So in my database i'm creating a live form that will open up a list of patients and when they are seen. one of the bits is a button that before they arrive says "Not Arrived" and after they arrive it says "Arrived". The code works fine:
Code: Private Sub Command68_Click() Dim C1 As String Dim C2 As String
The problem is after clicking the button on any of the records, it changes the text on all records, to wit: I tried to attach images or links to images, but my post-count is too low. The before-click screenshot is /3QnBkgG on imgur. The after-click screenshot is 9VZWzzp on the same site.
Bear in mind I've only clicked the button (it's white, so it doesn't look like a button) on the top record.The form is set to continuous forms, not sure if that has anything to do with I can get the code to run on individual records, rather than applying the first-record's results across all records?
I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.
The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.
It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.
My question is how can I make data in a form visible or invisible just by a button. In other words, if I have a group of buttons, based on the button selected I would want certain data to appear.
I know that this is possible, I have seen it done but just cannot find out how to do it or what this is called to look it up in Helps.
I have a bound form with a few fields. I would like to run a sub after some of these fields are modified, but not others. I would like it to run only once, after user finishes his work on the form.
When using the Unload event - the form on the form is not there anymore (or did I get something wrong?).
Is there a way to trap Data on form just before the form closes?
i have been trying to figure out how to make a textbox if it is null to be invisible on a report.
I selected the detail section on the report, under the Event tab, On Format option then selected [Event Procedure] and then clicked on the ellipses.
Tbl_Receipt_Description is the name of the text box. ******************************************* If Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description = " " then Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = False Else Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = True End If *******************************************
I have the following code. In the Else part of the code, after the wb.Activate line, what code can I place here that will assign wb.Name to the objExcelApp object ao that when the line .Visible = False kicks in, it will make the already opened MS Excel file invisible.
Code: Dim strExcelFile As String Dim wb As Workbook Set objExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") If objExcelApp Is Nothing Then Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strExcelFile
I have a database that it has 2 forms. Form 1 shows list of received letters Form 2 shows list of send letters Now database has been splitted and back end is on the shared drive and front end there is on each computer and myself and other users have read/write access to the shared drive and me and other users can see all the records. .Now I would like to add something like a check box field to the forms. When I tick the check box for each record other users cannot see that record on the form.
I have a dashboard that opens with my main form and it contains many textboxes with Dcounts, Dlookups and Dsums in it. I am hoping that I can put these textboxes on a separate form that is hidden unless a command button is clicked to make it visible.
I know how to do this, but my question is whether or not all of those queries will run whether or not the form is visible. Obviously if the Dsums etc.. are going to run anyway, then I won't bother.
I have a main form that has 2 subforms. I have a field on both forms that I have marked as "Visible="No". Both are text box controls and I have made sure that both the label and the text box itself are marked "Visible="No". In the first subform, it works correctly, while on the second one, it still displays.
I have a query screen which worked. It has a header and some details. Now only the header shows up. No detail is visible. I look at the design all these fields are visible, but in reality they are not.
I've placed an unbound text control in the header of a Split Form. I also placed a label in header of a split form.But, neither is visible until I select a row on the split form datasheet.The Visible property is set to yes and the fore color is white and the background is transparent.
I need to have a subform that shows up smack dab in the middle of my main screen when visible - which is what I want - but only based on a specific value of a control on the main form. Specifically, if a control's value is "See Spreadsheet", I want the subform visible front and center as it contains the link to the server location for that specific record. If the control's value is not "See Spreadsheet", I want the form to be invisible.
My code:
If Me.BudgetsFacultyAccountNumber = "SEE SPREADSHEET" Then Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = True Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = True Else: Me.frmMsgBoxUpdateSpreadsheet.Form.Visible = False Me.BudgetsFacultyServerLocation.Visible = False End If
The red lines result in an MS VBA error: "Compile error: Method or data member not found."
I've tried referencing that subform a hundred different ways, but I can't get it to work.
I have two option buttons, 1_optn and 2_optn. I have two subforms, 1_frm and 2_frm.
When clicking the little round dot (the option button) for 1_optn, I want the subform 1_frm to become visible. Likewise, when clicking 2_optn, I want the subform 2_frm to become visible. In the properties panel, both forms visibility is set to No.
I have tried creating a Macro and the best I've gotten is using the OpenForm function but that opens up the forms in a new window. I'd set the Macro to the OnClick event for a combo box (as I couldn't get the option button to work) so when "1" is clicked, the form would pop up. But they have to be in the same form. No pop ups. It also has to be an option button, not a combo box or list box.It also has to be a Macro. No Event Procedure coding unfortunately.
My company has a new database that we will use to track PTO (paid time off/vacation), including the submission/approval process. Not everyone should have access to the approval dashboard as that should be restricted to only managers. Everyone will have the same basic form so that they can see their PTO history, hours remaining to be used, etc.
What I want to do is have a button on the form that is visible only if the person is a manager. The button will open the PTO approval form. How can I make a button visible/invisible based on user access levels?
I am trying to use VBA to address a field in three different subforms on a form. When I am in the VBA environment writing the code, I noticed that only two of the subforms are listed in the Project window on the upper left. I ignored that and wrote the code anyway, and when I execute the code, it works fine for the two subforms in the Project window, but when it gets to the third subform, it throws this error:
"MS Office Access can't find the field '|' referred to in your expression."
The code is this: Private Sub Test_Number_AfterUpdate() [Form_Consumables Entry].Test_Number.DefaultValue = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value [Form_Squawk Entry].Test_Number.DefaultValue = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value [Form_Event Log Entry].Test_Number.Value = [Form_Test Director Panel].Test_Number.Value End Sub
Can anyone tell me how to make all of my forms available to VBA?
I have been able to successfully solve the problem of my pages showing relevant records by using form control. How should I make my form display a new record everytime I open it? So, that when a lame user opens it , he wouldnt change the existing data on an existing record. How to solve this problem? Kindly help. thanks
Could anyone out there tell me if it is possible to make the output on an Access form read only. I want to be able to input information as records, but when it is saved I don't want it be able to be altered. Mainly I am saving recipes on a form, and I don't want my children to be able to add anything to a record once it has been saved. Thanks in advance Ken
I have a subform that shows notes entered but if there is more text in the field then you cant see it all. Can I make it so that this field will grow so the whole input is visible or can I make it so when you click on it it opens in a larger window showing all the txt?
Is it possible to make a control have a fixed position so that when the form is vertically scrolled the object stays in the same position?
I have a continuous form that shows records based on criteria that the user puts into an earlier form. There is a close button on the page but you cannot see the close button if you horizontally scroll too far along the page. You have to horizontally scroll because of the amount of fields that are on the form.
- My second table contains if it is hardware or software:
- TypeID (Primairy key) - ApparaatID - Type (where I entered hardware and software in 2 different entries)
- The thirt table contains operating systems:
- OSID (Primairy key) - ApparaatID - TypeID - OS_versie (where I entered all the OS I want to enter)
Now I made a form I called problemen with 4 comboboxes.
- cboApparaat - cboType - cboOS - cboProbleem
1) What I want is that when you select device 1 and 4 that cboType can select both hardware and software but with device 2 and 3 you can only select software.
2) If you have selected software is cboType I want you to be able to select 1 of the 11 OS I have pre-entered in the table.
3) That you get specific problems with the previous made choices. For example if you select Hardware in cboType, thta you only get problems with hardware to select from and the same with software and OS.
4) I want a textbox, that will contain the solution of the problem you selected and that if there and several solutions that you get all of them at once.