I have a field in my table called SATS. This is then on my form as a control bound to the SATS field in my table. The application is for a surgery where the person doing vitals ( blood test and HPpressure testing) need to enter the redings. The norm is 96%RA80 tHE 96 never goes beyond 100. The RA will always be there and the 80 can be higher up to three digits.
What i manage to do so far is this 99\%LL999;;- the problem is that the R has to typed everytime. How can i set it to __%RA__
I have is that if we want to scan the past consults and link it to a patient. What are the requirements?
I want to force user to input state in capital letters, ie; CA, CO, WA, etc., with two text characters only. Working in design view, I used this character: > in the input mask field property area, which I understand (perhaps mistakenly) will convert characters to uppercase. Now, I cannot enter any info in the state field. Any help would be most appreciated.
I have a text box on a form to enter doc id's. The doc id's can either be a single letter followed by six digits or two letters followed by six digits.
I can create masks for either of them but not so it allows either of the options to be entered, is it possible to create a mask to cover both options?
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction..
I'm working on a database for work :eek: there are a million things giving me a headache (I've attended two 1 day courses but haven't a clue :rolleyes: )but one little thing that is annoying me is a problem I have with input masks..
In my Contacts table, I have First Name, Surname, Company, etc.. I've made the first letter of the first name and surname have a capital letter ie;
FIRST NAME Field Size: 20 Format: *Is clear* Input Mask: >L<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
SURNAME Field Size: 20 Format: *Is clear* Input Mask: >L<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
COMPANY Field Size: 30 Format: *Is clear* Input Mask: >L<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
I have a problem in that, usually company names contain more than one word plus PLC or LIMITED at the end.. I want to be able to make each word start with a capital but as the lengths vary, I don't know where to put these in the input masks :confused: :o
I had a question about input masks. The boss wanted all the fields to automatically capitalize names and last name. Did that, was happy for awhile. What we didnt realize is that there are names like DiGianno or McDonald that still need caps in certain spots.
The original input mask went like this: >?<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC;; This mask would caps the first letter and lowercase the rest. What i need it to to is CAPS the first but leave whatever may follow up to the user..
In other words.... The first letter is always caps, the rest that follow is up to the user, upper or lower.
Is there any way to do this? Couldnt figure out a solution! :(
Does an input mask have to be static? The format for the numbers entered in a control in my form is digits separated by periods for WBS number entry ( Each '9' will represent a digit. I want to allow the user to enter different depths (ie 1.1, 1.2.3,, etc.) up to 5 levels.
Is it possible to make the input mask automatically adjust as more numbers are entered?
I have a table that holds vessls and barrels in a winery. When I enter data via a form I have a lookup to showme the location of a vessel or barrel. The vessels are static and have a two letter location ie WT or RT etc. The barrels, once filled are put in different locations in a warehouse. Each location has a code ie WW011121 etc.
I have a range of codes in the form as follows;
Private Sub Location_Enter() If IsNothing(Me.Location) Then 'means it is probably a barrel 'and needs a warehouse location Me.Location.InputMask = ">LL00000" End If End Sub
Private Sub Location_Exit(Cancel As Integer) If IsNothing(Me.Location) Then 'tried to leave without a location MsgBox "Location Required", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle Cancel = True End If End Sub
What I wish to write is some code to find a ducplicate location in the warehouse not in the static locations.
What I have written thus far is;
Private Sub Location_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) If Me.Location.InputMask = ">LL00000" Then
then the air code would be to find duplicates from there.
Would it be best to compare string length (clues needed) as the static locatons on have two letter where as the barrel locations will have two letters and five numbers. Or is there a trick in dcount to look at bits of the contents of a field? ie ignore fields with on two letters and do a dcount in fields with say two letters and five numbers?
I do not have any experience writing code involvine string lengths.
