Forms :: How To Show Attachment Field In A Form

Jul 6, 2015

I have a table with an attachment field in it. I want to show this attachment field in a form

This attachment is a picture (I want to have the exact picture in my form).

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How To Get Filename To Show Up Next To Attachment Box

Mar 13, 2012

Is there a code to get a filename to show up next to an attachment box?

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Show Query Field In Form Field

Aug 17, 2006

I have sequence field in query and want it show in form.
Please help me. Thanks

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Forms :: Show Records With One Common Field Value

May 23, 2013

I'm a beginner trying to build a simple database for work. I'm trying to track the performance of bonds from month to month, in this case January-April. Each bond has a serial number called Serial_ID, but we wanted to create a record for each month we own the bond, so we created a primary key combining Serial_ID and start date called Serial_Start_Date. So if we own one bond, its January record would have a primary key of "4553123A 2013-01-01" and February would be "4553123A 2013-02-01". I created a form that allows a user to select one individual month's bond and display that month's return. However, I'm struggling to find a way to create a form that allows me to just select the Serial_ID and display the four month's records. Right now there is only one table in the database.

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Forms :: Pictures Show After Information In A Field

Jun 29, 2014

My idea is to have a field in my table that have ratings for example - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. How can i make one star.jpg image to appear when I've entered rating 1, two stars to appear when I've entered rating 2, 3 stars for rating 3 and etc.... Is that even possible? If it isn't is there any other way i can make this?

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Tables :: Attachment Field With No Subfields

Feb 11, 2015

I wanted to add a field of " Attachment" to an existing table an as usual, I entered field name " Attach" and the Data Type , I chose "Attachment". Then saved.

Checked with the Datasheet view, there it is, tried to click on the field , the dialog box appeared. cool

The strange part is when I want to put an attachment field in a form , there were no sub fields only one word "Attachment", there is no + or - .

I tried to add the field to the form so I can add attachments, but it stayed there like a normal field.

why my attachment field do not carry the sub fields of attachment like attachment-FileData, attachment-FileType and attachment -File Name.

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General :: Attachment Field Types

Apr 12, 2013

I have a database for recording jobs and invoices for our transport company. I was thinking of adding an "Attachment" type field to my invoice table to store pdf's of scanned copies of the delivery notes relating to the invoice. How this will affect the performance of the database? Will adding this field greatly increase the size of the database and slow the whole database down?

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Download All Files From Attachment Field

Jan 16, 2014

I had the bright idea of creating an Attachment field for each record in my database so that the source material for the record (usually a PDF) could be opened and reviewed easily. A few people have asked me not only for the data but copies of the source files as well - is there a way to export attachments from every field into a directory instead of going one-by-one?

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Query Based On Attachment Field

Jan 24, 2015

I would like to know what criteria is used to return records based on a field with data type attachment.

I am using "IsNull" and "IsEmpty" but neither of these work.

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Append Tables With Attachment Field

Sep 21, 2013

I have two databases that I need to merge into one. The structure of each DB is identical, however the data is different. My original thought was to import all the tables into one DB, then use Append queries to merge the similar tables. The problem is that the main table in each DB has an Attachment field (using the Attachment data-type). After doing some research, it seems that you cannot use an Append query that references a table that contains a multivalued field (such as the Attachment data-type).

Every record has at least one attachment stored in this field, so removing the Attachment field is not possible. So my question is, if I have two identical tables, each with an Attachment field, how can I combine them into one table?

The only idea I had was to write a VBA procedure that would loop through all the records in the main table and save each attachment in a folder outside the DB, then delete the attachments. I could then merge the two tables using an Append query. Finally, I would run another VBA procedure that would load each saved file back to the appropriate record in the DB. The procedure that saves the attachments would have to write the primary key for the record they were attached to in the filename (or create a new sub-folder that is named with the primary key value), then the procedure that loads the files could read that value from the file or folder name and know which record to attach the file to.

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Forms :: Field To Show Count Of Records Between Dates

Apr 30, 2014

I'm creating a form to count the number of employees with birthdays between 2 dates. There are 2 unbound date fields; Start_Date and End_Date. I have an Employee table with DOB field. I've been stuck on how to get the field to return the correct number of employees that fall within the 2 dates.

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Forms :: Store User Name In Table And Show Up In Field

Aug 27, 2014

I managed to count the performance of users. The only thing I need to do is to put the names of the users on the form (under different tab) so I can select them and they show their performance. The best would that they are showing up there in the form till I change the names. I use now a text field to write the name, but when I close the database and open, I need to add the name again.

If I could use somehow the names from the users stored in a table, that would be great.

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Forms :: Unbound Calculated Field - Show Results As Currency

Oct 16, 2014

I have an unbound calculated field [Txt1] that I would like to show the result as currency. The fields in the calculation are:

[CR] number, currency
[Commission1] general number, two decimal places
[Commission2] general number, two decimal places

The calculation is: CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
If I just set the field to currency it works fine. But I want the field to show the following:
"Some Text" & " " & Format(Calculation, "Currency")

When I tried to include the format it to currency I get type mismatch, run time error 13.

