Forms :: How To Keep Focus On One Record

Jun 22, 2015

I have a customer provide his or her SSN. If the SSN matches a record in a table the form opens specifically on that record (no problem). If the SSN doesn't match a record, the form adds a new record (again, no problem).

The issue I'm having is with the new record. The customer is able to scroll through other records (page up, page down), which is a no-no. I need the form to be locked on the new record. I've posted my code below.

Private Sub Command543_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command543_Click
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone

[Code] .....

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Forms :: On Got Focus Move To New Record

Jun 23, 2013

I have a subform that I use to scan in products using a barcode reader, when the item scans it moves to the quantity (Qty) field where I have this code:

Private Sub Qty_GotFocus()
Qty.Value = 1
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

I am simply trying to set the Qty value to 1 and move onto the next record ready to scan another product in.

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Forms :: Subform - Set Focus To Other Record

Jan 2, 2014

I have a form with a subform which is sized to show several records at the same time. If Record A has the focus, and I click anywhere in Record B, then Record B gets the focus, as expected. ... Except if I click on an Image field in Record B, when the focus stays on Record A.

How I can force it to set the focus to the other record ? I don't think this can be done with Events handlers, as they need to have the focus set first.

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Forms :: How To Lose Focus From A Subform When Selecting Record

Dec 17, 2014

I have a form, with a subform,

When a user selects a record from the subform i use this to view the record in the main form

Private Sub Txt_Support_Name_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "ID =" & Me.ID
End Sub

However when i select the record from the subform, it populates the form as required, however then the top record of the subform is highlighted.

Any way to either - highlight nothing, or highlight the selected row?

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How Do I Set The Focus To The Next Record And.....

Apr 25, 2005

How do I delete this dummy record?

Also, how do I set the form to maximize fully like the above, when I open the form it defaults to this:

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Add A Record To A Sub Form Without Focus

Sep 11, 2006

Does anyone know how I can add a record to a subform that is in data sheet view with out giving the subform focus? I have tried the docmd.gotorecord but I keep getting an error that the form is not open. If i set focus to the subform and then use the docmd.gotorecord it works fine but I do not want to set focus to the sub form

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Requery Moves Focus To First Record

Oct 31, 2006

I have a sub form on a tabbed control. In the subform I have some calculated controls and I make them recalc when ever data in other fields change bu entering a recalc cmd in the update event of the required fields. That is all fine but the problem is that the forms focus moves to the first record and I need it to stay on the active record.

I have tried requery, recalc and refresh methods and they all do the same thing.

All I need to do is up date the calculated controls each time a field is updated and stay on the same form but it's eluding me.


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Modules & VBA :: Focus To Be Set To First Control Without Displayed Record Being Changed

Jul 31, 2013

On a form (default view: Single), I have a bunch of bound controls that display one record at a time from tblMain. I have a bunch of unbound controls as well (buttons).

If the user tabs through all the controls, reaches the last one (btnLast), and presses tab again, the focus is set to the first control (btnFirst) and the bound controls change to display the next record. I just want the focus to be set to the first control without the displayed record being changed.So I set up an "If" statement in Private Sub btnFirst_GotFocus()


If Screen.PreviousControl.Name = "btnLast" Then
[code to change record back to previous record]
End If

But btnFirst gets the focus when the form opens, so Screen.PreviousControl spits out an error.I've accommodated this like so:


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If Screen.PreviousControl.Name = "btnLast" Then
[code to change record back to previous record]
End If
Exit Sub
Exit Sub

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Forms :: Set Focus To Sub Form?

Sep 14, 2014

On a main form I have 2 sub forms. On the main form I have a command button that asks how many guests in a booking and depending on the response populates the subform with Guest Names. However it will only do this if I click on the subform and then click the command button.

I want to include some code that sits behind the command button on the main form that will duplicate the otherwise manual selecting of the sub form. And I am thinking this is a SetFocus procedure.

