Forms :: Importing Navigation Form Between Access 2003 Databases

Mar 31, 2015

When I import a form with the Navigation control on it The following attributes of the navigation buttons are changed to #FFFFFF:

Hover Color, Pressed Color, Hover Fore Color, Pressed Fore Color

I was hoping to be able to automate the updating of customers databases by sending them a database which would export the required objects rather than the whole front end database. I can think a way around this by including code in the form so that it changes the attributes to the desired values, which are:

Accent 1, Accent 1, Background 1 and Background 1. But I would rather not have to do that.

It is interesting to note that the Border Color attribute is not changed on importing.

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Looking For Sample Databases Provided Iwth Access 2003 Inside Out

Jun 24, 2006

Dear Friends,

I am a naive in access and really looking for some mentor to help me learn quickly

I am presently going through a book Call "Microsoft Access 2003 InsideOut" I dont have the cd so thus missing the sample databses discussedin the book.

If anyone can provide me with this data base then it would be a great help


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How To Hide The Navigation Pane For Access 2003

May 19, 2013

I want to hide the navigation pane for my database as I already have a switchboard which allows me to navigate around my database, how do I hide it?

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Importing XML File Into Access 2003

May 31, 2005

Hi, I have an xml which fields of text and some of numbers.

When I do: File --> Get External Data --> Import; I'm able to import the file.

The problem is that not all the data is entered in the fields. The colums containing the text are excluded.

While importing, I did choose the option "Structure and Data", so it should work.

Any suggestions on to why it is doing that?


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Dbf File Not Importing To Access 2003

Nov 3, 2005

I have a dbf file that I need to somehow get the table data out of, and into access, excel, or some other usable format. I searches the MS Knowledge Base and read several articles on updating the Jet 4.0 drivers (up to date) and updating Foxpro ODBC drivers, etc. I also searched these forums, and I have yet to find any solution that works.

I think this dbf file might be Foxpro, but I'm not sure. I don't know anything about Foxpro. I was getting an error message "unexpected error from external database driver (8961)", until I read an MS article stating that I should change the name of the Borland folder to BorlandOld and try re-importing. Now Access 2003 just says: "external table not in the specified format".

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Importing Excel Table To Access 2003

Jan 22, 2007


I was importing the large array of accounting data into Access from Excel through File - Get External Data - Import. Several columns contained tangible accounting data (e.g. registration numbers) that had different formats like "23423 34", "32-3545" and in some cases even contained letter constants. Therefore, I have assigned TEXT type to this column while importing and was sure that all values are going to be stored as text. However, what has happened is: 18307769 turned into 1.83078e+007! this means tangible accounting data that was used as a key field for further linking turned into bull&&$%! :-(

I know this problem is very simple, so please, can you give me a hint as to how do I solve it in the future.

Thank you in advance.

merchant credit card processing

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Importing Fixed Length File Into Access 2003

Sep 6, 2006

I want to import a fixed length file into access 2003, it can only be imported directly into access 97/2000. This site, link
has the idea, but the problem is I can find the "2003 Data zip file" which this
site is refering to. - I have looked for it on the ms office 2003 cd,but I still
can find it.
Please can someone tell me where I can find de "2003 Data zip file"?

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Forms :: Not Able To Disable Navigation Button When Login Navigation Form

Nov 15, 2014

I am not able to disable NavigationButton when i login navigation form using login form. I am using MS access 2007 - 2010.i am using below code but getting error.

Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationButton13.enable = False

Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

Any other method to disable NavigationButton.

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Limit Access To Tabs

Feb 7, 2015

I have navigation form with 2 tabs I'd like to limit access to users with certain type of account.

There are 2 tables in database that contains user names and types of accounts (tblSecurityLevel and tblUser), and they are used to set user name, login and security level.

It works this way: when you open form, it checks if PC name corresponds to name in UserLogin field (tblUser), if it does it gives appropriate access level depending on set user security, if PC name is not on the list user will be logged as guest.

So far, I used this code and it works great for limiting access to 1 tab:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim UserLogin As String
Dim userLevel As Integer
UserLogin = Environ("Username")
Me.TxtLogin = UserLogin

[Code] ....

Is there a way to expand the code and add second tab (or even third) with this table structure (I'd like to be able to keep login which 1st checks for pc name).

