Forms :: Merging Attendance In School Report Card And Also Picking Highest Score

Feb 7, 2014

I want to have a report card where I can have attendance embedded in for each students and also the highest score for each class each session.

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Reports :: Sort Report On Impact Score Column

Sep 8, 2014

I have an issue sorting the results on my Access 2010 Report. Here are the details:

- Report Record Source = "Portfolio Ranking"
- Portfolio Ranking is the name of a query
- The query includes a calculated field called "Impact Score"
- FYI: this is a web database (not sure if that limits what I can do)

I want to sort the report on the Impact Score column. However, when I view the query calculation for Impact Score, the "Sort" field says "(not sorted)" and it's greyed out, so I can't select Descending as desired.

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Count Vs. Function For Attendance Report

May 26, 2006


I'm trying to make an Attendance Report for my students. I want the report to show each student and how many times they've been "Present", "Late" or "Tardy" in a month and in one year.

I've set up my db with two tables.

Table 1 - contains Student ID and Student Names
Table 2 - contains Attendance ID, course id, student id and the Status ("Present", "Late" or "Absent")

I used the sum queries and it doesn't do the count function properly. This is a copy of my query.

Thanks :o

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Forms :: Picking Up Wrong Record

Dec 6, 2013

I have a table called "Cities" which has only two fields; City & Province.I have connected it in a relationship with another table as "Include ALL records from 'Cities' and only those records from 'tblInstallations' where the joined fields are equal."I have put an "AfterUpdate" event which works and everything.

It is working fine and updates the province correctly.The problem is that is putting another city from same province in the "City" field even though I picked up different name.

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Reports :: Attendance Report Design From Excel Data

Feb 9, 2015

I receive attendance data in Excel with two columns, StaffCode and DateTime, from a biometric machine.

Each staff member clocks in in the morning and clocks out in the evening.

Optionally, they also clock out for lunch and back in after lunch.

Each StaffCode may therefore have 2 or 4 entries per day of attendance.

Staff details (name and department) are specified in a related table.

I wish to design two reports in Access as follows:

1. Daily Attendance Report (Filtered by current date or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

2. Weekly/Monthly Attendance Report (filtered by current week/month or custom parameter)
Department (1st Group level)
Date (2nd Group level)
StaffName ClockedIn LunchOut LunchIn ClockedOut

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Forms :: Form Not Picking Up Previous Entries

Sep 9, 2013

I'm fairly new to databases and have been attempting to build a multi-table database. It's not properly rationalised, but I wanted to test run it to ensure it was fit for purpose first.I've built my form, which is pushing data out to several tables, but I cannot seem to get the form to pick up previous records.

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Forms :: Form After Close And Reopening Not Picking Up Fields

Sep 11, 2013

I have cleared the data out of the database and started testing it to check its usability.I entered in a full record, and flicked back and forth between the records, and everything was looking good.

Then I closed the form, and re-opened it and my record was no longer populating the form fields.I've literally changed nothing bar one field that was changed from number to text.

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Forms :: Hyphen Not As Wild Card Character

May 18, 2013

I have a series of dates that I inherited from former DB. Some of the dates are Mon-Fri, Mon-Thu, Sun-Fri, etc. That is, there is a hyphen "-" in the middle of the text. I have an unbound control with an IIF statement using the LIKE condition, I just get an error. I tired the following to no avail. Using Access 2010.

IIF([Day1] Like "*-*", 5, 1)
IIF([Day1] like "-", 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like '-', 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like [-], 5, 1)

I've looked it up and the hyphen _ is used as a wild card character, but I need to include it just as a dash.

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Forms :: Set Initial Sort By Two Columns Keeping Highest Priority

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form presented in datasheet layout.

I set the initial sort by two columns, but I would like to keep highest priority for that initial sort, so when user wants to sort by some other columns that sort happens inside my initial sort.

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Forms :: Enter Attendance At Event?

Jan 22, 2015

I have a database with three tables:

Participants (with name...), Events (with Event Name, date..., Event Attendance (Participant ID, Event ID, Date).

Relationships all work and reporting works. I now want to create a form for entering attendance into a single event as a batch. I only want to enter the event ID one time and then be able to enter participant ID's for all attendees. The event coordinator will have a tablet running the db at the door and each participant will use their ID card to be scanned into the event.

