Forms :: How To Repeat Fields Entered In A Subform

Dec 16, 2013

I have a form (based on ArtistSong) and a subform tied to the ArtistSongID. This subform is a set of 11 variable attributes of that Artist & Song combination. Also, there can be multiple records in that subform, all associated with the Artist & Song.The user would like, when he makes an initial entry of 11 attributes, to go ahead and repeat that particular combination in the next New Record.

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Repeat Last Entered Value In Data Table In Access 2002

Apr 11, 2012

In my office we have used Access 2002 for many years. We enter data directly into a table. Many values are repeated row after row, with only slight changes in a few fields. I am looking for a way to automatically have the previous value in a field entered into the current row, and allow this value to be modified if it has changed, but then become the new "default" value for following rows. I have searched the web and found solutions when using forms, but nothing for entering data directly into a table. I have also seen the suggestion for Ctrl + ', this works but I would rather it be done automatically.

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Forms :: Design A Subform To Allow Multiple Records To Be Entered?

Mar 27, 2015

I am trying to design a subform to allow multiple records to be entered and then uploaded to a table. I've designed the subform but it is currently pulling all of the records from the table through and all I want is a blank subform for data entry.

I have tried putting a macro in the On Load and On Open events to get it to go to a new record but I keep getting error number 2046.

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Tables :: Populate Table With Repeat Then Increment Then Repeat

Aug 7, 2013

Beginner with Access 2010 - making additions to one field in a JunctionTable. Need to extend a field by adding some new numbers but have found it easier to Export to Excel - make changes and replace in accdb.

I have found an Excel formula that does what I want but starts from the number "1".


Which starts with number "1" and repeats this 8 times then increments by one and repeats 8 times.

But I want to start with a number of choice (7270 and go to 9028). Have seen some VBA versions but none give me control of the start number. I am then able to update the second empty field on the JunctionTable from a query. (this is a fixed number).

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Forms :: Main Form Duplicated When Data Entered In Subform?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a main form titled "projects" with a subform titled "inventory". They are linked by two fields "project" and "fiscal year" with a one to many relationship. These fields are also the primary keys in the main form. I also have the referential integrity option activated.

Whenever data is entered in the subform inventory, it duplicates the main form and all the other subforms linked to the main form. (I have about 11 other subforms linked to the main form). So if I enter 2 records in the inventory tab, there will be 2 records for the same project and fiscal year in the subform and all the other linked subforms with the same data, so it is almost like it is seeing the inventory subform as the main form. I have tried deleting the duplicate record from the main form, then it deletes the 2nd entry of the subform. I have attached a pdf with a print screen of the 2 duplicate records with the same fiscal year and project name.

I have another form called Notes that has a similar relationship, but doesn't have this problem. I think it might have something to do with the conversion. I originally created the database with Access 97 and we are now using Access 2007. Am I missing something that needs to be done in Access 2007 to link the 2 forms, so I can enter records in the subform without duplications?

Also, the database is split so there is a back end and front end. I have all the tables and relationships set in the back end.

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Forms :: Default Entry Into Subform Based On Data Entered In Main Form

Apr 23, 2014

I have a form that request the User to enter a Parcel ID number (99-9a-99-99aaa-aaa-aaaa). The sub form asks for the subdivision number, block number, and lot number. The subdivision number, block number and lot number are normally part of the Parcel ID number but sometimes they can be different. I want the sub form to fill in the Subdivision number, block number, and lot number as a default but allow the user to change the value if needed. currently the sub form will only show what is entered into the table itself if a change is made on the main form the sub form does not reflect the change.

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Forms :: Save Values Entered Into Unbound Text Boxes To Fields In Table

Mar 6, 2013

how can i to save the values entered into unbound text boxes to fields in table

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Forms :: Disabling Fields In Access Based On Data Entered In A Previous Field

Sep 9, 2013

How to disable fields in Access based on data entered in a previous field? For example if "yes" is chosen from a drop down show "Date field" if "no" is chose hide "Date Field".

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Forms :: Automatically Updating Fields In A Subform From Another Subform

Feb 11, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out the method to automatically update some fields in SubForm from 2 other SubForms.I have attached 2 pics, the first GradeEntry1 shows what the tblTopic_Class_Grade form looks like after I manually enter everything into it. GradeEntry2 is what the form looks like when I fill out the Form starting at the top.

