Forms :: Key Down Event For Particular Column In Subform

Jun 13, 2014

I have some code for the Key Down event for particular column in my subform

Private Sub Sample_ID_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Sample_ID = Nz(DMax("Sample_ID", "Sample_Sheets")) + 1
mTo = Nz(DMax("mTo", "Sample_Sheets")) + 1
mFrom = Nz(DMax("mFrom", "Sample_Sheets"))
End Sub

This works, however it also work when I press Key Up, changing what the key down previously did. I do not want it to do this. I have nothing entered in the Key up event for the form properties.

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Modules & VBA :: Mainform Event - Hidden Column In Subform (Subdatasheet)?

Jul 22, 2014

In open Mainform event

Forms!Mainform.Form!SubForm!controlname.columnhidd en = false doesn't work. Ms Access can't find "subform"

On load and open events in subform doesn't work with columnhidden. (no reaction)

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Keypress Event In Subform

Apr 18, 2013

I have a form which consists of 20 similar subforms. The subform has only two fields.

When I want to go to the next subform, I use CTRL TAB

But I want to use only TAB.

I have tried a couple of things with the keypress event of that control, but cannot find a solution that works. What I would like:

- when the user is pressing TAB in the last field of a subform, that the program reacts like CTRL TAB and goes to the next subform.

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Forms :: Bookmark And Subform In Current Event

Nov 2, 2013

I have in the current event:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
With Me.Q_Subform.Form
.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "N=" & Me.N
.Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark
End With
End If
End Sub

The problem is that when the Q_Subform has no records I have the error 3021.

How can manage it. It's the last step before ending My db

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - OnClick Event For Text Box

Apr 2, 2015

I have a continuous subform which essentially comprises of a textbox that shows a field from a query.

The text in that box is essentially a few letters and a few numbers - what I am wondering is if I can have an on click event for the textbox, that when a user clicks the text it takes them to the record (in a different form) that matches the text contained in the textbox they clicked?

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Forms :: Update / Requery Subform Through On Close Event Of Another Form

Aug 2, 2013

I am working with 2 forms and a subform.

frmTaskTracker -subfrmInbox (Datasheet View - based on a query)


subfrmInbox displays a summary of tasks on a task list. The user navigates to frmUpdateInboxItem from frmTaskTracker. After updating a record from frmUpdateInboxItem, it is possible that it the record in question will no longer meet the requirements to have it listed on subfrmInbox.

I have attempted to add code to the on close event of frmUpdateInboxItem to requery the sub form on frmTaskTracker but am not getting the syntax correct.

correct my code? Alternatively is there is a more correct way to do this, I'd be happy to learn it.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmUpdateInboxItem"
End Sub

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Forms :: BeforeUpdate Event Of Linked Subform Firing Multiple Times

May 27, 2015

I have to maintain an Access form which contain a linked subform (using Master and Child fields).

Basically, in the main form (Form1), the user choose a value in a combobox and the subform (Form2) is automatically updated.

My issue is that I have a BeforeUpdate event on one field of my subform which is preventing to update the field (Cancel=true) when it does not meet the criteria. The alert msgbox should appear once if there is any error in the field but the BeforeUpdate event is always fired 3 times for unknown reason.

What I don't understand is that if I open the subform (Form2) as a main form or if i remove the child/master link fields in the subform property sheet, it is working as expected with the BeforeUpdate event being fired only once.

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Forms :: Subform Column Headers

Sep 15, 2014

I have a subform that if it has lots of records in it and I scroll down then I cannot see the column headers, how do I get it to always show them?

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Forms :: Column Order In Subform Datasheet View

Nov 22, 2014

I have a subform in which I display a table in Datasheet View. The problem is, I cannot figure out how to place the columns in the order (i.e. from left to right) I want.

For some reason, right-clicking on a column header in Form View and selecting Freeze Fields will shift that column to the left but I can find no consistent pattern to it and no other way of shifting a column. Reordering the columns in the table itself seems to have no effect on the order they appear on the subform and moving the controls around in the subform in Design View also seems to have no effect.

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Forms :: Make Column Invisible In Subform When Main Form Loads?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?

