Forms :: How To Auto Populate Fields After Using 3 Drop Down Menus

Jul 24, 2014

I have made a database. I have gotten to the point where I use a form to get the information. I am trying to get the information to auto populate fields after using 3 drop menus. They are department name, shop and shift. All of the information comes out of tbl department name, tbl shop and tbl shift.

I also have a table with department name, shop, shift, line, employee total, shift leader total, ratio of shift leaders per line and total employees off. I am trying to figure out once use the 3 drop down how can I Auto populate the remaining fields. Also I am trying to figure out where and how to put in the code.

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Forms :: How To Populate Subform Fields When Drop Down Selected In Main Form

Mar 12, 2013

I have built a form that holds details of training records. What I want is when a drop down is selected in the main form, that it will populate some of the fields in the subform. I have this working at the moment, that for example, when a certain course is selected, that their modules will appear in the subform. Where my problem arises is that I have a relationship between two tables that I want to appear on the subform, so that details can be filled in on the subform against the list of modules that automatically appear.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Fields And Save Data To Table

Dec 16, 2013

In my UpdateForm I have 3 fields. PartNumber, Description and SerialNumber. I use 2 tables for these. My MainTable and PartsList Table.

In my PartsList table I have the list of PartNumber in Column (0) and Description in column (1).

In my MainTable I have 4 fields: TransactionID (autoNumber), PartNumber(text), Description(text) and SerialNumber (text).

Now, In my UpdateForm I want the user to just select the PartNumber with a combo box (that also show the "Description" (I created this using the combo box wizard)). But I want to auto populate the field in my "Description" text box every time the user will enter new record and will also update my MainTable with all the values they entered in my UpdateForm.

I tried this codes in the after update of PartNumber combo box (properties):

Description = Partnumber.Column(1)

I tried also:


both codes unsuccessful.

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Forms :: How To Auto Populate Fields Based On Payment Term And Amount

May 14, 2013

How can I auto populate fields based on a payment term & amount?

example: client has 9 monthly payment of $150 term due every 15th of the month. (I would like it to be able to max out at 30 months)

So what I want to do is populate 9 monthly fields with dates and $150 payments fields next to it. Now, the payment fields even after auto populate, must be flexible in the sense for me to add a different amount just in case client makes an over payment that month too. In, addition I would like a check mark box to auto populate along if possible based on the 9 month term, this way I can manually check TRUE when payment is received in office.

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Forms :: Auto-populate Current Date And Time When Other Fields Completed

Feb 24, 2015

I have a table called Neutron2015. I want the current date and time to complete when entries are made in two other fields. So I am looking for this date and time to populate in EXLStart when an entry is made in Processed By, and also the current date and time to appear in EXLEnd when an entry is made in Completed By with the bold word being the field names.

Is this possible, and how difficult is it?

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Select From Drop Down To Populate Three Fields In A Table?

Nov 6, 2012

I would like to be able to select a value from a drop-down and by doing so be able to populate three fields in a table.

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Tables :: Auto Fill Fields With Drop Down List

Nov 9, 2012

I have a Table named TBLBookings...on one of the fields I have a Lookup wizard thats linked to a Table named TBLVehicles which includes

Car Reg
Car Type

When I run the TBLBooking and click the drop down list it shows up

Car Reg
Car Type

but once the field is clicked all it shows in the records is the REG where in a form id like to see what vehicle it is location it possible to have extra fields in the form named Car Type and Location and once the registration is chosen it automatically fills in the correct details for them?

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Drop Down Menus

Oct 11, 2006

I can't figure out how to create drop menus in design view in a table. I put the option in the toolbar but its gray so I can't use the option. I have followed the wizard and its not working so I am doing something wrong!!

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Auto Populate Text Fields

Nov 15, 2004

I am trying to auto populate a text box when i click on the button to add a new record. This is the code for the addnewsequence button.

Private Sub addnewsequence_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_addnewsequence_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_addnewsequence_Click

End Sub

In this form is a text box called degree name that is link from the table degree. It autopopulates with the degree upon the sequence form first opening button clears the text box when i click add new sequence

any help greatly appreciated...
Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Populate Fields

Aug 17, 2015

In a form, I have a comboBox with 3 columns.I update the field and with this piece of code, I update two more fields based on this comboBox data/columns.

Me.EUR.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(2)
Me.USD.Value = Me.Combo37.Column(3)

I wonder if I can update fields which are not parts of a combo.For example, suppose I have a form with two fields, DATE and USD, Once I update the DATE field, this event, auto populates the USD exchange rate field.

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Auto Populate Fields On Current Form

Jul 16, 2006

Hi. I tried to find out if this issue was already posted, but did not find. If anyone can help me, I am trying to auto populate two fields on a subform. The field I want to populate is the description of a role. So if the user selects the role name from the combo box, the description field will automatically update. Thanks.

