Forms :: Goto Record For Editing When Click In Subform

Jul 12, 2014

I have a form and subform. The subform is connected to the form and display all BandID's associated with that record. What i want is the ability to click on a record in the subform so that it automatically set's that record in the form for editing.

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Open A Record For Editing On Click

Sep 21, 2005

from a list of records showing limited information how can i open a record on clicking on it to show all information

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General :: Tab Control Goto Subform Record

Aug 2, 2012

I have a tab control with 11 pages (departments). Each page have 3 subforms (country, channel, product). Each page can have multiple countries, channels and products.

Marketing: Country A, Country B and Country C
Country A: Channel A and Channel B
Channel A: Product A, Product B and Product C

So a combination can be:
Marketing in Country A in Channel A with Product A.

I enter several informations (sales, dates, comments etc) on each subform. The subforms are linked (master/child). I store the different primary keys in hidden textboxes.

When I navigate between the pages, the selection resets due to a necessary requery. How can I keep the selection?

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Forms :: Right Click On Record On Subform Not Working

Apr 11, 2014

When I click on a record on the subform and right click to get the delete record option nothing happens in FORM view but works in DESIGN view.

I have checked all the record and form options and they are all correct.

Using Access 2010

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How To Carry Forward A Record ID To Subform To Ensure Editing Right Record

Jul 31, 2015

I am having difficulty getting the right record to carry forward into a modal subform to edit/update information. The Request_nmbr is an autonumber field. The client can have multiple requests. When I open my subform, I can scroll through the records, but when I launch the "update" button, I don't know how to carry forward the request_nmbr so that I'm updating the right record.

Here's my code:
Private Sub Btn_Exception_SubModal_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm_Exception_UpdateModal", acNormal, , acFormAdd
Forms! [Frm_Exception_UpdateModal]![Request_nmbr].value = Me![Request_nmbr].value
Forms! [Frm_Exception_UpdateModal]![clientnmbr].value = Me![clientnmbr].value
End Sub

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Forms :: Command Button - GoTo Next Record

Jan 15, 2014

I have created Command buttons on forms with VBA code. Records GoTo previous and GoTo Next Record so both of working is good. But Next Record command is force to a new record. If suppose when we clicking on last record. It is go to new record without any message. So No need to force a new record with Next Record Command. Only just move to next record if there is no records show a message. Below mentioned both VBA codes so there is any changes on GoTo Next Record Code?

VBA Code:
Go To Previous Record : DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Go To Next Record : DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

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Forms :: Goto Record With First Letter Of Key Pressed

Jun 20, 2013

I'm looking for a simple routine, preferably in the On Key Down or or On Key Press event of a form to quickly navigate to a record based on the key pressed.

I have a form with names in a table layout (continuous form).If the user is on the name field, I'd like it to navigate to the first record that contains first letter of the key pressed. So if a user presses "K", the form will go to the first record that starts with a K.Yes, the names in the form are alphabetical, but in a list with over 100 names, this could speed things up just a bit and save a lot of scrolling and looking.I was thinking of using KeyCode and I already have an event to navigate by the arrow keys so I'm considering building on that.

If KeyCode = 40 Then ' Down arrow
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, Me.Name, acNext
ElseIf KeyCode = 38 Then ' Up arrow
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, Me.Name, acPrevious
End If

I am thinking to use a Select Case and add the key codes for all the letters.

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Forms :: Appending Data In Table - Goto Last Record

Jun 17, 2015

After appending data in a table, I open a particular form. I want to display only the last record. I've added the code (DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast) to the On Load and On Open properties without success (opens first record).

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Forms :: Using Combo Box Selection To Open Form And Goto Record

Jan 14, 2014

I have a combo box called Combo9 in form NavigationF, the combo box displays the results of FollowUpQ Query. What I would like to do is when the user selects a row from the combobox is closes NavigationF and opens ContactHistoryF and goes to the record selected in the combo box. I have made sure that the combobox contains CustomerID which is the primary key for my table.

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Modules & VBA :: Editing Existing Record Using Subform

Jan 8, 2015

I'm successful in adding data from the form to the table using VBA. But I couldn't retrieve and edit the data. For retrieving and editing the data I have a different form "[Forms]![Editor]". I have all the fields listed in the image in both the form and table.

1. I want to allow the user to search and retrieve a specific row based on the condition Incident ID and the Package code are same
2. I want the user to edit the fields in the form and update it in the same row again.

