Forms :: How To Capture Windows Log On Information Of A User Using Database
Apr 8, 2014
I have several data entry forms in my DB. What I would like to do is capture the windows user name of the people adding records and changing records. How do I go about doing that? I was think of an on change event to a given field that would then pull the username and insert it in another field/object.
Lets say the an on change of me.cmbModel update txtUserName.
I would like to put a text box (user) and checkbox (check100) on a form, that when the checkbox is not checked the value in Gender switches. In an AfterUpdate I would use a code to capture the user login.
Code: Private Sub Check100_AfterUpdate() Me.User = Environ("UserName") If Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Male" THEN Me.Gender.Value = "Female" ElseIf Me.check100 = 0 AND Me.Gender.Value = "Female" Then Me.Gender.Value = "male" End If End Sub
Im seeking for a solution to prompt all user with windows alert for Notification
Case 1:One staff applied leave and clicked "Submit" , after clicked I want the system will prompt his/her Supervisor for his/her leave approval or like a notification that the Supervisor need to go somewhere to approve (Selected Supervisor)(Maybe the Supervisor need to 7x24 Opening the access database).
:) Hi Guys, I have a small problem, hope you can help me out. I have created a a form in Access for data entry. But I would like the form to capture the data and time and the user who's entering the data into the form. How do I do that. Been trying to figure it out:rolleyes: . Hope you can help. Attached is the screenshot of the form I created. Thanks a bunch
Does anyone know what VBA code I use in Access 97 to capture the mdb file name of the database I am currently in? I need to enter into a field on a table.
I need to create or adapt from a similar database a means to capture time (labor) spent on projects. I've searched for this topic, but have come up empty. Perhaps I'm just not searching on the correct search terminology. Here are the basic requirements:
One department can have many employees, but each employee is a member of only one department. An employee can be transferred from one department to another, and records created when the employee was a member of department 1 need to be retained under that department, while records created after the employee has been transferred to department 2 need to be recorded as such.
Projects can be worked on by any employee in any department. Many employees can work on any project.
Employees need to log in to the database daily and report the time spent on each project. A list of all projects needs to be displayed with the ability to enter the number of hours spent on each.
Reporting to include grouping of employees into departments; time spent by a department in total on each project; who worked on which project and total time spent.
There is a management shakeup here and I'm under a lot of pressure to get this done. I've done a very simple database, but nothing as complex as this.
Hi Guys, my first post hereim making a database for work and need to figure out the followingi have two people that uses a ms access db, each entering data.i made a custom macro in the vb editor:Public Function cUsername() cUsername = Environ("USERNAME")End Functionwhat i want to do now is, everytime a new entry is added in the table, it should add that username to the "user" cell... it should only do this once, so for example, when i enter data it will show "albert" and if i was to close it, login as "steve" it should still show "albert" under the ones i added, and not steve...this needs to be in the table not a query or form...thanks for your timeAG
Continuing with production of my database I've come across another wall that I'm trying to pass. My aim is when the user press the "Quit" button it will export everything to a file which is stored on Google Drive as google drive is installed on the laptops that will be using this database.
However the problem is Google drive is stored in the computer user files i.e C:UsersstudentGoogle Drive - is there a way to retrieve the name of the user that is logged into windows?
Private Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" _ (ByVal IpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" _ (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Function ThisUserName() As String Dim LngBufLen As Long Dim strUser As String
However cant get this to work - I think that is probably because i'm declaring this code in the wrong place - I've tried declaring the private functions in a class module and the functions in a module - however no success - How do you set this code up? Or is there a new way to do this?
If you are using a form as a sort of user interface and you've got a user entering in information into the form, is there any way possible to print a preview of the currently entered form information without saving it to the database first?
I'm thinking a kind of validation thing. Like, "Click here and preview what you've entered. Sure this is what you want?" type of thing.
I am attempting to create a patient tracking database for a clinic I work in and I am stuck at one small but major part.
I have a parent form called frm_Patient_index. On this form you can enter patient details such as personal details, observations ect. I need to create a lab request form for certain tests to be performed.
I want so that a button on the frm_patient_index form opens a subform where the relevent tests can be requested via tick boxes. Now here is my problem I have managed to create all of that except for the information to be entered into the frm_lab_request automatically and get SAVED to its corresponding table. It will not save for me.
