Forms :: How To Refresh / Requery MSysObjects In Combobox

Jun 18, 2015

I set up several combo boxes to display Tables from msysobjects. The record source is using a WHERE clause to display certain tables both Linked and Local. Occasionally, when clicking the dropdown arrow, the box only displays local tables. This situation seems not to matter whether tables have been newly linked or unlinked. despite having both a me.requery and a me.refresh in the code and/or even clicking the Refresh All button on the ribbon menu, the form does not seem to update the combo box to display both linked and local tables.

In further testing, it seems that it is not a form issue because I took the SQL statement I used as the record source and created a new query with the sql string. The query behaved the same as the combo box, only listing out local tables.

My current work around is to close the database and reopen, then all is well. Hopefully there is another way to get the linked tables listed without this drastic step.

Don't think it's necessary, but here is the sql statement. Type 6 is linked.

FROM msysobjects
WHERE msysobjects.[flags] = 0
AND msysobjects.[type] in (1, 6)
AND Right([name],7)<>'_SOURCE'
AND Right([name],4)<>'_OUT'
AND not in ('tblImport','tblImportFormats','tblUniversal') OR msysobjects.database=gblprojectname()
ORDER BY, Right([name],7);

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Refresh / Requery Subform Upon Combobox Change

Jun 17, 2013

I have been using AYS2000 database example from Rogers access library. I have been in the process of modifying to meet my needs. Although I have run into a problem that was prevalent in the original database example. I have attached the original database for your reference.

Problem: At the bottom of the database beside the "New Response" button there are 2 combo boxes that allow you to select the survey and response in which you want to view in the subform. Although when selecting the response the subform does not always update the record in the subform. It would appear that the problem occurs only after a response has been previously selected. I have tried adding additional code to refresh and requery the subform already without any success.

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Forms :: Requery Control On Subform From Main Form - Refresh List?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a form called Add New Delegation, i have combo box of Institution names on the main form and a subform for Agreements discussed. with a combo box called agreements. I successfully cascaded the combo boxes so that the agreements discussed on the subform are filtered by their respective institutions on the main form. However i am unable to refresh the list each time a new institution is selected as the Macro will not allow me to requery a control on the mainform from the subform..

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Forms :: Cannot Requery Combobox On A Subform

Apr 2, 2014

I have a main form that identifies a Client File: frmClientFile (Single Form)

On the main form is a subform for Cases: subfrmCases (Continuous form)

Also on the main form below the Cases subform is a tab control that contains additional subforms to view/update different aspects of a case: subfrmCaseClients (Continuous Form).

The way this operates is that the user first chooses a file using a combobox on frmClientFile.

The subfrmCases is linked to the main form (using the caseFileID) and filters correctly.

The subfrmCaseClients is then linked using some hidden text fields on the main form (using caseFileID, CaseID) and this filters correctly.

On subfrmCaseClients is a combobox (cboClientID) that I need to requery based upon the Case Row selected on subfrmCases.

I have tried numerous combinations of options to force the requery by trying to apply a macro on the following:

OnCurrent, OnSelectionChange, OnChange and AfterUpdate events to no avail.

If I hit F5 to refresh the entire page the combo box gets updated as expected.

How do I get the Requery to work programatically? Is this even possible?

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Forms :: Requery Unbound Combobox On Mainform

Jul 30, 2014

I have a form "Clientfrm" with a field, "ClientID".

I have another form, "HomePage", with an unbound combobox with rowsource "ClientID" from Clientfrm. Along with that, I have an Open Form button that pops up "Clientfrm" to display existing data if an existing ClientID is typed.

SITUATION: A nonexistant ClientID is typed into "HomePage", a blank "Clientfrm" pops up with the field "ClientID" blank on the Clientfrm. Once filled out and closed, I am back to the "Homepage" to enter another "ClientID". However, the combobox does not display the new "ClientID" until the "Homepage" is closed and reopened. How do I fix this?

I tried the Me.ClientID.Requery on the On change event of the combobox of the "Homepage", but that is not working. What should I do? SHould I instead put that code in on change event in the "ClientID" field in the "Clientfrm?"

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Forms :: Split Form Combobox Requery Based On Row Selected

Oct 2, 2013

I have a split form that was not made by wizard. On the form part I have a combobox that is unbound to the form data set. The combobox has a query row source that is based on the current row selected. I want the combobox to have an up-to-date result based on which row is selected.

If I set the combobox to requery in the form_current event then I get what I want. I don't want to put up with the little delay that is generated every time a user changes rows because of the requery, though. I only want the requery to happen when they use the drop-down menu.

