Forms :: How To Call A Function From A Variable

Apr 5, 2014

I have the following in Form and it works OK

Call RunForm("frmProviderLookup", "", "Edit", "", "", "Normal", "Normal")

I want to build a combo box with several different RunForm variations as follows:

RunForm("frmProviderLookup", "", "Edit", "", "", "Normal", "Normal")
RunForm("frmCustomerLookup", "", "Edit", "", "", "Normal", "Normal")
RunForm("frmVendorLookup", "", "Edit", "", "", "Normal", "Normal")
etc, there are many of these

When I select one the variations from the combo box the RunForm statement is stored in strAction varaible..How do I code the Call strAction line? (I want only one call statement).In other words how to call a Function from a variable...The start of my module Function works OK and looks like this:

Public Function RunForm(FormName As String, _
Optional WhereCondition As String = "", _
Optional xMode As String = "", _
Optional filterName As String = "", _
Optional Args As String = "", _
Optional WindowMode As String = "", _
Optional View As String = "")

' Parameters (all optional except parameter 1)
' 1 - Form Name
' 2 - Where condition
' 3 - Mode [Add, Edit, View(Read Only), ""(PropertySettings), DS(Datasheet Edit)]
' 4 - Filter Name
' 5 - Opening Arguments
' 6 - Window Mode
' 7 - Form View

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Modules & VBA :: Static Shell Function Call Works But Dynamic Call Fails

Sep 4, 2013

I'm having to recode some old MS Access DBs so they will run in the following environments:

Office 2000 on WinXP
Office 2003 on WinXP
Office 2010 on WinXP
Office 2000 on Win7
Office 2003 on Win7
Office 2010 on Win7

When I wrote my code for Office 2000 on WinXP things were simple because directory paths were the same across all computers and I could hard code pathing when using a shell command to launch other files.

My new approach is to make a function call to the Windows registry to determine the default executable and path for opening a file based upon its extension (see apicFindExecutable in basWindows API module).

I'm able to use code to create a shell call and debug print it to the immediate window. If I put my cursor in the immediate window at the end of the shell call and hit [enter] the external file will open as desired. If I try to open the external file directly through code, I get a file not found error.

To recreate the error take the following steps:

(1) browse to files that are accessible from your computer

Shell function call is made by the fnOpenFile function located in the basOpenFile module. There has to be a trick here that I'm missing.

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How Do I Call This Function?

May 3, 2007

I did some searching and found this function posted by someone in response to the exact same problem I'm now encountering.

But how do I call this in my query?

Function StripZeros(pstr As String) As String
Dim n As Integer

n = 1
Do While Mid(pstr, n, 1) = "0"
n = n + 1
n = IIf(n > 1, n, 1)
StripZeros = Mid(pstr, n)

End Function

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Function Call From Qry - What If Null???

Dec 1, 2005

Hi all!

I have a query that returns some fields with "#Error" ...

The reason is that I call a function in the query, and the function chokes if there are no matches in my query criteria and therefore no argument is sent to the function.

I tried putting this in the function:
var = Iif(IsNull(var) = True, 0, var)
-but I still get "#Error" when there are no matching records.

I presume this is because not even Null is given to the function as an arg.
Should I make the arg optional or how can I solve this??

Thanks :)

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Call A Function In Excel

Oct 29, 2004

I have linked an excel workbook as different tables in Access.
The workbook contains a Microsoft Query. I have now found out how I can open and edit the workbook from access, how can I Update/refresh the MSQuery before I close it?

Here is what I have:
Private Sub cmdTest1_Click()
Dim MyXL As Object
Set MyXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set MyXLSheet = GetObject("c: est.xls")
MyXL.Application.Visible = True
MyXLSheet.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
MyXL.Application.Cells(1, 1).Value = Now()
MyXLSheet.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set MyXL = Nothing

End Sub


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Using A List Box To Call VBA Function Or Macro

Feb 23, 2007

Following on from that thread, I would really like to tidy up other areas of my front end. I am using the idea that Roy suggested and it works very well.

At the moment, I have a form, that has buttons on it that people click when they want to generate specific sheets from excel using data from access using VBA on the form. These work fine, however, now that the database is going live and all features need to be added, I think it would be nice to have one small form, with a list box.

I have converted a copy of the code on the form and placed in a module by declaring then functions instead of private subs.

