Forms :: Label Dependent Upon Graph Having Data

Mar 21, 2014

I created a number of graphs on forms that graph GamesSold vs RDate. If a game has no sales, there won't be any data. Is there a way I can add a label that will automatically display "Game is not yet released" and make it dependant upon the graph having data, and invisible if it does?

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How To Link Time-dependent Data Tables ?

Jan 13, 2007

While much of the discussions here are out of my league, this may just be the place to finally get some help.

I have a hobby weather station and I am also into gardening. Over the years I have accumulated a fair amount of data/ observations which are currently in assorted Excel spreadsheets & are becoming more an more difficult to maintain.

So, I decided to move the various Excel tables into MS Access. While I was able to draft a entity-relationship diagram for my horticultural data, I am at a total loss when it comes to weather/ climate data which are primarily time-dependent. With other words, I cannot find any references that explain how to design pairs of foreign and primary key for linking datasheets that contain time varying data such as various weather and climate data.

I have ordered dozens of books through the local library. Every book presents exactly the same example: customers and orders/sales. This example is fine when you have a myriad of interdependencies in your data (and proved useful for my horticultural data). But, my weather data are more or less independent of one another; the only thing they have in common is the time/date when I make the observations.

Do I have to create dozens of surrogate keys and add a ton of redundant data ?? I hope not !

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Table Fields (Name / Number) Dependent On Another Tables Data.

May 18, 2006

I have an ... interesting issue. I am wondering if others have dealt with this. I have a solution, but am not the happiest with it.

I basically have 2 databases here. (Or I will when I'm done making them) and one is dependent upon the other. In fact, the 2nd's tables are dependent upon the fields in the first database's table.

This database is for quality control checking purposes.

First off,

Database 1:
Basically a list of standardized audits and what needs to be checked for those audits. What needs to be checked can change as things progress, but stays pretty standard.

Database 2:
This will hold the checks that the QC branch will do, based on what type of Quality Check they are doing, they have an audit standard. This audit standard exists in database 1.

What basically ends up happening is that the data in Database1 become Table fields in database2.


Radio Check Audit Standard.
Needs to check following:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency

Another Random Check Audit Standard
Needs to check the following
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Did something specific for this Audit
Didn't do something else, also specific for this Audit.

Continue on with other Audits.

Database2: Will keep track of all the quality checks that have been preformed.

Today we will check Radio Protocol
Did they:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency

Yes, No as necessary.

2 Days later, we need to do another QC on the Radio Protocol
Need to check if they did:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency


But what will be checked for in Database2 depends on what the standard is for the "Radio Check Protocol," or etc.

Right now, i see 2 options:

Make the 2 databases, and when a user "Picks" the Radio Check protocol, a linked table is filled with the Name / object that needs to be checked with a field in the same row to hold the data if the object was done / not done etc.
The fields in Database1 are automatically put into this specific instance of Quality Check, etc.

Only problem with this: Requires coding to auto update. Easy to do, but if errors occur, things will screw up.

When the user picks the Radio Check protocol, simply allow a subform with a refreshed drop down box. Allow user to pick items they need (Limit it to only this Audit list, etc) to set to true. Assume false for other items not specifically chosen by user.

Problem with this: If an Audit standard changes to remove an item, or add item. Any quality checks done will also change for the assumed false items. If another Item added in, then all old QCs will now also have that item added in / reported assumed false. And if it is deleted, all old QCs will loose the item that was reported false.

I'm seen the first option as the only viable one.

Am I missing this, is there some other way to do this that would be better / wiser? Etc?


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Field Dependent On ComboBox For Data Entry Form

Mar 16, 2005

I've got a data entry form where orders can be created. Within this form there is a ComboBox which is used to search for items and stores the selected item ID in the Order table. However the field for storing the Unit Price relating to the selected item is currently manually enterable. Where as I would like this to be dependent on the item selected within the ComboBox and updated automatically.

At the moment I've added an extra colum to the ComboBox to retrieve the relevant Unit Price and I can show this in a normal seperate text box using '=Combo27.Column(1)' as the ControlSource.

