Forms :: Image On Form Displays Differently In Terminal Server Desktop?

Jun 6, 2013

why access 2007 is displaying an image oddly on a 2003/2008 terminal server farm. I am reasonably sure the problem is an access on terminal server issue because if you view the image in paint, image viewer, or word it displays fine on the terminal server. I don't think it is a resolution or color issue because once again it displays fine in paint, etc regardless of color depth.

The image below shows the difference in the png graphic. The image is transparent (the blue section being the background)


As you can see the terminal server image is pixelated.

The form the image is sitting on has a blue gradiant that goes light to dark left to right. The form properties are below


The image properties are below:


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Access Runtime On Terminal Server

Nov 29, 2007


I have three terminal servers in a cluster. One of them already has MS Access runtime 2000 installed and working. I am attempting to install it on the other servers. I have done this using the terminal server .mst file and in conjunction with the .msi installer. All appears fine until you try to run an Access application and it states 'cannot find system.mdw' however the other server (working) doesnt have this file either. In the 'add/remove progs' list, Access runtime is listed as being installed.

Can anyone help?

many thanks

Martin N

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Queries :: Converted Desktop Access Database To SQL Server

Dec 5, 2014

I have converted desktop Access database to SQL server. A medium sized app with 24 tables, 60 or so forms/subforms and about 120 queries. I created 2 split files, one containing the tables, and the other containing forms, queries, vba modules. I migrated the tables to SQL server using SSMA, and built an odbc connection for my front end. It works, except it is painfully slow. Its cos most of the recordsets that drive my front end are query based. And in many instances the queries are comprised of queries, not just tables.

Should i be creating my queries on the SQL server? Is that what people do when using Access front end with SQL server back end? Do away with Access queries? Or does the problem lie elsewhere? How do i network optimise my Access FE / SQL server BE?

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Forms :: Form Screws Up And Only Displays One Row

Jul 3, 2013

I have a form, with a sub-form, which worked fine. but now, after I added and changed around the options in a combo box in the sub-form my main form only shows one result.

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Forms :: Button To Go To Desktop From Form - Runtime Error 490

Mar 7, 2015

I was trying from a button on my form that will go to and bring up the desktop. I want it so I can put this database on anyone's computer and the button will work.

I am using this and it works but only on my computer.

Application.FollowHyperlink "C:UsersBryanDesktop"

I also tried this

Application.FollowHyperlink "C:Show Desktop.scf"
Application.FollowHyperlink "C:WINDOWSSystemShow Desktop.scf"

Both gives Runtime error 490 cannot open specified file.

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Forms :: Open A Form For Saving Results Of Query To A Text File On Desktop

May 6, 2015

I have a BE database, that when opened, opens a form for saving the results of a query to a text file on the desktop. It works fine, if the full path is entered.

The problem is, I want this saved on any users' desktop. I did some digging and found the %userprofile% variable, which when used, gives me the error.

I understand this should work in both Windows XP and Windows 7, which are the environments the full DB will operate in. So far the "EXPORT" button on the form has the following for the code:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", "C:UsersMark N. McAllisterDesktopPubComExp.txt"
End Sub

When I tried this:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
Dim strPath As String
strPath ="%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath
End Sub

the error occurs.

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Forms :: Check Boxes Display Differently On Different Machines

May 12, 2015

I have a basic form that includes check boxes. All works well. But on my (Windows 8) machine, the check boxes display as big ugly black squares. If I open the db from any another machine (Windows 7), check boxes display as I'm used to with a nice outline and bluey tinge to the middle if not set! All machines have Access 2013 on them.

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Form Buttons Act Differently In Multiuser Envirnment

Aug 4, 2005

We recently put together a database for a call center. The file is located on a public drive, and all users seem to be able to access the file (at the same time) and input new information.

On one particular form, I've found an interesting problem: I've placed a button at the bottom of the form, which will go to a new record when clicked. The command to go to a new record is clearly in the OnClick event, however users in the call center have to click twice in order to execute the code. I don't have to.

We're using the same form, in the same file, opened with the same version of Access.

What's wrong with this database?

