Forms :: How To Build A SetFocus Command

Mar 8, 2014

How can I build a SetFocus command on the fly? I am creating a Find form where the user can select their options. I am building the listing of options for the user to select from based on which form opened the Find form. All forms are set as Modal and PopUp so I have to set the focus to the form and field to be searched before I call the FindRecord command from the Find form. I am stuck on how to build the SetFocus statement when concatenating the pieces together for the obvious is not working.This is what normally works.


This is how I am trying to build the statement without success. How can I do this?

"Forms![frmClients]!" & Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) & ".SetFocus"

Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) = txtStreetAddress1

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Forms :: Moving View Of A Form SetFocus?

Sep 19, 2014

I have a data entry form.

There are some selection controls that require the user to enter data before the next one becomes enabled.

My form then has two different groups of controls that the user see's depending on the selections earlier, either one group or the other is made visible.

My question is how to move the view so that the appropriate group is where I want it.

If I use setfocus to a control the form moves but not how I want it to (The control that i setfocus on is half way up the screen rather than close to the top.).

I know there must be a better way, I tried move size but it didn't seem to do what i wanted.

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How I Can Build Forms For This Question

Dec 25, 2006


I 'm new at this Forum and also I'm new programmer in Access.

I 'm trying to answer project called (Cerulean Bee) ,which is attachment down

I do the table and forms but I don't know how I can let them as it the question (Artwork Order-Employee Work Log-Print Order-Project Cost Analysis).

Her my file

Please help me to find ant error I do , and to get best answer for my question.

I'm realy need your help

Thank you all

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Using Forms To Build Sql WHERE Statement For Pass-through Queries

Mar 17, 2006

Hi all, i'm currently working a MDB project that aims to develop a front end access solution for users of the sql database. The system is used only to made adjustments to the WHERE clause of the SQL pass-through statement. The SELECT and FROM statements are pre-determined and users won't need to update this. The result is a read only. You might be wondering why i don't use ADP instead, well one of my limitations is that i won't have write access to the database. They are afraid i will corrupt data...

I want to use a series of text and combo boxes to build my WHERE statement, which will be added to the main SQL statement and then pass-through to the server, making use of its much beta processing capabilities. However as i'm trying to read up on VBA, i still have very little knowledge on how this can be done. Its actually similar to the Filter By Form option in datasheet view when i open a pass-through query. However, conditions applied through here means the processing is done on the user's computer, through testing i found this to be unreliable as it causes access to hang frequently. I would love to have this filter by form view available up front to the user before he even executes the query. As i mentioned, he keys in the criteria/conditions and access builds an sql where statement and appends it to the main SQL statement.

any idea how to do this? how do i capture user input and make access construct a WHERE statement from it For example

textbox daterange
Enter range of dates in here: date 1 and date 2
the where statement would then be "WHERE date BETWEEN date1 AND date2

Or is there other more efficient alternatives? sorry i'm very new to VBA and form development, would appreciate lots of advice and answers.

Many Thanks

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Forms :: Build A Matrix Scoring System

May 20, 2014

I have a form in which I am trying to build a matrix scoring system.I have two fields one called Offending Consequences and one called Offending Likelihood. The first field is limited to a list 1 to 5 and the second to a list A to E. What I want to do in a field called Offending Score is a kind of grid where:

1A scores 2 and is coloured green
up to
5E scores 10 and is coloured red

How do I get the Offending Score field to register the whole list of 25 possible combinations, 9 possible scores and 5 possible colours?My knowledge and understanding of access dbs is only moderate.

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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes In A Form To Build A String?

Mar 18, 2015

From a dropdown field in the form it's currently possible to choose a geographical region for which to generate a report. The data populating this dropdown is pulled in from a Value List as follows:

" ";"*";1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;EU;WD

I now need the ability to choose various different regions simultaneously which is not possible with the current method. I've looked into a nested continuous form and a multi-select combo box or list box, but none of these are as user friendly as my preferred method.

What I would like is 15 checkboxes plus a 16th to select/unselect all. When any of these checkboxes is checked, I need to create something like a dynamic value string or temporary table to hold the list of chosen regions until the generate button is clicked at which point the data is used to generate the report and cleared. I also need a piece of code to check/uncheck all the boxes.

