Forms :: Hiding And Moving Controls

Nov 6, 2013

I have created a form with some boxes on it which include in their body textboxes and labels and combos. I would like to know if it is possible (or if a control exist) to group this items which are inside the box and with a simple box.visible = false to make them all non visible without tagging them or adding code with their names statically to make them non visible. Any link that shows how to move controls in the form in runtime?

I would like to hide some controls and make smaller the form and if user selects a checkbox to show these controls that exist inside a box and grow the form.

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Forms :: Moving A Group Of Objects When Hiding Others?

Sep 16, 2013

I am building a form where I would like to group fields into 3 groups, A, B & C. I know I could put all groups on their own subforms but I'd like to see if there is a way to simplify it all on one form since there aren't much fields for each group.

I would also like to hide each group when the user clicks 'hide group A' and shift Group B & C up. Then move them back to their original position when 'Display Group A' is clicked.

Same for each group. If Group B - Hide is clicked, Group C is moved up.

I've got each group tagged appropriately and I can hide/display them all properly by a For Each Control loop. Now, how to I move them all up/down a specific amount in addition to that? I would think it would be just as easy but my objects are moving by using the Grid Y property

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Forms :: Hiding / Unhiding Tab Controls Based On Combo Box Selection

Oct 16, 2013

I have frmIncident that has a 2-column combo box (cmbIncidentType). Column (0) is IncidentType, Column (1) is YES/NO. This combo box feeds from a Query and currently has about 15 "types" of which 4 have a "Yes" tied to them, then rest "No".There are situated on a TabControl (tabIncident) with 5 sheet tabs. If the Incident Type selected in the Combo Box has a corresponding "Yes" in Column (1) then all 5 sheet tabs need to be visible. If it is "No", then only three of the five are visible. Here it he current code I am using for the AfterUpdate event on the combo box:

Private Sub cmbIncidentType1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.cmbIncidentType1.Column(1) = "Yes" Then
pgEmerIncidentRpt.visible = True
pgNarrClose.visible = True


When I open the form is will set the proper sheet tabs that need to be visible, however once I cycle to the next record, or select a different Incident Type, even one with a "YES' in column (1), it will only show the (3) sheet tabs. I can never get it to show all 5.

In the code, the only (2) sheet tabs that need to visible = true or visible = false are shown, starting with "pg".

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Forms :: Moving Controls In Design View

Jul 19, 2013

I created a form through the form wizard in access 2007 and based it off fields in a table. the form is done but if I want to move the controls in the design view... I dont have the ability to move just one. I can either move all of them or none of them. Is there a way to change that?

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Hiding Controls

Jan 22, 2005

I know this was mentioned and dealt with in another post, but I can't seem to find it.
Basically, I have a couple of text boxes that I would like to hide, unless told to be visible by a command button.

I'm trying to do this to save space on the form.

Someone a while back had mentioned setting the height of the control to zero and also setting the control to canGrow.
I tried this on a particular field and it didn't seem to work.

Any ideas would be a total help. Thanks all.

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Hiding Controls Dependant On User

Sep 15, 2005

Is it possible to hide text boxes/controls on forms dependant on the user ? I have a had a (quick) look at access security and it appears that it just enables read/write access to objects not controls on the objects.

Many Thanks in anticipation

Dave Smith

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Tabs, Moving Controls

Oct 28, 2005

I have a form that is growing with too many controls, so I want to
make a tabbed form and select and drag controls onto their own
tabs to make things more organized.
BUT, as I do the copy and paste thing, it doesn't copy the command
behind the buttons?

So far it looks like I'd have to recreate each control button directly
on the tab pages themselves?

Thanks in advance,

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Moving Controls In Design View?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a label and a text box that are apparently "linked" (I move one, and the other moves). For the moment, I want to move them independently so...

1) how do I "unlink?"

2) how do I "re-link?"

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Hiding Forms

May 15, 2006

Having trouble getting the code right to hide and unhide forms.

I have a main menu from which users can open other forms. When another form is opened, I want the Main Menu to be hidden, so it doesn't appear in the task bar.

For example, from the Main Menu
Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "Review frm", acNormal

However, from Review frm, I can't get the Main Menu to be visible again. I've tried
Forms!Main_Menu.Visible = True
but it says it doesn't exist. (Note the name of the form, Main Menu, has spaces, which is why it has the underscore between the two words. Don't know if this is relevant or not.)

