I am new at programming within Access, and I am trying to develop a simple database that will record a timestamp when an order is placed. I have tried the Now() function, but that will record the timestamp on the desktop which can be changed manually before entering the record. Is there a way to record a timestamp using a Unix server or another desktop from access?
I have a timestamp field in a database and only want to display the Date. In the query I placed this: Date Received: Format([RItemTimeStamp],"Short Date")
Works fine however if I try to run a query to serach for a date range it doesn't give me all the days. Is there a better way how to truncate the Date of a timestamp so that I can sort it correctly?
I'm very new to Access and this may be a REALLY simple question but ...
I have an Access 2000 db on a web-based server and a website form that inserts a record. Everything works properly but I now need to insert the date each time a record is entered. These records will not change or be updated once entered. I think there must be a way to have a hidden field in the web form which submits = Date() or whatever the right code would be.
The field I'm sending the date to is called "dateOfEntry" . Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.
The Timestamp Field I have is formatted like this: 11/4/2014 5:56:46 AM. The field name is [Timestamp] it is in a table named INPUT_RedSheets_Plates. I have a query right now that pulls in certain fields from this table based on criteria of the [Type] field Like This:
There is a button on the form that allows users to send email with the form as an attachment in pdf. I'd like to create a date/time stamp in another table called tblLog. Trouble is the code works uptil sending emails but it doesn't record the stamp.
I am new to access 2010. I have a table called "Forecasts", and I wish to update the timestamp with todays date, whenever the user makes a change to the qty of goods forecasted.
I have been researching online for the solution to the correct format to datetime, but it doesnt seem to work.
Code: Dim todayDate As Date todayDate = Date Dim sqlString As String sqlString = "UPDATE [Forecasts] " & _
[Code] .....
The messagebox shows:
UPDATE [Forecast] SET Branch_Plant=123, Item_Number_Short='222', Description='AAA', UOM='EA', Estimated_Cost=123, Requesting_Business_Unit='AAA', End_Customer='CCC', Project ='Secret', Timestamp=#26/12/2013# WHERE ID =24
Then I hit a syntax error. Whats wrong with sqlString?
I have a ticket database where tickets are added to access with no priority scores on them. Over time, meetings and discussions, those tickets are given scores through a form on my database. What I would like to do is somehow add a timestamp that shows exactly when a ticket went from being unscored, to having a priority score assigned to it. Note, before the ticket is scored; the Priority Score field is still blank. Null?
An idea I had was to somehow put a timestamp on the "Priority Score" field in my form that will only timestamp when that field goes from being blank to when it gets a number for the first time. It will not change the timestamp when that number is changed down the road. (We edit the priority scores, but I only want to know when the ticket was actually scored for the first time. This is for reporting purposes, how many new tickets we score each month, etc)
Could I do something along the lines of assigning code to the BeforeUpdate value of my Priority field on the form? Although I'm assuming this would put up a timestamp any time the field is altered afterwords also.
I have a form and a subform based off a query, I am trying to run a SQL update statement from one of the fields in my subform. I know what fields in my table i want to update but the Where part of the statement is what i am having a issue with.
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [Daily Work] SET [Daily Work].QC_Start_Date = Date(), [Daily Work].QC_Start_Time = Time() WHERE ((([Daily Work].CUS)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![CUS]) AND (([Daily Work].LN)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![LN]) AND (([Daily Work].Note_Date)=[Forms]! [QC_Queue_Qry subform]![Note_Date])))"
What this is trying to do is once the the field is updated i want to set the date and time of that record in my table, basically I am trying to time stamp the record when the field in my subform in updated.
I have a simple data entry form on which there are about 30 to 40 data fields to be update by users. One of the field is called "Stage" which is a combo box with 2 entries "Formal Case" and "Informal Case" with no default value whien a form is first opened.
Users will normally create a data entry which updates the table and save.
However if in future users open any one existing record and try to change Stage field from Informal to Formal or vice a versa I would then like this action to
1) update a time stamp concatinated with the stage change value in a text field perhaps
2) save/close the form
3) open a new form with all the existing entries(plus changed status of "Stage Field") with a new record ID and new time stamp.
A Inputbox will shows up and then ask for a Special date.
I have a table which has for one ID always a Special date.
Many ID can have the same Special date. So i want to Export all with the same Special date.
I've created the following code. When i enter the date, it doesn't Export anything.
Code: Dim xlApp As Object 'Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Object 'Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Object 'Excel.Worksheet Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, Rechnungsdatum_Finanzamt As Long, tmpStr As String
Right now to get my Access database into MySQl I have to copy it out of Access into Excel then I export it to a delimited text file.
I would like to eliminate the Excel part and go directly from Access to a text file.
The problem is with the date fields. When exporting from Access it always adds the time (00:00:00) which MySQL chokes on. It seems there should be a way to do this with the export function, so that the date is just the date and no time.
I'm currently facing a wierd problem, and I really hope you can help me!