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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Forms :: Build Up A Database For Multiple Choice Questions Quiz In MS Access 2010

Aug 23, 2014

I'm trying to build up a database for Multiple choice questions quiz in MS access 2010.My requirement are as follows

My quiz consist of 15 questions. Each questions carry some weightage. Suppose a question carries a weightage of 5 and there are two correct options like A & C. If user selects option A then he gets half marks.Multiple users can access the test at the same time.

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Tab Control With Subforms / "Can't Build A Link Between Unbound Forms" Error

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to create a database for a cub scout pack that just keeps scouts information, medical info, parents info, and parents medical info each is a seperate table. I have created a Tab controlled form with 4 tabs. On each tab the ONLY thing I have is a subform that contains the appropriate information. Each table has it's own form with the table as it's record source. I link the scouts table to the medical table by SID which is a primary key in the Scouts table. I link the Scouts table to the Parents table with a PID which is the Primary Key in my Parents table, and I link the Parents with the ParentsMed with a PMedID, key in the ParentsMed table.

Question #1 - Using a Tab Control you can only have 1 record source. What should I use? I have tried the tblScouts and I have also created a query with every field from every table.

#2 - When I try to use the parent and child links on the subform I get the error "Can't build a link between unbound forms" but each form is bound to the table and the record source on the tab control has had a table and my qryEverything, neither work. I can type in SID but it still doesn't function properly.

Any suggestions or comments on a better relationship method or any insight on how tab controls are supposed to be setup or anything would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


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Apr 11, 2005

How can I set the focus to the first control in a form, without referencing the control name?

Ex. Normally I do:


Now I have a code which adds a new record, which is used on several forms, therefore the control name is not always the same, so I would like the focus to move to the first field on the tab order. Any ideas please?

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Can I Setfocus To Tab In VB?

Aug 25, 2004

I am just learning VB, much less Access, even more so how to just understand all the code. My conundrum: In my form, I have 4 sets of tabs (not pages - each tab contains +/- 8 pages). Each tab is controlled visibly by 1 of 4 text boxes within the form, not positioned within the tabs. When each respective control is clicked, it is bolded (i.e. fontbold = true) and its repective tab set becomes visible (i.e. true), "hiding" the other 3 tab sets (i.e. visible = false). This is dependent on changing setfocus to the control (according to my error messages which say I cannot move the setfocus to the control or I can't hide a control that has the focus). After I try to setfocus to Tab2 and click the control for Tab2, it says the same thing, that I can't hide a control that has the focus. I've tried setting focus to the tabs, to the labels that control the tabs, to labels within the tabs, and to text within the tabs - all to no avail. If anyone has a suggestion, I would be most appreciative. Cheers.

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Setfocus Problem

Apr 13, 2006

If a user enters too many characters into a field I want to display a message and then keep the user in that text box until less characters are entered.This is the codePrivate Sub txtTitle_LostFocus() txtTitle.Value = LTrim(txtTitle.Value) If Len(txtTitle.Value) > 50 Then MsgBox "Title is too long. Can not be more than 50 characters", vbOKOnly, "Title Too Long" txtTitle.SetFocus End IfEnd SubThe message appears but focus moves to the next text box almost as if the setfocus command has been ignored.Anyone got any ideas as to why??Thanks

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How Do I SetFocus To A New Record?

Apr 26, 2005

My form is in tabular form so it is just a running list. How do I SetFocus to a new record when the form is opened?

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SetFocus With Subform

Jul 13, 2005

I have a form with a button that when clicked triggers "find" in a field that is located on the form...

[code]Private Sub Command23_Click()
DoCmd.GoToControl "last name"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFind

End Sub [code]

When the record is found and the user presses "esc" to close the find box I would like to set the focus in a field located in the subform...

