Forms :: Log Off Users After A Certain Time Of Idle

Oct 27, 2013

Is there any option to kick out users after a certain time of idle.

Say, a user login my ms access and don't logout from database and he don't do anything in ms access. I want automatically logout from ms access after a certain time he is idle.

I'm using ms access 2007.

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Changing Idle Time In A Multi User Database

May 24, 2007

There are between 10 - 15 users at one time. It is a shared network, the front_end is on individual hardrives and the tables are located on the server. We just converted to Access 2003, our data file size is 47kb.

Users who are not active in the database get disk or network error message and have to close out. Is idle time a possible factor? Some users maybe entering information sporadically through out the day, but need to have the database open, they may need to refer to a member record upon receiving a phone call.


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Log Off User When Idle

May 12, 2005

Is it possible to have access close the db when my users are idle after a set ammount of time, say 60 seconde of inactivity? My users seem to forget that they have the application open and other users can't get on.


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General :: Database Auto Compact On Idle

Nov 9, 2012

In my access applications i have used the database split built in functionallity to split my frontend and backend tables.I have created a mail mechanism and when the database grows to that level i recieve a mail, ask users to get out of the database and compact the database. But this is tiding. I have a scheduled job that compacts databases early in the morning before users logged on. But during day work databases grow enormous again. Well is there a way by VBA code to create an auto compact function that on idle will log off all users in the database and compact it?

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2 Users Adding Records At The Same Time?

Mar 1, 2006

Is it possible to have 2 or more users adding records into the same table at the same time? They would not be editing, only data entry.

I am wondering if this would cause a problem for the auto numbering for the ID field.

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Access To A Database Form For More Users At The Same Time

Nov 28, 2007

Hi, I created a database where everybody should insert his holiday plans and absence of business. the Database is linked and opens automatically the form when you click on the link on the pdf. But know it is not possible anymore that more than one person opens the file to insert the data. The mistake is: Could not lock file!
What do I have to do that more people can use the database at the same time (not only read-only) Thank you for the help

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Can Multiple Users Enter Data At Same Time?

Aug 20, 2013

I have several forms will be filled out on a daily basis by 50 different people. Does Access have a way of allowing multiple users to fill out the forms at the same time and still track the data? Or is it like Excel and can only be viewed as "Read-Only" once opened by someone else?

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Allow Multiple Users Using The Database And Changing Info At The Same Time?

Feb 5, 2014

I have an access database and I plan on splitting it so the FE will be on each users workstation and the backend will be in a folder on the server. But is there anything else I need to do to allow for the possibility of multiple users using the database and changing info at the same time?

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General :: One User At A Time - Prevent Multiple Users Accessing The Database

Feb 13, 2015

Twice a year, a database of mine is accessed and put too use by various staff within a time range of 1 week. the database is on a shared drive and in a location which can be accessed by all.

The staff access the database from different workstations and in some instances at the same time.

This has only led to issues in the database being copied and then confusing staff on what database to click on thus i have 2 databases which i then have to sift through and copy/paste into the correct one.

I want to know the best way i can:

1) Prevent multiple users accessing the database at a time.
2) making a copy of the original and typing into a separate database.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 3405 - File Already In Use When Users Click Button Around Same Time

Sep 22, 2014

I have a button which runs a list of queries that take roughly 10 seconds to run, when another user clicks the button while the other one is running it gives and error message 3405, File already in use.

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Forms :: Add Time Value To Time Data Type SQL Server Field In Access

May 6, 2015

how to be able to enter time in access form the same way as if would be an access table (1p = 1:00 PM; 1.25 = 1:25 AM etc)

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Forms :: Update Time Portion Of Date / Time Field

Aug 29, 2013

I have a date/time text field on a form with the General Date format and a combo box next to it that has sequencial times as the row source (IE. 12:45 AM, 1:00 AM, 1:15 AM, 1:30 AM, ETC.) When the user chooses a time in the combo box, I want the time portion of the text box to be updated with the chosen time in the combo. I have tried a few things but cant seem to get it right.

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Users Cannot Open Certain Forms

May 21, 2007

I've created a database which works fine and i've tested it extensively on my machine. It is saved on a network drive which other users have access to. I've added a simple security log-in procedure (which I picked up from a sample posted on here) which only determines what buttons the different users can see on the switchboard which takes them to the different areas of the database. The problem I now have is some of the forms aren't opening.

Other Users who try and go into the forms that they have access to - even some of the generic ones cant open the actual forms as it crashes and comes up with the generic error message - "Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close".

I cant understand why this is happening. The security measures are only linked to the main switchboard and it works fine as it opens up all the other relevant switchboards as required. It's just certain forms on the other switchboards that refuse to open. I hope I have described my problem adequately and someone has encountered it somewhere or knows what I'm talking about and can help. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

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Multiple Users And Forms

Mar 17, 2008

Hi, very new to access and chucked in at the deep end.
we require a database which will be used by multiple users to place orders.
the users are at different locations although they all log on via terminal services so connection issues are minimal.
i understand that we require a fe/be database because of the users.
the users will only work with forms and reports. they should not be allowed to see the other users orders and the form needs to automatically put the users id into the order.
the only way i can see to achieve this is to make a custom form up for each location. would i be right in assuming this?
if so, how would i prevent one location from opening up another locations form? infact, i wouldn't want one location to know that there are other forms for other locations.
any help would be appreciated. thanks

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Question About: A Table Of Users Who Have Relationships To Other Users??