I have my database done, for the most part. But I want to add a lookup to a field in my Component table so that I can associate a particular number (paragraph number in a pub) to a failure mode description. In the Failure Mode table, I have associated a paragraph with a failure mode:
Yes, some paragraphs have more than one failure mode. The primary key for this table is an autonumber which allows me to do this with minimal headache.
When I created a lookup within the appropriate field in the Component table, it erases my format/input mask and makes it look like this:
6662 Visual 6668 Continuity
I wasn’t able to put an input mask in the General tab of the FailureMode field in the Component table – I guess because it has the paragraph AND the failure mode in the lookup and 9-99.99;;_ just won’t cover the text for the failure mode description. The input mask is present in the Failure Mode table but isn't "crossing over" to the lookup!
I REALLY need those “masks” in the paragraph callout to help me distinguish and match the failure mode! Can someone please explain how to do this?
I have a field in a table with the input mask LLL0000;0;_
when I use an append querry to put data in the table it still puts in data which does not follow the input mask. Is there some tick box I have not checked or somthing because this is getting really annoying.
I'm using a simple input mask via the wizard for a date of birth field in a table, but the table is accepting entirely invalid dates such as 32/12/2005. When I tried inputing something like this in the wizard it says invalid input, so why is it valid in the table? Should I set validation rules? I tried this: >31/12/2004 and set the validation text to "Invalid data" i.e. limiting input to less than 31/12/2004... but it still didn't work.
I have a form control with the input mask on it for a phone number. I am using an append query to append the information entered in the form to a table. I need to pull two fields from a linked table from another database. What I need to do is be able to compare the entered phone number in the form with the phone number from the table. The problem I am running into is that it won't match the phone numbers. The same mask is used in the table I am pulling from. Why can I not just put =[Table].[Phone_No] in the Criteria of the field where the number from the form is placed so that I can get the right record from the linked table?
Is it possible to have a control with the appearance of a button (clicked or unclicked) but with the characteristics of a checkbox (can only hold a true or false value)?
Like the toggle button in an option group (i.e. On/Yes/True shows as a sunken / depressed button, Off/No/False shows as a raised / unpressed button)
I can't use an option group because I only want one button - which will either be on or off / clicked or unclicked based on the value it's bound to (a Yes/No field)
On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:
1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce 2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format. 3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ... 4) Choose OK
Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.
Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.
Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help: "ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."
Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.
I am new to MS Access database and I am currently developing a DB with search function in a form for an inventory purpose, I have followed some VB codes from the web.
Here is my issue; when I try to search using the configured combo box in the form it gives me these sets of values, here is the screenie //oi57.tinypic.com/24fxwzk.jpg (just add the http: before the forward slashes as the site wont allow me to post images or links yet)
If Not IsNull(Me.compName2) Then strWhere = strWhere & "([Computer Name] Like ""*" & Me.compName2 & "*"") AND " End If If Not IsNull(Me.cUser2) Then strWhere = strWhere & "([Current User] Like ""*" & Me.cUser2 & "*"") AND "
[Code] ...
I just wanted to eliminate the numbers and replace them with the actual values as name. ex. "-1";"Office 2010" instead of (-1) doing the search, it should be the value "Office 2010"
I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features. Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing! Help! I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?
So i have query based on 1 table that populates a Form. The primary key for that table is Entity ID. Therefore once the query has been run I have multiple records that i can scroll through in my form distiguished by their Entity ID.
I have a second table that has a Entity ID column, AFE Available column, and many others. The primary key for this table is called Match ID. This table contains records that have the same Entity ID.
My goal is to display on the form the Sum of the "AFE Availible" for each Entity ID. so as you scroll through the records the Entity ID is changing and you are able to see a the Specific "AFE Availible" Sum related to the current Record showing on the form.
I couldn't figure out a way to have a query based off both tables where the records are only uniquely defined by the Entity ID in Budget Info. What was happening is the query was displaying all the records that had the same Entity ID because of the AFE Spent table. That way when you scroll through the records the form shoes records with the same entity id.