I don't want the coordinator to have to reselect the correct event between each participants scan but instead to enter the event once and have multiple participants ID's entered for the one event. The date field is defaulting to current date/time [Now()].

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Forms :: Attendance Form - Checking The Box For Only One Record

Apr 6, 2015

I've got an attendance form set up with check boxes for each day I want to check attendance. I have two problems with this form.

1) All the boxes start out with little squares (I want them to be blank)
2) If I try checking a box for one person, it checks all the boxes in the column (same with unchecking).

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Forms :: Registering Attendance At Event With Three Fields?

Jun 8, 2013

I have a form, which registers attendance at an event, with three fields - ID (a combo box), Name, and Present.

When an attendee comes in, they give their number which is entered into the first field. Pressing carriage return, their record is loaded, and I can then check the 'present' field. Then I click the next button and await the next person!

I'd like the simplify the whole process - so that as soon as the 3 digit attendee number is typed, the present box for that record is checked, and the form is reset (curser back to the combo box to search for next record).

In short - all the registrar ever has to do is enter a three digit number!

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Getting MAX() Score

Dec 8, 2004

I have an access DB with games scores recorded in it. I want to get these values out into an ASP page. The basics are easy, but if a user has submitted more than 1 score, I want to extract just their highest result. This is my code:

Code: SELECT email, MAX(totalScore) AS highScores, playername, level01, level02, level03, level04, level05, lives, buildBonus FROM tbl_xmas2004 GROUP BY email

But Dreamweaver doesn't like this! Any thoughts? I have also tried creating Queries in Access and using these in Dreamweaver - however, Dreamweaver also refuses to use Joins? Or perhaps that's my code?

Code: "SELECT tbl_xmas2004.playername,, tbl_xmas2004.level01, tbl_xmas2004.level02, tbl_xmas2004.level03, tbl_xmas2004.level04, tbl_xmas2004.level05, tbl_xmas2004.lives, tbl_xmas2004.buildBonus, 2004MaxJoin.MaxOftotalScore FROM tbl_xmas2004 INNER JOIN 2004MaxJoin ON"

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Forms :: Attendance Data - Add Multiple Dated Records

Dec 29, 2014

I am using a form to input attendance data. I would like to know how to log an individual as being out on vacation for a week, month or so without having to input the staffs name and date for each day they are out. Would like to Enter their name once with the date range they will be away from the office.

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Forms :: Attendance Table - Find Student ID Before Update

Apr 2, 2013

I have a table called Attendance were information about the Student and the class they are attending is collected.

Another table called Student, this hold information about the student. I am using a Form called Attendance to input my information. What I am trying to achieve is:

BeforeUpdate on a text box:

When you input Student_ID it looks at the Student Table to see if the Student ID is valid before the information is updated to the Attendance Table.

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Forms :: Attendance Tracking And Fees Calculating For Gym Database

Apr 11, 2013

I'm creating a Gym Database and need to be able to track attendance for specific classes. I need to have a system in place allowing me to do a register for attendance for each activity.

I also need to be able to calculate fees based on attendance. So if a person attended Gym 5 times in the month (£5 per session) and then Swimming 3 times in the month (£2 per session). My system should automatically calculate this based on the attendance tracking.

Also: In the booking stage, I need to have a field telling me how many spaces are left on each activity. Say for example I'm booking Person 99 in for Swimming and there is only 11 places left I need the field to display 11 places left. After that booking it should update saying 10 places left because Person 99 is booked in.

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Forms :: Calendar Form To Count Attendance Of Employee

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to make a database for my employees to count their attendance according to the days of the month and then get their salary. How to create a form that show the days of the month and then i can add the names of the attending employees.

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Using A Form To Score Yes/No Questions

Feb 9, 2005

I am trying to figure out how to count the number of Yes's and No's on one record to produce a score. There are 39 total questions and each question gives the user a choice of Yes, No, or N/A. Each record will need to have a score attached to it. I appreciate all the help I can get.