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Forms :: Access 2010 Navigation Pane Resets Previous Form

May 13, 2015

I have a 2010 Access Database with a Navigation Pane. When I click a Navigation Button to view another form I lose the position and record I was on in the first form. It's almost like the first form refreshed when I click the navigation button to view the second form. Is there a way to setup the Navigation form so when I click on various navigation buttons it won't reset the previous form I was on?

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Do Not Display Form Until Fully Loaded

Sep 23, 2013

Access 2003

I have a rather complex form with an ODBC connection to data that takes some time to load.

The Form has a continuous subform I am using in place of a listbox to select records (I need more functionality than a listbox)

The Form's Record Source is a query

When the form opens, I does so in pieces as it populates

I'd like to either keep the form hidden until it completely loads

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Importing Data Between Databases

Aug 24, 2005

I have searched and not found exactly what I am looking here is my question.

I have a large database that works fine, IF people would stop trying to play in it!! What I want to do is to restrict access to everyone except managers.

So, I copied the db for warehouse users to input their data (picker id, no. of minutes) that holds only one table and the form that opens automatically (they do not have access to anything but the form) for their input...Then, at the end of shift I want the managers to be able to click a button on Switchboard that copies all entries for day into the original db to run their reports. (These dbs are on a network)

So, how do I manage this? I want to use a macro and transfer database table, then run an append query to put the current records in original table...I can do that, but I dont know how to delete the records in users db. It needs to clear out all records in that db when it has been transferred... I want all control to be in managers hands. All the users can do is input their data.

I know you can help, so I will say thank you now.

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Forms :: Navigation Forms In Access 2010

Nov 20, 2014

I have a Main (Home) form that has a sub navigation form (frmNavigationSubform).Need to access 3 forms. Forms 1,2 and 3. Also, have 1 options form.

Subform has 2 Navigation buttons. NavigationButton2 and NavigationButton3.

NavigationButton 2 Navigation Target Name = 1 (frm #1).

NavigationButton 3 has no Navigation Target Name. This is passed on when user picks Option1 or Option2 form options pop screen.

Now I can pass the name to the Navigation Buttons2 but the subform does not show it. I have to click on the Navigation Buttons2 again for it to show. What I want is when the user makes the choice in the options screen the name is passed and form 2 or 3 should load/show.

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Forms :: Relating Information Between Main Form And Navigation Forms

Apr 11, 2013

New to the navigation form: I need several forms in the navigation form to all relate to the same client ID field. I have this information on the main form but the form with in the navigation form will not pick it up.

I have tried =[Forms]![Frm Client Information Navigation Panel]![ClientID] But just cant get it to pick up that information...

I would like to have something like the master link fields and, child link fields but when I add a form to the navigation form this option in not available.

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Forms :: Referencing A Control On Access 2010 Navigation System

May 29, 2015

I have an Access 2010 Database frontend to SQL Server 2008 Backend. So far there are 3 Tabs in the Navigation System. The first one is the primary Data Entry form which has a tab control with 3 subforms.

Here's the problem. The database is designed to track potential members based on different types of Ads. The primary Data Entry form holds all of the demographic data for the person that called in response to an ad. The first tab has a subform to track how many times that person has contacted us. The second subform tracks which advertisements the person is contacting us about and the third tracks which Events that person attended. There is no correlation between contacts, Ads and Events.

On the Advertisements we have about 7 different types of Ads we do and each ad can be run multiple times on different days. We want to be able to track which Ad the person contacted us about. The Advertisement subform has a comgo box for the Ad type and a combo box for the ad date. the source for the combo box for the ad date includes the combobox for the adtype as the criteria. That criteria is what's giving me the problem. I've used:

forms!mainmenu!navigationsubform.form!potential_me mbers!frmAdvertisements!cboadvid

Along with every other variation I can think of. The form itself is frmAdvertisements but I'm using it in a tab control and I also tried:

forms!mainment!navigationsubform.form!potential_me mbers!adv!cboadvid

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Using DB Forms Under Its Subform Control

Jun 19, 2013

I am attempting to create a Navigation Form to allow another computer in my network to be able to utilize necessary forms within a database (through RunTime). I was hoping this would be a clean task by simply loading the forms into the tabs of the Navigation Form, however that is clearly not the case.

For starters, When attempting to use a form that has some VBA behind it (Docmd.ApplyFilter based on a selection from a combo box), I am given the error stating: "The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query."