Could someone tell me what's wrong with the code?

Thank you.

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Forms :: Subform Is Not Hiding

Dec 8, 2014

I cant get my subform to hide. Main form is called 'frm_main_add' and the subform is called 'tbl_transaction_subform'.I am rying to get it to hide the subform (tbl_transaction_subform) if a field in the main form(frm_main_add) is null but its doing nothing.....

I put this code in the 'on current' and 'on load' in the frm_main_add and nothing..If (Expense_Name = Null) Then tbl_transaction_subform.Visible = False Else tbl_transaction_subform.Visible = True

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Forms :: Hiding 2nd Tab On The Form?

Jul 14, 2014

I want to password protect the second tab control page, so I'm using this code :

Private Sub TabCtl0_Change() Dim strInput As String
Dim ctl As Control ' Hide controls on tab until correct password is entered F
or Each ctl In Controls If ctl.Tag = "*" Then
ctl.Visible = False End If

[Code] .....

then to hide the controls in the first place, we do this using the Tag Property, and in the OnCurrent event of the form:

Private Sub Form_Current() 'Hide controls tagged with "*" until password entered.
Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Controls If ctl.Tag = "*" Then ctl.Visible = False End If Next ctl End Sub

The password request and events works fine but when prompting for the password it still shows the second page items and info. so basically it is not hiding the tab.. How do I fix this

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Reports With Sub Forms Hiding Labels.

Dec 17, 2004


I have a command button that opens a report. The report has many subforms in it. I am sending open args which existingstewardship. I want one of the labels of the labels to be visible if the me.openargs = "existingstewardship". the code is not working. I have tried to debug when I do this I have found the open args are null and I am wondering if the open args are null is this because they were sent to the main report from the command button and the subforms in the main report do not get passed the open args.

Does anyone have any idea ? how I could make the box visible or not visible in subreport from the command button. The other option I have would be two different reports. Thanks PWF

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Forms :: Hiding Parts Of A Form Or Making Them Greyed Out?

May 15, 2014

hiding parts of a form if a option button is selected. There are two option buttons and two parts to the form. I would like each part of the form greyed out or made invisible depending on which radio option button is selected.

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Forms :: Hiding Certain Fields Based On Number Amount

Jun 13, 2013

I search around online and did come across much info on code to how to hide fields. But, the problem is I cant seem to find a way to hide a certain amount of fields based on a number amount.

example: Lets say I have a 12 text fields to show 12 months of monthly payments, and lets say a client only has a 3 payment term. How can I list 3 under installment field and have remaining 9 fields auto hide since they wont be necessary? this way I only see what applies and not additional text fields.

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Forms :: Hiding Field Depending On Selection Of Combo Box

Jan 28, 2014

I have a form which has a combobox where the user selects a record from another table,I want to hide the forms fields [managercontact] and [managertelno] depending on the value of the combobox (manager) from the table details, but its not the value shown in the combobox its the value of another field [type] from the same table called details. Its one of two values being 'conc' or 'ob'.

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Forms :: Hiding Ribbon In Access 2007 - Variable Not Found Error

Apr 2, 2013

Code : DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo

Should hide the ribbon. Instead I get a 'Variable Not Found' error.

This should be simple.

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Forms :: Hiding Columns On Subform Based On Multi-Value Lookup Field

Aug 7, 2013

I want to use VBA to hide columns in a subform based on what is checked in a multi value look up field.

I am creating this DB for use with sharepoint as a web database, which is why I am using the lookup field to begin with. There will be a client DB to use with some VBA code

So what I have is a lookup field with tests "Test 1, Test 2, etc" on form sample.

There is a subform called results, and I want to hide certain columns based on what tests are performed.

I tried using an If Then statement (code is being run on subform load)

If Me.Parent.fieldTest = "Test 1" Then
Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = False
Else Me.Test1Col.ColumnHidden = True

That is basically the code I was trying to use. I am getting an error 13, which I assume is because fieldTest can not = something since it is a multi value look up field.

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Forms :: Navigation Forms - Moving Between Tabs

Aug 21, 2013

I have set up my main data entry form as a navigation form with 5 tabs/pages. The first three all contain fields from my main data table, the other 2 tabs/pages have fields from related tables.