At this stage, I tried doing it with macros running the code by using a series of runcode. I then created a table that has the macro name stored in it along with a decriptive bit of text detailing the excel chart that gets produced to make it easy for the user.

The list box populates itself correctly, but the problem I am having is I do not know how to make the 'go' button look at the list box, pull the hidden macro/function name from the list, then go and run the macro/function.

I have tried looking about, but have not found anyhthing.

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Criteria Is Passed By Function Call

Aug 10, 2007

Dear Access Query Expert

I have created a query which has a function call as the criteria for one of the numerical fields. The function returns a string expression such as .....

1) 132 OR 142 OR 156
2) 132 OR 142
3) 132

..... into the criteria section of the numerical field.

Unfortunately, the query doesn't work if the criteria is generated by the function call. However, if I hardcode the criteria (don't send a function call but directly write 132 OR 142 OR 156) the query works.

I am puzzled and I am not sure how to solve this problem.

Thank you so much.

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Call A Function From A Field On A Form

Aug 8, 2006

Is it possible to call a function from a field on a form, ie, in the
control source put = FunctionName(abc)? Then I want to concantenate
it to another variable so it would look like:

=FunctionName(abc) & TextVariable

I tried this and got the ?Name on the form, like it couldn't find the field
name, which is really a function I'm calling.

Is this possible and if so, what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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How To Call A Written Function That Are In DLL File In A Form?

Jan 16, 2007

With the script in the form that is part of MS-Access. I wonder how do I access/call the written function that are in the DLL file I made. I appreciate your help on this one...

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Queries :: Call A Function Via Control Element In SQL

Jul 18, 2014

is it possible to call a function in a query with the input of a control element?

I have a form, and there is a list box in which I can choose the calculate method. In the query, a field should calculated with the choosen function.


Code : SELECT tblTest.price, tblTest.Date, forms![formtest]![lstChosenFunction](tblTest.price, 5) As Calc

The function has the same name as I can choose in the listbox. But, if I run the query a error appears.

Code : "Function forms![formtest]![lstChosenFunction] could not be found"

how I can call a function in SQL with the input of an listbox.

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Call Windows Search Function Into Access?

Nov 3, 2014

I need a search function that will not just open files based on their names but also drill into the documents and search based on what's in it. The only way I can see now is to use the Window's search function (the one at the start button). Is it possible to call that function into access?how do I re-create the search style of the windows search bar for a specific folder? Something like streamreader

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Modules & VBA :: Call A Preimport Function Whenever Transfer-spreadsheet Is Called?

Oct 16, 2014

I know its not possible. But Just wanted to confirm. Not at all possible?


Function PreImport(BookToImport As Workbook)
For Each cell In BookToImport.Sheets(1).Rows(1).Cells
cell.Value = Trim(cell.Value)
Next cell
BookToImport.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Rows(1).Replace ".", "_"
End Function

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Modules & VBA :: Using Shell Function To Dynamically Call Different Pdfs That Are In A Directory?

Aug 13, 2013

I'm looking to use the shell function to dynamically call different pdfs that are in a directory. However I'm getting run time error 5 "Invalid procedure or call argument".

Here is the code (very basic I know)..

Private Sub Liste_Documentation_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim PathName As String
PathName = Me.Liste_Documentation.Column(2)
' Debug.Print PathName
Shell PathName
End Sub

A typical filepath name is as follows..

S:VenteVendeursMarcCRMDOCSDiligences KYC - LABFT - V 2013 04 23.pdf

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General :: Loop Function With Variable

Jun 4, 2015

I want to make a loop like this:

Dim var1 As Variant, var2 As Variant, var3 As Variant, var4 As Variant
DIm var5 As Variant, var6 As Variant, var7 As Variant, var8 As Variant
Dim var9 As Variant, var10 As Variant
Dim i1 As Long
i1 = 1
Do Until i1 > 10
var & i1 ??? = "0" & i1 & "." & txt1 & "." & txt2
i1 = i1 + 1

How to make concatenate var + i1 to make loop function?

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Modules & VBA :: Variable Value Not Getting Stored In Function

Sep 8, 2014

I defined a public variable and then for being able to filter a query results, assigned it to a public function. The problem is that function doesn't get the variable's value.

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Modules & VBA :: Function - Can A String Be Optional Variable?

Aug 26, 2014

I am amending some Code I found online for an audit table, I need to store additional information in the table that is associated with some forms but not others.