After searching on this error, I believe it's because my Navigation Form does not have a record source. If this is the case, then I am confused as to what record source it should have, as with the 3 forms I need to access through the Navigation Form all pull data between various tables and queries within the database (some not related).

Now I've also come to the conclusion that my VBA references now must change in order to correctly use my forms. A correct reference would look something like:[Forms]![Navigation Form]![NavigationSubform].[Form].[My Form's Control]..Is this necessary in order to write any events, such as an AfterUpdate on a combo box?

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Forms :: Navigation Form - BrowseTo Command To Open Up A Form In Built-in Subform Module

May 3, 2013

I'm working on the Navigation Form template in Access 2010, which is new to me. It appears that one needs to use the BrowseTo command to open up a form in the built-in subform module. I'm trying to create a couple of buttons where each button opens a form in a different data mode; one in read-only and one in add mode. Here is the syntax I used for read-only:

DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, "frmSales","frmNavigation.NavigationSubform", , ,acFormReadOnly

frmSales is the Sales form I want both of the buttons to open and frmNavigation is the Navigation form. It seems to be ignoring the data mode part at the end however. It only will open in Edit mode. Is there something I'm doing wrong with this command?

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Forms :: Open Form Directly Inside Navigation Form?

Oct 28, 2013

I would like to know if it's possible to open an specific subform inside a navigation form using an event.

I also need to to this using macros ( really can't use vba in this project =/)

Form example:

the main form has "nav_opt1", "nav_opt2", "nav_opt3"

By double clicking a record in "nav_opt1", it will open "nav_opt2" with some filters (but all in the same window), as if I was just browsing through the navigation forms usually.

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Forms :: Navigation Form With Subform

Feb 11, 2015

I have a Navigation form that has multiple forms that I linked to buttons at the top. They open the forms (now subforms) for the most part just fine. The issues come into play when I click on a combobox that pulls from a query of a table. Once this data is selected I have another combo box that is supposed to be filtered based off of the original combo box selection. Everything works on the original forms but once they are in subform form I get the error "Forms!MGM Search Form!STATE" which is the name of one of the forms and its asking for me to enter a parameter value for the query. Its almost like its not requerrying the data like it does in the original form

Private Sub State_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

basically the first combo box is a list of states and then the second combo box is a list of facilities in that state. Once you click on the state in the first combo box it filters the facilities in that state. But again once in the subform view it will not requery.

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Navigation Form Will Not Open Other Forms

Dec 13, 2013

I'm attempting to create my first split database and I'm failing. Here is what I did in the exact steps.

1 - Created a database with one table and 11 forms (database is on my desktop).

2 - I created a split database and saved the back end on our company network.

3 - The front end is on my desktop(works fine)

4 - I put a copy of the front end on the company network (near the same location as the back end)

When I tried to open the front end from another persons computer who has access to the location i saved the back end and front end db's . It open fine, but my navigation form will not open the other forms. I get a blank sheet.

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General :: How To Get Access To Default Navigation Buttons On Form

Nov 1, 2013

how do I get access to the default navigation buttons on a form ie back, forward, new and last buttons. I want to right some VB code that acts when the buttons are pressed. How do I do it?I don't really want to create my own buttons and do onclick events.

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Access 2010 / Restrict User To Navigation Form?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a database in Access 2010 where I've created a navigation form, and I want a regular user opening the database to enter a password and only have access to that form, and not the actual tables or the navigation pane. They should only be able to view, add, edit, and delete data through the forms I've prepared, and I don't want them to be able to get to the tables themselves unless they have an admin password. I tried looking up how to do something like this, and I tried splitting the database, but it seemed like I was still able to go right to the tables and edit them from the navigation pane even in the front-end, and if I removed the navigation pane links to the tables from the front-end, the forms I made wouldn't be able to display anything from them anymore, and that's not what I want either.

So, I want one password to give access only to my navigation form and nothing else, and then a second password to grant access to everything else.

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Main Form Buttons

Nov 23, 2013

So I have made all the necessary forms to start working with my Access, and now I need a main form, a home where I should put all the buttons to enter each form.I have used the Navigation Control on a New form URL...

A row with buttons appeared, and I complete the property: Navigation Target Name with the target form, but it is giving me some trouble with a searchForm and a Query. Every time I enter this form (using nav control), Query asks for an Input.

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