I have a query called "fsRapportSalgsoverblik2" which contains a list of all sales made from a company. I want to export that list to excel, which is no problem at all... But when I try to set a date interval, so that only the sales made in a certain period is exported, I get errors. I've tried to implement the interval-limitation in two different ways:
1) Inserting "WHERE date BETWEEN "field A in form" AND "field B in form" in the query from which the data is exported (when using the data-view to view the query output i can see that it works perfectly).
2) Inserting "WHERE date BETWEEN "field A in form" AND "field B in form" in the OnClick-code of the "export to Excel" button, where the export-code is written. So instead of saying: Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM fsRapportSalgsoverblik2;") I change it to: Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM fsRapportSalgsoverblik2 WHERE date BETWEEN "field A in form" AND "field B in form";")
But no matter which solution I choose, I get the error: "Too few parametres. At least two was expected..." (free translation from danish version of Access). I really don't get it. When exporting to Excel without a date-interval, it works perfectly. But when inserting a date interval, it doesn't work, no matter how I do it....
I'm creating a query with VBA, then exporting it to Excel. I have a couple calculated date fields that are exporting in the format of dd-mmm-yy, but I want them in the mm/dd/yyyy format. In the query, they're in the proper format, but not in the export. I tried using Format([DateField],"mm/dd/yyyy"), but then they left align in the export, but are fine in the query.
What I would like to achieve via code on a button. From the table orders
Code: orderDate orderID ref name amt vat 02/02/2014 56789 01 magdi 600 100 22/06/2014 12122 01 magdi 654 100 22/06/2014 65897 02 simon 250 159 22/06/2014 12345 02 simon 156 140 23/07/2014 56781 01 magdi 400 250 01/08/2014 12457 01 magdi 250 900 01/09/2014 56787 02 simon 126 500 02/09/2014 56781 04 peter 400 250 02/09/2014 12345 02 simon 450 122 02/09/2014 65897 04 peter 250 231 02/09/2014 12122 05 hargr 654 100 02/09/2014 79457 05 hargr 254 200
I need to create csv files from the above based on unique date and ref and with filename showing date and ref. So from the above we should get 9 csv files in this format
I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.
Date No. of success No. of failure ==== ============ ============== " " " " " " " " "
I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure
For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?
if the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it , how to do it ?
I'm exporting a query from Access to an ASCII text file. It is automatically adding a time stamp (0:00:00) to the end of ALL of my date fields. I would like it if it didn't do this...:D
I would like to create a excel file to let the user to input the following column.
Date No. of success No. of failure ==== ============ ============== " " " " " " " " "
I would like to have a function that can allow the user to select the date range and its total no. of success and no. of failure. For example , the user select from 31-03-2001 to 31-12-2012 , then output the report which show the total no. of success and no. of failure in this date range , is there existing tamplate that I can use ? if no , what is the simplier way to do it ?
If the data is very large , I want to create a access db to store it, how to do it ?
I am trying to export records to excel that are in a given month based on an input month. The user would select the month with the records desired and click the button to export them to excel. The attached zip file has an image of the database and the code behind the button is:
Code: Private Sub Command33_Click() DoCmd.OpenReport "HLA_TAT", , , "Len(Exception & '') > 0 AND Receive_Date > #" & Forms!HLA_TAT.Date & "#" End Sub
[CODE] can not access referenced form HLA_TAT [?CODE]
I have a simple and small database having only one table. I want the data table to be exported in a spreadsheet format automatically at the end of the month. Is there any code or function to do that?
I have a timestamp field in a database and only want to display the Date. In the query I placed this: Date Received: Format([RItemTimeStamp],"Short Date")
Works fine however if I try to run a query to serach for a date range it doesn't give me all the days.
I then tried this: Date Received: DateValue([RItemTimeStamp])
but get the message that the this expression is typed incorrectly or too complex. Here is the entire sql statement for this query:
SELECT DateValue([RItemTimeStamp]) AS [Date Received], Count(EARNS_Data_tbl.RTransaction) AS [Total EARNS Received], Format([RItemTimeStamp],"Long Time") AS [Time Received], Count(EARNS_Data_tbl.Earns_Processor) AS CountOfEarns_Processor FROM EARNS_Data_tbl GROUP BY DateValue([RItemTimeStamp]), Format([RItemTimeStamp],"Long Time") HAVING (((DateValue([RItemTimeStamp])) Between [Forms]![PowerUserForm]![Start_Time_audit] And [Forms]![PowerUserForm]![End_Date_audit])) ORDER BY DateValue([RItemTimeStamp]);
Hello, I am a noobie. I am trying to create a text box on a form where when a user clicks/focuses on it, it jumps to the next line and automatically adds a date and time stamp so that there is a time record for each message following it. Thanks!
So i am using a forrm to add records to a database and I need to know exactly what time that particular record was added. How can i add a timestamp and have it be added as part of a record without the user seeing it on the form that they are filling out? Thanks for any help that can be given.