Forms :: Limit Searches To One Text Box

Sep 19, 2013

I have a db with around 400 records. It contains user's basic information such as first name, last name, supervisor...

Problem is that one supervisor can be multiple users supervisors so they are showing up a lot each time I use the search tool. Is there a way to disable searches on the supervisor field?

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Queries :: Performing Keyword Searches Of Text Field

Nov 16, 2014

I am trying to perform some keyword searches of a text field. My preferred option would be to hold all the keywords in a separate table and then use something like

SELECT * FROM Text Table, Keywords Table WHERE (((InStr[Text Table].[Text],[Keywords Table].[keywords])) > 0 ));

This works and returns anything which has the string from the keyword table, however I wanted to look for whole words only. I can do this in SQL using a regular expression along the lines of [!a-z] keyword [!a-z] which only finds the string where it has no letters directly either side of it.

What I would like to do is combine the two methods so I hold my keywords in a table and then use them with the reg ex to find whole words only.

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Modules & VBA :: Text Box Searches With Every Added Letter To String

Sep 16, 2014

I'm trying to add a search function the searches with ever letter I add to the string in the search box. if the string is not in the recordset then vbred the textbox.

Here's my code:

Private Sub txtGroupNr_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Set RstRecSet = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
If IsNull(txtGroupNr) Or txtGroupNr = "" Then
' MsgBox "Please enter a Group Number to use as the search criteria", _

[Code] ....

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Newbie To Searches Through Forms

Oct 13, 2005

I have a form with a search text field, inwhich i want the user to type in a value to the search text and then I want a query which would search two tables and return which table the results in. i.e

Search Text Field ----> ABC12345

Table 1
Container Number -----> No Record of that number

Table 2
Container Number ------> Number Found

Result of Search

Container Number ABC12345
Table 2

Can any one advise how to do this??

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Forms, Queries And Reports (Searches)

Jul 16, 2007

HI folks

I have a db. I have created a search form which when you click the search button executes a query to find the required records.
The query is currently outputting to printpreview of the query.

What i want to be able to do is have the option to select the correct record and then print it. The search can either be exact and return 1 record or use a wildcard and return a few records.

I have the report setup and working I just can't for the life of me figure out how to link everything.

Maybe I've missed something I don't know.

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Limit Text Entry Based On Another Text Box

Sep 8, 2004


I'd like to know if this is possible and if so, how to do it.

I have a couple of text fields, let's say text1 and text2. I would like the following functionality:

if text1 = "somevalue"
then allow entry into text2
else disable entry into text2

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Forms :: Combo Box Query - Form That Searches A Table To Show Certain Criteria

Jul 21, 2014

I have created a form that searches a table to show certain criteria. I am having trouble with a part where the table uses a checkbox and I am trying to use a combo box on the search form to return the results based on is it checked? Yes/No or both. When I test it I keep getting Runtime error 3075 missing operator.

The sql I am using is below and when I try and see where it is going wrong it highlights the line.

Code : Me.Filter = strWhere

Private Sub cmdFilter_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngLen As Long
Const conJetDate = "#dd/mm/yyyy#"

[Code] .....

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Limit Text Box To Digits

Jul 14, 2005

how can i limit an unbounded textbox so only digits from 0-9 will be entered

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How Can I Limit Text In Textbox?

Oct 19, 2005

How can i limit the user to enter the text in a textbox on a form?
suppose i want the user to enter only upto 20 chars in a textfield.

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Increase Field Text Limit (255)

Sep 15, 2006

Please help if somebody knows the way to increase the character limit of field from 255 to max. possible.


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How Can I Limit Number Of Digits Entered In The Text Box? Please Help!

Dec 14, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a text box, which requires a 8-digit number entry. I have wrote the code to check that the length is 8 and if it isn't a label will turn visible next to the field telling the user entry must be 8 digits.

This works for when i enter a number less than 8-digits but when i input a number with more digits as it does not fit into the text box it turns it to a scientific format value and when the code runs it shows the length is actually 8! And therefore the entry is valid!