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Tables :: Auto Populate Fields In A Database

Dec 6, 2014

I have a table called Jobslog which contains records for my permanent jobs I have to do for customers in one week.Structure is like:


Each job is assigned to a team, but is following same schedule every week.Can I create like a module or query to autopopulate the table with next week jobs, but putting the date as well, not only day name.For example, each Monday job should have a date field which should be 8/12/2014, Tuesday jobs should have 9/12/2014 and so on until Sunday.Usualy they are more jobs for each day (not day and job).

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Forms :: Populate Field With Drop Down List

Oct 25, 2013

Is there a function that will populate a field with drop down menu based on two criteria?I want the the fields with first and last name to populate with drop down lists based on the employee code I have inputted in the form and job title from a query.

Path: looks at employee code from form > looks at specific job title from query > pulls out all first names in one field and all last names in another field with the same job title in drop down list from query

Employee Code: 100

Returns all employees' first names in first field with same job title:


Returns all employees' last names in second field of form with same job title:


Here's what the query looks like in datasheet view:

Location # First Name Last Name Job Title Employee Code
1 John Smith Technician 100
2 Jane Doe Manager 100
2 Greg Jones Engineer 100
1 Prince William Engineer 100
1 Tina Fey Engineer 100

I've been trying to get dlookup to work, but no luck. Here's one of my formula:

=DLookUp("[Last Name]", "[Employees tb]", _ "[Employee Code] = Form![Employee Code]" & "[Employees tb]", _ " [Manager]"
SELECT EmployeeCodeONLY.[Employee Code] FROM EmployeeCodeOnly;
SELECT [Employees tb].[First Name] FROM [Employees tb] WHERE ((([Employees tb].[First NAME])=[Forms]![Form1]![Employee Code]));

The first is linked to a separate table that only contains employee codes because query I am working with has duplicates due to multiple records.The second is trying to link both the table and query together to populate only first to include the second criteria, job title, to refine it more.

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Forms :: Drop Down To Populate Data To Subform

Dec 15, 2013

I have:

Tables: Customer and Orders

Relationship: Customer ID is the primary key in Customer and is a foreign key in order table.

I need to create a Form with contains all the customer info from the customer table, as a drop down list. Once the customer is selected, all their orders should appear in a subform. At the minute I can get a form to work which shows all the orders but you have to go to the next record so see the order. For example it will say John smith and one order. The next record will be John smith again and their second order in the sub from.

I have used access in the past and I am fine with creating everything apart from the drop down. I am just a bit lost with the structure.

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Dependent Drop-down Menus Not Working

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,

This is my first time posting at Access World Forums and I hope you can help me out.

I think this is a fairly simple problem but due to my lack of experience (this is actually my first time using Access) I am unable to figure out what is wrong.

I have a entry form for a series of problems that needs to be documented on the plant floor.

The issue is in the 'Manual_Entry_Rewinder_Detail' form where I have two drop-downs -one for the category of which the problem lies and another drop-down for the actual problem itself. I have made (or tried to at least) make the problem drop-down dependent to the category drop-down. The purpose is to list only the relevant problems after the category is selected.
I have made a category ID of which I labelled for each problem. This of course corresponds correctly to the actual (an existing) category ID. Please take a look at the two tables: "Problem" and "Category" for details.

I followed this tutorial .
I even downloaded and inspected their sample database with no idea on what is wrong with my own.

Please help!

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Build Multiple Drop-down Menus

Aug 9, 2007

I've tried to build a second Drop menu, copying the code from the first. When i run it im getting an error 91 (i didnt understand much of what google said on it) the code is as follows:

I tried changing it to btnInput1, but that hasnt helped :( the menu gets built, but the button does not.

Sub BuildAdminMenu()
Dim mnuInput As CommandBarPopup
Dim btnInput As CommandBarButton
Dim btnInput1 As CommandBarButton

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&Options (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openForm"
btnInput.Caption = "New PR/IEWO"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set btnInput = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput.FaceId = 2761
btnInput.OnAction = "openSearch"
btnInput.Caption = "Search Entries"
btnInput.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

Set mnuInput = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True)
mnuInput.Caption = "&AdminOptions (beta)"
mnuInput.BeginGroup = True
mnuInput.Visible = True
mnuInput.Tag = "Build XML Files Menu"
Set mnuInput = Nothing

Set btnInput1 = mnuInput.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1)
btnInput1.FaceId = 2761
btnInput1.OnAction = "openAddUser"
btnInput1.Caption = "Add User"
btnInput1.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption

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Auto Populate Fields Based On Combo Box Selection

Jan 23, 2013

I have three tables with the following columns:

Mold_NoPart_NamePart_NoMaterialDateWork_Ord(Pri Key)
Log_IDMold_No(Pri Key)Part_NameLog_DateTime_InTime_OutHours
Mold_No(Pri Key)Part_NamePart_No

I am trying to build a form in the MoldReq section so when the user selects the mold number(combo box) it will auto populate the Part_Name and Part_No fields by pulling the data from the Molds table.

