Forms :: How To Search Entire Table Through Form

Apr 16, 2013

I have a form with two unbound text boxes: HireMovieID and HireCustomerID, and a button HireButton which runs my query: HireHistoryQuery. Then I have a table: HireHistory. In my HireHistory table, I have my CustomerID's along the top as column names. Then the records for those columns are in this sort of format: "0001 on 19/05/2006" as type Text.How can I make it so that when a user enters a Customer ID (e.g. 23) into my HireCustomerID box in my form, it shows column number 23 and all it's records?

Also, what code do I need so that if someone enters something into the HireMovieID text box in my form (e.g. 0001) it shows all of the instances of that from the whole table in its respective column?

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Search Entire Table And All Fields

Dec 28, 2005

I have a table that has the following: Joint Account, Employer, Employer1...Employer20, subemployer1, subemployer2... subemployer5, addemployer1, addemployer2... addemployer5, removeemployer1, removeemployer2....removeemployer5.

It might be possible that any of the columns with the word "employer" in them have the same number in them. The Joint Account column might have the repeating number in it as well.

I want to be able to push a button on a form open a input box and enter a 7 digit employer number and search through the whole table and return all the rows where that number particular number is.

I have tried building a query using "like" in the criteria but you can only use that 8 times.

I have searched through this forum, but I am unable to find something that I could use. As I m not a seasoned access user, I do not quite know what to do with some of the other "search" questions I have seen.

Thank you in advance for any help that could be given or pointing in the right direction.


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VBA - Search Button To Search Entire Records / Runtime Error 3345

Jun 18, 2014

why the code below is not functioning properly. When I type in an acronym in the textbox, it keeps saying there is an error "Run-time error '3345': Unkown or invalid field reference 'ABO'." I do have ABO in the field.

The dysfunctional code:

Private Sub btnFind_Click()
If (TxtFind & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[Acronym] = " & TxtFind

[Code] .....

The red highlighted line is where the debugger leads me to. Something with identifying the field? I would like to enable the search procedure to search throughout the entire records rather than just a specific field. How may I write such a line or two?

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How To Search Entire Database

Aug 8, 2014

Is there a way to search an entire database? Almost like a Google search where a user could put in a few key words and it would retrieve all records no matter which fields the key words appeared in?

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General :: Search Bar That Scans Entire Database

Nov 4, 2012

I wonder if by any chance it is possible to create a search bar that scans the entire database- or lemme say the fields i assigned to such search bar- that can be put in the switchboard or so.

According to my level of understanding of access, this should be a query.

However, is it possible to make it appear like a search bar that could be placed where I want it; in this case in the switchboard??

Does it require a certain code or something?

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Queries :: Displaying Entire Contents Of Search Results?

Dec 8, 2013

I'm trying to make a search form that makes use of queries that search a table based on what fields I have. How would I go about having the query display all the fields for the record(s) that match the search criteria? This is for Access 2010.

As far as the query is set up, I have several fields with a search criteria, and the others are for displaying the relevant information about the results (since they're not search criteria, I used "Like '*'"). When I ran the query, it doesn't come up with anything - even if the record actually exists in the table with specified criteria.

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Forms :: Adding Field To A Form Breaks Entire Database Record Source?

Sep 26, 2014

I am building a database where one Form displays records from 14 different tables. For some reason, when I recently try to add a field on to a form from a new table, the ENTIRE form loses the record source, and every single field that is already on the form gets that green dot in the corner with errors surrounding a record source that cannot be found. What am I doing wrong? Am I exceeding some limitations with forms?

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Forms :: Search From Multiple Table At Same Time In A Form

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a search form where a user can search by either employee name or company name. I have 5 tables to use. Is there a simple way of creating a search method for this? I would like to be able to have the user type in a name and click a button that says search with any records matching the search come up. However, I could definitely use a method where they type it in a box and it finds it as the person types.

How to search from all five tables at the same time.

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Forms :: How To Search All Possible Places In A Form Where A Table Column Is Used

Feb 9, 2014

I have to change a few column names in my Tables. I am looking for an easy way to check all the places where this column name is used. In VBA modules i can search for its usage, but is there a way to search if the column is used in a form in one of its fields or if its used in a control? At the moment the only way I know is to simple make the table column change and then used all the controls to see where I get errors.