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Test For Last Record , GoTo First Record, Else GoTo Next Record,

Mar 22, 2006


Hope this is a nice and simple one. I know I have seen various "last record" references in various threads but I couldn't find one in a search.

I have a command button on my form which navigates you to the next record. I use this rather than the navigation buttons as I can set the tab order to go to it after all the fields are filled. This works fine unless the form is on the last record, in which case it throws up an error. To get round this, I want to test that the current record is not the last record.

It is the test in the If statement I need help with. How do I check that the current record is not the last record in my form? I think it will use the dcount but I don't know how.

Private Sub cmd_Next_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmd_Next_Record_Click

If (current record < dcount) then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_Next_Record_Click
End Sub

Thanks in advance.


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Forms :: Subform For Editing And New Records?

Nov 1, 2013

I've got a master form, which is used to search for records, and display links to them in a list box. When the user selects a record, they get the full details of the record on a subform. At the top of the subform, I have two buttons, an edit button, which allows them to make changes to the record, and a "new" button, which allows them to create a new record.

My problem is, after a new record is created, the subform adds a new page. So instead of having record one of 1, it shows record 2 of 2. So if a new record is saved, and the user tries to access another record, nothing appears because the subform stays on record 2 of 2(which is a blank undirtied record). If you press navigation button back it will show the record they selected.

Maybe I could make the new form a pop up form, and pass it parameters rather than making a new form within the subform.

I've tried putting the command DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious in the subforms Current() method, but I get an error saying I cannot go to the previous record.

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Click On A Record From A Continuous Subform To Open A Report?

Sep 5, 2013

I have a form called GetdataFrm. Within it i have a combo box that filter a query. When the combo filters, it populates a continuous subform called GetDataQrysubform. GetDataQrysubform look like a table that contains this Jobcode information:

EmployeeID Jobcode CardAccess Folders Software

When I filter the GetDataFrm form, I want to be able to click on a Employee's EmployeeID number from a single record in GetDataQrysubform and then a form called SingleRefrm would pop up taking me to that record.So far I have a event procedure coded to open up SingleRefrm, when the EmployeeID field is clicked but its not working. The code looks like this:


DoCmd.OpenForm "SingleRefrm", acNormal, , "EmployeeID = '" & Me.EmployeeID & "'"

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Forms :: Editing Record Details Not Allowed

Sep 28, 2014

I have had a form working for ages. It has a main form and eight subforms at the bottom of the form. The main form can be edited in all fields.

I have taken a copy, modified the form added new fields to the main source table and updated the query that feeds the form.

Now (in the copy environment) it won't allow me to edit any of the fields. All of the form control properties are the same as the working model (in the live environment) I can run the query by itself and all is OK

There is obviously some little control that I have inadvertently changed and can't see it.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Select Record For Editing?

Jun 13, 2013

I have a form that uses a combo box to select the record to edit which then opens the edit form... I keep getting a type mismatch error. The bound column is a text column and I'm wondering if that is the problem because this works perfectly everywhere else in the database. The primary key is the SKU of the product which is alphanumeric which is why I have it set to text...

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General :: Get A Record In Main Form With Double Click In Subform

Sep 15, 2013

I have a mainform named EMA and a subform named Q_EMO. In the mainform there is one event related to a patient.In the subform Q_EMO there are all the events releted to the patient.I would like to get a record in the mainform EMA when I double click in the record of the subform.

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Forms :: Message Prompt When Editing Already Entered Record

Apr 22, 2013

But how do I have a message box pop up that warns the user he is about to edit an already entered record?

Is there a setting for this in the form design. Or do I need VBA, in which case what form event would I tie the msg box too?

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Forms :: Saving / Editing A Record Using A Form With Combo Box

Jun 24, 2014

I have a form that I need to use to add new clients to a table in my database, lets call it tblClients. On this form I have a combo box which, when selected, will drop down with the first and last names of all clients in tblClients, as well as their Client ID. Once you select a client from the drop down menu, it populates all of the fields in the form with that clients info (Client ID, fname, lname, address, phone number, etc. etc.).

I need two other things on this form: one button that will save or modify whatever current record is currently pulled up, and one button that will start the process for entering a new client, so basically it would blank out all of the fields and fill the Client ID field with the current number +1.