I can get the information such as Badge Number, First Name, Surname and DOB to all enter into the fields automatically but getting them to save to the table is not happening.
At this point, FE db has 4 linked tables, 3 are located in FileBE1, and the 4th is located in FileBE2.
The production BE is located on a server, the test (when working remotely) is on a local computer that is not able to connect to the server. Also, the test BE files (but not the table names) have different names than the production.
I have the idea of creating a table in the Front End that contains a list of users, filename and location (server or local drive).
Upon startup, how could I set up the vba to check the links and if they need to be changed will go and change them without the user having to click on link table manager or be prompted for names and path.
For now, I envision three rows in the table, one for the test user, one for local user and a default UNC for everyone else. (or would it be six rows since there are two files that need link checking and relinking).
I am just after a bit of assitance if anyone can kindly help?
Basically, I need to redevelop a Complaints database for my employer as the current one is no longer fit for purpose. The current database is a FE/BE database and users are required to login with a username and password. This causes me a massive headache as users constantly forget their password and email me to reset it. I had included a password reminder form which emailed users their password if they got their pre-defined security questions correct but our business standards dept did not want us to store personal data for the reminder questions. Is there a way that the database can obtain the users network login ID from windows without too much difficulty?? We had something similar in a previous database but it dipped into the system registry and our IT dept had a fit when the found out....not surprisingly. :-) Thanks people. Have a great day!
Is it possible to capture a form's filter? In Access 2013, I have a form (from a template database) listing contact information. I can set filters by clicking on the column headers and selecting which records I want displayed. There is also a button to run a mail merge with Word. I want the merge to only include those records displayed on the form at the time it's run.
Is there a way of allowing user to reference/update from either databases ? If user enters an item code and it is not found in database A, can the program direct it to retrieve/update from/to database B ? Assuming database A and B are item databases with different contents.
I want to develop my database and forms to fit a 1600 x 900 resolution screen and would like to know, whilst I am in the Developer mode of Access 2007, is there a key that I can press that will switch to display the database/forms so that I can see what the User will see?
I have an Assess 2007 database with a user table. This table holds database user names and user passwords an entry permission to the database. I also have a welcome form that activates when user enters the database using either of the user names and user password in the user table. Now, I would like to display the database user name (NOT THE SYSTEM USER NAME] on the welcome form of the user that enters the database.
I have a call log database that is used to log calls (Obviously), i have several users over a network and everything works great, but i have been asked to create an alert function that notifies the user when a new call is logged assigned to them by a different user, similar to outlook when a new email is received.
I was planning on having a timer even which checks for new calls every few mins or so and opens up a form to display the new calls which have not been dealt with i thought it was gonna be simple but i have come across a few problems.
1. verifying if a new call has been logged 2. displaying only new calls 3. only displaying alert once per new call
I have attached the database but have had to remove all information from the tables for security reasons.
I was wondering if i could get some help here. In the startup under tools option in the menu in Access 2003., is there any way of coding it so it would display windows database, allows display status bar and other settings there?
Currently, i have unchecked pretty much everything except "Access special keys" when setting up a certain form to be a startup. By default, we don't want to see all the tables in the windows database but rather the actual start up form.
what we would like to do is to allow only the certain group of people to be able to view the windows database without using "hold on to shift key" button to access to windows database.
I have a fully functioning login screen with a combo box for name and a password box. It also has an option to create a new user or exit the database. On my main form I want the employees to have to log out of the database as opposed to close it out. How would I go about this? Also I need tracking login and logout times for each employee.
I need to know the procedure or event code for user login form at opening.
I am working on database which is almost done and i defined tables for users with passwords.
I need to know how i can assign Login Form to be appear on opening of database no other person than listed users should be able to enter or open database without password, to enforce this i made a login form.
What is the best way to capture the users that modify the records in the database?
Let us start from User Log-in Form After log-in, Main Form will open The main form has various menu (example Add Customer) Once I open the "Add Customer Form", I want to record the username in the Createdby/Editedby Field automatically.
I have made a very simple log on form that requires the user to type in a user name and password. The user name and passwords are stored in a table. New users are added to this table to allow access to the database.
Is there a way I can add a counter to see how many times a particular user has logged onto the database?
Is there a way to make the password expire every 365 days requiring the user to reactivate their account and log in details.