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Forms :: How To Add A Search Box To Form Bound To Query Not A Table

Apr 17, 2015

I have a form based on a query. I'd like to add a search box to the top to look up values and then populate the rest of the form. I can't do it with the combo box wizard because the relevant (third) option doesn't show up, I assume that's because the form is based on a query not a table.

Any alternative method of adding a search?

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Forms :: Refreshing Table Form Through Search Function

Apr 7, 2015

I am having some minor issues with my current database. The way it works currently is having a MainMenu where you can either go to customers/ ProductList/ Product OR ProductList straight away. I have a CustomerT and a ProductT. I have made a Query where I link the two tabels to have the feature showing the customer to the specific product with the criteria: "Kunde: [CustomerName] & " " & [Subsidiary]" on the form I have a txtsearch (Textbox) connected to a button with this coding:

Private Sub Kommandoknap49_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim strText As String
If (Len(txtsearch.Value) > 0) Then
strText = Me.txtsearch.Value


This allows me to search for text in each of the boxes with information on the single product(s) for example searching for Kunde (Customer in Danish) or ProduktNavn (Name of product) HOWEVER when I do this the "Kunde" turns into "#Navn?" c..If i reopen the Form it will show with the right information. I also tried to code the "Byactivation" to

PHP Code:


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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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JET Transfers Entire Table?

Oct 8, 2007

I read somewhere that the main difference between JET AND SQL server is that a query rn through JET transfers the whole table across the network to the client machine and then processes it. Whereas, SQL server just transfers the particular record, say if you use a stored procedure.
Is this actually true?
What about if it's usng a SQL back end?
Any links on this subject?

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Excluding An Entire Table?

Oct 9, 2006

I have one table that will consists of about 1,000 rows. I have another table that consists of product codes that we want to exclude from the report. I know how to include the two tables by joining, but I want to EXCLUDE the 2nd table of product codes. Basically, if any of the product codes listed on table 2 are on table 1, I don't want them to appear. So how can I do an exclude function in a query?

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Import Records But Not Entire Table

Dec 23, 2004

Is there a way to import the records from another database table? I have an inventory database, blank, only the backend data is there. So everyone goes out on their own and gets inventory. At the end of the day, I would like to get flie 1, file 2, file 3, and only open file one, and only import the record from the other two inventory tables.

All these files will be exactly the same(Tables, queries,forms, everything). The only thing that will be different will be the data in the inventory table. Thanks for you help!

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Inserting AND Updating Entire Table

Sep 19, 2004


I am currently working with a database that has a table called "Students." I need to import records from a textfile that has a bunch of records, some new, some existing records but updated. I got them to import into a table used for imports (called "Import Table") and I was able to run a query to append the records if they were not already existing, but how do I get a Query to do both new inserts and updating existing records with new info from the imported data?


Bob is in the database already, but needs to update his records. His updated record is in a textfile which is now in the "Import Table". But in that same textfile/table, there are some new people that need to be added.


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Converting An Entire Table To Proper Case

Apr 27, 2005

I am trying to change all the fields of a table from All Caps to Propercase. I have used strconv propercase before, however only on a field by field basis. I have about 5 or tables that I have to do this to and am trying to save the typing. I know I can do this with a recordset (easily in asp), but am not familar enough to do this in vba. Can you do a for each fld, like in asp, or am I going at this the totally wrong way. I tried using an update query with the *, but access doesn't like that too much. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Delete Entire Column From Existing Table

Mar 28, 2006

Please help....
I have combined 2 Tables using a select * query.
I have to do it this way as the data changes.
The issue I have is that in both tables there is a common field called "Amps"
Hence my resultant table has 2 columns, Table1.Amps and Table2.Amps.
Every time this occurs I want to delete Table2 column entirely as I use this table to plot a graph.

In short- I need to know the code to delete a column from an existing Table.

Please help..


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Newbie Question Link Row To Entire Table

Jul 21, 2006

I'm a relative newbie and I'm trying to figure out if I can link individual rows in one table to entire whole tables.