I.e. when i input 123456789 the text box shows 1.23E+08 which is 8 charecters!

I dont want any error messages to pop up as i handle them by code and use labels to show the error message next to the problem field and i would like to keep this consistent. Is there any way i can do this by a function or a property in the table or form?

I appreciate any help/advice


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Tables :: Not Enough Memory Or Diskspace / Text Box 255 Limit

May 3, 2013

I am trying to increase a text box field size from 64 characters to 100. I know text fields can hold 255 characters, but whenever I make the change and try to save it, a warning pops up."Not enough diskspace or memory"

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Queries :: Limit Query Results To Numeric Value Of Text Field?

Aug 18, 2014

I have a table that has several fields including CallID (autonumber) and SKU (text)

SKU can be anything up to 9 characters, sometimes numeric sometimes alphanumeric. For example: 24300, AA23145, G58d444, 24999, 89332,...

Based on the Count of CallID I can easily get the top20 calls on each SKU. This is the query I use for that:

SELECT TOP 20 Count(Calls.CallID) AS CountOfCallID, Calls.SKU
FROM Calls
HAVING ((Not (Calls.SKU) Is Null))
ORDER BY Count(Calls.CallID) DESC;

The problem is that now I have been asked to create two different lists. One that has the top 20 SKU that range from 24520 and 24599 and another one that does the res tof the SKUs.

Obviously my problem is that the SKU field is text, not numbers so I can't just limit the results in the query by using "Between 24520 and 24500" in the query criteria.

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30 Cap Limit On Repeated Forms?

Jan 16, 2006

when i change a form so that instead of single form its multiple forms it seems to only want display 30 instead of the 62 that exist. is there a quick fix this?

if not is there a way to make it display the next 30?

as now it says "record 30 of 62" when it gets to the bottom of the form... ;/

any help is much appreaciated ta. <3

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22 Inch Limit In Forms

Feb 13, 2008

I've created a database from an 8 page questionnaire with questions all linked to the subject ID (in other words, each 8-page questionnaire is about 1 subject). I think have the data normalized fairly well. However, now I'm running into problems regarding length of the form. Because the original questionnaire is 8 pages, the 22 inch form limit is not nearly enough. I had used tabs that run across the form horizontally, but the users doing the data input had too much trouble clicking the tabs and scrolling across. They said it was too much of a hassle and slowed them down, so they want me to change it so the questions flow vertically. But I don't know how to get around this 22 inch vertical limit. I would greatly appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.

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Limit No. Of Records On Continuous Forms

Nov 8, 2005

I have a form with Continuous Records as its default view. I would like to number the amount of records displayed on screen to about 5 or 6 at a time instead of having them scrolling right off the bottom of the screen. Is there any easy way to do this?

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Forms :: Limit Items In A Combo Box?

Aug 12, 2013

I have a combo box in which I wish to show the Person_ID's of every record in the table TBL_Person, except those which are returned by a separate query. Is this possible at all?

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Forms :: How To Limit The Number Of Records

Jul 4, 2013

I want to limit the # of records being entered in a form according to a limit value which has to come from a query.

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Forms :: Limit The Data Addition?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a split design form, where user can select on any row and column of the spreadsheet view of the form and edit the data. Now, I want to write a code to limit the data addition(Row addition) to a certain number. But I still want to be able to edit the previous records added to the form.

I used Me.AllowAdditions = False, but when I want to select the previous records, it gives error:"You cannot go to specified record".

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Forms :: Limit To 7 Records On Subform

Feb 14, 2015

I can't get this to work! I have a module for it and I think (?) the correct code.

'Limit Records On Subform.
OnCurrentEvent of Main Form ' Main form is frmTimeCards
LimitRecords Me.frmPayrollEntry.Form, 7 ' Allow at most 7 records
Scenario: Main Form/Subform
Subform is a Continuous form.
Enter Payroll via Subform
Via Combo, select a Employee on Subform
Enter Hours
Finish,Select a New Employee
Using CarryOver for Employee

Problem: Can't add new Record for a new Employee.Because of the Limit Records Code.?

