Forms :: How To Create A Form That Inputs Multiple Rows

Mar 18, 2014

I would like to make a form that can insert more than one row at one time. Something like add first column, then ask the user how many of the second row they would like, then prompt them for what is in the second row then add the information for the rest of the columns and have a separate row for each of the second column. So every row with have the same first column, but from there have a different row for how ever many desired in second column. So lets i enter for the first column, ABC, then I wanted 3 rows with ABC, then prompts me for the rest of the information for each of those rows separately.Something looking like this, oh and it would be updating an already existing table.


EDIT: I would also like to know if it is possible so it does it in ranges and dont have to do it manually like you enter the first column then enter a range for the second column and a bunch of rows are made with each value in between the range that was specified.

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General :: Update Table Based On Form - Create Multiple Rows

Apr 15, 2014

I have a table with the following columns: Task, Visa type, time it takes to perform the task. There are several taks that are performed for all visa types. I want to create a form to enter data to the table in which for the field visa type I have a list box that can allow multiple values, however, I do not to create a single line with the task and on visa type all the types of visas selected. I want to create a line for each type of visa with the information introduced.

I don't know if this is possible, the reason for which I want for the form to create several rows depending on the visas types is because then I have a query that sums all the types of visas. Can this be possible? I don't want the people to introduce manually directly to the table the data and also that for the same taks they have to enter manually 50 rows with values. I want it to be more simple and easier.

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Forms :: Create A Filter Based On A Set Of Inputs Via Combo Boxes

Sep 19, 2013

I have a form and a subform with a master/child relationship set based on the primary key of each underlying table. All good there.Now, I want to use VBA to create a filter based on a set of inputs via combo boxes. But the filter must filter both the Parent and Child records.Example. "Show me only records where both only the Parent.Field1 = "string" and Child.Field = "string".I can do this in a QRY as follows:

SELECT Projects.[Project Number], Lessons.[Actions Resolved]
FROM Projects INNER JOIN Lessons ON Projects.ProjectsRecordID = Lessons.ProjectsRecordID
WHERE (((Projects.[Project Number])="AU-2102421") AND ((Lessons.[Actions Resolved])=True));

But, if I make this as a record source for the Parent Form, then the records in the Parent Form are repeated for each individual record in the Child form.

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Forms :: Create Multiple Records On One Form?

Mar 19, 2014

I've developing a QA/QC database for testing chemical products and I'm stuck on the best way to continue with adding multiple records by using one form.

I have two tables:

tblProductSpecs with two primary keys, "ProductName" and "TestName"

tblResults with three primary keys, "ProductName", "TestName", and "LotNumber" and a number field named "Value"

A product can have multiple tests associated with it, e.g:

ProductName - TestName
XXX - Density, pH
ZZZ - Density
YYY - % soluble, cloud point , freeze point
This is my tblProductSpecs table

I want to store the "Value" of each "TestName" of the "LotNumber" of that "ProductName" in tblResults by a form. (All TestName values are number values).

I want a form where I can select "ProductName" and have the "TestName"s displayed for that "ProductName". Then I want to store the value of that "TestName" for that "ProductName" and "LotNumber" in tblResults.

The problem is that each test per product per lot number is a record and I can't figure out a way to create multiple records from one form.

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Forms :: Create Form To Update Multiple Tables At Once

Jan 9, 2015

I'm working to create a staffing database that houses changes to staffing week over week.

I have one primary table, the "empMaster" table, that stores the employee's name, contact information, etc. I have other individual tables for noting which employee reports to which manager, what their business title is, what group they're in, their training history, etc.

Once I've populated the empMaster table with employee information, I want a form that allows me to update each of the other tables IF there as a change. Some weeks will have a manager change, some only a business title change, some a group change, some a training change, some all of the above. The problem I run into is that I will sometimes process hundreds of changes a week, sometimes only 10-20 so I almost have to use datasheet view for mass edits. I'm relatively new to Access and I'm having a hard time getting my form to allow this level of flexibility and to update all fields needed.

When I build a form that includes more than two tables (let's say I want to update a Manager and a Business Title), the form will not work and populates nothing. I believe it's because Access wants there to be an existing record to match to across all three tables and there will not always be.