How can I get rid of the text box and incorporate the code into the current UnitPrice field so as it inserts the relevant record (price) into the UnitPrice coloumn of the Order table?

Any help on this would be much appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Opening Hyperlink Dependent On Field Data?

Aug 18, 2015

I am attempting to open a website hyperlink, some of the fields contain https:// and some of them dont.

Private Sub Facebookbut_Click()
Dim Hyper As String
If InStr([TEAMFacebook], "https") Then
Hyper = Me.TEAMFacebook
Hyper = ("" & Me.TEAMFacebook)
End If
Application.FollowHyperlink Hyper
End Sub

So far this does 2 things, it doesn't open any hyperlinks at all and continues to attempt to until the program is closed from task manager. Before I had this error it would open the hyperlink twice if the field does not contain "https" and the IF statement was passed to the 2nd option.

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General :: Graph Not Displaying Any Data?

Jul 23, 2012

I Have this graph that needs to be run from a combo box selection. it doesnt seem to want to display any information at all. i have attached my database.

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Reports :: Hide Graph If There Is No Data

Sep 11, 2014

I have a report that contains 5 graphs, one for each day of the week. I run this report daily. When I run the report on a Monday, only the Monday graph displays data and the other graphs are blank as there is no data for that day just yet. Is it possible to hide these graphs if there is no data? I did find one suggestion to create a text box with the following code

Private Sub Report()
If [SumOfWed] = 0 Then
Me.Graph24.Visible = False
Me.Graph24.Visible = True
End If

This does't work for me.Graph24 is the name of Wednesdays graph and the row source for the graph is TRANSFORM Sum([Wed]) AS [SumOfWed] SELECT [Machine] FROM [qryShiftDays] GROUP BY [Machine] PIVOT [Shift];

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Dependent Forms? Subforms?

Oct 4, 2006

I have 3 tables:
FAID, FAName, Active(y/n)
SubFAID, SubFAname, Active(y/n)

What I need is all possible Functional Areas listed on a form where you can click on active checkbox to activate that Functional Area.
Then on the next form I need Sub-functional Areas listed, but only those that tie back to Functional Areas that have been activated.
Is this at all possible to achieve? I really don’t know how to go about doing this. Do I need a form, or may be I need a subform? I'm at a loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Line Graph Data Storage/input

Aug 24, 2006

hi all,

got a wee problem... i have a number of graphs showing volume (x axis) and pressure (y axis) for particular pipe sizes.... (it's for pneumatic conveying)

depending on the resolution of the hand drawn graph there could be 100's of points along a single graph line (x and y points)....

My program basically needs to select a point(x and y) closest to the graph line that it intersects. (come on mech. engineers)

Problem is how should i store / input the graphs into the db file?

I'm trying to avoid have to literally input every x 'n y point per line per graph... there are about 20 lines per graph and a 100 odd graphs!!!

I was thinking of inputing a start and end point then use some sort of formulae to draw a logical line and pick up all the xy points i need, then store them...

Any thoughts?

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Queries :: Stacked Graph Data Filter

Jun 16, 2015

I have a (simplified) table with productnr., period (year and month) of sales, and sales (in currency). Now I want to know the contribution of the products that have their period of sales after a certain number. This will calculate the contribution to sales of new products. Simple stuff.. (i hope), but I was not able to do so...

I have managed to separate the table with multiple queries and I have managed to have now to queries that can show the sales of products that have been launched before the date and after the date, but combining the two tables is impossible for me..

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Dependent Fields In Access Forms

Sep 14, 2004

Hello All -

I think that my problem is best explained by an example.

In the first field the user chooses between two options for the reporter.
Field 1 - Reporter: Client OR Employee

If the user selects "Client" they have to enter an address, if they select "Employee" they don't have to enter an address.

So, what I hope is to create a form where if they select the "Employee" the address fields (address, city, state, zip) "gray out" and not accept any data entry.

Any help would be SO appreciated!

Thanks -

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Forms :: Dependent Combo Box Not Working

Aug 18, 2013

I have 2 combo boxes, one Categories and Products. However I have follows a tutorial and when I select the Categories, the products do not show even though the tutorial says it does. I have attached a copy of the DB.