Maybe im doing it all wrong and you dont need the tables attached to the same query. That would make it easier i think. So you would have two queries populating different text boxes on a form. Is that even possible?
I have a continuous subform with a fairly complex snapshot query as its record source. I have controls on the main form to allow criteria parameters for the query and a command button to requery the subform based on the selected criteria. I also have conditional formatting on a number of the continuous controls in the subform (the conditions are fairly straightforward, i.e. highlight if null, true/false etc)
When the subform is (re)queried, it seems to repaint several times (3 or 4 although it appears arbitrary to me) before it eventually settles. And it really louses up the aesthetics as controls flicker between colours; sometimes I even lose the background colour on parts of the detail section, or controls disappear altogether. And this continues as I scroll down the subform (or even click anywhere on it)
I don't mind that the query itself takes some time to run - of the order of a few seconds each time - but I'd prefer for the screen to wait until the query is completed, and all of the CF applied, before refreshing itself, instead of 'sweeping' top to bottom repeatedly. It's a snapshot query so once it's run, there should be no changes to the dataset.
I've tried Application.Echo but it has no effect whatsoever.
The purpose of this project is to aim the security mechanism an allow and restrict of individuals or group of individuals of the database. Define the security accounts and groups of users allowed to access.
Users: Can view / add / edit of data into the database.
Superintendent: Has view access to database but is limited only to their section.
Manager: Has full access to database but is limited to their section.
Administrator: Acts as the overall administrator for the database. Has full control over all data and objects contained in the database.
Most likely the closest example of this database is annual leave application. If individuals is/are adding data and only his immediate Superintendent can view with limited to his group and the same with the Manager as we have four (4) sections (Finance; Procurement; Services; & Management) in one unified department.
I'm creating a tabbed form in Access 2007, and in the first 3 tabs, when I dragged the field controls onto the form, they stretched to the width of the form and all stacked nicely underneath each other.
Now on the next tab they are coming out as much smaller. I don't want to stretch them to fit as I want them a uniform size and I just want to find how to get that setting back! I've been messing with the anchoring buttons to what seems like no avail!
Is it possible to use a formula in the Caption property of a page in a tab control (i.e. to make it dynamic)
I have a number of tabs each with their own subform (with each subform driven by its own unique query)
I'd like the tab name to include the number of records returned by that query (so as records are added, the tab name is automatically updated with the new number)
So something along the lines of :
Page 1 (" & DCount("[ID]","[qryQuery1]") & ")"
Such that the page name appears as :
Page 1 (7)
I know I can code this programmatically but then that code has to be triggered by some event and I need the counts to be as real-time as feasibly possible rather than requiring the user to click on a control to trigger it. I was hoping by using a formula directly in the Caption property of the page, it would be dynamically updated every time a new record was added without the need to trigger an event first.
I have a form with a (large) number of controls which acts as a kind of read-only dashboard of data. The data is split across a number of tables (4, for now, but may grow) I've created a query which amalgamates all of the data from the tables into a single dataset and set that as the RecordSource (Snapshot) of the form. I now want to bind each of the controls to a particular field returned by that query.
However - I have a combobox (same form) which allows users to select a date and I need the controls to update with the relevant data for that date whenever the combobox is changed. The query already returns values for each field over a range of dates so the data is available within the form's RecordSource - I just don't know how to include the date criteria, as specified by the combobox, when binding each individual control?
I have an option group with two toggle buttons. Is it possible to set up the option group such that only one toggle button is visible at any given time (i.e. the unselected option) So the group has a default value. Clicking the visible button should switch the value, hide the button (option) associated with that value and show the alternate button (option) for the alternate value?
Basically only having one visible button at any given time which toggles between the two values (but I'd like to retain it as an option group, rather than as two independent buttons, as that gives me a handy value from which to determine control sources elsewhere)
I've tried setting the visibility of the buttons from the AfterUpdate event of the option group but it doesn't work.
I know I can do this with independent buttons but was hoping there was a quick(er) and easy way to do it with an option group instead?