I have researched about putting optional variables in, but I read this only works with the type VARIANT.

Is there a way to make a string optional as my fields contain text?

here is my code so far:

Sub AuditChanges(IDField As String, UserAction As String, Optional UserID As String, Optional DeviceID As String, Optional SimID As String)
On Error GoTo AuditChanges_Err
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim datTimeCheck As Date


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Modules & VBA :: Send Function Variable Back To Form

Apr 30, 2014

I have some code in a form that calls for a public function and passes on some values. the function makes some calculations and assigns a value to the variable "percent" in the function itself.

How can I get the value of this variable back in the form so I can use it?


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Table As String, TotalFields As Single
Table = "tblAdmission"


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Modules & VBA :: Public Type (variable) For Function To Return More Than One Value

Sep 23, 2014

Question for Documentation purpose: Should the Public Type be declared in its own module?

Or should it be declared in a standard module where non-public functions use it? It is not for a Form module use.

For a Rule Engine, a function is calling one record on 4 different SQL Views (as linked tables) that have the same field format.

For speed, the recordset should only be opened once. However, there are multiple values that must be returned to the result table multiple fields.

One way to return multiple values is an Array. That has over head too.

Another way is to create multiple public variables. Not my choice for documentation. Another is to create a string.

This is a pure code module with several non public functions / subs. What is the documentation preference? List a Public Type close to the function, or place it in the Global module?

Background: A function can only have one return value.

By creating a public Type, multiple values can be returned.

Public Type Income
Wages As Currency
Dividends As Currency
Other As Currency
Total As Currency
End Type

Use this structure as the return type for a function. In a real situation, the function would look up your database tables to get the values, but the return values would be assigned like this:

Function GetIncome() As Income
GetIncome.Wages = 950
GetIncome.Dividends = 570
GetIncome.Other = 52
GetIncome.Total = GetIncome.Wages + GetIncome.Dividends + GetIncome.Other
End Function

To use the function, you could type into the Immediate Window:


(Note: the use of "Public" in the Type declaration gives it sufficient scope.)

Important Notice The way this function is called will work, but is wrong from the aspect it re-calls the recordset over and over.

See the proper way to use it submitted below.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Public Function To Feed A Variable String To Query

Feb 26, 2014

I am using a public function to feed a variable string to a query. So far I have got:

Public Function ClientStreetModule(firstLVar As Variant, streetVar As Variant, newFL As Variant) As String
Dim cslStr1 As String, newStreet As String
newStreet = Right(streetVar, Len(streetVar) - Len(newFL))


However, I only need to use newStreet as the true part of iif, in which instance all are longer. At least I think this is the problem. I realise I might need to use NZ but am not sure how. Why it is evaluating and giving errors for all records and not just when the iif criteria is true as I want it to?

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Call VBA Module

Nov 4, 2014

I have three forms - Form1,Form2 and Form3 linked to a navigation form with Navigation buttons. I have separate VBA codes under each Before update event of these forms, Form1,Form2 and Form3 to call a VBA module to track the changes performed by the users(Like an Audit Trail) in specified fields of the forms which will track them to a table.there are control tags in the form properties --> others --> Tag to track the changes in the fields which are defined in the VBA Module.this is the code to call the VBA Module:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.NewRecord Then
Call AuditChanges("UniqueID", "Part No", "NEW")
Call AuditChanges("UniqueID", "Part No", "EDIT")
End If
End Sub


The code is working perfect when the forms are run separately.but when they are run from the navigation form by clicking the navigation buttons, the code is not working !!

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Forms :: Drop Down Box In A Form To Call A Query

Mar 14, 2013

I want to track which user has which phone and track issues with them.

I have all the relationships set up right.

I have tables:

DeviceStatus - for the drop down box, contains IT Stock, Faulty, With User and Retired
DeviceTypes - Contains model numbers for devices
Assets - Contains a link to DeviceTypes, a link to DeviceStatus and the serial number of a phone.

I have a query:

StockStatus - shows Assets.ID, DeviceStatus.Status, DeviceTypes.description and Assets.SerialNumber

What I want as an end result is a form with a drop down box that shows DeviceStatus.Status (which I have working at the moment) with a go button next to it which will call the query that only shows what was selected in that drop down box.

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Forms :: User Alerts For Call Log Database

Mar 12, 2013

I have a call log database that is used to log calls (Obviously), i have several users over a network and everything works great, but i have been asked to create an alert function that notifies the user when a new call is logged assigned to them by a different user, similar to outlook when a new email is received.