[code] Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub [code]

Problem is after the user presses "Esc" both the field on the form that is used to seach on and the field in the subform that I set the focus on have the focus. Yes...both fields have focus and unless the user clicks on some other field no dataentry can be done.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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SetFocus To TxtSomething

Jan 19, 2006


I have litle problem regarding SetFocus.I have 2 Forms - form1 and form 2.On form 1 I have txtSomething and when I open form2 I can not SetFocus on txtSomething.I have tried with


but something wrong,can someone help,


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SetFocus On Close

Feb 15, 2006

I'm having an issue with part of my code. I have a logout function which closes one form and then reopens the login form. It does this fine, but I can't type in any of the text boxes on the login form unless I close it out and reopen it manually. Here's the code:

vb Code: Original - vb Code Private Sub cmdLogout_Click()On Error GoTo Err_cmdLogout_ClickDoCmd.OpenForm "userlogin", acNormal, , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormalForms!userlogin!txtuserid.SetFocusDoCmd.Close acForm, "Control Panel", acSaveNoForms!userlogin!txtuserid.SetFocusExit_cmdLogout_Click:Exit SubErr_cmdLogout_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdLogout_ClickEnd Sub Private Sub cmdLogout_Click()On Error GoTo Err_cmdLogout_ClickDoCmd.OpenForm "userlogin", acNormal, , , acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormalForms!userlogin!txtuserid.SetFocusDoCmd.Close acForm, "Control Panel", acSaveNoForms!userlogin!txtuserid.SetFocusExit_cmdLogout_Click:Exit SubErr_cmdLogout_Click:    MsgBox Err.Description    Resume Exit_cmdLogout_ClickEnd Sub

I've tried setting focus as shown above, but still no luck. Any ideas?



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Setfocus Going To A New Record In Subform

Feb 23, 2006

For some reason when I set the focus to a text box in the subform it clears the textboxes there.
First I set the values of 2 of the textboxes in the subform programatically. Then I tab to the last control in the main form. This is the code I have in the lost focus event of that control:

Forms!frmDrawingsRegister!frmDrawingRevisions.SetF ocus
Forms!frmDrawingsRegister!frmDrawingRevisions!txtL atestIssueDate.SetFocus

frmDrawingsRegister = main form
frmDrawingRevisions = subform

I have set the Cycle property of the subform to Current Record.

Why would this be happening?

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SetFocus On A Selected FieldName

Apr 24, 2005

I have a form with numerous fields and would like to be able to move the focus to a selected field by typing the field name into a control box. How can I do this? TIA

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Setfocus In Subform Not Working

May 5, 2005

I have a main form with a subform which in-turn also has a subform (in datasheet mode). When the user clicks a button on the main form I want to disable all of the controls on the subforms. This works fine until the user clicks the button while the focus is on one of the text fields in one of the subforms. It rightly complains that the control can't be disbled while it is in focus. To circumvent this problem I've tried setting the focus to another field before disabling the control. However this doesn't seem to work. It seems to ignore the setfocus and still flags the original error. Is it not possible to set the focus of a subform from the main form?


[subfrm1].Form![Field1].Enabled = False

This fails if the focus was in Field1 at the time of executing the code.

Any ideas?

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SetFocus On Continuous Form

Nov 28, 2005


I have a continuous form. On that form, I have a link (label) that a user can click to bring up a new form containing more info on the current record. The problem is that when the form opens, the first record is selected. If the user scrolls down to another record, and clicks the link, the form opens with info on the first record.

It seems that I need to set the record to the record that the link was clicked from, but I'm not sure how. Any help?


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SetFocus Error On Tag Check

Feb 13, 2006

I'm using the following code (from GHudson) to check for required fields being filled in but it stops at a particular combo box and gives the error message Runtime error 2110 "can't move the focus to the control" although it works on previous combos which are set up in the same way.

Private Sub Close_Click()
'Key "Required" in the Tag property of the form object.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me
If ctl.tag = "Required" Then
If IsNull(ctl) Or ctl = "" Then
MsgBox "You must complete all required fields to continue. Your cursor wll now be set to the missed field", vbCritical, "Required Field"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set ctl = Nothing

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdClose

'If MsgBox("Have you selected the record type and filled in the other yellow fields? These are mandatory. If you haven't - click on 'No' to return to form", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Open Form?") = vbYes Then
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdClose
'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'End If

End Sub

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Add And View SetFocus Question

Nov 10, 2006

Sorry if this has come up before, I have been chasing dozens of threads that are so close, I've still not got it!:o

I have a form that is used in edit mode and add mode. When used in edit mode it has a combo box in the header that does the usual bookmark search in the after update event, and on open focus is set to this field in the open form event.

