I have a Workorder form that I want to not allow edits, deletions, and additions when the Workorder is closed. Is there a way to program a button for this that could be password protected in case it needs to be reopened?
I have a table that I imported from another database. I used import Access - Link to the table source by creating a linked table. - then downloaded in my database.
I want to use the linked table to create relationships and forms but do not want to even accidently edit it. The table gets updated in the database on a weekly bases and I am hoping it gets updated automatically in my database as well. does it automatically get updated or do i have to set up something?
Also, I want to protect the data in that particular table and either password protect it or make it read only. Can I do that? If so, how?
I have been trying to figure out how to make a form refresh after deleting a record in a subform. The code in the combo box that populates the subform works fine. If you select the "Action" of "sign" from the unbound combo box above the subform, it places "Sign" in the the subform and then makes a checkbox on the main form [WillTake] = True.
But when I delete the record by right clicking on the entry, the focus is sent back to the main form so I can refresh the form and thus update the [WillTake] checkbox. I have tried just about everything. I can get the focus to a field on the form, but I cannot figure out how to refresh or requery the form.
The code to transfer focus is on the OnDelete of the subform.
What's the easist way to set a record in a form to read-only if a check box is ticked? When going from one record to the next, the user needs to facility to change a record only if the tick box is empty.
I have a Workorder table and a Workorder form. I would like to be able to make a Workorder closed when it is finished so that it is read only. I have a finished date field so maybe by entering a date there could be a way to accomplish this?
I want to "lock" a record in a table so that it is read only and cannot be accessed/edited/deleted. Is it possible to lock a single record in this way on a permanent basis? It's actually the first record in the table.
possible to exclude certain boxes when a form is set to read only?My database essentially has 4 user levels (Developer, Admin, User and Guest), and whenever a Guest opens up a form, the form opens as Read Only and a message box displays telling you this. However on most of these forms, there are search boxes which allows you go straight to a specific record, but they don't modify any data, but because the form is read only, I can't type in these comboboxes. So is there anyway to exclude these boxes from being read only?
i would like to have on my continuous subform fields from my table but only as a non-editable list (I have a dedicated mod form to actually modify the values), and I don't really like the way "Locked" and/or "Enabled" work, especially on combo boxes. To me, the arrow shouldn't be there: it looks like you can modify it, but you can't; it's a bit confusing and counter intuitive.
So what I did is replace those combo boxes with text boxes, and used DLookUp in the Control Source. Now I can lock and disable the text boxes and it looks just as I want it: you can't select the text, and most importantly there's no dropdown arrow.It works, but it's kind of a lot of work compared to what it is with the cbo. Also, since those are calculated values, they take a fraction of a second to appear, as opposed to the nearly instantaneous display of the values with the cbo, and there's only 5 entries in my test database.
In Access 2010, Under what conditions can we read values from forms?
I'm trying to write query in which i want to find and update records based on saved record, but seems like Access is not reading values. I've opened the form and add a button to run a query, so the form is for sure in focus.
On the other hand, when I try to read values from form based on new record, a record which is not yet saved, Access is reading values without any problem.
I have a form to input data into a table1. On the form I have a combo box to read from a next table exchange rate to input into the table1. Field in Tablet for the exchange rate is set to Field size double, Format currency, and decimals 6.
I am unable to set the field size on the form to read the 6 decimals. The combo box is set to Currency decimal 6. I tried General Number and it still only shows only one decimal.
I have a form "FrmMaintenance" based on the query "QryMaintenance" that is taken information from the table "TblMaintenance".
In the form, I have to pull the serial number of a machine from a drop down list which works perfectly fine in the form and it also updates other associated records.
When I go to the table, it puts associated number instead of the serial number that I've pulled.
Same thing happening for the pull down list "Engineer".
I've tried to look at the format of the "SerialNo" and changed to text, then to Combo Box but it didn't work, and the same for "Engineer"
I would like to take advantage of using combo boxes to search records on a form but do not want user to be able to edit or change any of the data. Setting the form to read only of course, disallows use of any controls on the form.
I hope some one can help me hear as i am fairly new in this forum. I have been using access from some time time and have come across a problem i and not shore how to solve.
I have query that contains a field which is a 6 digit number. the number of record in query can change from day to day with anywhere between 1 to 100 records.
what i am looking to do is to create a hyperlink that access can follow that will contain a constant text stringof say "www.mywebsite.com/order.aspx?sItems=[record1],[record2],so on untill all reocrds are filled.
Any help with this problem would be much appreciated
i have probleb with the comboboxes if i change cobobox value, then comes a error :to make changes to this field, first save the record the combobox code is
Private Sub CatecoryID_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo Err_CatecoryID_AfterUpdate Dim strFilter As String strFilter = "Products.CatecoryID = " & Me!CatecoryID Me!ProductID = DLookup("ProductID", "Products", strFilter) Exit_CatecoryID_AfterUpdate: Exit Sub Err_CatecoryID_AfterUpdate: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_CatecoryID_AfterUpdate
I want to make a calculated column that adds 1 for every new record that isn't marked as being 'deleted' and will possibly subtract one if a record is marked as deleted. I'm not sure where to start other than calculated column.
The first is ClientList, which contains typical contact and biographical information (name, address, citizenship, etc), and unique ClientID# for each client. The primary key for this table is the default Autonumber ID that comes with each new table.
The second table is WillInfo, which contains information specific to drafting the client's Will (e.g., spouse name, spouse address, spouse citizenship, similar data on beneficiaries, similar data on executors, etc). The primary key for this table is ClientID#.
I then created a One-to-One relationship between ClientList and WillInfo, binding by Client ID. All this appears to work.
My question arises because I have two clients who are married to each other, which means much of the spouse info I require for the WillInfo table in respect of these particular clients is already accurately recorded as client info in the Clientlist table. So for these specific clients (but not generally!), I want the spouse information in the WillInfo table (e.g., SpouseAddress, SpouseCitizenship for ClientID# 12.001) to EQUAL specific values provided in the ClientInfo table (i.e., ClientAddress, ClientCitizenship for ClientID# 12.002).
I read and understand this is the best approach, following the principle that data should not be entered twice, so as to increase efficiency and avoid mistakes and future problems.
My question is: How do I do this? In Excel, if the client info I wanted to replicate was in cells B4-B9, I would enter =B4, or =B5, or =B6 and so on in the cells for spouse info. What is the equivalent expression for replicating specific client info from a different table.
Hi. First of all, this is my first post, so tell me if I'm being stupid.
I have a simple form, 'BuildingID', which contains a list box and two buttons. The list box lists a field from the records in the table 'BuildingID'. The two buttons are 'Add Building' and 'Delete Building'. The 'Add Building' button works fine, but I cant figure out how to make the other one work.
I want to be able to single click one of the records in the list box, then hit the 'Delete Building' button to delete the entire record. So I'm guessing I have to somehow make the record that I click on in the list box current when I click on it, then have a standard delete record button.