I have tried this code;
where Booking is the name of the form. I do not know whether the Subform is #1

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Forms :: How To Tell If A List Box Has Focus

Aug 1, 2015

i have a button that allows you to "edit" the show that is selected. You can double click the show name from the list box, and it opens that show in viewing mode, but you cant edit it. You can click the edit show button in the form that you view the show with, but I want to be able to edit that show from the main form with the list box. But, the problem im having, is if someone clicks the "Edit show" button without have a show selected, they get a error.

If lstShows has focus Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEventsEdit", , , "EventID = " & Me.lstShows

'do nothing, since having no code here, it does nothing

End If
End Sub

That is what I want, but I cant get access to open that show up if its selected.I need to be able to tell if it has focus on it, and to open that selected show up.

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Forms :: Set Focus To A Subform

Mar 20, 2014

If i open a form with a sub form on can i open it so that the focus go directly to a control on a sub form.I have tried to do it with a macro on the on open event to go to control but it comes up that the control don't exists on the sub form.i am using access 2010.

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Forms :: Cannot Set Focus To The Control

Sep 1, 2013

This code stopped working without explanation after the longest time. I can't seem to fix it.

Private Sub Send_Letter_AfterUpdate()
Call Set_CallDateUserId
End Sub
Private Sub Set_CallDateUserId()

[Code] .....

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Moving Focus/control On Sub Forms

Feb 16, 2006

I have a parent form called "frm_job_enter"

and two sub-forms called "frm_fabricator" & "frm_engineer"

On the sub form "frm_fabricator" I have a combo box and after updating this combo box (called fabricator) I would like the cursor to jump into a field called “ApllicationsEng” on the other sub form "frm_engineer"

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

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Forms :: Set Focus On Subform Control?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a form with a subform on it. The subform has subforms. I need to set the focus on a control on one of the subforms. Here is what I am using.

Forms!frmMain!frmMainSub.Form.frmContactLog.SetFoc us
Forms!frmMain!frmMainSub.Form.frmContactLog.Contac tMethod.SetFocus

I use Code 1 to get to the third level. Code 1 works.

Code 1
Forms!frmMain!frmMainSub.Form.frmContactLog.SetFoc us

When I add the second line, Code 2, it doesn't work. I get the message "Run-time error 438: Object doesn't support this property or method."

Code 2
Forms!frmMain!frmMainSub.Form.frmContactLog.Contac tMethod.SetFocus

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Forms :: How To Set Focus On Specific Text Box

Nov 11, 2013

I have a continuous form with a combobox and a text box. In the after_update event of the combobox I want to setfocus on the text box - of the specific record that I'm on. I tried using Me.CurrentRecord but that returns me to a completely different record than the one I was on. How can I setfocus to the text box of the record I am on?

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Forms :: Set Focus And Requery Data

Mar 17, 2013

I have a Dynamic Search form, which I use to search for client, on the double click it takes me to the client, at which point I have the Forms Visible set to False.

When I click on a button to open that Form, the Visible turns back to True, however it shows my last search results, how do I clear it so that when I call it back up it is ready to search again, and my focus is set to the SearchFor box.

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Forms :: Navigation In Textbox - Set Focus?

Dec 8, 2014

In a form, I go to a textbox with setfocus. The whole text is selected then. But how can I place the cursor after the existing text, so that I can begin writing immediately?

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Forms :: Fields Jumping When Have Focus

Sep 1, 2013

When the client clicks in a text-Box or Combo-box in a sub-form, the field seems to jump to the side. in this image it jumps to the left, but jumps to the right to..., it is quite irritating, especially attempting to open a combo-box list, and see the button jumping aside.We renewed the file many times, so I don't think it is corrupted, but go know..the file can be accessed via network or terminal server, the pic is from terminal, but happens via network too.

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Forms :: Set Focus To Last Line Of Subform

Jan 21, 2015

I have a single main form with a datasheet subform. When I scroll through the records shon in the main form, each has a different set of child records shown in the subform.