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Forms :: Make One Field Dependent Upon Another

Nov 2, 2013

If I have a Form that is used to populate a Table can I make one field entry dependent upon another?

For example, if I have a field for Discipline (with values such as Mechanical, Electrical, Piping) and another field for Equipment Type (with values such as Motor, Gearbox, etc) can I set up the Form so that when I select Electrical for the Discipline, only electrical items (such as Motor) are available to select for the Equipment Type field?

Using the table below as an example, if I select Electrical for the Discipline field in my Form, when I go to select a value for the Equipment Type field the drop down shows only Motor and Fan?

Equipment Type
DN 150 Pipe

Or, better still, can I set it up so that if I select Motor for the Equipment Type field, the Discipline field will automatically be populated with Electrical?

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Report Out With One Click - How To Get Filtered Data In Graph Form

Sep 29, 2014

My company wants me to run a high level report which ask for three filters. However as its high level they want it should run with a click instead of choosing filters from three drop down ...

As this report comes out as a graph I can't use report wizard to run tabular report. Any smart way that they click a button and get filtered data in graph form.

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Forms :: Automatically Updating Dependent Combo Box

Oct 21, 2014

I am designing a form based on specific criteria from a table. I have one table "country/region" showing: Country, Region, and then primary numeric ID. I have another table called "contacts" with more info. What I am looking to do is create two combo boxes on the form, one for country and the other for region which will pull from the "country/region" table and feed into the "contacts" table". When the user writes in the specific country, the corresponding region in the combo box next to it should update automatically.

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Forms :: Combo Box Values Dependent On Record Set In Listbox

Jan 17, 2014

Access 2010
windows 7

The database I'm working on stores product records. To support the user narrow down which product they want to use, the navigation form has a listbox that looks to several combox values to filter the records it displays. As the user selects values for additional comboxes, the list of products from the listbox is refined. What I would like to do is set the comboxes up so that they also have to check the listbox to determine which records they should display.

For example:

Comboxes: Customer, Species

Starting out the listbox shows all products. The user wants to find a particular product that is sold to "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium". They select "Harly Quinn's Crab Imporium" from the customer combobox. The listbox updates to show only products sold to Harly Quinn. The database currently has this functionality. What I want to add comes next:

The user determines that there are still too many records being displayed in the listbox, so he/she attempts to refine the search further by selecting a species from the species combobox. Currently all species from the species table are selectable from the species combobx, meaning that if the user selects a species that isn't sold to Harly Quinn, that the listbox will show no records. What I would like the combobox to do is refer first to the listbox and determine which species are still viable options based on the records available from the listbox.

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Forms :: Check Box Within A Form Ticked Or Not Dependent On Another Value Within A Field?

May 10, 2013

I there a way to determine whether or not my checkbox within a form is ticked or not dependent on another value within a field?

I have a field called 'DaysRemaining' and another check box field called 'Expired'. I want the expired checkbox to be ticked if the value within 'DaysRemaining' is '<0' and unticked if '>=0'. Is there a way i can do this within the control source of my check box?

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Forms :: Textbox Background Color Change Dependent On Value

Oct 3, 2013

I have a question related to a textbox on a form.

In my table (tbl_data) I have a field named Rating. This can be anything from 1 - 10.

On my form (frm_input) I have a textbox (created using the wizard so at the moment I'll call it txt_Rating).

What I would like to know how to do is:

If the value in the textbox is 0-5 leave the background colour of the textbox white with black font.
If the value in the textbox is 6-7 turn the background colour pale yellow with black font.
If the value in the textbox is greater than 7.1 turn the background colour Red with white font.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Update Data For A Chart Graph In Word Document From Access

Jul 29, 2013

Is it possible to update the data for a chart graph in a word document from Access using VBA?