I'd like the tblTopics_Class_Grade form auto-populate the TrainingClassID (it currently does this), TopicClassID, StudentID, TrainingTopicID based off the entry from the above forms.My end goal is that I need to have a grade for each student on each training topic for each class. Like:


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Forms :: Append Query Is Able To Repeat Entry

Jul 3, 2014

I am running an Append Query [qry_AppendToWeatherFromGP] to update some comboboxes as part of an import function.My query is:

INSERT INTO tbl_Weather ( Weather )
SELECT tbl_DetectionImports.Weather
FROM tbl_DetectionImports;

The function is:

Private Sub btn_SaveImport_Click()
On Error GoTo btn_SaveImport_Click_Err
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


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Forms :: Updating Old Database - Repeat Data From A Given Date

Feb 20, 2015

I am currently updating an old Db which rosters staff. One of the enhancements will allow the user to automatically allocate staff details to a Roster after a given date. i.e. Roster date 20th Feb 15, repeat for 3 days. 21st 22nd 23rd Feb 15. I have created a form with a medium date field and then a Combo box with drop down values of 1 thru 7 days. I want to link the combo box value to the Date box.

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Forms :: Repeat Image By Number Of Times In Access Report

Oct 27, 2013

I am creating a simple report. I would like to add an image (already done) but repeat the number of times it appears by a numerical value i.e. [Image1] x [Quantity] (field value) so that the image repeats the number of times I require per record is this possible?

(I have attached an image)....

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Forms :: Repeat Record Entry Based On Option Group Selection

Sep 10, 2014

Is there a way to duplicate, triplicate, a record based on an option group selection. i.e.

Field: Option group
Value = 1
Value = 2
Value = 3
Field 2:
Field 3:
Field 4:
and so on.

Basically if value 1 is selected, then I fill out the rest of the fields hit enter and go to a new record. But if value 2 or 3 is selected, I fill out the the fields, hit enter. The information is recorded said number of times based on the selection in the option group. Ideally I would have2 or 3 of the same record in the db, with different Primary keys of course.

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Modules & VBA :: Limiting Dates Entered In Subform

Jan 20, 2014

I have a subform which users log their daily working hours (Mon - Fri) for 2 weeks. The subform is limiting the number of records to 10 or less. I would like to begin including the weekend in the form but don't want to include them as part of the 10.

Here is my code which works fine if I am only looking at the recordcount values.

The date field is [Reporting Date]

Private Sub Form_Current()
If RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 10 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
If RecordsetClone.RecordCount <= 10 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = True
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Query Not Using Fields On Form Instead Asking For Parameters To Be Entered

Mar 15, 2007

I have created a query that will pull the price of a property into the cost field combo box on a booking order subform depending on the values of the start date and property number enter onto the same form.

The query gets the price from the property price table matching on the property no i've selected on the booking order subform and also the start date i've entered on the booking order subform which needs to be between the start and end date fields in the property price table.

Fields in the property price are property price no, property no, start date, end date and price.

Also the booking order subform is a subform on a booking form

This is the query i have created:
SELECT [Property Price].Price
FROM [Property Price]
WHERE (((forms![booking order subform]![start date]) Between [property price].[start date] And [property price].[end date]) And (([Property Price].[Property No])=forms![booking order subform]![property no]));

The problem is when i run the query from the cost combo box the query isn't picking up the fields on the booking order subform instead its bring up a seperate meesage box from parameters start date and property number to be enter.
Can someone give me advise how to make the query use the values in the fields on the booking order subform i enter before running the query. cheers

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How Do I Print The Total Entered In Fields Of Records

Nov 7, 2007

I have a database for police officers to enter their daily activity. For example on arrests, Date:_____ Drugs____DUI___

The officers enter the date and the total number arrested for each charge. I want to print a monthly report. How do I make the report print this information for a specific date range? The way I have it now, it asks for the startdate and enddate, but it still totals every record, not just the date range.

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Forms :: Populating Fields In A Subform?

Mar 3, 2014

I have database as follows,

1- student table: stID (PK), firstName, lastName

2-course table: courseID (PK), courseName, courseDescription

3- studentCourse: stID(FK),courseID (FK)

Now, I have created a main form based on student table and a subform based on studentCourse table. However, because I needed to populate the courseName and CourseDescription in the subform I changed its record source to a query (stID, courseID, courseName, courseDescription) so that when I move between the subform records the courseName and courseDescription still show in the subform.

To populate the courseName and courseDescription in the subform I changed the courseID to a combobox so that it brings the courseName and courseDescription from the course table and show it in the subform.

Everything is working fine so far BUT when I choose to input a courseID manually into the combobox, it does not populate the courseName and courseDescription as it does when I choose the courseID from the combobox.

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Forms :: Different Child Fields Within Same Subform

Dec 16, 2013

I have done this by linking the relationship between a person and a company (company-personID) with the table "alternates". In a subform for the information about the company itself, it shows the people associated with the company, as well as their alternates (assuming they're a director). It works just fine when I view a director's alternate, as John Tong here has his alternate as the person with relationship number 7. However, the whole thing is made useless when I view it from an alternate director's point of view, like Peter Chan, where he's displayed as the director, and the alternate is null. After poking around for a bit, it turns out that the child field is ALWAYS director.

What I want is for it to show the alternate or director based on who's being shown in the subform, i.e. Peter Chan is filled as alternate with the director being shown as "1". I've tried setting up expressions and putting up multiple master and child fields, but they just mess up I could display the names instead of the company-personID in the "alternates" subform,.