I have the requery in the gotfocus event of the combobox on the form. I mostly get what I want this way, however if they select an item in the drop-down list, then choose a new record in the datasheet, then try to use the combobox again, the combobox is not refreshed (because it never lost focus?).

To get around this, I've tried to setfocus to something on the form in the on_current event, but access gives me an error: 'Access can't move focus to the control btn_Refresh'.How can I get the combo to requery only when users are about to use it?

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Another Refresh / Requery

Jun 12, 2005

Hi all

I am sorry if this has been asked already a million times already but I could not find any relavant information in the time I had.

I have a requery / refresh problem.

I have a Customers form showing all customers, I also have a NewCustomer form for adding new customers.

On the Customer form, on activate I have me.refresh

On the NewCustomer form I have in the onclose,

If IsLoaded("Customers") Then

These work well however if Customers is open and I enter a new record in the New Customer Form, then view the Customer form again the new record is not shown.

I can however click back on the NewCustomer from then straight back to Customers and Hey Presto it appears

Any clues as to what I need to do to update the form?

Thank you in advance for your help

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Refresh Or Requery Problem

Mar 3, 2005


I am looking for a way to ensure a sub form is refreshed or requeried.

I have forms as follows:

1.form for Purchases
2.subform for all items purchased
3.subform which has the total purchase price ie the total of all items in the subform 2 above

A save is forced in 1 before data in 2 is entered. Once 2 is exited a save if forced. However 3 is not calculated unless a manual refresh is performed.

I am sure there must be a way around this. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you.

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Unable To Refresh / Requery Subform Using VBA?

Sep 12, 2012

There are 2 levels of forms, the main parent form is called INSPECTION. Then there are two subforms: TESTRESULTS and addTESTRESULTS.

the form TESTRESULTS is linked to the TESTRESULTS query "QTESTRESULTS2". This query looks at two hidden fields on INSPECTION called FILE and REPORT NO. The query finds all fields inside of TESTRESULTS that match the two criteria. This works fine. The form TESTRESULTS is linked to the QTESTRESULTS2 query as direct data source link. This works fine.

a temporary table has been setup to append test results to TESTRESULT table. This works fine. What doesn't work fine is updating the subform TESTRESULTS when needed. I want it so that the welder enters his information, clicks save, the info gets appended to TESTRESULTS table and instantly updates on the form for them to verify.

[inside subroutine for saving a record] all efforts at accessing this form have failed. I've tried !form!subform!requery, it has failed, I've tried making dummy fields inside the form and accessing them and that has failed, I've tried .setfocus on the form and that has failed, each time the compiler tells me 'unknown field', when in fact I'm trying to hit the form itself.

Its worth mentioning that I've set events [on this form for any kind of update event including mouse click] to Me.requery for this form when you click on it, it updates, but I need to automate this somehow, and the form just seems untouchable via VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Refresh / Requery Form From CmdButton

Jan 23, 2014

I have a main form that the user will enter data. Once they hit a submit button, it saves the record and I was hoping it would also refresh the form in which is populated by a query. The form that is linked to a query will be displayed on a monitor 24/7. It will display pending orders. So I was hoping as new orders are placed, the query would display them without needing to be closed and then reopened.

Here is the method I'm using but it's not working.

DoCmd.Requery "frmPDMonitor"

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Rogue Forms In MSysObjects

May 23, 2005

In the midst of importing and deleting forms and the underlying code, I've got some rogue forms in the MSysObjects table that I want to get rid of, but can't figure out how. They look just like regular forms in the table, but have names like "~TMPCLP411521", and some of the controls are in there, too, with names like "~sq_c~TMPCLP411521~sq_ccboPayTypeID". Can anybody help me get rid of these things? Or am I stuck with them? Thanks.

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Combobox Does Not Refresh

Sep 14, 2005

I have a combobox with product description in it. If by mistake, I select a wrong value, then the other values are not refreshed. I have to close the form again and then reopen and reselect the values. What could be the problem? Any help?

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Modules & VBA :: OnClick To Requery A Combobox

Nov 5, 2013

I want a command button to "Requery" a combobox. the combobox uses a query to determine the records listed (it lists incomplete records). after completing the record, i'd like to hit a command button that will "requery" the combobox so that the recently completed record is no longer listed.

I tried this:


But the completed record was still listed.

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Modules & VBA :: Requery Combobox NotInList Event?

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form frm_GlobalSettings with a combobox cmbDescription that finds a record based on the value selected. The row source type for cmbDescription is Table/query, and the row source is a select statement on the form's underlying table.