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Forms :: Format Graph Axis To Percentage

Oct 15, 2014

How can I change with VBA the Y axis of a graph to percentage?

sqlstr = simple sql giving with date, value

Graph47.RowSource = sqlstr

I can give the axes min/maximumscales

.Axes(2, 1).MinimumScale = frm_MinscaleY

set the colors and weights
.seriescollection(1).Border.Color = graphcolor
.seriescollection(1).Border.Weight = Lineweight
.seriescollection(1).MarkerSize = MarkerWeight
.seriescollection(1).MarkerBackgroundColor = graphcolor

But everything I try to set the axis to percentage does not work... No failure message, but nothing happens. I have tried multiple things:

.seriescollection(1).datalabels.numberformat = "0,0%"
.seriescollection(1).datalabels.numberformat = "#,#%"
.seriescollection(1).numberformat = "percentage"
.seriescollection(1).numberformat = "0,0%"
.SeriesCollection(1).tickLabels.NumberFormat = "%"
and a lot more....

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Forms :: Excel Graph In Access Not Updating

May 7, 2014

I'm trying to have a linked Excel chart in Access form. What I've done so far is create a chart in Excel and Paste Special>>Linked into Access.

I also have code inside Excel that will update chart data, it works fine.

Then I have code in Access that calls the code in Excel to update the data.

The data gets updated fine and the chart in Excel gets updated but the chart in Access only gets updated if I close and open the form again.

Here is the code that will update the Excel Data

Public Sub Import_VRSS_Graph_Data(strDayType As String, strTimeBand As String, strEntrance As String, Ws As Worksheet)
' Create a connection object.
Dim cnPubs As ADODB.Connection
Set cnPubs = New ADODB.Connection
' Provide the connection string.
Dim strConn As String

[Code] ....

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Forms :: How To Update Linked Excel Graph

May 14, 2014

I have a linked Excel graph in my form. The process I go though to update them is:

User clicks on button
Excel opens up
Procedure in Excel runs that updates the data and the graphs
Excel Closes

The user does not see any of that. This process works fine. But the linked graph does not actually update in the Access Form. To do that I run the following code:

Set ctl = Me!OLEUnbound_pream
With ctl
' Enable control.
.Enabled = True
' Set Locked property to False.
.Locked = False
' Set Verb property to activate for editing, but not visible
.Verb = acOLEVerbShow
.Action = acOLEActivate
End With

The problem I get is that once .Action = acOLEActivate is ran, Excel opens. I don't understand why it does that and how do I close it.

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Forms :: Graph Based On Dynamic Equation?

Oct 14, 2014

I'm currently working on a project that calls for a graph that is based on an equation which the users can change while in the database.

the equation is basically an annual compound interest formula: 65*(1+x)^([YearNumber]-1), where x is the rate of change as a decimal, and what the users can change.

I've tried to use a simple query with this equation as one of the expressions, where the x is displayed as [Rate as decimal], but when I do this, I get an error on the table: the database engine does not recognize [Rate as Decimal] as a valid field name or expression.

I've also tried tying the equation to an unbound text box on a form called "RateasDecimal", with a button that opens the form with the graph on it, but I get the same error - except [Rate as Decimal] is replaced with "forms!form1!RateasDecimal".

is it possible to create a graph like this in access.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Show Two Different Lines On Graph Sourced From Separate Tables

Jun 23, 2015

I have a form with a graph on, and want to show two different lines on the graph, sourced from separate tables.

The commonality between the two tables is a date.

One line shows count of people available every 15 minutes and the other would should the demand for people on the same date, every 15 minutes.

Is it possible to do this and how?

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How To Change The Label Caption Of A Variable Label Name?

Aug 4, 2006

I have n horizontal labels named Label_1 to Label_n. I'd like to assign values to the label captions by using a loop.
Something like:

For i = 1 To n
Set Label_i.Caption = i

However, this doesn't work. Message "Object required".

Any suggestions?

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Preview Data In Label Linked To Table

Apr 9, 2014

I have a table that have about 5000 records. Also I have a report that include a label which is linked to this table.

The problem i have is that when i have heavy data in the table like 5000 record and above, the label is not taking data from first to last record from the table, it is taking from record 1200 reaching record 5000 then it takes record 1 to 1199.

Therefore when label is previewed, we are viewing data on label from 1200 to 5000 then from 1 to 11900 and not from 1 to 5000

On the other hand, when i don't have heavy data in the table, everything is working good and the label is getting its data from first to last record successfully.

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