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Forms :: Create Form That Will Update Multiple Tables?

Jan 31, 2014

How do you create a form that is not tied to one single record source? In other words, I want to be able to select the record source that it updates. I have a bunch of tables that have the same data structure but are separated due to geographical nature among other reasons. Is there a way to do this?

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Forms :: One Form To Create Multiple Data Entries

Dec 30, 2013

What the database currently has: A payment entry form consistenting of many fields. This form populates a payment entry table. Some of the fields within the payment entry form are linked to other tables and queries for data (such as a recipient list).

What the database now needs: A group payment option. Should ten people attend a dinner, the total cost needs to be divided among the attendees, and then the payment entry form table populated with ten different entries and the subdivided cost of the dinner per person.

My thoughts: The most ideal thing to do is to have a hidden recipients window show up when the user indicates that this is for a group event. The user could then add all the additional recipients (beyond the primary which is already collected on the form), and the total amount for the meal. The database would then generate an entry for each recipient listed, dividing the total cost among them, and then simply duplicating the rest of the information as is.

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Forms :: Create A New Record In Multiple Tables Simultaneously Using One Form

Nov 17, 2014

I currently have a pharmaceutical lot database set up in the following format:

MFGData (table w/Manufacturing Info)
QAData (table w/ Quality Assurance Info)
QCData (table w/ Quality Control Info)
PASData (table w/ Process & Analytical Science Info)
SCData (table w/ Supply Chain Info)

[Code] ....

Each table has a corresponding form for data entry in each area. The tables were subdivided in this way in order to limit each department's ability to edit the data of other departments. The only field common to each table is the drug lot number, or "Lot #" (which is the primary key of each table).

I wanted to make it so that when Manufacturing enters a new lot number on frmMFGData, it automatically creates that lot number in the other 4 tables. This process mirrors our actual real world business process, where drugs are manufactured and assigned new lot numbers by our manufacturing team, and then other departments simply reference those numbers when doing their part.

To accomplish this, I went ahead and set up 1 to 1 relationships between the various tables using their "Lot #" fields, establishing referential integrity and enabling cascading updates. However, when I attempted to enter a new lot number into frmMFGData (the manufacturing form), it didn't seem to appear in any of the other tables. If I edit an existing lot number and change it to something else, the change does carry over to the other tables, so I know that the cascading updates are working in some capacity.

If cascading updates cannot "cascade" new records, then is there any other way to accomplish this?

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Multiple Inputs For A Query

Jan 25, 2008

I have a form that has three different pull down menus. When I click a button on the form it opens a second form that is filtered by a query. In order to allow the user to leave a pull down menu blank the query has 6 different columns. Three are headed with the field name and three are headed with the form reference, under the form reference it either says Is Null or Is Not Null. I have a total of 8 options in order to cover all possible scenarios. I would like to be able to add more search parameters but my query is getting ridicules. :confused: Is there a way to build the same thing with a code?


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Forms :: Create A Form Using Combo Box To Populate Multiple Fields And Tables?

May 26, 2013

I'm trying to create a form using a combo box to populate multiple fields and tables.

I've created a text field to display the added information using this format:


in the text box control source field, and this works for display purposes.However, I need it to populate this data into a field on a table.

For example:

My combo box looks up data that has 2 columns, Part Number and Description.

The control source for the combo box is "Part Number". And that populates the part number in the "Main" table no problem.

The text box I created using the above format in the control source populates the field in the form, but not the "Main" table.

Is there a way for the other (description) field to also populate the "Main" table as well?

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Tables, Strucuture, Multiple Inputs

Aug 29, 2005

Howdy. I have a question on design of tables. Most of the databases I have seen developed here (and in books) assume that there is some kind of individual input of data. Thus, one major table for input (of various sources) worked well on my other projects. This one doesn't seem to fit the mold.

I have Excel/CSV files from five different vendors. Each deals with a different kind of data. That is, while all of them will have a few common elements, there are several significant differences in the other fields that I cannot bring them into the same table. For instance, in one table one field might be "Size" and refer to inches, while another table would have size, but it refers to the portion of the page (1/4, 1/3, etc.). Thus each of the five vendor tables have unique fields.

