License Query and it is composed of Main Table and Volume Licensing Table connected by serial number on the main table and volume license on the volume licensing table..The combo box is volumeLicensing .And the form I am trying to do this in is called Volume License Form

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Tabular Style Forms/Reports And Information

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all - Working on a form that is supposed to display order approval information. In the database I'm working with, people are stored as in the approvals table by a reference to an autonumbered value. However, I want to display their name, which can be obtained normally through an SQL or DLookUp Command. This tabular form style though is giving me a problem. If I put new textboxes on the form and load it as I normally would, like:

ApprovalName.Value = DLookup ("[UserName]", "Users", "Users.UserID =" str(ApprovalID.Value*))

*ApprovalID is a hidden textbox that stores the number that is used to represent a particular user.

The problem becomes that using an OnLoad or and OnCurrent Form function, the boxes only load one value. I want them to load the different values for the different entries, but I am lost as to how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

A similar issue that I've been having with reports is that I don't know how I would do this at all... I want to do the same thing (retrieve the Name or whatever that is related to a numerical value) and put it on the report. I'd appreciate any info on how to do this.


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Controls For Entering Information In Tabbed Forms.

Aug 5, 2007

I'm not a complete Access beginner, but I'm also far from an expert and not much of a programmer. So I feel that there's a chance this might be a relatively simple issue I'm merely making more complicated than it should be. But hopefully someone can at least point me in the right direction. (For the record, I'm using Access 2007.)

I've created a form to which I've added three tabbed pages. Each of these pages contains a subform the user can use to enter data into three different tables. The tables' relationships look to be set up properly, and there doesn't seem to be a problem with typing the information into the subforms. However, I want a single button press to update the information across all the tables and clear all the fields in the subforms so that the user can then go about entering the next person. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

I downloaded a number of template databases from Microsoft, and some of them have exactly the kind of functionality I'm looking for: a "Save and New" button that inputs all the data across the tabbed pages and then lets the user start over from scratch with blank forms. I've spent a fair amount of time studying the various forms in the Student template, but I'm having absolutely no luck replicating that functionality. I basically want everything to work almost exactly the same as that, except with different field and table names (of course).

Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong and how I might fix things, or at the very least how to look at the Students template database to get the information I need on how to do this myself? I'd be very grateful for any help on this matter. Thanks.

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Forms :: Using Combo Box To Fetch Information On A Form

Aug 13, 2013

I have a form that is used for data entry; from there I want to create a new form where I can select a field from a combo box which would generate the amount associated.

Example on the first form it has a Carpenter that has a calculated output of $1000, on the second form I would want to click on the combo box and pick carpenter and I would like the calculated field to be shown next to it.

I tried making an if statement on an unbound box but I found it difficult

=IIf([Combo2]=Building Service Engineer, =[Forms]![Estimate]![Text787],IIf([Combo2]=Carpenter,
=[Forms]![Estimate]![Text789],IIf([Combo2]=Custodian - Shift Pay (5am - 6am) ,
=[Forms]![Estimate]![Text790],IIf([Combo2]=Drafting Technician,

[Code] ......

[Text787]-[Text805] are fields from the first form, these are calculated fields that multiplies wages quantity etc.

Also [Combo2] wont let me pick any data that I typed in.

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Forms :: Display Some Information From Query In Pop Up Window

Jun 18, 2015

I've created a query called "JobHistoryQuery" and a form called "JobHistoryMultiForm", this displays all Jobs related to an Asset and all the information about that job. There are some fields (BilledMonth, BilledYear, BilledValue, Parts Required, PartsUsed), however, that I would only like to see if I need to see them (as there is quite a lot of information on the form and ideally, I'd like to be able to see the key information from each job from that asset with ease). What I would like is to create a button that says "Billing" and "Parts" for each job and it brings up a pop up window displaying that information.

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Forms :: Displaying Information Based On Selection

May 21, 2013

On my form I would like the user to be able to select a company, and once the company has been selected I would like a box to display all the contact information for the specific company. I would also like this box to record the contact information onto my database along with the other information that will be gathered on the same form.The Contacts and Companies are linked with the COSYSNO and CoSysNo fields.

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Forms :: Loop For Getting Information From Query Not Working

Sep 17, 2014

I am working on setting up a loop that will get information from a query. I can handle the rest of the code once I get the primary piece of information. Which at this point I can not get. I am trying to get to the next record of my query. For some reason I am stuck on just the first record and it is repeated the exact number of times equal to the number of records in the query. Here is what I have so far.

Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim FromPathCheck As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FinalDestination As String


Yes I do know that I am doubled up on the


The reason is because with out this added rs it goes into an infinite loop. Need generating each value in the TRNumber field in the query.

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Forms :: Using Combo Information To Look Up Price Via Date?

Dec 27, 2013

I have a database I'm creating for DVD/blu-ray sales. I currently have a order system in place in a subform, which uses a combo box to find the customer and fills in all the information in the rest of the subform. One piece of information is the date of sale.

I need to be able to have the ability to change the price of the DVDs and have a history of sales with the right price. The easiest way to do this seemed to be by Date of sale. So the price is linked to the date of sale, when the price changes, all orders before that change use the old price, after use the current price.

I was wondering if there is anyway to have a second subform on the same page and us the date of sale from subform1 and have it display the price in the second subform?