As of right now I have the form made and the combo box works, in that I have 3 dummy clients in the tblClients and when I select each client from the combo box it will populate the fields on the form with the info. I'm using some simple VBA on the combo box such as

Me.FirstName = Me.cboBox.Column(1)

and that seems to all work, but the problem is trying to save/modify data to tblClients. The only record in the actual table that gets modified seems to be the first record. For example, if I pull up client with ID #3 and change his address or phone number, what happens when I click to save the changes it takes client ID #3 record, overrides it with client ID #1, and then client ID #3 is the same as client ID #1 except with the old information. I'm not quite sure why this is happening.

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Forms :: Editing A Record - Combo Boxes Do Not Populate?

May 30, 2013

I have a data entry form that is also used for editing exsisting records, upon the opening of a record the form populates with all the data of the record apart from what is previously selected in combo boxes, so I need to find a way to re-populate those comboboxes?

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Forms :: Double Click Event - Form Showing 1st Record Instead Of Selected Record

May 8, 2014

I am new to access and I recently encountered a double click issue

My form loads perfectly on double click event but it shows the first record instead of selected record.

My search is based on a PersonID but each PersonID has different WorkID that I wish to display on double click but it always shows the first WorkID instead of my selected record

I have tried changing the filters in the form properties but it still doesn't work for me.

Here's my code:

Private Sub SearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "WorkForm", , , "[PersonID]=" & Me.[Searchresults], , acNormal
End Sub

[Searchresults] draws information from my Query

Query information:

PersonID... WorkID... Type......Location
1234..........1............Paint .....Address A
1234..........2............Electric...Address B
1234..........3............Floor..... Address C

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Forms :: Click Record In Listbox And Combobox Jumps To Same Record?

Aug 25, 2014

I have been looking for days on the net for my listbox problem. It is there and found a few, even on this forum. but when i try the solutions mentioned i am in a total loss and do not know what to change to make it work for me.

I have a form named A/B Retriever with a record source qry input AB Bins Than i have a unbound combobox with row source qry input AB Bins. This populates 8 textboxes with B through I carton boxes, stored in a bin. The user selects a Bin location from the combobox and can put a "x" in a textbox to illustrate that the box is empty. This works perfect.

Underneath the input bin and box part i have 8 listboxes that shows a query that has counted the empty boxes with the corresponding bin location. this also works. but the question from users where, If i click on a, lets say empty B-box at Bin location 12A20, they want the combobox automatically focus on the combobox with the corresponding Bin location. This is a quick way for them to delete a empty box (remove the X).

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Goto Last Record

Jul 19, 2005

:confused: Have not worked with access for a long time am trying to update an oldie.
Main form has a sub form. With each new service to customer I select next on the sub forms navigation button. 1 customer might have 6 records on his sub form and another might only have 2.

Problem is that when viewing reports of these visits I need to work on the last service record whereas my sub form always opens to the first record and this is the date read in the reports.

I know it isn’t difficult but I have spent hours on it without success
How can I get the databases to open with all sub forms at last entered record?
Can anyone help ?

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Goto Specific Record In Recordset

Jan 30, 2006

I am trying to go to a specific record in a recordset (on a form).

In the past I as using the typical open the form and use the filter to go to the specific record:

strLinkCriteria = "Where ID = 5"

Docmd.openform "frmName", , strLinkCriteria

This takes me to the correct record, but filters the form down to that one specific record. The users instead would like to go to the specific record, but be able to see all the other records for the form correctly.

Is there anyway to do this?

Thank you,


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Requery Form And Goto Its Current Record

Apr 19, 2006

I'm requerying a form after an update.

I would like to have the form to be set to its current record when being requeried. How can I easily achieve this?
I've seen things about recordsets, I'm working with ADP (based on SQL Server) and don't know or all DAO events will help me.

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Goto Record And Refesh Combo Box Problem

Jun 5, 2006

OK, I have a couple problems.

I've done this before but I lost the code (and I've been away from DB for a while so I'm very rusty)

I have a form with many records, and in the header of the form, I have a combo box based on the PrimaryKey of the form. I want to select the record from the Combo box and have the form jump to that record.

Two, while actively entering new records into the form, I need the combo box to update to include all entries.

(FYI I am working in Access 2000)


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Modules & VBA :: Goto Record Without Filtering Results

Dec 5, 2013

Is there a way to search for a term within a form and goto a record that matches that term assuming there was only one matching result (Unique ID, for example).

But NOT filter the results so that user can still navigate as usual after the search has been carried out.

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