Thanks for any help you can give me,



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Click Image Hyperlink In Form To Load Image To Form

Jun 16, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm in desperate need of help and want to know if it is possible to load an image on a form once a hyper link is created.

For example, I have a form with a hyper link to an image created, currently, when you click on the hyperlink, it opens the picture in the browser, can you change it so that it loads teh image embedded into the form instead of loading it into a browser?

If so, how?


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Forms To The Desktop

Apr 12, 2005

:rolleyes: I know there is a way of placing a form on a desktop to an icon which only allows the user access to the form only! Help pleeease

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Forms :: Image On A Form

Feb 10, 2014

I have been tasked to scan family pictures in such a way so they are available to older family members to identify people younger family members dont know. My solution is to scan each photo, name them 1.jpg, 2.jpg. about 4000 images. Store them in a directory (H:Family). I then want to create a form that will use the PK which is an auto number to pull that numbered picture into the form where someone can enter the other fields. I have fun with Access but this is well above my knowledge level!!

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Forms :: Opening Image In Form And Pop Up In Window?

Jun 7, 2013

I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form and it will change, according to the selection in the combobox. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different sizes. I would like to know if there is a a way that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes. I was thinking that it could be something in the on click event.

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Forms :: Displaying And Scaling Image From URL On A Form

Feb 20, 2015

I am using Access 2007.I have an application that keeps track of automotive parts and accessories.I have a table called "PARTS" that contains information about the various parts such as "part_name", "part_id", "price" etc.

I also have a website/shop that displays these various parts and also has an image of each part.I have managed to incorporate Microsoft Web Browser ActiveX functionality within the app so that when I scroll through the Parts table using the PartsForm, it automatically "reads" the URL from a field in the Parts table called "ImageURL" and displays it in the Microsoft Web Browser ActiveX browser window...this works great.

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Linking An Embedded Image From A Form To All Reports And Other Forms

Mar 4, 2005

I thought this would be pretty simple, but I cannot figure out how and wasn't able find the solution here or anyway.

I have a source form. (I can resort to having a Table with OLE Object if I must, but prefer not to.) On this source form I wish to include different things such as company logo. This will determine what logo shows up in all the reports, so all the reports will have an image linking back to this embedded image on the source form.

Pseudo-code Example:
frmSource contains imgLogo
rptSample contains an image whose
control source = Forms!frmSource!imgLogo

How can I do this or achieve the same effect in a more-or-less simple way?


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Forms :: Examine Image Control On A Form Programmatically

Jan 3, 2015

I have an Image control on a form which I want to examine programatically. It seems there used to be a way of doing it using Point and PSet from info I have seen online. Is this contained in any of the libraries available under References in Access and if so which one...

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Forms :: Calculation Only Displays When Clicked

Jan 8, 2014

I have a form which has a few calculations on which are:

TotalPrice - =Nz([Quantity])*([UnitPrice])

Then at the bottom to calculate it all:


This has been working perfectly fine however the TotalPrice is no longer calculating the UnitPrice x Quantity and the TotalCost isnt calculating as nothing appears in the TotalPrice. However when we click the fields the data is diplayed but only on clicking, if we leave the record and go back its back to blank again.

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Forms :: Linked Table - How To Assign Image To A Control In A Form

Dec 7, 2014

I have a linked table in ms access and it has a column as details. in ms access when i click on this button i will go to another form. i want to assign a picture (for opening a form) to this column but i don't know how i have to do this. my form opens as a datasheet view.

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Forms :: Save Form / WebBrowser Control - Contents To Image

May 17, 2014

I have a form that contains one WebBrowser Control. In this WebBrowser control I interact with the Google Maps API to produce a map.

I would like to save the contents of the WebBrowser Control (Google Map) to an image file. I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

The WebBrowser Control takes up all the space in the form. Perhaps the contents of the entire Form can be exported to an Image?

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Forms :: Image Change Based On Combo Box Selection On Form

Jun 21, 2015

I have been looking some information on changing image based on form combo box selection on form.

I manage to do case by case but i need it in a simple code because their will be many employees just to avoid adding case by case code for each one.