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Forms :: TextBoxes Getting Information From Queries (DLookup)

Aug 4, 2014

Retrieval of data from a query and putting it into a textbox on a form. I currently have a form where I would like to put in a Job Number, and then hit an "Update" button and it will show some of the data fields associated with that Job Number. I have a table called "All Jobs" and each Job Number is unique. Where I'm really having issues with is in regards to Dates and Boolean fields.

In one form, I put in a job number and it will bring up the Company, Motor type, Received Date, and Quote. I have been able to retrieve the Company, Motor, and Quote with a DLookUp expression using a query. The expression looks like:

CompanyName.Value = DLookUp("Company","Approved Job Form - Find Job Info").

CompanyName would be the name of the textbox on the form, with "Company" the field within the "Approved Job Form - Find Job Info" query. The query itself uses the job number entered onto the form and returns the other data fields associated with that job number. Running the query by itself returns the correct information. My issue comes with using the Date Received field. It seems that because that field type is a Short Date, my DLookUp expression keeps prompting the debugger in the code. Currently I have:

RcvDate.Value = DLookUp("Receive Date","Approved Job Form - Find Job Info")

This will not bring the date from the query into my text box like the others.

In another form, I'm also having issues with a Boolean data field. I would like to have a query that looks up a job number, and if my data field (Job On Hold) is checked (True), I would like it to return a value of "Job On Hold / In Progress" into a text box. If it is unchecked (False), I would like it to return "Job Approved". I've tried a bunch of different ways to make it work, but I'm really stumped. The makeshift code I last tried (I've tried this numerous ways, so I'm not sure if I was closer before) is:

Dim jobstatus As Boolean
jobstatus = DLookup("Job on Hold", "Job Status Form - Search Status")
If jobstatus = False Then
Status.Value = "Job Approved"
Status.Value = "Job On Hold / In Progress"
End If

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Forms Information To Table

Jan 13, 2014

I've tried using the vba to have unbound forms information pasted to a table. The Vendor, Channel and Department are unbound fields in the form and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to get them to append to the table.

I've tried using solutions provided prior but I must be missing something. Here's my database. I'd like for it to append to the table then ready the form for the next entry.

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Forms :: How To Have Information Populate All Fields For Editing

Dec 20, 2013

I have attached a portion of my database. if you go into the form called frmtest, select a branch from the very top drop down, select a detail and click the Edit to have the information populate all the fields for editing. The Cost and Quantity fields work but my combo box fields don't properly work. The top combo box populates but when the record is updated it doesn't save the id. The second combo box doesn't even put the data in the data box.The main table where IDs and fields are is the BRANCH_EXP table, it's a linking table which links tables with many to many realationships.

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Forms :: Form To Display Information From Junction Table?

Feb 3, 2014

I've established a many to many relationship using a junction table.

So I have 3 tables (A for "materials", B for "batches", and J for "junction")

Form A is linked to table A, and contains a subtable linked to a query from table J. This allows me to input materials into table A and then list all of the batches it may be used in that are in table B. I successfully got this to input all the batches and materials combinations in table J.

Now on form B, which is linked to table B, displays the batch information, with the subtable J.

My problem, is that only the materials primary key is showing, not the other information that should be linked from table A.

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Forms :: Produce Datasheet That Derives Its Information From Query

Mar 6, 2013

I have a form that produces a datasheet that derives its information from a query. The query works fine giving the desired information.

In this datasheet on "PurchaseOrderID" i have a On Dbl Click event that states this.

Private Sub PurchaseOrderID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "FrmPO_Received"
stLinkCriteria = "[ItemID]=" & Me.ItemID
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
End Sub

Now it works sometimes, but sometimes it pulls up a different "PurchaseOrderID". Is there a way to fix this. I thought maybe there would be a way to put two criteria, "ItemID" and "PurchaseOrderID".

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Forms :: Information Not Retained Within Subform When Creating A New Record?

Jan 20, 2014

I have a form and a subform.

When I click on the command button to create a New Record and then type the customer details in the Main Form and the Order Details in the Subform, the information is not retained

i.e. when I close the Form and then re-open the Form the orders details are not saved but the customer details are.

When I re-enter the order details the information is retained this time, everything seems work ok second time round!!

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Not Holding Information From ComboBox?

Jul 15, 2014

In a Form I have a ComboBox set with a Control Source and Row Source.

I have several Unbound Text Boxes set to autopopulate based on the ComboBox selection.

I have two related (I think) issues:

One: Every time I open the form the Text Boxes are blank until I select an option from the Combo Box.

Two: If I make a selection in one record then move to another record, the information from the original record is still showing.

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Forms :: How To Transfer Information From Current Record Into A Subform

May 8, 2013

I have a form which contains a subform. On this subform, the user will enter several lines of container ID numbers. If one of these containers has errors, they check a yes/no box and a pop up form opens for them to enter the details of the errors.

I want two fields that are populated on the subform to transfer information to the corresponding two fields on the pop up form. This works when only one container ID has been added to the subform. However, when there are multiple containers in the subform and the container with the errors happens to be the second or third record on the subform, the pop up form always transfers the information from the first record to those fields.

I also have the subform requerying when the check box is checked so that the information saves to the table and the focus does stay on the correct record but the pop up form still opens with the wrong information.

how to transfer the information from the record that the user is currently on?

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