Input tables:


Ref Tables:


For instance, fields for tblTV


So, my questions:

1. Is it acceptable to have five input tables, rather than one?

2. These five vendors will update their input data on a daily weekly basis. This, there will be changes to some fields and addition of many new records. What is the best way to handle this?

3. In addition, we will have 2-5 people updating several fields (i.e. last five in tblTV above) that the vendors cannot supply. Will forms be the easiest way to accomplish these updates?

3. Relationships will be critical in getting this set up correctly. Any suggestions?

Any kind of direction, suggestions will be very much appreciated.

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One Form Multiple Rows

Dec 31, 2004

I want to use a form that will put info from different drop down fields into the same column of a table.

(The information of the drop down boxes comes from table TopicNames)

Form: Caller
topic 1 topic 2 topic 3
wheelchair dancing Alzheimers behavior

to table "Topics"
wheelchair dancing

When I select the first topic the others change to the same

topic 1 topic 2 topic 3
wheelchair dancing wheelchair dancing wheelchair dancing

What do I need to do to make the form accept different input?

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Forms :: Autofill Multiple Rows From One Subform To Second Subgroup

Jul 1, 2014

So I have a master form, with multiple subforms on different tabs within the master form. This form is not used to look up data, just to only enter data in. In one of the tabs, I have a subform in the form of a data table where the person filling it in can put multiple locations of one dealership. In the next tab, I want these loctions to autofill into the next subform on the second tab in the data sheet. If I were to go with the solution of using an unbound textbox on the parent/master form to refernece the first subform and then have the second subform reference the textbox, how would I go about doing this? Just with the expression builder and conrol source? Am I able to autofill multiple rows of data from one subform to the other for one recond?

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Access Data In Multiple Rows In A Form

Feb 23, 2006

Hi guys ,

I'm very new to Access , but I need to do this and I can't figure it out. I have a form that looks like this : (

I'm trying to add up all the emails in a single string , but I can't access the records one after the other. The best I can do is display the currently selected record's adress ( The one with the black arrow in front ) . I tried browsing through the Fieldname.Value propertie ( in this case Me.Courriel.Value ) . I though I could cycle through all the Controls in the form , but Me.Controls.Count returns 3 , so I figured all the records must've been embedded into one control. Can anyone help me :( ?

(Sorry if this is a documented question , I've tried searching but couldn't find anything )

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Another Newby Question - Linking Multiple Rows To One Form

Jun 9, 2005

I have this form which shows an order.... linked to this order are the client, the principal company, and the company that carries out the order. The information for these three companies are all stored in one table (since the information is very similar).

Tables look like:
- OrderID
- ClientID * linked to CompanyID
- PrincipalID * linked to CompanyID
- Contractor (company that carries out the order) * linked to CompanyID
- Date
- ...

- CompanyID
- CompanyName
- CompanyAddress
- ...

An example is for instance:
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 01-01-2005

- 1, Comp A, 200 A Lane, LA,
- 2, Comp B, 100 B Lane, NY
- 3, Comp C, 300 C Lane, SF

So, on the form it should read:

Date of contract: 01-01-2005
Client: Comp A - 200 A Lane, LA
Principal: Comp B - 100 B Lane, NY
Contractor: Comp C - 300 C Lane, SF

I understand how to make one link to a form... but how do I make three links from the same table?!?!?

Any help is appreciated!

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Automatically Highlighting Multiple Rows In A Subquery On A Form

Dec 3, 2004


I have a form with a subquery on it that shows all of the records that the form is based upon. The subquery and form are linked already, so whatever record I change to on the form, the subquery will follow. The records are chronologically ordered by date in ascending order. Depending on what day the form is on, I want to be able to highlight the rows/records of that particular week automatically in the subquery. I was just wondering what method I can use to do the highlighting/selecting of the records if there is such a thing. Hope I was clear...THANKS! =)


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Opening Certain Forms Depending On Inputs

Jul 22, 2015

Essentially I am trying to build a macro or even a VBA script which would open an initial form with various data entry options, and then depending on the options chosen it would open specific forms sequentially with some preset data values.