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SQL Insert Into Fails - Update Fields That Do Have Data Entered

Dec 14, 2012

The following SQL event will not update the CustomerData table if the FrmContact field on the form is left blank. I have this code in the OnLostFocus Event. Is it possible to have this command update the fields that do have data entered in them even though the FrmContact field is blank?

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO CustomerData (CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerCityStateZip, CustomerPhone, CustomerContact, LockRecs) " & " VALUES (""" & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmCompany & """ , """ & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmAddress & """, """ & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmCityStateZip & """, """ & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmPhone & """, """ & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmContact & """, """ & Forms!frmflcdeliver.Controls!FrmLocked & """)"

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Forms :: Save Subform Fields To Table

Jul 1, 2013

1. I have a Main form (based on a table) with a Subform.
2. The Subform is based on a Query

I want to save the data from the Subform (Salary Field) to my Table, I dont know if VBA will be the best option.




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Forms :: Subform To Be Filtered On Just One Of Linked Fields

Jun 10, 2015

I have a form [Art_DepartmentFilter] that has a subform [Art_ByRoomSubform]. The linked master/child fields are DeptID and RoomID.

There is a list box on the form that allows you to select the department, and this also updates a list box that shows the rooms in that department that have art in them.

I would like the user to be able to filter the form to show either all of the art in that department, or just the art in the specific room. I have two separate buttons, one for each filter (cmdDeptFilter, and cmdRoomFilter).

I realized I had to add the link for the RoomID in order to get the filter for the room to work (which it does nowoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textroomid]").

However, DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[qry_artbyroom]![DeptID]=[forms]![art_departmentfilter]![textdeptid] and [qry_artbyroom]![roomid] like '*'" returns just the first room listed for the department, not all of the rooms.

How can I show all of the rooms for the department selected?

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Forms :: Open A Form Which Contains A Subform With Blank Fields?

Sep 7, 2013

I have a [Order Central table] that compiles products from four different categories that employees can order from.

Employees using the database will select from four categories on buttons which opens up the order form EX: [Category 1 form].

They enter their order info on [Category 1 form] into a subform sourced from [Category 1 Table] called [Category 1 subform].

Is there a way that they could select the "Category 1" button, which would run a macro opening [Category 1 form] with the [Category 1 subform] having a where condition of 1=0 (or just so that the subform appears blank)?

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Forms :: Sorting Multiple Fields On A Continuous Subform

Feb 10, 2015

I'm trying to use the following code to programmatically sort four fields on the continous subform:

Me.SPlanChange_03_OFFSET.Form.OrderByOn = True

It appears that the code works partially - the values in the "AOBJ" field are as they be and so are the values in "AVAILABLE" field. The values in the "ORG" and "AGFND" fields will not sort.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible?

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Forms :: Loop Through Records And Copy One Of Fields For Each Row Into Another Subform

Apr 12, 2013

I have a subform for which I want to loop through all the records and then copy one of the fields for each row into another sub form.

I came up with the bellow code but i get an error when I run it.

The error is an "error 438".

Code is at follows and I am copying the field called price:

Do Until Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].EOF
[Roll Out - Sign items added].Form![Price] = [Roll Out - Sign items pick list].Form![Price]
Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].MoveNext

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Forms :: Using VBA To Populate Date / Time Fields On Subform

Jan 10, 2015

I have a form that contains a subform. On the main form, there are 3 fields: [IncidentNumber], [OpenDate] and [OpenTime]. The subform, [CtrlLog Detail] , contains the log entry details for each incident number. Every incident number can have many log entries. Two of the fields on the subform are [EntryDate] and [EntryTime]. The fields work correctly and the forms are fine.The issue Im having is when a new incident number is created the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] and [EntryDate], [EntryTime] MUST be equal because of some filter queries for statistics. Right now the user must physically type in the date/times in these 4 fields when they create a new incident number, which means I'm having lots of data entry errors.

Using default value on either [EntryDate] or [EntryTime] on the subform doesnt work because it doesnt create a primary key for the underlying table and the subform will not allow any other entry (due to some other linked values) until that PK is created. The forms are based on tables linked by [Activity_ID] as the primary key. I want to create some VBA code to see that if the Incident number is a new number (meaning the user must type in the new incident number creating the primary key for [Activity_ID]), that access will automatically populate the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields to match the [OpenDate], [OpenTime] fields on the main form. The user will manually populate the [OpenDate], [OpenTime].

If the number is an existing number (and the user is simply adding a log entry to the incident number) then I want [EntryDate], on the subform to default to the system date/time ([EntryTime] should remain blank for user entry) while keeping [OpenDate], [OpenTime] unchanged. When the [EntryDate], [EntryTime] fields are populated on creation of a new incident number, I want the PK for the underlying table ([Log_ID]) to be generated.

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