I want the focus to be on the last record of the subform each time.

On the main form, I have a button and this code

Private Sub cmdLast_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
End Sub

which works perfectly, when I click the button.

If I call this code from main form's OnCurrent, focus remains on the first line of the subform instead of going to the the last. I have an inkling that it has to do with when the requery of the subform takes place, when I scroll through the records on the main form.

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General :: Setting Focus On Forms

Jun 26, 2015

I am having trouble setting the focus on my forms... I have a parent form with two labels that are coded like this.

Private Sub Advisory Messages_Click()
Me![ Advisory Messages].Visible = _
Not Me![Advisory Messages].Visible
End Sub


I have the visible property set to no on the subform allowing the user to toggle the visibility when the label is clicked. The problem though is when I click inside the subform to use the scroll bar to view records, it transfers the focus to the subform making it almost impossible to close by clicking the label again because the label is on the parent form. I found the "me.parent.setfocus" command and a few other set focus commands but I don't know what I should be applying the command to in order to make it work.

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Forms :: Can't Disable A Control While It Has Focus

Jul 18, 2015

I have a form that allows me to update entries in a table. When I select the line I need to update and hit the "edit" button I get a run time error '2164' You cant disable a control while it has the focus. when I debug the line in the code that is highlighted yellow is
Me.cmdEdit.Enabled = False.

I developed the database in access 2013, and now I am forced to run the database on a computer that has Access 2003. I have changed the database base to access 2000-2003.

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Forms :: Can't Hide Control That Has Focus

Jan 18, 2015

I have a toggle control on a form which depending on selection uses a loop and instr to make 'not visible' a set of controls on a subform.(forms! Mainform !subform.form)I get error 2165 but if I test immediatley before the make not visible process it returns the toggle frame as being the active control.

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Forms :: Tabbing And Setting Focus On A Button?

Oct 21, 2013

I have a form with a tab control on it. The input for respective fields are placed inside the tab control, and I have the "Confirm" button placed outside, on the main form. Now I wanted to be able to navigate my focus from a control from inside to tab control, out to the Confirm button on the form, to allow smooth flowing data entry.

However, it seems like Access separates the tab indexes for the controls in the tab control and outside on the main form, so setting tab index does not work. I tried using the code ON LOST FOCUS and SET FOCUS;

Private Sub txtPurchaseNote_LostFocus()
Forms![frm Imported]![cmdConfirmPurchase].SetFocus
End Sub

But then a dialog box appears:

Run-time error '2110'
Microsoft access can't move focus to the control cmdConfirmPurchase

(cmdConfirmPurchase is a button control)

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Forms :: Set Focus - Sending Cursor To First Field

Dec 31, 2014

I have a form (Home_Interview_Form) with several subforms (AirFresheners, Pesticides1 etc), and I would like the cursor to move from the last field in one subform to the first field in the next subform on keydown. I have written the following code, but instead of sending the cursor to the first field (PestSpray) it is going to the next field (PestSprayCom) in the subform for some reason. I am using Access 2013.

Private Sub Fresh2React_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Forms!Home_Interview_Form!Pesticides1.Form!PestSpr ay.SetFocus
End Sub

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Forms :: Set Focus To Text Box Once Button Is Clicked

May 28, 2014

What do I need to put into a macro attached to a command button to set the focus to a text box once the button is clicked?

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Forms :: Combo Box Not Getting Focus When Opening Via Navigation Bar

Aug 13, 2014

I have a combo box combo51.

If I open the form directly from the left pane (all access objects)
forms engineering entry
the form opens and combo51 has focus (the cursor is in it)

If I open it from the Engineering tab on the navigation bar the Engineering Entry is the default left hand form and opens, but no focus as in the screen dump.

If I go to the code on Engineering Entry, On Load, Combo51.SetFocus This doesn't seem to work as I would expect.

How can I get this combo box to get focus when opening this form via the navigation bar.

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