I can go into more detail if needed; however, the problem is at my work (lab in an industrial plant) my coworkers and I waste a lot of time inputting data as our forms just include every field (which only around 10% of fields are utilized for each entry) because certain circumstances will dictate what fields need to be filled in, so for each entry most fields are left blank. These circumstances are entirely predictable as to what fields I will need for each entry so I thought I would easily be able to figure this out on my own but I have been unable to do so.

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Forms :: Retrieving A Number Based Upon Two Inputs

Oct 17, 2014

I am looking for an elegant way to retrieve a number from a table and display it in a form, where the number is determined by two values that will be input by the user to the form.

In particular, I want to be able to enter into a form:

- a date; and
- a class of asset

And have the relevant rate of depreciation for that asset class and that year appear in the form.

Sounds trivial and I guess it can be done in a number of ways. I have tried DLookup. It looks like it should work, but I have not been able to get the syntax such that it will accept a control value as a field name in the first argument of DLookup. (This would involve a table much like a spread sheet with a column for each year. I guess such tables are frowned upon and I have also heard negative comments about Lookups.)

I have experimented with concatenating the two fields into one such there is only one field to search upon. Seems to work. The table would only be updated annually and would only be a few thousand records.

I have experimented with having two joins between tables, but that did not seem ideal.

Perhaps a query of a query?

Perhaps a macro?

(Assuming I can get the form to work I would also like to create a report that lists assets and their depreciation.)

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Forms :: Delete Records Based On Inputs

Nov 23, 2013

I have a form Delete which contains four fields i.e. Date, City, Depots and Vendor, which has combobox.

I am trying to delete a record from table "Sheet1" based on the combobox, for which i have written the following code, but getting an error at the lines highlighted in red :

Private Sub Command30_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_delete_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim intResponse As Integer
intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Cash Management Team")
Select Case intResponse
Case vbYes
CurrentDb.Execute _


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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Forms :: How To Create Navigation Forms With Multiple Levels

Sep 20, 2014

I want create combination of navigation forms, navigation forms with two horizontal level and vertical level that link to navigation buttons in second level of horizontal navigation.

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Forms :: Log History Of Inputs - Using ComboBox To Update Memo Field

Jun 25, 2013

I am currently using the column history to log the history of inputs into a memo field.

But i now need to swap how my database runs and now require a combo box to have the same history function, as this is for a status updates and i require users to only input certain status's.

I no that I cant use the columnhistory command with a combo box.

When selecting a status from the combo box it automatically update the memo field (which will be hidden on the form) so the column history function works.

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Forms :: Create One Record In One Table And Multiple In Another

Oct 8, 2014

I have two tables which are in a one-to-many relationship (the example I am dealing with is a mother and her children).

I want one form for the mother, with fields such as date of birth, and when you click Add Record I want the mother table to be updated with the new record.

However on this form I also want a field for "number of children" and when the Add Record button is clicked, not only does the table containing all the mothers get a record added, I would like XX records added to the children table where XX is the number of children entered into the form. These should have separate IDs but retain a common field that identifies the mother.

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Forms :: How To Create A Query On Lookup Of Multiple Values

Oct 19, 2013

I wanted to create a form where you can select multiple values from the table "years" and on a button it would open a query displaying all the records in "students" in those years selected.

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How To Create Multiple Links In A Form

Aug 22, 2005

I have a form that tracks the budget. It is a small budget. But my problem deals with req. dates and req. amounts. You will see from the example I gave you that I can input one req. date and one req.amount and my calculations shows the ending balance. But how do I make fields where the same person can buy from different vendors in one day? I want to be able to show the date and the different requisitions and have the calculation subtract from each one, thus showing the ending balance. Hope this makes since. I attached the file of the example.

So under:
Date Req. I need to be able to put mulitple dates
Amount Spent: Different amounts that correspond to the date.
Ending balance: The ending balance will be correct when all of it is done.

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Forms :: Select Multiple Records In Subform To Create New Table

May 21, 2013

I need to create some new records based on main form data and a selection of records from a sub form. The main form and sub form have different sources. I wanted to show the source fields in the sub form along with a check box to allow the users to select individual records. The record source for the sub form contains >1000 records, so the user will first enter data in the main form, use filters to find the records he wants to 'assign' to the main form data, click those he selects, then click a command button in the main form to create the record(s) based on the main form data and the selected records from the sub form. The new records will be appended to a new table.

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