Private Sub Emp_IDCombo_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Emp_IDCombo.Value
Case "AM-001"
Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGDesktopam-001.jpg"
Case "AM-002"
Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGOne DocumentsHR & Admin DatabaseEmployee Picturesam-002.jpg"
End Select

I have employees table where all images location is saved in text field and i have a combo box on form which is employee id.

Tables relationship
Employees_table [PK] to Contracts_table [FK] via field name {emp_ID}

Fields Name
Combo Box name on form Emp_IDCombo and row source is SELECT Employees_table.Emp_ID, Employees_table.EmployeeName, Employees_table.Emp_Pics FROM Employees_table;

Text field is located in employees_table called [Emp_Pic] for images location.

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Forms :: Embedding Image In Form Not Linked To Underlying Data

Jun 28, 2013

I have a form that I call the AdminForm. It allows the user to store administrative information about the business; business name, address, telephone number, etc. I also have as a part of the table that stores this information an Attachment Field where an image of their logo is stored in a field called, [Logo]. No problem here. The issue is that I want to use the [Logo] field elsewhere like in reports.

I've added an Attachment type control to the report and I've used DLookUp to use the image stored in the admin table, but it doesn't display on the report. There isn't any relationship between the admin table and any report so I can't join them unless I do something "unnatural" by adding a fictitious field to every record to tie it back to the key field in the admin table, (there is never more than one record in the admin table; I ensure that). That doesn't seem like the right way to accomplish this.

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Access And Terminal Services

Dec 22, 2006

I have an Access database that uses linked tables to connect to a SQL Server database. I have built many forms and modules that do a variety of things with this data. Lately, we have installed the Access database on a server, and started using Terminal Services to run it. Everything works fine if one person is using it at a time. However, we noticed that when multiple people use it at once, they seem to conflict with eachother.

It seems like one user will change the value of certain variables, and it will affect all other users. To be clear, nobody is using the same Windows User ID. Everybody is logged on in their own session.

Does anybody know why this may be, and what can be done about it?

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Forms :: Using Command Button To Select Image And Show It In Access Form One After One?

Feb 26, 2015

in the attached form i can select multiple image but my next and back button does not work ,also i want the path to the file shown copy the name from there and paste it in the table,to write remarks.

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Forms :: Access Form To Insert Data In Sql Server Table

Jan 21, 2015

how to create a form in access to insert/update/delete data from a table in sql server?

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Forms :: Unable To Create Command Button To Open Folder On Desktop

Feb 19, 2015

I am simply trying to create a command button to open a folder on my desktop

Cannot seem to find this code

This is the path to the folder I want to open


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Parameter From Form Displays Garbage

Nov 28, 2006

Hi there!

I'm trying to use an Invoice number from an Invoice form to populate a table of Invoice Lines with relevant records (linking by Invoice number). I realise the following SQL code isn't an append query, but I've simplified it to make it easier to explain

SELECT [Forms]![fInvoices]![SPInvNumber] AS MTInvNumber, tInvoices.SPInvNumber
FROM tInvoices
WHERE (((tInvoices.SPInvNumber)=[Forms]![fInvoices]![SPInvNumber]));

The output I get for this query is something along the lines of:

MTINvNumber | SPInvNumber
쉠 | 49760

THe MTInvNumber should read the same as the SPInvNumber, but it doesn't. If you can't see the above, its some sort of weird chinese/japanese character I think!

I thought maybe it was a display error, but I tried using it in my append query, and it inserted it as garbage too. The weirdest bit is it actually regards the form information as equalling the SPINvNumber from the tInvoices table! :S

Any clues on how I get it to format correctly??? I'm very tired now so it's bound to be something simple!

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Combo Box In Form That Displays Last 7 Days

Feb 15, 2006

Hello, please could anyone tell me if is it possible to have a combo box in a form that displays just the last 7 days? (from whatever today’s current day is) I need to be able to store this date that the user selects in a query/table(Currently I have a field named SHIFT_DATE that the user enters a date into this field, this field is bound/linked to a query)Ie a drop down list showing the dates like this:15/02/200614/02/200613/02/200612/02/2006& so on……ive used the following code in a query before to display records from just the last 7 days >=DateAdd("d",-7,Date())I thought maybe I could do something similar in a combo box but I’ve had no luck so far :-( any suggestions would be excellent. Thanks.

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