So I thought that perhaps I should try the following just to see where my error starts and I get the same error message when I use:

Dim Val1 As String
Val1 = CR15W * (1 - Commission1) * (1 - Commission2)
Txt1 = Format(Val1, "Currency")

Everything I have read says the formula is:

Format([Calculation], "Currency")

Is correct. So why won't it work for me?

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Forms :: Show Table Data Based On Date Field?

Jan 30, 2015

I have a form that each day needs to be filled in by staff of their activities.

By selecting a date, I want to the textbox to display the contents of the comments memo pad field in the table (tblToday...columns are t_date and t_comments).

My very limited access and previous SQL knowledge has eluded me and cannot fathom how to get the text box to show data based on the date selected?

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Forms :: Show Selected Subform Items In A Table Field

Dec 9, 2013

Given a subform that lists items:


Given a table that contains a coverage field

customer coverage
smith a, b, d, g

How would I create a relationship between a subform and a coverage field such that when i multi select items in the subform, it will show what items are selected in the coverage field as in the example.

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Forms :: Field Doesn't Show Full Length Of Record

Dec 4, 2013

My form which is based on a table carrying same name doesn't append the full length of the text to one of the fields.

I don't know where the mistake is occurring or indeed I don't know if the error is in the table or in the form.

The form is showing full length of the text but when I look it in the table, it has just one or two bits of the full length.

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General :: Audit Trail Of Attachment Field?

Nov 27, 2013

I have been using Access for quite some time now and I am able to usually work around many of the issues that come with being a small timer, like me, taking his best shot at Access; however one issue I have had absolutely no luck with is auditing a new and/or change made to an "Attachment Field". I have successfully been able to audit every type of field with the exception of the "Attachment Field".

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General :: Attachment Field - Specify Location To Search

Jan 14, 2013

Using an attachment field - can we specify the location to search?

We have an Access 2007 DB and need to attach files from only 1 location - we hope to attach a copy of these files into the database efficiently.

I have a few sample DB's that use VB but I am hoping there is a quick and easy solution for this.

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Tables :: Splitting Attachment Field From Table

Jul 4, 2013

I have a database composed of personal statistics. (name, age, height, wt, etc). I have two attachment fields. Photos and Videos. Each of these fields can contain more that one file. The size of the video attachments is starting to get me up close to the 2 GB database limit. If each attachment field contained only one file, I would convert the fields over to a path link. I'm stumped on how to move the files out of the main database to control the size, but maintain the multi-file link to my forms. How to restructure this?

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Queries :: Query Based On Attachment Field?

Jan 24, 2015

I would like to know what criteria is used to return records based on a field with data type attachment.

I am using "IsNull" and "IsEmpty" but neither of these work.

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Database Not Working After Adding Attachment Field?

Aug 5, 2013

I created a database a while ago which has been working just fine, until I wanted to make one addition: an attachement field to one of its tables.

If I do so, some queries don't work anymore and as a result of that, some (sub)forms do not work. The only error I get is: The search key was not found in any record.

When I add an other kind of field (like a text field), the problem does not occur..

When I remove the attachment field again, everything works fine again...

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Show Field In Form If Data Exist

Feb 9, 2006


I have to rethink and change the way of display in my form.

I have a form bound to ID.
I want to show 2 fields if they contain data, otherwise hide them
How do you do that?


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Reports :: Show Different But Related Value From Field In Form?

Apr 16, 2015

In a form of mine, I have the user input other person's initials, but I don't want those initials showing up on the report. It's a set group of initials to work with so I have each set associated with a random 3 digit number (that I input into the table myself). I'd like to be able to have the person input the initials in the form, but have the numbers display on the report, I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

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Forms :: Search Field - Subform Does Not Change To Show Matching Records

May 6, 2013

All. using 2010. I have a form and a subform. my master and child links are set but when I scroll thru my form; my subform does not change to show the matching records. I do have an unbound search field for the same field as the master and child links. When I type in the search field for a record; the subform does change to that particular record. Do you think that has anything to do with it?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Attachments Using Path Instead Of Attachment Field

Apr 6, 2014

I have some code that attaches any files that are in my attachment field on the current record in to a email this is great but I m starting to realise that this is take up way to much space as it hold a copy in the database and can t afford to go down the sql sever route so what I have done is added some new fields called path1, path2 ,path3 ,path4 and path5 now the user can add the files location to these text box instead of add them via the attachment field also I can now limit number attachments to each record

Private Sub cmdEmail2_Click()
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] ....

Some how I need to change this so it checks fields path1 path2 path3 path4 path5 on the current record and see if anything is entered in these textbox's and follow the paths and attach the files to email

How to make command button . How to add a file path to a text box

1. add new field to your table e.g "path1"
2. add the new field to your form
3 create new command button call it addpath
4 add code below to click on event

Private Sub addpath_Click()
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
' Clear listbox contents. '
Me.Path1.Value = ""
' Set up the File Dialog. '

[Code] ....

This will now save file location path to the path1 text box. To open file path

1.add another command button call it "pathopen"
2. add code below on click event

Private Sub pathopen_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink Me.Path1
End Sub

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General :: Reference For Attachment Field When Creating Query

Jun 28, 2015

I create a query in access 2010 to merge into a word template.

It all works fine but I can't seem to get the contents (a graphics image - signature) into the query file.

Not sure what to reference for the attachment field when I'm creating the query.

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