I was planning on having a timer even which checks for new calls every few mins or so and opens up a form to display the new calls which have not been dealt with i thought it was gonna be simple but i have come across a few problems.

1. verifying if a new call has been logged
2. displaying only new calls
3. only displaying alert once per new call

I have attached the database but have had to remove all information from the tables for security reasons.

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Forms :: SUM Function Produces Error From Calculated Function

Jan 30, 2014

I have a project at hand and it's been a predecessor of mine and client has asked me to do some work on it and extend functionality - but I have not really delved into Access before and I have had to worked my way through to this final snag :/

The Main Form has one sub form. This sub form allows the user to add multiple order items i.e. qty, stock, description from records within the system - fairly straight forward.At the last column of each row is the sub total of those particular items i.e.

Qty Unit | Item ID | Total
2 | 1234 | 80.00
1 | 43526 | 20.00
> | |

So the total is a function of =[Qty Unit] * [Unit Price].Then in the Footer of this SubForm is the Sub Total

=SUM([Qty Unit] * [Unit Price])

All fine and well..... However, the additional functionality kicks in.

Lets add the additional customer_id from the Main Form. Each Item bought is dependent on the customer_id i.e. they get special prices depending on who they are.So a New table is made which has the Item ID and SpecialPriceID (of a table to define as a specialPrice) and the Price linked to this Item and Special Price category. So say that there are two groups of users "wholesale" and "nonwholesale" these would be SP_1 and SP_2 and each client is defined either one of these, and each stock item has a Price for each SP_1 and SP_2. Hopefully I've explained myself there.

Back to the SubForm. So now the Total needs to calculated differently with needed the external customer_id from the Main Form.


Function CalculateSpecialPrice(ItemID As String, CustomerID As String, Unit As Integer)
Dim SPSelect As String
SPSelect = "SELECT Price FROM [Items_SpecialPrices] WHERE"
SPSelect = SPSelect & " ItemID = '" & ItemID
SPSelect = SPSelect & "' AND SpecialPriceID = (SELECT SpecialPriceID FROM Customers WHERE customer_id = " & CustomerID & ") "


its the sub total I just keep on getting #Error on. I have even watched (using alerts) that the correct return variable is the same as the individual rows. This is the equation I used for the SubTotal within the footer.

=SUM(CalculateSpecialPrice([Item ID], [Form]![FormName]![CustomerID], [Qty Unit]))

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Forms :: Call Image On Demand To A Specific Record

Nov 14, 2014

I have a lost/found property database form (soft-copy), it works perfectly fine. We enter the details of the found property and then take the print (hard-copy) of the form. Whenever an owner comes to claim his/her item we search through our soft-copy for the specific item/record and then ask them to sign on the relevant hard-copy record after which we cross out the hard-copy and write with a permanent marker "Restored". Whereas in the soft-copy we type in the details that it has been claimed/restored in available text fields.

However, is there anyway that I can display a big large banner saying "restored" in front of only that record(s) where item(s) has been restored to the owner. It doesn't have to be a text banner/label, it could also be a picture saying "Restored". I have manage to get a print message box set-up for this but it's too annoying. Every time we pull out an item's record that has been restored, that message box comes up and then we have to click OK to proceed. I can remove it but only if can find a replacement.

See attachment ....

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Reports :: Subform Field Linker Error - Obj Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating a 2 level report to confirm an order. Main report already created, runs successfully called as subform/subreport under "OrderDetails" form. Linked to master using Order.ID. There are two versions of the confirmation report that have different layouts for different program types.

The hangup comes when I try to add a "Class Dates" subreport. It lists dates of individual classes and Skip dates. I have created the subreport as "srClassDates". When I add it to the main report, it lists the records. However, when I try to link it to the Main report, an error message box appears with the "object variable or With block variable not set".

I have tried rebuilding both the main and subreports, rebuilt the query, have not found anything that changes the result.

Linker has been working successfully on other subforms. Report with groupings works fine, but I need data from 2 tables both linked to

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Modules & VBA :: Error 91 - Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jul 8, 2013

Error 91 - Object variable or With block variable not set

I am getting this error telling me that an object variable is not set.

I know which variable it is but when I step through the debugger it sets the variable and all is fine? Issue is that public variable of a class is not getting set when the VBA Editor is not open?

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