I want the user to be able to use cmbDescription to add a new record to the form's underlying table. I currently have


Private Sub cmbDescription_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim strTmp As String
'Get confirmation that this is not just a spelling error.
10 On Error GoTo cmbDescription_NotInList_Error
20 strTmp = "Add '" & NewData & "' as a new global setting?"


but when a new value is entered this errors on line 70 with "runtime errror 2118 - you must save the current field before you run the requery action".I've tried various ways around this but can't get it to work.

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Tables :: Requery Combobox Lookup On Table Datasheet

Feb 20, 2014

When designing a table I've created a field and set its lookup properties to display a combobox with a row source that returns a DISTINCT set of values already entered into the field.

After a row insert or row update the combobox needs to be required to ensure its list is complete.

If I create a form to display my datasheet this is easy. But I'd prefer to enter data directly into the table datasheet directly. I need to enter simple data into about 20 different tables and I'd prefer not to create 20 forms unless it's really necessary.

The lookup wizard generated entries similar to those I'd previously created manually, except the wizard generated a couple of extra settings that appeared briefly that were not part of the regular set of lookup tab properties. These additional settings referred to 'update propagation'. Once they'd disappeared I couldn't see any way to get them back..

(I am using Access 2013)

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Can't Get Query Result To "refresh" In Form Combobox

Mar 28, 2005

This should be fairly simple, but it is driving me nuts trying to get it to work right. I feel like I'm chasing my tail.

Anyway, I have a query with three fields: "PersonnelID", "QualificationID", and "QualificationStatus". This is a query off of my large table for tracking qualifications; however, I am using a form with three combo-boxes for the same information. The first two combo-boxes (personnelID and QualificationID) are used to filter the query. This gives the result of one and ONLY one row in the query. A unique personnelID number, a qualificationID number and the qualification status of the record in question. I WANT to be able to automatically retreive the last field (qualificationStatus) from the query and display in the form (and then save in my new table - I know, shouldn't save calculations and such).

I have it working somewhat. I can select the first two combo-box fields and then when I click the third combobox for qualificationstatus, I only have one item in the dropdown menu and then I select it. So far, so good, but this only works for the first record that I am working on. If I do another record without closing the form first, the combobox selection for qualificationstatus still shows the previous entry. However, if I switch the form to design mode and then back to form mode, the combobox shows the correct value. I just can't seem to get the form to refresh prior to selecting the third combobox. I have tried "DoCmd.RepaintObject" after update on the second box and on focus for the the third box, but it still doesn't work unless I switch the views back and forth.

Any suggestions would be ever so gratefully appreciated...

Brian :eek:

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Can You Amend MSysObjects

Feb 23, 2006

Well, the title says it all.

Is it possible to amend this hidden table? It is for my ODBC links, I would like to amend (enmass) where it is linked to and the table name. If I could amend this table, it would only take seconds.

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Using MSysObjects In Queries

Mar 5, 2006

Hola senor y senora.
I'm new here.
I am currently working on MS Access Project and I needed help from you guys. :o I have done smoothly so far, but now I'm stuck at this query:

SELECT [MSysObjects].[Name] AS ObjectName
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((IIF(Left([Name],4)="mis_",[Name],""))<>""))
GROUP BY [MSysObjects].[Name],Left([Name],4),[MSysObjects].[Type]
HAVING (((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys")
AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=1))
OR (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768))
ORDER BY [MSysObjects].[Name];

Previously, there was somebody doing this project, and so I have to sort of enhance this project by moving a few buttons here and there. That query lists out all the tables that had been filtered. So, I am stuck now on what does the query actually means. I also had tried the query by creating a fake Query and type out the SQL but I still cannot understand how am I to go about re-using the query. Do hope anyone of you could help me out and explain to me. (Pardon me if I really sound ignorant. :o )

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Problem With SQL Obtaining MsysObjects

Sep 25, 2005


I've got a workaround for the SQL of obtaining a count of tables matching a certain name-style. Ideally, I want to use the Like function (sql2) as it codes more simply, but found that the query doesn't work. As a workaround, I rewrote with a string comparison using the Left function sql1.

My question is: What is wrong with sql2?

When I paste the SQL into the Query Designer it works, yet when I debug in module code form, it fails.

Any ideas?


Private Function getTableName(strName As String) As String

' Purpose
' This function is used to create a new table name. First it looks up
' all the table names in the database matching the passed in variable
' name, and then returns an incremented version of the name.
' Returns
' Table name as string.