When in add mode i don't want this set focus to happen so I'm not sure what the test statement should be.:confused:

Would appreciate a pointer or two.

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Subform Field Setfocus

Apr 8, 2005

When I open the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form in the attached db and enter a license number in the License number field (this field is inside a subform) that is not in the db, the “FrmStudentInfo” form opens allowing student information to be entered. After entering student information in the “FrmStudentInfo” form I have a close command button to return to the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form.

This is where I need help! I would like, when returning to the “FrmStudentEnrollment” form for the focus to be on the “AttentDate1” field located in the subform “FrmStudentInfo”. I used the LicenseNo Combo Box NotInList VB from Northwind db but there seems to be problems here too.

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Setfocus From Pop Up Back To Already Open Form

Jan 26, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping I can get some help here.

I have a form with a search button. Click on search, search for member, then form should close and populate the fields on the form which is already open.

I figure I should use setfocus, but I am new to coding and need help. Right now, when the user clicks on the search record, it opens a new instance of the form instead of populating the data into the form that is already open.

I hope I am asking the question correctly.

This the event procedure I have set on the pop up search. It works, but is opening a new instance of the form. I tried replacing OpenForm to SetFocus with no luck.

Private Sub Member_Click()

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDEMOGRAP", acNormal
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![txtMEMBNO] = Member
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![txtLSTNAM] = Last
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![txtFSTNAM] = First
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![txtMIDNAM] = MI
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![txtBTHDAT] = BirthDate
[Forms]![frmDEMOGRAP]![cmbGENDER] = gender

DoCmd.close acForm, "frmMEM", acSaveNo

End Sub

Thanks in advance for the help.

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SetFocus Problem With Repeated Item

Aug 17, 2006

I have a form that simply lists the items:

In the table: DEPARTMENT_TBL

When I edit the field DEPARTMENT_NBR and it is in error (must be between 01 and 99) I want to put out a message in a MSGBOX and SetFocus back on the DEPARTMENT_NBR.

I coded the MSGBOX with vbokonly and then DEPARTMENT_NBR.SetFocus, but after the message displays and enter is hit for the ok the cursor jumps to the DEPARTMENT_NAME on the current line. Is there a way to get the SetFocus to work properly on repeating items like this? I can never seem to get them to perform the same as they do on non-repeating items.

Thanks for your help.

If IsNumeric(DEPARTMENT_NBR) = False Then
If DEPARTMENT_NBR <> "00" Then
MsgBox "DEPARTMENT NUMBER must between 01 and 99.", vbOKOnly
End If
End If

Also, is there a way to look at a specific item in a list like that? IE. I want to reference the 3rd row's DEPARTMENT_NBR. Thanks.

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Quirky Setfocus Behavior In Afterupdate Code

Jan 8, 2005

Hi -

I have a form with a subform in a datasheet view. They are arranged in a one-to-many relationship (It is an order header and then order detail setup). I am trying to get it so if a user updates a particular field (QTY) in the subform (which is in datasheet view), they must also update another field (SelectSize) in the same record. I have created an 'AfterUpdate' event for the QTY field. In it I have:

Private Sub QTY_AfterUpdate()


End Sub

The problem is if I already have data in the subform (e.g. 5 records), and I go to update the QTY in record #2, when the setfocus command runs, it puts me in the SelectSize field in record #5 instead of record #2. It doesn't matter what record number I try to edit, it always puts me in the SelectSize of the last existing record number. I have tried replacing "Forms![OrderForm]![OrderSubForm]![SelectSize].SetFocus" with "Me![SelectSize].SetFocus", but unsurprisingly, this does the same thing.

Does anyone know how to make the setfocus stay within the same record?

I am using Access 2003 (11.6355.6360) SP1.

Thank you,

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