Forms :: How To Show Picture In A Form

Jul 9, 2013

Now I Making A FORM..... The detail i want is NEED INSERT PICTURE and DISPLAY picture in a box...

How to display a picture when i insert it? or other solutions to show a picture in the form after i attend / insert.

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Forms :: Show Picture When Hovering Over Product Name In Order Form

Mar 11, 2014

I'm creating a database for a flower shop for training purpose. I have a main form with a sub form that has the orders in it. when placing a new order for a client and selecting the product from the combo box, it would be great if the product could show up to the right in the form.

I have no clue if this is possible and how to get it working. I have included the database as an attachment, which way to follow. I remember that I could do this on a web page, but a web page is not the same as a database.

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Getting A Picture To Show Up In Record

Aug 27, 2011

I am new to access database . I am trying to create a database for my stamp collection. I have created a table and no I want to have a picture of the stamp show in a report. I followed the instructions about creating a field that will be OLE object aware. But when I insert the path to the photo nothing comes up in the photo space. except the name of the path. I tried .gif .jpg .tif files none work.

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CheckBox.check = Show Picture

Oct 31, 2006

Hello I'm at a loss on how to get this to work.

I have a check box and I want it to show a picture if it is checked and hide the
picture if it not checked.
I dont know where to put it either, do I put it in the form load procedure or in
the checkbox procedure?
Basically I want the user to check the box if it is needed and when they open
it later they will see the checked box and the picture.

Here is what I am messing with.

If checkBox.?????? = ? Then
imgPicture.visible = True
imgPicture = False
End if

I cant figure out how to do this.

I'm using Access 2002

Thanks for the help.

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Is There A Way To Let An OLE Picture Field Show A Link To For Example P:PicturesTes

Jun 27, 2007

In my table I have Picture (OLE) and Link_String (Text)
On my Form I have the OLE field and the text field.

In the text field I would like to put in a reference to a file on my computer (example: P:PicturesTest.jpg) and the picture OLE field should then show the linked to picture.

Is there a way to code this?


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Forms :: Picture In Form View Never Scrolls

May 19, 2014

The form is specifically made to be wider than the screen, so that there is a scroll bar at the bottom. I have an embedded picture for the background which is intended to be the size of the form, meaning that the picture is also wide.

In Design view, I can see that the background picture fits the form perfectly, which is what I want to see in Form View.

In Form view, though, the picture is squished to fit the screen. The only time it doesn't do that is if I set the Picture Size Mode to Clip, but then it only shows a portion of it, and when I scroll horizontally, the background picture doesn't scroll with it.

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Reports :: How To Show Picture On Report If Control Is True

May 28, 2014

I have a report called "orders" and on this is records for orders of the day inputted.

On this report I have a control called "urgent" and a picture called "UrgentPicture" with the picture set to visible.false?

If any of the controls for Urgent is True then this will show my image, but this is not happening?

I am using this in the current event on the report

If Me.Urgent = True Then
Me.UrgentPicture.Visible = True
Me.UrgentPicture.Visible = False
End If

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Forms :: When Creating Form From Tables / Don't Have Picture Shown

Jan 31, 2015

When I have a simple table, users pictures inside maps (jpeg,png...) defined as OLE object, when creating the form from that tables, don't have picture shown, only name of the picture? I tried all the options, package, copy, paste... nothing...always the same... just picture name but no picture.

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Forms :: Changing Form Picture Based On Combobox Selection?

Jul 30, 2013

I would like to set up a picture in the form that changes based on a combobox selection, for example if you select from combo box list "design1", a picture that have a name : design1 will appear as a background to the form ..

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Forms :: Toggling Visibility Of Picture For Each Row In Form Detail Section

May 31, 2013

" Is it possible to toggle the visibility of a picture on a form's detail section for each row based on a query whether a certain condition is met? "

I have a form, which fetches data from a database and populates the content as a number of rows in the detail section.

For each row I want to test if a certain 'yes/no' condition is met on each query and the toggle the visibility on a picture that I have placed in the detail section.

I've tried seveal possible solutions now, like macros and VBA but haven't got it working.

Btw I'm using Access 2010

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Forms :: Combo Box With OLE Picture

Mar 29, 2013

I understand that their are several ways to work with pictures and comboboxes. Working with an OLE Picture is not prefered. But I only need to add 5 little signatures. Previous attempts, like trying to connect with my SharePoint site and our server didn't work. So I have only one option left which is to work with an OLE object. Because the pictures (signatures) are just arround 15kb, I think it will not influence my database a lot.

Because I only have about 2 weeks experience working with Access, I can't enable to show the signature (Picture in jpg or bmp) when a person is selected in a combobox. I compared the code with several other posts but all do it very differently. Signature is an OLE field. In this field for each inspector I paste his Signature.

In the form I'm trying to show his Signature via a combobox. But I can't find out how I have to make the connection between the Picture field and the table were the picture is stored. And this in combination with a combobox. Here is my code were I'm struggling with:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Inspector_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Inspector.Value
Case "Inspectors_Name"
Me.Signature.Picture = Me.Inspector.Column(2)


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Forms :: Picture Appear From A Text Box

Jun 27, 2014

How can i make a picture appear when I've entered data in a text box. I tried the code for a check box but it didn't work.

Me.Image190.Visible = Nz(Me.checkbox, False)

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Form With No Picture

Aug 29, 2005

I have a form which brings up another form like this

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmImage"

stLinkCriteria = "[ProductID]=" & "'" & Me![txtProductID] & "'"
Me.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , "SELECT ProductID, Description, Path FROM tblProducts WHERE " & stLinkCriteria & ";"

However, on the frmImage there is also an ImageControl that may or may
not have a picture. The name of the path and filename is stored in a field
in a table (not OLE).