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Forms :: Possible To Sort Filter Column Without Subform Record Source Being A Query?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a form that shows multiple rows of linked/child records.The form in question is the "frmFilterNumberTypeView" form. When a particular filter is used (installed on an automobile), I would like to be able to click on the corresponding "Installed 1" button left of the filter number, so that by code, I can reduce the Qty on Hand by One, and insert the corresponding filter ID to the History table, along with the date/time the filter was used.

how to reduce the Qty on Hand, nor how to do the updates to the History table, I'll figure that out myself over the next week or two (hopefully it won't take that long). What I'm trying to figure out here is how I can associate the red "Installed 1" button with the filter to the right of whichever button I press.

how to sort the filter column on this same form. I'm fairly certain that this would be very easy to do if the subform in question was populated by means of a corresponding query, but I'm afraid that if I go that route that I'll spend another 20+ hours trying to figure out how to get the proper filter records to match the filter manufacturer, not to mention having to next figure out how to link the table so that if I modify any particular filter record, that I'll be able to have the associated table update accordingly.

Is it possible to sort the filter column without the subform record source being a query?

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Forms :: How To Make Column Width On A Subform Match Property Settings

Mar 19, 2015

I've set the column widths properly on the subform, but the down arrow on the list box is still outside of the selection area. It may have something to do with lookups or concatenations, but I'm not finding that so in what I can think of to trace down.

I exaggerated the width of the list box to show where the down arrow actually shows itself.

See the form "frm_Class_Skills_Update" in the attached database. I need it to be visible when the list box is about 1.25" more narrow.

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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Event For Subform

Jan 21, 2005

I have a form with a subform.
I have an event on dbl-click on the subform's detail section, I want to display yet another form - frmDatePopup depending on a value in that subform.
frmDatePopup has an Eval(Forms!frmDates!Start) for criteria for my date field. The problem is that when I dbl-click on the subform's detail section, frmDatePopup comes up blank, as if it ignores the Eval statement.
Any suggestions on what I need to change to make this work?

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Forms :: List Boxes - Single Column Versus Multi Column

Apr 3, 2013

How do I select the first column of a multi-column list box (called "List1") for a query.

A single column list box works fine.


SELECT Tble_Employee.Emp_No, [forms]![attendee_form]![list1] AS SelectedCourse
FROM Tble_Employee;

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Subform Reference Each Row Event

Feb 23, 2006

I have tried and searched as much as i can.

I have a continous subform, a text box which has a date.

For each row i want a button to be visible where the date is blank. If the date is filled in No button. So i thought need an event. But where?

Can you reference row values?

Here's the code, where would it go?

If txtEndDate = Null Then
cmdCheckout.Visible = True
cmdCheckout.Visible = False
End If

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Subform Click Event

Mar 16, 2006

I'm trying to code an event that would occur when a user double-clicks on the Record Selector of a subform. I want it to then open a form that would provide additional details about the record selected in the subform. I can't find documentation to tell me (1) where to put the code, i.e. subform double-click event vs. subform detail double-click event, etc.; (2) how to reference the record id of the selected record for use in the filter for the form that is going to be opened (the underlying query contains the ID for the record). Can anyone help or point me to documentation?

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Calling A Subform Event From The Main Form.

Sep 27, 2006

I have a main form with a subform. I need to update values in the subform when a field on the main form is updated using afterupdate on that control.

main form name: mainform
control name: gst (on main form)

subform name: subform
records displayed as datasheet.
records field to update: retail

In main form gst control afterupdate event:

Hoping to call the afterUpdate procedure on the retail field.

Error message:
Method or data member not found.

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General :: Trying To Get Event To Update Subform / Query With Vba

Mar 28, 2014

I have a query in a subform on the main form. I have a search box that updates the subform/query as you type something (using the On Change event). You then click on the record you want which transfers the information to the appropriate text boxes (one of these txt boxes is the clientID I talk about below) located next to the search box.

I have a Contacts subform/query much like the serarch box I created and I am using a txt box (on the main frm) clientID (which I get from the above process) to filter the contacts.Now when I pass the ID to the txt box on the main form I am having trouble getting a event to trigger and update the subform/query correctly.