I have tried following this video where I create a change event:

Private Sub cboCombo31_Change()
Me.txtPart_Name.Value = Me.cboMold_No.Column(3)
Me.txtPart_No.Value = Me.cboMold_No.Column(4)
End Sub

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General :: Drop Down Menus - Linked List

Jan 31, 2014

I have a number of drop down menus to select Building Name, Building Number and then Equipment Name and Equipment Number. I want the list to be linked so that when you select the building name the building number is picked up. Also I want the Equipment List's with to change so that once the building has been selected only the equipment available in that building is available to be selected. Is there a way I can do this?

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Auto-populate Junction Table Based On Equal Fields In Different Tables?

Jun 24, 2014

Is there an easy way to auto-populate a Junction table [in access 2010] given the following two tables with a many-to-many relationship for Tasks? The two tables are

Table 1) tblTasks (TaskID (PK), Description), and

Table 2) tblMeasures (MeasureID (PK), Description, Tasks)

If JCTN table is JCTN_Tasks_Measures (TaskID, MeasureID), is there a way to populate when tblTasks(TaskID) == tblMeasures (Tasks)?

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Forms :: Easy Way To Use Microsoft Outlook Address Book To Populate A Drop Down Combo Box?

Aug 6, 2014

Is there a quick and easy (or not so easy) way to use Microsoft Outlook Address Book to populate a drop down combo box? I am creating a form that needs to pull in Business Process Owners, all of which would be in our corporate address book.

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Forms :: Drop Down Box Auto Filling Other Entries

Apr 26, 2013

I've created a drop-down box on a form, that allows a user to choose from three names.

However, when I choose say name A, it then populates all the other entries with name A.

For example:

record 1 has name A
record 2 has name b
record 3 has name a

if i then enter a new record, and enter name C in it, it changes records 1, 2 and 3 to show name C too.

is there a setting i need to change or something?

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Forms :: Auto Populate Form Field

Jan 4, 2014

I have an entry form for a table named [Group Members]. The form has several fields deriving data from 2 other tables [Mail List] and [Groups] I wish to automatically display a Group ID when the relevant Group Name is selected from a drop down list.The Row Source Code is as follows;


The Bound Column is 1.This code fails to display the [GROUPS ID] when a Group Name is entered. Which other controls do I need to modify to achieve this simple matter? I have similar code installed to achieve auto display of Member ID when Member Name is entered. That code is equally ineffective.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Userform Via Reference

May 23, 2014

I am new to access and am a bit stuck. I have a userform i want to populate once a reference number has been entered into a unbound textbox. How to create a macro that will pull the data out of my database?

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Forms :: Combo Box / Text Box Auto-Populate

Oct 14, 2013

I have 5 combo boxes that all cascade into the next, and then when the last combo box is updated from the drop down list, it auto-populates a text box. My issue is that I have a second text box that needs to be auto-populated from the same data table based on what has been entered into the 5 combo boxes and the first text box. I've tried creating parameters and setting a lookuprecord macro in my main table and then using a returnvars RunDataMacro on the actual form, but it says, "Invalid list or query reference 'BillingDataQuery'." I'm not sure if it's because I'm not setting that RunDataMacro on the wrong combo box, or if I've written it incorrectly...

I did this same technique (based on directions in a post from this forum) on another combo box that populates five text boxes and it works just fine, but I don't know how to get this to work based on what's populated in 5 combo boxes to auto-populate the last text box.

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Forms :: Auto Populate A Field From One Form To Another

Jul 9, 2013

I have created two tables one for long term goals (tableA) and one for short term goals (tableB).Each table has its own PK but in tableB I store the PK of tableA for linking the two tables. The relationship is for each long term goal you can have many short term goals to achieve the long term. I have created a form that has the long term on a main form and the short term in a subform. and the linking of the ID's works correctly.

My problem is that on the main form I have another ID field (not a PK) that when I click a button to add additional long term goals I want the ID field copied and populated when the new data entry form is opened.The button is created with the wizard to add a new record.How can I copy the ID from the open form to the same field on the form when the new record button is clicked?

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Forms :: Auto Populate Using Previous Field

Dec 16, 2013

I have a company that has a field for MailingAddress and PhysicalAddresses for shipping. When I enter the mailing address information I'd like the shipping to automatically populate with the information; however, I want to be able to change the physical address, if it differs. Is there a way I can do this without using a combo or list box? I tried changing the control source, which works, but I can't go in and make a change on the physical address without it re-populating the mailing address.

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