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Forms :: Unbound TextBox Character Limit

Feb 17, 2015

I started off with a blank form and added a command button, three labels and a text box. None of these are bound to anything.

The sole purpose of this form is to show the progress of a VB script I've written that retrieves all the table names and the number of records contained in each. This information is also exported to Excel.

Everything works great apart from the log I'm producing inside the text box. This log is just a replica of what is being exported to Excel. Once the log reaches a length of 1,837 characters, it fails to have anything else added to it. The code below is where I have an error returned.

Me.LogList1.Text = Me.LogList1.Text & vbCrLf & tdf.Name & "|" & intRecCount

The error I receive is "Run-time error '2176': The setting for this property is too long.". From what I've read elsewhere though, an unbound text box is meant to have a character limit of a good few thousand. Around 60,000 from what I remember.

I did try a few other options such as using a label or a listbox but they weren't great. The label doesn't support a scroll bar and if the text goes past the size of the label it doesn't scroll down by default. A list box worked but I want the user to be able to copy the text after in-case the Excel report doesn't work for whatever reason.

I could possibly setup a table with a single field set to 'memo' and bound the text box to that. I don't know if that works though as I don't want to have to create an extra table. This form is to be used across other databases when required and this solution would add an unnecessary table to the list (which I could code out) and also means the table has to be exported to the other database along with the form.

Why my text box is limited to around 1,837 characters?

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Forms :: Limit Of Records That Can Be Shown Via A Combo Box?

Oct 29, 2013

In the form frmOrders of my database i have a combobox where i can choose a ClientID and the dropdown list shows me all the clients in upgoing order with their related orders in descent order.But the drop down list doesn't show all available clients. The two hundred heighest clientnumbers aren shown. However if i type one of these clientnumbers in the textbox of the combobox, the client is found.If i go to the property sheet of the combobox and activate the query that serves as the recordsource of the combobox, all clients are shown!!!I control of the records of these clients in the table Orders, doesn't show any difference with all the other records.What can be the reason for these behaviour. Is it a question of a limit of records that can be shown via a combo box?

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Forms :: Limit Number Of Rows In A Subform

Jun 20, 2013

I am looking for a way to limit the number of rows that are added to the subform of a main form. Is there anyway that the allowable number of rows be defined using a field on the main form.

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Forms :: Is There Any Limit To Number Of Fields In A Form

Jul 8, 2014

I am new to Access and I am developing a form. I have already read and found useful resources on internet but there is something I am not able to sort out.I have seen that the limit of fields I can enter in Access is 255 and my survey is far below that number.So no issue at all when I created the fields in Data view.However, the issues started when I created a form.

I created a form by Create>Form.The last few fields, at the very bottom of the form, are squeezed onto each other as if there was not any space available. Is there a limit to the number of fields I can have in a form? There should not be if I am allowed to enter up to 255 fields. How can I go about it? Should I alternatively create 2 forms? I would rather not to though.

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Forms :: Limit Number Of Clients In Date Range

Aug 30, 2013

Ok, not sure if this is even possible or where to even start..

I've got a form that has all the info for a client, eg..
Client First Name
Client Last Name
Client Hours
Client WE/CS/EE
Client Day And Times
Client Phone
Client Comments

Begin Date & End Date (2 boxs) on there for date input..

and what i'm trying to do is limit that any date entered between begin date and end date, it'll check and make sure there is only ever 20 clients on any 1 day..

i thought Datediff would be the way to go, but then again how do you get it to search each day and make sure theres only 20 clients on there..

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Forms :: Limit Amount Of Data That Users Need To Input

May 23, 2014

We have a database where we are trying to limit the amount of data that users need to input.

We have a form, which contains order information. Where a customer has specific requirements, we add those requirements to a separate document review table MasterSpecification and DetailedSpecification.

When a customer has specific requirements, we can open the frmMasterSpecification and search for the document.

Assuming a review has been done the requirements will be shown on the subform Frmsubcoverage. I would like to be able to select the record source from this form and have the details entered into our order entry form.

Under the specification form there could be many sub coverage records depending on the type of item ordered to that specification.

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