I do not want the frmImage to open at all if no image can be found under the path and name specified. The file/picture name is exactly the same as the ProductID in the link criteria above.
Perhaps a message to say that no image was found.
At the moment the form opens up regardless.

By the way, the Me.Visible = False refers to the form that opens the
frmImage form, so will have to become True if no image found.


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Forms :: Picture Path - On Click Set Value To Field

Jul 18, 2013

I need a code to clean txt field for the picture path.

So a button on my frm must write the value

BEGINNERSGELUKdpsAdminFoto.jpg when I click on it. the field he need to write it in is in [tblLeerling] en the field name is [Fotopad]...

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Forms :: Changing Picture Color In Accordance With Value

Oct 10, 2013

Not sure if this is can be done: I have a picture and I want to change its color in accordance with values in another textBox. Is that possible? if Yes, then what would be the procedure and the codes?

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Forms :: Adding Profile Picture To Database

Nov 7, 2013

I am trying to add a profile picture to a dog database. The way I have it is that the picture is a file and gets renamed the dog_id, on the query for the form I have added the extra coloum

[code]ImageFile: "C:Gundog Training DatabasesProfilePictures" & [Dog_ID] & ".jpg"[code]

But the image isn't showing....

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Forms :: How To Display Picture In Object Frame

Mar 25, 2014

I want to know how to display picture in object frame in a form ?

I would like to select the data from a table ...

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Forms :: Having Name Show On Form After Logging In

Feb 27, 2015

I am trying to add the name of the employee show up in on the opening form after logging into the database. I am able to get the user right (Admin only), but not the name. In the Default Value in Properties, I have it set to =CurrentUser() and I have the Employee field in the Control Source to record current user.

How can I make this so it indicate the user logged in?

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Forms :: Records Won't Show In Form

Jun 3, 2014

Once I enter records in my form and move to a new record, they won't show up in the form. For some reason there are a few records showing in the form but not all. Unsure what has happened or what I need to do to get the records showing.

If I open a the form called frmhome, I can enter information search on hours completed and even enter new towns. The table that the information gets entered into is called Crisis_support_workers. If you open this table, you will see a lot of information that has been entered. However, if you open the form that is meant to put info into that table, there is only 7 records and most of them are blank records. The form where info is entered is called Crisis_support_workers v3.

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Picture On Tabulated Form

Jun 17, 2005

I was unable to find a satisfactory answer to this problem in the forum plz answer asap:
How can I add different pictures as background on different pages of a tabulated form such that each tab if clicked loads a new page with a different bkgrnd pic?
i m able to do this for entire forms but not each tabulated page portion
Please reply fast

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Combo Box /Sub Form /Picture

Dec 12, 2005

I was wondering if anyone could let me know how to do the following:

I have a form with a subform in it. I based the subform on a combo box that gets its info from a table seperate from the form(This works fine) when an item is selected from the combo box it retrieves the correct subform accordingly. I need to know if it is possible if when a selection is made from the combo box it could select the correct picture from the tab folder i have on the form aswell as the correct subform. The picture of my form I have attached may explain better than i can.

I appreciate any feedback whatsoever.

Thank you

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Importing Picture To Form

Feb 7, 2006

I have a form that is part of an auction application, and displays a picture of an item when the record is retrieved (OnCurrent event).
That works fine, but (presumably when the server is slow) I get a popup box informing me that it is "Importing Picture", often flashing too quickly to be read, let alone cancelled.
How can I turn this warning off?

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Importing Picture To Form

Feb 7, 2006

If this is a duplicate posting, my apologies - my machine's playing up.

I have a form that is part of an auction application, and displays a picture of an item when the record is retrieved (OnCurrent event).

That works fine, but (presumably when the server is slow) I get a popup box informing me that it is "Importing Picture", often flashing too quickly to be read, let alone cancelled.

How can I turn this warning off?

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Delete Picture From A Form

Aug 26, 2006

Hi, I have finally managed to create a button wich add a photo with the code below, what I need now is to create a button DELETE wich will remove the photo I have loaded !

Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
On Error GoTo err_cmdBrowse

Me![txtPicture] = GetOpenFile_CLT("C:Documents and SettingsMarcoDocumentiB MedCrew SchedulerPhotos", "Select the File")
Me![txtPicture] = LCase(Me![txtPicture])
Me!Picture.Picture = Me!txtPicture

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume exit_cmdBrowse

End Sub

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Form Picture Link BUG

Sep 13, 2006

Hi all,

I've got a little problem when users move through records on a form that has an image embedded the source of which changes for each record linked using a filename field and path in the database. The pictures are served across the network from another computer. Some of them are relatively large and take a second or so to load.

The problem comes when a user tries to browse too quickly through the records, when the pictures are importing a box appears advising the user, if the user clicks through too fast the box sticks and remains visible in the foreground right in the middle of the screen, it even remains when Access is exited. You have to end the process in Windows Task Manager in order to get it to disappear. I'm using Office XP with service pack 3, does anyone know of a fix for this bug

or if there's no fix

is there a way I could maybe delay each record by about 1 second to allow a picture to load as the user browses through using the record selectors at the bottom of the form?

Many thanks for any advise given.

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Adding Picture To Form

Aug 14, 2004

I am using MS XP Prof and MS Access 2003. I have built a database for my model car collection. I have tried to creat a form that I can insert a picture of each model per record( similar to the Employees form in the Northwind sample database. I have all the catagory fields and labels and character boxes working fine but I need to know what sort of catagory or box to enter in the design so that it will accept a picture from the files in Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album. I keep getting an "OLE server" error If I need to I do not know how to open and install the OLEserver or register it necessary.
I'm totally frustrated.
Thank you,

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