Dim sql1 As String, sql2 As String, rst As New ADODB.Recordset, n As Byte

' Get number of characters for passed-in variable.
n = Len(strName)

sql1 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE left(Name," & n & ")=left('" & strName & _
"'," & n & ") AND (Type=1)"

sql2 = "SELECT Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE (Name Like '" & strName & "*') AND (Type=1)"

rst.Open sql2, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset

Debug.Print sql2
Debug.Print rst.RecordCount

If rst.RecordCount >=1 Then
getTableName = strName & rst.RecordCount + 1
getTableName = strName
End If

Set rst = Nothing

End Function

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Tables :: ODBC Link In MSysObjects

May 28, 2015

I have big problem with connection between ODBC and Access 2007. Everything is linked correctly but I have problem with separator in decimal field. In my country this separator is "," not ".". I found information about connection in MSysObjects.connect table that


I found somewhere that I need to change NUM value from NLS (default) to MS. Do you know how to edit this value? For example Access 2007 see value "123.8" (so it is in my country "123,8" ) like "1238"

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General :: MSysObjects And / Path To Linked Tables

Dec 11, 2013

Due to software licensing restrictions, my (Access 2007) development pc is NOT (may not be) connected to the network.The user pc's are all connected to the network.The network pc's only gets Access 2007 Runtime.The Front-end accde will be located at C:mydbFE heFE.accde on each user's pc.The Back-end will be located at X:mydbBE heBE.accdb (network share).

Currently (during development) the Front-end and Back-end is at C:mydbDEVFE and C:mydbDEVBE respectively - on my development pc, and the linked tables are pointing to C:mydebDEVBE.Now that I'm ready to distribute the database to the user pc's, I obviously need the Front-end's Linked Tables to point to X:mydbBE heBE.accdb

Where does Access2007 store the path to the Linked-Tables ? Is there a way I can change this path manually before making the accde ?I noticed that the path to the linked tables appear in the (hidden) MSysObjects table, but I do not want to mess with it until I know what the solution is.

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Requery Forms

Apr 19, 2006

Hi All.

I have been reading a earlier post regarding requerying forms

Forms are displayed on other form by means of a SubFormControl. It is the name of the SubFormControl that is needed. This is often the same as the SubForm but it is *not* a requirement. In your case you will be using two SubFormControl names, one nested within the other. Just for the record, you Requery forms and not fields.

How do you find out the name of the SubFormControl. I am trying to refresh sub forms and I am trying to use the following code.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Forms!MainFormName!SubFormControl.Form!SubSubFormC ontrol.Requery
End Sub

I have 2 forms, "frmMainClient" and a subform "frmjob" and I have a command button on the "frmJob" which brings up a pop up form " frmJobNew". I fill out the fields and save via a command button.

When I look at the "frmJob" the new record I have entered is not there. It is there if I close all the forms and then open them again.

I know I need to requery the forms but I am not too sure how this is done.

Many thanks in advance.

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General :: Slow Queries On Objects - Possibly Old Object Refs In MSysObjects?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a db that is having some strange speed issues on some very basic queries. Objects that have a rowsource/recordsource with a SQL statment in particular are really slow to populate. Likewise on deactivate/activate the report query seems to reload. I've put breakpoints in every object event with no stops out of the ordinary, and nothing seems unusual.

While I know MSysObjects is a user read-only table, I came across some records that reference objects that no longer exist in the front-end. Is this table cumulative? Is there any way to purge the deprecated records? I tried to turn on then turn off autocorrect features hoping that would trigger it to repopulate, but no luck.

I'm thinking this may be the source of the issue. Perhaps if it is looking for an object that it can not find (especially the ~sq_ unsaved queries) then it's looking to the wrong place on a lostfocus/activate/deactivate or similar event.

Some history on this file, it has been through many versions of Access starting with 2003, which I think is part of the issue as well. Shy of looping every object and replicating the read-write properties, I'm not sure where else to go with this.

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Forms :: Requery Not Clearing Box

Mar 13, 2013

i have a form with cascading combo boxes, all of which are set to requery the combo boxes below, however i have one which is Service SubType, and it should requery Provider and Subjective, however it only clears the Provider and the previously selected subjective is still there, when you click on the downarrow it does give you the new list of subjectives.

my code looks like this:
Private Sub cmbServiceSubType_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

how to get it to clear the boxes I have asked it to requery.

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Forms: Requery A Subform From Another Form

Apr 18, 2005

I need to requery a subform from a third form and can't seem to get it to work.

frmForm1 has frmAddress as a subform. The button cmdReviseAddress opens the form frmUpdateAddress where all of my validation work is done and the new record is added.

However, the new address is not being displayed in the subform.

If I use the command
it works fine.

The problem is that I want to be able to frmAddress on any form, and need to pass the name of the main form (in this case frmForm1) as a variable.

If lsTemp = "frmForm1", the statement
Forms![lsTemp]![frmAddress].Requery (and every variation using brackets and quotes that I can think of) fails.

Any ideas?


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