I am using VBA to create a simulated Click action which seems to work but is not updating the Contact subform/query, it is just resetting the subform/query. If I manually click on the txtbox with a ID in there all works wonderfully. I have attached the database. I made the clientID and btn next to it visible(this would not be visible normally).I just realised I left a button on the main form next to the clientID txt box just ignore that and click on a client then the clientID txt box to see how it updates the contacts subform..

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Itself Has AfterInsert Event Handler

Jan 14, 2014

On a subform, I have a text box control with an AfterUpdate event handler. The subform itself has an AfterInsert event handler.

If a user enters data into that tb control for a new record and then moves on (tab or click elsewhere), the AfterUpdate fires and does what it should, including setting Me.Dirty=False immediately before it completes. Then the form's AfterInsert event fires and does what it should, but finishes by returning program control to the ErrorHandler label within the control's AfterUpdate routine, reporting either an error 2101 (The setting you entered isn't valid for this property) or 3270 (Property not found). The form's AfterInsert handler does have its own ErrorHandler label, but it is not being executed.

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Modules & VBA :: Call Event From Subform Using Tag Property?

Jul 11, 2013

I am starting to explore VBA and Modules. I recently found a relativly simple way to add an Audit Log to a database without adding two tables for each table as outlined by Allen Browne.

I used a set of code from and it works great, except when using a sub form. I belive that it is most likely because the use of the Tag property looks at the subform as a control but it holds no value. I am thinking the VBA needs to be altered or the BeforeUpdate command need to specify what form to look in.

The Before Update code is


Public Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

If Me.NewRecord Then
Call AuditChanges("SubForm_ID", "NEW")
Call AuditChanges("SubForm_ID", "EDIT")
End If
End Sub

AuditChanges is the Module Event name and CustomerID is the unique identifer for a Subform.

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Event On Parent Form After The Subform Loads?

Jan 7, 2013

I have parent form and child subform. one field in the parentform is calculated on sum of records on the childsubform when the parent form loads initially the value in the calculatedfield is 0 then it shows the correct value when the childsubform value is populated i have another-field i want to change the property of the onotherfield.backcolor= RGB(0,0,255) when calculatedfield.value<0 but its taking the initial value(0) not the calculated onewhich event shall i invoke on the form so that it waits the subform to complete then fires ... i tried current, load, activate events .. with no success.

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Subform's On_current Event Runs Multiple Times

Oct 20, 2005

I'm trying to clean up one HUGE and ugly form by using subforms within tabs. I have a main form with "BottleID" as the key field and linking field. The tab displays pictures based on the BottleID and it works like a dream. My problem is that the "on_current" event happens 4 times on each record. For instance, I go up a record and it sets Picture1.value 4 times and it's the same thing everytime.

I'm wondering if the problems is due to bad table design. Everything is located within one table and I'm really unable to change this. It's been like this from the get go and too much to change to break it apart. Anyway, the subform is pulling data from the same table. I thought maybe this was the cause.

I'd post the database if possible, however there are hardcoded directory's and will not work unless they are all set up. Not worth it IMO. Any ideas? I tried doing the BottleID = forms!frmMain!BottleID instead of the auto-link in Access but it gives me several errors and I don't believe it buys me anything. Thanks in advance!

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OnOpen Form Event Filter A Combo Box In Subform

Jan 18, 2006

On clicking a button to open a form I want to filter a list in a combo Box located on the forms subform

The main form is called 'Frm_orders'
The sub form is called 'sub'
The combo box field is called 'CostCodeID'
and I want to filter column 0 of the combobox which is Tbl_InvoiceCostCodes.Type to show records with a type of 'Repairs'

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Sending Click Event On Subform To Main Form

Oct 24, 2004

This may be a really simple problem but it has me stumped. Working in Access 2002, I have a form with a subform (continuous). When the user clicks on a textbox in the subform, I need to capture the value and pass it to the main form so that it can be used to create a filter for yet another subform (not nested) on the main form. How could I accomplish this? Thank you in advance!

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