Ok, so my question is: is if there is a way to go from tab/page 1 through the other 4 in succession with the main primary key (in this case an object ID number) automatically populated through. As it is now, when I start a new record for an object on tab/page 1, and then go to the next tab/page, it registers a new record has been created (at the bottom of the form it updates the total amount of records entered), but I have to manually enter in the ID field at the top the object ID number that I am entering info for. Otherwise it is still showing the details associated with the last record I was in the form updating.

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Slow Moving Forms

May 11, 2006

If anyone can shed some light on my slow moving forms. The BE is on a server and FE is on users PC. When I use the DB it seems to go through the form at about 4 sec a form or instant if it is menu form. Everyone else seems to move a lot (slower 30 -60sec/form) when it pulls forms with info to be entered or retrieved.

I know this is vague but anything to suggest as to what is causing the problem.

I say it is the network/server the BE is on.

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Forms :: Moving From One Subform To Another

Aug 28, 2013

I have two subforms on a main form. When I move out of the last control of the first subform, I use the following code to move to the first control of the second subform:

Forms!frmFMVisit!frmSubFamilyEthnicDetails.SetFocu s

This is giving me problems in that it appears that moving out of the control in this way seems to be creating a record in the table on which the first subform is based.I get the following message: 'Cannot the value 'NULL' into column 'DoB'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.'Is there a way to navigate between subforms without this happening?

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Forms :: Access 2010 / Showing / Hiding Fields Based On Previous Entry?

Mar 26, 2014

I am using Microsoft Access 2010.

I have a form, having following fields

Nationality, Combo box, Options are Indian/foreign State: With list of States in India.

What I want is, when data entry operator , select, Foreign, State field automatically hides.

And when data entry operator , select Indian, State field shows in the form.

How this can be done in Access 2010

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Moving Through Records And Updating Sub Forms

Jan 23, 2006

hi all,

I have this database I'm working on and have a couple of issues I can't work out.

The first is this, I want to have my sub forms go to the last record when moving through the main form, currently I can only get this to work when I open the form?

If I move through the records in my main form (forward and backwards), the two sub forms go to the first record only, so how can I get them to go to the last recor?

I've attached the DB to show you what I mean.
Thanks in advance

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Moving Focus/control On Sub Forms

Feb 16, 2006

I have a parent form called "frm_job_enter"

and two sub-forms called "frm_fabricator" & "frm_engineer"

On the sub form "frm_fabricator" I have a combo box and after updating this combo box (called fabricator) I would like the cursor to jump into a field called “ApllicationsEng” on the other sub form "frm_engineer"

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

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Forms :: Moving Items From One List Box To Another

Jul 16, 2015

I have a form where there are 2 list boxes: Part_List and acbPartList. acbPartList has multiselect enabled and what I want to do is be able to select multipler records in that list box and then press a button to add those selected records into the other list box. Here is my code for my button:

Private Sub addItemButton_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
With Me.acbPartList_Existing
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
Me.Part_List.AddItem (varItem)
End With
End Sub

I'm not sure if passing varItem is correct, but regardless, it isn't working because Part_List is based off of a query, its not a value list.

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Forms :: Moving Fields One At A Time

Jun 26, 2013

I'm creating a form, and all the fields moved together. How do you unlock the field so you can move each one individually. I don't need them in columns as they are, nor the same size.

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Forms :: Data Moving Around On Subform

May 8, 2015

I have a form on my database called frmFloorRun in which a user inputs a line number on the main form, and then in the subform they enter what will be running on that line for that given day.

Everything seems to work beautifully except that when a user clicks on a line other than line 1 and clicks the refresh button, the first item scheduled to run on line 1 will move to whatever line the user is currently on.

To replicate this issue: simply open the database (i have slimmed it down so that only the floor run portion is included).

Open the form [frmFloorRun] observe the first line item on line 1 (that should be what the form opens to by default).

Now click on any other line by selecting it from the dropdown (yes I realize it is a combo box, but even when I remove that combo box and enter a line number manually, the issue persists).

After selecting another line, click refresh and that first line item from line 1 will move to whatever line you have selected. This is a huge issue for our company.

Also, I have included the report that is based on this form. It simply proves that the line item does not just move on the form - it moves in the report too.

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