I have a table with the following fields:

Ticker Quote Volume
MSFT $25.00 3000000
IBM $30.00 1093837
SNDK $20.00 5959483

Now each of these Tickers has a whole table of options associated with each particular ticker and the EASIEST way for me to proceed would be to simply link row MSFT with an ENTIRE table of MSFT_OPTIONS then link IBM with the table IBM_OPTIONS.

Keep in mind that I don't have a field called TICKER in the options table and MSFT does not appear anywhere in the options table.

I know I can go and add the TICKER field to the OPTIONS_TABLE and then assign a primary key and then link them both but this would involve a great deal more work since I have hundreds of stocks with options tables to link. The data I get is in a specific format and I don't want to have to massage the data too much.

I appreciate your help,

Mr. Opine.

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Convert An Entire Table To Lower Case?

Sep 24, 2007

I need to convert an entire table to lower case..

The table happens to only have one column in it, so each record only has one field..

How do I convert the entire thing to lower case?

I can not just convert the display info to lower case, this table is used as a cross-reference data table and I need to physically convert all the data in the entire table to lower case.

Oh, and I need this to be a macro of some sort, since the data is re-imported on a regular basis, and will re-convert to upper case on the import.



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Queries :: Append Query Not Appending Entire Table

Feb 27, 2015

I have a local table that I am trying to append to a linked table. The fields are exactly the same. When I try to append the entire local table to the linked table I get an error code.

ODBC- insert on a link table failed.
[ctreeSQL]-17002 CT- Key value already exists in index (linked table field) (#-17002)

If I specify the criteria in the field to refer to a specific value in the local table, it updates it just fine. I want an append query because I don't want to manually update 500+ records!! I don't believe an update query would work because the values are not in the current linked table... so nothing to update!

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Tables :: How To Make Table Not To Fill Entire Screen

Nov 11, 2013

No matter how much I maximize or minimize Access (2010) my tables fill the entire screen. This happened once before but I don't recall the fix. It was something very simple. How to make the table not fill the entire screen?

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Forms :: Button To Make A Copy Of Entire Database

May 28, 2015

Is there any way i can a button on a form which will make a copy of my entire database?

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Auto Backup On Entire Database Close / Forms Included

May 10, 2014

I have a database with multiple forms and I would like to on close I would assume of the form, save a backup to a specific folder. This will all change once I move the database to the server but for now want a backup on my machine. Here is my code:

Private Sub Form_Close()
Call db_backup
End Sub
Below is in a module


The problem is when I run this the program will give me an error saying: runtime error 438 object does not support this property or method

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup With Multiple Values - Loop To Check Entire Table

Jul 14, 2015

I have run into an issue with a basic DLookup. The database has grown in size and now we could have multiple entries, but I want it to return a certain one. So the information could be in it three times. Of course DLookup stops after the first one. How do I get it to loop to check the entire table? Someone mentioned to me to use a recordset, but how to write that as I have never used it before. Below is what I was using until this new request came up.

Private Sub txtloan1_AfterUpdate()
If IsNull(DLookup("[loan1]", _
"settlement", _
"[loan1]=""" & Me.txtloan1.Text & """ AND [status] = 'Open'")) = False Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Test", vbOKOnly, "Warning"
End If
End Sub

This was also executing after the user entered the information within a text field. I did not want them to enter all the data and then have it come back as a duplicate.

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Control Source For Entire Form?

Oct 21, 2013

Is there a way to set the control source for an entire form through VBA? I have a database that was set up just as an archive file, not intending to have any forms or reports in it. It was simply to house tables containing data from previous years. My main database just copies the table over to the archive file and adds the year to the table name. I have just been told that the users would like a form and a series of reports set up in this database.

I would like to set the main form up so that before it will allow them to do anything, they have to enter the year of the data they are looking for. After the year has been entered, I would like to adjust the control source of the form to reflect the appropriate table. In other words, when a user opens the archived database, he or she will see a field for the year an nothing else. Once they enter the year they are looking for, the form will populate with data from the corresponding table (the table names look like this - tblPM_Completed_2013). Is this possible?

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