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Test Score Ranges

Feb 13, 2008

Hi all

I have a bunch of student test scores. The test is scored out of 100. I want to COUNT the scores (ie I want to know how many kids scored 50 etc...). This is easy enough except the crosstab query will be very wide ie 100 columns.

I cant seem to reduce the size by grouping them into ranges (ie count the number of kids that scored between 50 and 60 in a cross tab. I've tried variations with select queries but without luck.

Maybe there is a way to code it.. and then show it on a report??

Any ideas?? Thanks

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Forms :: Picking Up Sub Form Totals From A Main Form?

Mar 22, 2013

I have converted an old Access 97 database to Access 2010. Mostly it works fine but I have a major issue with the invoicing forms. It was working in the old database but I cannot get it to work in this version.

I have the usual invoicing option where the lines of the invoice are displayed in a sub form for that customer and line totals calculated. This works fine. I have a sub form total text box in the footer of the sub form which I want to pick up from the main form so that I can add the delivery charge and VAT.

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Merging 2 Forms Into One

Jul 29, 2006

I have 2 form, I want to merge them into one. they do different things but they interconnect with each other in one field.

for example one form has customers, the other form is sales.
I want to merge them so I could see what the customer has bought over time.

any suggestions, it is just I cannot get them sincronized with each other.

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Calculate A Grade Score From Another Table Criteria

Dec 27, 2007

dear all;

i've a table #student like

studentID score

Sminth 88
samantha 76
Williamv 45
martell 78

and i also have a #grade table

Grade Start end

F 0 45
E 46 55
D 56 65
C 66 75
B 76 85
A 86 100

and my question is,how to calculate the student table's grade value?
i want the result like below..
#studentID score Grade
Sminth 88 A
samantha 76 B
Williamv 45 F
martell 78 B

anyone can help me??thanks alot



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Project For School Help!

Apr 13, 2006

Hi all

I am new to this forum and to Access. I have expierience with visual basic.

I am making a program in access for saving data when someone borrows something from you, to keep track of all your borrowed stuff.

Here are my questions.

1) How can I write code for buttons to change the records (movenext, movelast,...) + how can I change the current record? + how can I control a scrollbar via code?

2) How can I change the current recordsource via code and how can I run previously made query statements via code?

3) How can I change the ShowDropButtonWhen property from a combobox via code?

4) How can I control a FlexGrid via code?

5) How can I open another Form with a press on a button via code?

6) How can I save and load an OLE/object image and how can I show them via an ActiveX control?

Thats about it folks

If anyone can point me in the right direction or can give me an example database, I would be very happy:)


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Help With School Project...

Oct 30, 2007


I am responsible for creating a database for a school project, and am having some problems relating the two tables of the database together. Please keep in mind that I have no prior Access experience, and know very little about the program. Here is my situation, any help would be greatly appreciated:

Taking the perspective of a product vendor in a store (i.e. selling soda to a grocery store), I am trying to create a database which allows me to run a query for authorized products in certain stores. I have a products table which has all available products the company sells, and then I have a Stores Table for the different stores which carry the company's product. I want to know how to set up and join each table so that if a certain product is not authorized in a certain store, it will not show up in a query.

Again sorry for the shallow description, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Pre-school Register

Feb 7, 2008

Help! I am trying to think of a way I can use an excel worksheet as a data form in Access. A little background to the problem. A pre-school that I have been helping have a excel spreadsheet in place that they use as a kind of booking register which also works out the termly costs for each child based on the number of sessions attended. Is there any way I can inport or link this to a database so monthy invoice's and goverment figures can be printed automatically.

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School Management Database

Apr 10, 2006

Hi Forum,

I am trying to create a access database system which will show classes, students, attendance, progress report, teachers, departments etc...

i have repeatedly failed in accomplishing this database as i dont have the knowledge.

the place that i get messed up is for example the attendance, i want it so that i can select a date and then all the students associated with that class showup. so 1 date and a list of student only on that class.

another problem was adding a progress report for every class and individual students.

this is for a community based school which teachings on saturdays, there are over 15 volunters who do not get paid to teach but are still willing to give something back to the society.

i beg you guys out there, you all are geniuses!!! please help us design this simple system. please if somebody already knows where i can get a system like this free of charge then let me know ASAP!

I would like to thankyou in advance for reading thins messge.

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