Feb 21, 2006


I have a table of users somthing like this:


Users can be friends with one another and I need some way of logging this.

My 2 options (that i can see) are:

1) Putting a friends entry in the main user table then comma delimiting the User_ID's in the friend entry like so:

User_ID: 001
Name: John
Hobby: Frizbee
Favorite_Food: Cake
Friends: 002,004,010

2) Making a seperate table with multiple entries for each user like so:

User: 001
Friend 002
User: 001
Friend: 004
User: 001
Friend: 010
User: 002
Friend: 001
User: 004
Friend: 001
User: 010
Friend: 001

The database has to be handled by a web service and/or a web appliction making the comma delimited option occupy more server time breaking down the string into usable user_ID's.
But (and this is probably my actual problem) if i was to impliment my second idea, I'm not sure what I should make the tables primary key or the best way to relate it to the main user table.

My initial thought is to just have a, technicaly useless, ID be the primary key and impliment a one(User) to many(friends entries) relationship... but im a bit of an access n00b so thought i better come ask for some advice.


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Forms :: Add Some Instructions For Users Of A Form

Jul 8, 2013

I would like to add some instructions for users of a form. Any easy way to accomplish this?

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Forms :: Time In / Time Out Attendance

Apr 10, 2014

Any sample database where its about Time In and Time Out Attendance. It will just calculate the difference of Time In Time Out with employees Card Number.

The Time In and Time Out attendance is provided (no data entry), it is generated from other tool. I will just load it from an excel sheet to the access database and it will calculate and generate report. Default should be 9 hours per day, if they wont render 9 hours it will show in Difference column. Form will be like this:

ID Num: | Name: | Time In: | Time Out: | Total |Difference (missing hours)

12345 | Al Smith | 8.00am | 5:00pm | 9 | 0
54321 | Joy Pitt | 8.00am | 4.30pm | 8.30 | -0.30

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Hidding Tables, Queries, Forms, From Users

Dec 7, 2004

Hi. I manage to create Users and permissions with no big problem.
But before do that, i thought that when i created those permissions some of the users which they will
work for, they will not have even a view of TABLES QUERIES FORMS e.t.c
How i can hide that from them?
I did that by Properties and set the option button to Hidden, but imagine if you have 50 to do that.
Then if i go back to do some modifications then is necessary to unhide in order to check.
Is another easiest way of prohibiting users to view.
Thank you.

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Users Unable To Access New Forms/tables

Aug 1, 2005

I enabled security on an .mdb which included several users that are in the Full Data Users group. After I did this I needed to add a new form to the application, so I logged into the application and added it. However, though the admin group and the Full Permissions group can access it fine, the Full Data Users group cannot. I have double checked all of the settings and have even rebuilt the .mdw file to no avail. Any thoughts?

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Forms :: How To Invisible Some Records Of Form For Other Users

Feb 5, 2014

I have a database that it has 2 forms. Form 1 shows list of received letters Form 2 shows list of send letters Now database has been splitted and back end is on the shared drive and front end there is on each computer and myself and other users have read/write access to the shared drive and me and other users can see all the records. .Now I would like to add something like a check box field to the forms. When I tick the check box for each record other users cannot see that record on the form.

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Forms :: Templates For Users To Open Reports?

Apr 3, 2013

I want to make a simple FrontEnd for my database for users to open reports to print them. I don't want them to mess with the linked tables or queries feeding into those reports. I want the front end to display a list of every report in the database that they can load up and use.

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Forms :: Auto-fill Detail With Users Name?

Jan 6, 2015

I have set up a split database and it seems to work perfectly. I have created a report on each users FE and this works fine. It inputs their own contact details on the report. This was done manually before sending the FE to the user just using ="text here" in the design of the form.

What I want to do is add an extra field to the table (and link to this via the form each user has) and have this populated automatically with the users name.This is so we can see at a glance which user added which record.

Is there a way to have this happen or would it be a case of having to pick your own username from a combo box? Can I do something with each users FE form which will add their name when they add a record?

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Forms :: Multiple Users On LAN Working On Same Database

Jan 21, 2015

How multiple users can work on the same database across LAN, without using share point.

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Forms :: Access Permission On Tabs For Some Users

Jul 23, 2013

I have a form with several tabs and I don't want to give permission for some users on some tabs. How can I do it?

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Forms :: Daily Memo For Users To View

Jun 17, 2014

I am currently updating our old Access DB 2003 to 2013 and wanted to make a few modifications along the way.I would really like to allow users to leave notes for each other on a front page. This front page form does not have any underlying table to it as it is only used as a switchboard.My question is, is it possible to have some sort of memo or text box that users can enter notes into that can be easily viewed from the front switchboard and then they can delete/update the notes as required?

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Forms :: Pop Up Form That Users Need To Fill Up Whenever They Need To Add New Records

Aug 13, 2014

i have a pop up form that users need to fill up whenever they need to Add New Records. everything is working fine. BUT, what should i do that in the next time the user will click the Add New Records it will not show the previous items that have been added? since it is added in the Main Form already, no need to show in the pop up Form again once they wanted to add new records. Once they are still in the pop up form, they can see the newly added items BUT once they exit the pop up form, they cant see those items anymore in that form instead it is in the Main Form already.

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